If TNA could sign 5 free agents

Haas & Benjamin - great tag team, great individuals
Carlito - X division material, needed a push in wwe
Helms - great friend with Hardy and Moore, great high flyer
Burchill - good technical, had a great feud with Helms, and one of WWECW's only good ones
1. Jim Cornette: Technically not really a free agent and hates the company quite a bit but get rid of the writing team and get him in as a BOOKER (anyone who has seen his guest booker knows how good he can be)

2. Petey Williams: He was gold in TNA previously and this time don't try and make him a Scott Steiner Minime. Plus can help with the re-birth of the X-division

3. Christopher Daniels: Take out the whole face paint thing and his time in TNA was Awesome, from the start with Triple X to the 3 way X-division feud.

4. Chris Harris: Might not be an obvious choice but here you have the chance to help out some stuggling mid carder, put them in a team with Harris and you have a feud made with Beer Money.

5. James Mitchell: Bring him back as either Abyss' manager or possibly put him with Rhino and have them torture Abyss. This could lead to great grude/hardcore matches.

And Finally a name that didn't makemy list but would be an excellent heel manager for maybe Eric Young. Don Callis (Cyrus from ECW) now I know he has been there before and probably din't do that much but in heat terms this guy rivals Vickie Guerrero(sp?)

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