Which TNA Wrestlers Would Prosper In WWE?

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Probably no one, considering Vince will not put over TNA stars (I'm assuming this: WCW in 2001). If someone would get over simply based on the Wrestler:

Jay Lethal - Could lead into a nice role on Smackdown! and would blend in well with a lot of that undercard.

Hernandez and Homicide (LAX) - Both of these guys are something the WWE should approach in outbreaching toward demographs.

Christian Cage - Vince never shuts the door without leaving a window open.

Abyss - Vince loves the monster type, and Abyss could thrive. He's a little undersized for the monster type, but I imagine he could do something.

AJ Styles - Big time babyface potential in WWE for him, and I think he could really come in and fulfill some of Rey Jr. coattails.

Robert Roode - I think he is training himself in TNA for an eventual WWE run. He is becoming a better worker, and his mic ability has progressed so much that he might be the most prime candidate in TNA.
I dont think they would use Samoa Joe properly though he would have a good feud with Triple H. By the same token the Motor City Machine Guns would wind up like Paul London & Brian Kendrick mid/low card. So who would Thrive from TNA???
Good Ol Cowboy James Storm.
He's got the WWE look & The Beer drinking "Redneck" is needed in WWE. It could always lead to a Stone Cold sighting.
Just a thought
Vince knows ratings are hurting, so I think he would be smart and use everyone. Since there are 3 brands now, theres a much better chance to succeed. If they got all these guys, wwe would bring back light heavyweight title. Dont want them to get buried? Send them to ecw, have all those guys like benjamin, styles, lethal, etc who will do high risk moves, would have sonme great matches. The problem with the WCW invasion was no big names other than booker and ddp. If they had gone with original plan to wait 2 years before having the invasion, that would be summer 2003. All the time warner contracts had expired and look who was in WWE by that time. Hogan, Hall, Nash, goldberg, and steiner had all showed up, which would have made things a lot better. And mysterio too.
Abyss would be pushed for a while in the wwe with some big time feuds with taker and kane but then he would probably go the way of kane and flounder in the mid card.
Hernandez could be someones bodyguard maybe but thats about it. He could get a push afterwards but not likely.
Black Machismo would be brought in as comic relief.
The other high flying X division guys wouldnt make it because that style doesnt work in the WWE.
Only two people have a serious chance of making a lasting impact, Samoa Joe because he has size, is a good worker and has decent promos.The other is Sting because he is iconic and could have some amazing dream matches(then he could get killed by orton).
I kind of have to agree with your assessment - I can see WWE getting behind Hernandez - possibly Joe if he had a makeover. I'm not sure that Vince would use the bland name "Samoa Joe" and I am VERY sure that Joe would not wear those teeny tiny $5 bike shorts.

Why doesn't Joe get new attire and actually look like champion?
After seeing the pass few weeks of Raw, I think my previous statement stands. No one would have ever predicted punk being champ. They are pushing kingston, and ecw looks like a development league. You see what happened with Vince after he saw that ratings were not going as planned. I think that since we have a lot of young champs, and theres a level of unpredictability, hell even Tony atlas turning on delaney was a shock. HHH going to smackdown, another surprise. Never say never, if punk can be champ, hes no bigger than most tna guys. and you would have so many wrestlers, the split brand could actually be awesome, theres more oportunities with more belts!
Abyss- I think Abyss would be a Great Addition to the WWE Roster I think a Feud with Kane would be Great but I can't see him in a Feud with Undertaker that Much i wouldn't Mind Seeing him go head to Head with Umaga, Mick Foley,or Tommy Dreamer either i can see more great Feuds but those are only a Select Few i would wanna see maybe even give him the ECW Championship that would be interesting and to take away my comment about the Undertaker Feud it would be interesting have Paul Bearer Come Back as his Manager or somthing

AJ Styles- If WWE would actually let this Kid Work his magic in the Ring he would be an AWESOME addition to the WWE Roster i would love to see him in matches with John Morrison,Rey Mysterio,Shelton Benjamin,Jeff Hardy,and Kofi Kingston it would be classic Bouts no Doubt about it He wouldn't probably be nothing more then an IC Champion or Mid Carder when he first gets there but give him a Few Years maybe Months he'll be just like CM Punk is Now Just Imagine him in a Money in a Bank Ladder Match i'm getting Goosebumps Right Now thinking about it

Team 3D- WWE is in need of some Tag Team Power Right Now they Split up Paul London and Brian Kendrick maybe one of the most Dominate Teams in the 06-07 Era defeating Team Such as the Hardys and MNM they split up which in my opinnion should've been the Future of The Tag Team Division Deuce and Domino but in the Attitude Era These Men were maybe if not the most Popular Tag Team in History The Tables Were Amazing and Team 3D needs to Come back and show these Tag Team Now Who the Real Head Honcho in the Tag Team Divison Are hell if you wanna have some more Tag Team Power bring LAX over to

Cristain Cage- Christain Cage has Proven That he Could Put on a Show in TNA christain Cage has proven that he can hang with the Best and Cristain Cage has proven he can Carry A Show on his Back and cristain Cage showed everyone the Portential he has and Now That WWE see what Cristain cage is Capable of they need to get him back into WWE he was one of the Top Heels in TNA and if not one of the Best Champion TNA has had but Cristain Cage in the Ring with Mr Kennedy and you have a Great Match
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