Which Legend Should Return at the Moment?

With all of the negative press wrestling has gotten lately with Steroids and the like, WWE needs someone with instant respectability to come in. I say bring in Jesse Ventura for a guest spot.
How the hell does the Rock lack in the ring? He's easily one of the most graceful and athletic wrestlers to ever grace the ring. Nobody else on earth could pull off the People's Elbow and make it look like it actually hurts.

Yeah I dunno what the hell that guy was smoking either. The Rock was undeniably the best of all time on the mic, but let's not ignore how great he was in the ring because of that. He was good enough in the ring that even if he had never picked up a mic in his life, he still would've been WWE champion. Sure it might've taken him longer to get there, but he was World Champion calibre in the ring. There were times when he was simply the best in the ring in the WWE. Look at all the main eventers back in the attitude era, Foley, HHH, Austin, Rock, Taker, etc...Rock was by far the best in ring wrestler, only HHH was close (yes I know he's horrible now, but try to think back on how good he was before he was married the bosses daughter and got hurt and went super lazy on us).

As for legends that should come back, no thanks. You need to make new legends and make fans forget about the old ones. Sure it's fun seeing Austin for a day, but that air time could be going to Mr Kennedy and helping him get over.
if any legends should come back in my opinion, jericho and the rock. they might not be "legends" yet but they were the best wrestlers to watch growing up. maybe NWA to spice up the tag team division, edge and christian come back to take back the tag team belts. even some of the old wrestlers sitting on TNA, bring back sting, kevin nash, angle, resign lesnar if you can.
the one legend that should come back is cowboy bob orton. he should run in during the match at summerslam and clothesline cena with the cast when the refs down and then when cena and the ref get back up orton hits an RKO and its over. since theres no way cena will lose clean bringing back cowboy bob would be the perfect way to do it
I'd love to see Brock Lesner come back and completely dismantle everyone on the roster. Like Mark Henry, Khali, Batista, Bobby Lashley. Brock was such a franchise player, a big guy that can move that fast and as agile as he was was amazing to see. They try to build up Lasley in a similar way with the entrance and everything but it's not the same. Bring back Lesner!!!
or another thought, ken shamrock should come back. has there ever been a wrestler with his technical skills?
They should bring back Jake The Snake to be the general manager of Raw. It would be funny to hear him tell everyone that they were talking out their ass. Also, I would like to see Psycho Sid come back and just powerbomb Santino Marella over and over again.
2 wrestlers i'd really like to see back is 1) Scott Hall, he could easily fit right back into the Razor Ramon character and it would be awesome. The other for me 2) Psycho Sid, yes he was never the greatest wrestler ever but he had a great character and i feel he could do a great job in the wwe at present.
They should bring back Gary Legen, he is a giant farmboy from Northern Kentucky. His promo skills are a little to be desired but he can move at a pace just over half speed so he would fit into the wwe system perfectly. He can destroy jobbers until about Royal Rumble when he decides that noone can beat him and goes after THE CHAMP, John Cena. However, Cena barely overcomes the odds and concussion to pin Legen in the middle of the ring after getting the shit kicked out of him for the 3 previous RAW's. Then creative will have nothing for poor Gary afterwards and he gets released about a month later. In all seriousness though, I dont think this is the time to bring back any legends. Austin is already there somewhat but unless it is The Rock or Bret Hart making a mid/long term return, no legend right now would have a major impact on the rating or PPV buys, now is the time to focus on the new talent coming up because sooner or later the older talent is going to fade out, and they have to have SOMEONE.... if there interested in good business anymore?
or another thought, ken shamrock should come back. has there ever been a wrestler with his technical skills?

Ken Shamrock is wrestling for UFC so I dont think that the WWE could sign him. I think they should brink back Austin and Mankind as the GM and Comishener I loved Mankind as the WWE COmishener
I too would like Mick Foley back, not for a match or an angle, but to become GM of Smackdown. Teddy Long/Vicky just do nothing for me if not make me turn the channel with their bullcrap.

