What's your favorite crowd?

I don't mean to sound bias but I have to go with Toronto. We earned the name Bizzaro World, can't help but to do waves at WM 6, or during a WWE Championship match at Summerslam, helped contribute to the Rock/Hogan match at WM 18, and we helped turn Randy Orton face at Summerslam 2004.

Honorable mentions however goes to Chicago, Machester, Philly, and NYC.

On a side note I'm not sure why L.A isn't as hot. I would think with a city so lit up they would be.
Toronto, Chicago, NYC and Calgary (I only say that as when I was at Canadian Stampede it was the loudest place I've ever been in and that includes a 70, 000 person AC/DC concert) are all very lively crowds that can help bring up an event or match. Some of those Chicago shows were absolutely deafening, NYC has shown how loud it can get especially the night Vince got stunned and Rock vs. Hogan in Toronto is the loudest I've ever heard in a stadium. All have very good crowds which can raise the ball for many events or matches.

Even when you aren't there live you can feel a crowds energy, its not a deal breaker but a great crowd can certainly enhance the experience no question.

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