Is Legend-Killing Getting Old In The WWE?


The Cerebral Assassin
A very popular storyline in the WWE (especially in the last few years) has been, for the lack of a better term, "legend killing". Randy Orton based his early character soley around being the "legend killer". At WM24, HBK referenced Flair as being like "Old Yeller". Countless other Legends who have been brought back for matches (names like Hogan come to mind) over the past few years have also been put into the same type of legend-killing/old school vs. new school type of storyline. Another great example that comes to mind was the ECW New Breed vs ECW Originals which took place not too long ago. Now, at WM25, yet another Legend-killing-esque program will culiminate with the Jericho/Legends match.

It seems like every WWE legend thats brought back is always placed in this sort of new vs. old type of program. Is this being used too much, and, if so, should the WWE be inputing Legends into other types of storylines instead? Or do you think thats really the only option that the WWE can go with in regard to their Legends?

Is the whole Legend-Killing thing getting old in the WWE, or is it just simply neccessary when a Legend is involved?
I'm a little tired of it. It's not that the legend killing as gotten old, but that the legends themselves have.

I've usually viewed legend killing as a way to either give a guy a quick rub (Orton), or a cheap way give an established guy something to do (Jericho).

But the legends are just way too old now. Legend Killing is supposed to make the legend killer look really impressive because he's taking out hall of famers. What's impressive about beating up old guys who are clearly past their prime and can barely defend themselves? It's like a young NBA superstar 20 years from now challenging an elderly Michael Jordan to one-on-one, destroys him, and says he's the greatest because he beat the greatest. It means nothing because they're nowhere near their prime.

If they used legends that still have "it", like HBK, HHH, and Taker, then sure. Hell, even Hogan (he's old, but he still has his body and looks like a credible threat) But guys like Piper, Steamboat, and Snuka are just WAY too old to make a victory over them mean anything.
If you have a blank canvas and you were going to create a storyline between a legend and put them in the ring with one of your other talents, what options do you have? people won't buy into the legend being up for a word title and it comes across naturally that there is an age difference.

I agree that the storyline comes up too often but the problem isnt the actual storyline, it's actually the use of retired legends. It's a natural storyline that occurs, because he it is the only main storyline that would make sense.
The only time i don't like the "legend killing" segment is when they put the old timers that can't wrestle anymore in matches like WM25 for example, Steamboat, Snuka, Piper, w/Flair they are too old to wrestle now, they don't put on a good exciting match, all thats going to happen is that Jericho is going to start off beating them up, then a distraction from Flair and then Jericho tries cheating then Mikey Rourke will hit him to end the match and "big whoop the legends win" blah blah blah, i think Jericho should win! and let the story end with Jericho saying things like "You see, i told you those legends are washed up idiots." If the WWE wants Jericho to wrestle a legend, find one who can still put on a match that we can get into and not sit back and say "yea yea he going to win"
Not if it's done correctly. It's just a natural, easy-selling program which is why you'll always see it. Like it's been said the matches are program are only as good as the legends involved. I can't add anything to that statement.
Are there any legends that maybe can still walk? That would make this thing with Jericho alittle more credible.

How about this spin on the WM25 match with Jericho....
Jericho will have control most of the match, though Steamboat will be suprisingly impressive. Just when the faces mount the comeback and it's a sure thing that the faces are going to win......Ric Flair turns heel and helps out Jericho! Flair returns to "manage" Jericho, possibly start a new stable? Remember, Flair always reminds us that he's done wrestling, but not retired from the business.
im not into the whole "legend killing" storylines
i think the jericho storyline was ok the first few weeks.
but then it got old very quick.

it just kept dragging on. and now hes stuck wrestling a bunch of old people.

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