Not only him going to SD to replace those two, but it might garner interest among those of us who've stopped watching it with the recent fiasco of injuries.

Austin can stay gone imo, I always found him tiresome and just does the same crap in each of his promos. Talks about something stupid and random, lists off things, talks about drinking, bam stunner. *yawn* Maybe in a storyline where he wrestles that'd be good, but not as GM.

I would love to see The Rock return, we need a classic guy to come back. Though Lesnar is supposedly going to the UFC, I would love to see him in a match with Cena.
Like most people, I will vote for the typical picks of The Rock or Scott Hall. Another person that I just thought about is Dean Malenko. I don't know what his present health situation is, but I'm sure he could be great to work with the younger guys. Obviously not a main event type talent, but he could definitely help the younger wrestlers as far as in-ring skills go.
I am with Razor's Edge on this one. Scott Hall should definately be given another chance. He got back in shape and is now performing well at the WWC shows, where he is also the world champion. Forget The Rock man. He left WWE to make shit movies. And know that he thinks he is some big movie star, wrestling isn't even in his mind.
I don't think they should bring any of the legends back unless they want to bring one back and let one of the younger new talent beat them and try and get new talent up in the rankings cuz they need to focus on new talent instead of always bringing the old people back
IMO i believe the shouldnt bring back any Legends. i believe they need to focus on younger talent and look forward to the future and not the time now. the only good thing i could see is if they would bring back a legend and have the younger guys defeat them to help get the younger guys over but not many legends would want to come back and lose. so therefore i just think they need to focus on younger talent and get them ready for the future when there isnt no more Undertaker or HHH or Shawn Michaels. they shouldnt focus on legends they should focus on younger talent because the future is now.
Fair point but i think you need a mix of the old and the new. The old can then help the new settle in and by the time thats happened the new won,t be the new anymore as they would have been about for 2 years.
I think its wrong to be on one side or the other
True, I have to agree with what everyone has said before me. The Rock would be fantastic to return, he's still in his prime! I just wish he'd stop making horrible movies about inner city youth and just stick with what he's good if not the best of all time at: wrestling. He's easily the most charismatic and exciting wrestler of the last 20 years. Sure, Hogan made the crowds go nuts, but he didn't do it with hilarious reenditions of Elvis songs, or making up entire new words that have since become part of our vocabulary. If The Rock returned, the buyrates would be through the roof. All I have to say, is that if he did come back for a while, there would only need to be two matchs of his I would REALLY need to see. 1: HHH vs. The Rock , and 2: Stone Cold vs. The Rock.

I love how this is slowly turning into the "bring the rock back thread." I agree with that to a point.. The Rock, if brought back, shouldn't be fighting Stone Cold or Triple H, we've seen those hundreds of times. Think of possibilities like:

the Rock vs. John Cena, I don't care much for Cena as far as his wrestling abilities, but he's pretty funny on the mic. and get the two of them together, forget about it. That feud could run for a whole year.

the Rock vs. HBK, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment vs. the icon, the showstoppah.. instant classic.

the Rock vs. Orton, just because, yes for some reason, I am an Orton fan. It'd be cool to see if the legend killer could beat Rocky.

the Rock vs. Kennedy, read the one about Cena, and you've got this one, but with Kennedy. Plus that would be a great opportunity to make Kennedy a super heel.

