WWE releases wrestlers... which would be suited for TNA?

Please don't compare Benjamin to Angle. The reason Angle got such a great reception was because for years leading up to him joining TNA he was one of the main talents on Smackdown, Benjamin was his buddy for a while, went to Raw, had some good matches with HHH, then... yeh. Angle is/was a recognised talent that had done it all in WWE, Benjamin isn't comparable.
Oh yeh and Jericho is well known for just saying shit for the sake of it, don't read too much into it.

To be honest, I see this whole situation differently. Despite a few 'good old boys' on the go, TNA seems to be building up some steam with the younger guys that they have, and it seems that maybe the wrestlers who were released need TNA more than TNA needs them. Although people griped about Hogan bringing in his buddies for sentimental reasons, there've been a few posts about 'remember when Yang was in TNA before?' 'imagine a 3 count reunion' etc, TNA needs to move beyond being a place for sentimentality and create it's own legacy. Each time they stop momentum to bring in new wrestlers, the storylines change and a lot of us are left thinking, what happened to so and so's push?

Despite TokiRKO's grown up reply to Baximus' point on the first page, Baximus is right, unless TNA get their roster in order and get more of their stars on TV, then they shouldn't be constantly raiding the WWE scrapheap.

THERE is no Scrapheat with a few of the releases. If you look at TNA problem with PPVS it is evident. They have terrible undercards with the exception of the X division and then maybe two upper card matches.

Bringing in Benjamin , Katie Lea and James would automatically keep anyone from seeing The Band destroy a PPV with sub par wrestling and nostalgia. Imagine having Benjamin vs Joe and Katie Lea vs Hamada in place of that bunch of crap the Band gave us. the last ppv would have have been wrestling gold.

Shelton may not be good on the mic but you can have someone talk for him. And I think he was lackluster at times because he lost his passion because he knew he wasnt going anywhere in the company. that can take your intensity faster than anything.

But TNA needs PPV buys to bulk up what they are not getting in ratings. And PPV is where having these latest releases will benefit them. PPV is thier cash cow if used the right way.

There is no way you can't tell me seeing those three against a tna original wouldn't be a great match and better than the filler TNA dishes out in every ppv. Now add LAX coming back.

TNA would really be on the map.
I just hope TNA uses a little bit of common sense, when they start hiring these guys.
Shelton and Mickey.. definitely. Yang , Knox, and Funaki, why bother. These guys are not entertaining and no one cares about them. Kinda like Shannon Moore.
The only two I'm really interested in are James and Benjamin. Burchill is intriguing, but I'm not really familiar with her work outside of what I saw on WWECW, which left a lot to be desired for me.

Mickie James: Good worker, but nothing spectacular. Would likely make for a good acquisition if signed as a baby face to combat the Beautiful People, but she also just ran through a segment like this recently in the WWE prior to her release where she went up against Layla and Michelle McCool who IMO were the WWE's answer to the Beautiful People to begin with. Hard to say one way or another, but I certainly wouldn't close the door to her. She's got a decent fan base and the ability to work in a ring, so it might be worth the experiment.

Shelton Benjamin: Wonderful talent that I honestly expect to sign with TNA if for nothing else but because of his relationship with Kurt Angle. Haas aside for the moment, Benjamin is a bit of an enigma as he's often labeled as lazy and uncooperative, though I've never really seen that myself in him. He would be a fantastic signing for the X Division if you ask me, and of all the ex-WWE names made suddenly available he's the one I'd sign first.
Shelton may not be good on the mic but you can have someone talk for him. And I think he was lackluster at times because he lost his passion because he knew he wasnt going anywhere in the company. that can take your intensity faster than anything.

But TNA needs PPV buys to bulk up what they are not getting in ratings. And PPV is where having these latest releases will benefit them. PPV is thier cash cow if used the right way.

What, like his mum? And why would TNA bring in someone if it can be argued that if things don't go his way he's just going to sulk? Plus, he's been doing nothing of significant note longer than he was doing something good. If he showed up, I'd get depressed rather than excited.

Onto your second point, look at the releases then think about what you said. Yeh so Shelton did his annual 'spot-monkey' duties at WrestleMania, but what else? I think that could be the definition of glorified jobber.
Mickie James probably has the most PPV experience out of the releases, and the Knockouts are not as under-equipped as the Divas, so TNA does not necessarily NEED Mickie James just yet.
The rest have barely been on TV to do anything significant in too long. Step backwards if any of them get signed up by TNA, that's my stance.
I love how these conversations go to Shelton becoming a star in TNA. It's not going to happen and I'll tell you why.

If anyone recalls, Shelton has a knack for being content where he is. He was actually OK with the role of being a mid-card talent being lost in the shuffle (or Carlito Syndrome as I like to call it). I've always wondered if there's something that we don't know and maybe these guys stave off being pushed for a reason. They're so talented and yet they allow others to go over them when they've got years on most of these guys.

IF Shelton does go to TNA, he'll get some hype for 3 months and get lost in the shuffle, just like every other WWE-reject. Of course there are a few exceptions, but Shelton will just be shadowed by the other stars. I'd actually like to see him go to ROH as others have mentioned or maybe just take a break for a year and get his priorities together. Either way, his talents shouldn't be wasted and he should end up as one of the top guys for a promotion.
Why are you talking about ex-WWE people being suited for TNA? Isn't the top complaint of many people that TNA is just the home for "WWE rejects"? Don't smarks complain when someone like AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels is in the company since the beginning, and almost never wins a world title, only for someone like Mick Foley who is practically retired to win the title in less than a year from debuting?

What do you people want? Do you want to see TNA as a wrestling company of its own accord? Or do you want to see TNA as another WWE, with a different writing and booking staff?
Mickie: I would highly expect Mickie to come back to TNA as Alexis, but with a different gimmick than Raven's ****...I mean, flunkie. I also expect her, with her name as "big" as it is now, she will feud with TBP (and if TNA is smart, continuing the FAT gimmick seeing as that whole thing was a rip on them ANYWAYS) and quickly capture the Knockouts title. Either that or Mickie will stick to trying her lousy music and will go nowhere.

Shelton Benjamin: Pure and simple. Shelton will go WHEREVER Haas is at. It just depends on if Dixie and Hogan are willing to shell out TWO paychecks for the talent of ONE. Yeah...I said it.

Helms: Moore and Hardy. Enough said. Stand back...There's favoritism coming through!

Wang Yang: Lose the redneck gimmick. GREAT X Divison addition.

Katie Lea/Paul Burchill: Wasted talent in WWE. They completely dropped the ball by having him job to Helms right before firing them both! TNA could use them very well.

Slam Master J: ....NO

Funaki: I refuse to refer to him as Kung Fu Naki. To me, it's an insult. I grew up watching the angle of "choppy choppy" and I loved the "INDEED!" ... Great comedy mixed with awesome wrestling. PLEASE TNA! This is another X Division pickup!


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