the Rock vs. Carlito, basically what I've said about Kennedy and Cena, but maybe down a step.. Carlito needs some help getting over again. I personally like him. Not as much as I used to, but he can be pretty entertaining, he just needs a nice kick in the right direction I think. Flair tried to give him one, and it's helped, but I think Carlito has some serious potential that maybe the Rock could bring out.
The "Rock" would be vewry exciting, but I think there is little to no chance of him returning with his movie career in full swing. His movies aren't that bad guys!!
I think the most exciting and dominating wrestler of the last couple decades was "Goldberg", and I would love to see him return to Raw and do battle with Orton or Cena!!!
Does anyone think Brock Lesnar would be an exciting candidate? He is certainly not the 300+ lb. monster he used to be, but still entertaining. Although from what I've read, McMahon hates him and will not even consider it, any opinions???
well it would be great to see bret heart or the rock come back as well as x pac even tho hes not a legend bringing x pac back in his d generation x type style would turn the ratings up big timeee but bret has good chance comming back since of the new heart foundation =]
They Can't Bring The Rock Back I Mean Really He's In Some Serious Movie Time Here Yo. As To Who They Should Bring Back It Would Have To Be For Me Either Insane Clown Posse, Or The Great Muta

Oh And They Can't Bring Hart Back Cuz Of His Knee. Have You Seen That Knee? It's Like The MoFoin Worst Knee Ever Yo. I Mean Really That MoFo Is Really Really Bad. He Can't Do The Sharpshooter Or Anything That Would Put Pressure On That MoFo Or Else He'd Retire After His First Match Back.
Well I hear plans of a new hart foundation right so most likely an apperance by bret heart is in order? Im kind of new to this so feel free to give me some tips...
Right now I wouldn't bring in any "legends" other than Chris Jericho, if you even would consider him a "legend" only because he's still not old at all and still "has it all".

Other than Jericho, I wouldn't bring anyone else in. As much of a fan I am of Triple H, The Undertaker, etc., we already have enough legends in the business that are active wrestlers. I would like to see new names making it instead of relying on the past, piratically what TNA is doing now.

Remember in the late 90's when we had a lot of newer faces take over the business including Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Kane, The Outlaws, etc instead of Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, etc.? Things shaped up a lot and that's exactly what is needing to be done now, even though TNA is thousands or million miles away from doing what WCW did.... take the WWE's older stars that were fresh maineventers, other than Kurt Angle.
u kno who id love to see come to the wwe right now??? an ecw legend, SHANE DOUGLAS! THE FRANCHISE! with his original gimmick tho. not that ridiculous dean douglas thing they tried to give him when he had that short stint with wwf. the franchise with his sick mic skills and his badass character would be awesome on raw, sd or even against cm punk on ecw.
I love how this is slowly turning into the "bring the rock back thread." I agree with that to a point.. The Rock, if brought back, shouldn't be fighting Stone Cold or Triple H, we've seen those hundreds of times. Think of possibilities like:

the Rock vs. John Cena, I don't care much for Cena as far as his wrestling abilities, but he's pretty funny on the mic. and get the two of them together, forget about it. That feud could run for a whole year.

the Rock vs. HBK, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment vs. the icon, the showstoppah.. instant classic.

the Rock vs. Orton, just because, yes for some reason, I am an Orton fan. It'd be cool to see if the legend killer could beat Rocky.

the Rock vs. Kennedy, read the one about Cena, and you've got this one, but with Kennedy. Plus that would be a great opportunity to make Kennedy a super heel.

the Rock vs. Carlito, basically what I've said about Kennedy and Cena, but maybe down a step.. Carlito needs some help getting over again. I personally like him. Not as much as I used to, but he can be pretty entertaining, he just needs a nice kick in the right direction I think. Flair tried to give him one, and it's helped, but I think Carlito has some serious potential that maybe the Rock could bring out.

Couldn't agree more. The Rock to me is whats missing from WWE. It was a lot more fun when he, Steve Austin, Jericho, and even Kurt Angle were all running together. In all honesty, the Rock shouldn't abandon WWE completely. His fan base is still there. I don't think it's out of the question that he shows up and beats someone's ass twice a year. Truthfully, the Rock's movie career isn't going THAT well. The Game Plan is just a designed studio cashcow, Michael Clarke Duncan could have been in that film instead of the Rock and it would have done well. Rock doesn't pick good film projects, so totally turning his back on WWE is not a good idea.

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