What's 'NXT' for Daniel Bryan...


Pre-Show Stalwart
...or whatever he's going by when we next see him. He's just been in the first batch of eliminations from a failing WWE show. So obviously anywhere is a step up at this point. Is he maybe the masked man in the SES, is he going to just turn up and start kicking ass as Bryan Danielson and shoot to the top from there, or is he on his way back to FCW for repackaging? What do you think?

Personally i'd like to see him appear on one of the main rosters sooner rather than later, maybe taking out the masked man (who most people think is Kaval anyway and so would be a natural for him to fight) or maybe he could actually take on Swagger, i mean swagger is technically sound as a wrestler, but he MUST have been influenced by Bryan at some point. Anyway, what do you guys think will happen now?
I always figured they were building up to him challenging The Miz. Since Bret Hart didn't even know he was gonna wrestle on this coming Raw I'd say there's a decent chance Bryan shows up and maybe takes the belt. While it's definitely a good way in for him I don't know how well it would work out. The guy hardly gets any reaction from the crowd. Has he ever been a heel? I think he'd get some good heat for going that route, saying "no one ever believed in me" stuff like that. He could even use Cole as a starting point since he never gave him any credit. But yeah, that's my opinion. I'd bet we see him on Raw.
He's going to show up as the Calgary Kid, just like the Miz did, beat him for the belt, earn place on Raw. Calling it now.

Honestly repackaging him would be a mistake. He's over as hell. I'd be really shocked to not see him on Raw soon.

edit: I've never heard anyone say Kaval is the masked man. Everyone thinks it's Joey Mercury.
vstrugs, he's a tweener, or was in ROH. Trouble is, how believable would it be that someone is given a chance at the US title just because they ran in on a match? Also, Cole isn't a heel on RAW, so he's going to be singing Danielson's praises.

I want to see him come back on the last episode of NXT, and after the winner is declared, have him come out and challenge the winner, where if he wins, he gets the title shot.
I recently read they do infact plan on putting him on Raw with his Bryan Danielson name to team with someone to feud with Miz and Jericho, and that they'd plan on having him win the US Title belt over Miz as well:


I'm all for that. I loved the NXT interview with Striker and Danielson, great that they're going with the name change as well, and the fact that they're putting him straight onto the flagship show is excellent as well. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho and Danielson face off again either if they plan on having Jericho and Miz feud with Danielson and a tag team partner of his.
Some people don't seem to realise that all these guys have been in OVW for some time, so they are already WWE tested

I'd say there could be a good possibility for him to be challenging Miz, maybe not on monday but in the near future,

Really don't care though, he may be a good "wrestler" but he's shown no "entertainement" value as yet. Sure most of that is the gimmick they got him running with, so lets see how things pan out over the next month or so.

as for Swagger being influenced by Brian? Are you serious? Do you know he even watched anything outside the big 3?

Swagger is a legit amateur wrestler, he'd be influenced by Kurt Angle/Brock Lesnar, noone else. as is evident by his attire/manuerisms, with a bit of Booker T thrown in.
GameOver, I completely blame the character they've given him. He's playing the boring loser because he was told to.

However, there was a promo at the end of the show that was pretty good, and I think showed Bryan Danielson coming through.
I'm actually expecting him to be resurfacing on one of the main rosters, perhaps remaining in the Bryan Danielson moniker that he's always had, and wrestle his way through the roster.

Putting on some good matches, don't know how the promos will turn out although, but I'm guessing he'll do fine for the first period of time, hopefully building him like a proper competitor this time, and giving him the ring time he's worth giving
I think he'll be on the main roster very soon. I think him replacing Hart this Monday or just costing Miz the title is possible. That would get him over as a babyface. If they want to turn him heel now what better way than have him align himself with The Miz. It would be a huge swerve. In his promo the other night he did sound bitter. He could say he should of been listening to him all along instead of the fans. In my opinion if he turns heel it only makes sense to have him with The Miz. If he stays a babyface he'll be feuding with him.
So the rumor of Daniel Bryan showing up on raw, possibly by his real name Brian Danielson will show up on raw replacing bret hart in his macth against the miz for the US title. I would love for this to happen! If this doesn't happen and we saw the last of him on any wwe show this past tuesday, well, who knows where he'll go from there. But i mean they ahve already kinda built up the miz and brian danielson fued, i mean the whole first episode of nxt was centered around him. I mean we have seen otunga not get along with r-truth but i mean, they've gotten passed that, the miz has been given danielson a hard time since the begining.

so if the rumor be true that danielson will replace bret hart and win the us championship, i shou then be a happy camper :)
I think he would be a good fit in the Straight Edge Society. He has a different kind of lifestyle-vegetarian, "not a capitalist", I think he grew up without TV or something. It would be easy to see him embrace the SES way of life, and his move set is similar to that of CM Punk. He would make a pretty good tag team with Gallows. I don't think he will be used this way, but I think it would work.
Nothing is next for "Daniel Bryan". However, I fully expect Bryan Danielson to debut on RAW this coming Monday. He will either interfere in the US Championship match between Bret Hart and The Miz, or Bret Hart will name him as his replacement. As Bryan Danielson, he will be able to show off what he is really made of, and he could rail against The Miz and WWE for trying to mold him into something he is not, showing off his technical prowess and actually-pretty-good charisma and character in the process. He's already over, as Bryan Danielson. There was a pretty decent pop when he said the name on Tuesday.

The sky is the limit. Bryan Danielson will be a star, as long as the WWE lets him show off what he's truly made of. And that seems to be what they're doing.
He has a different kind of lifestyle-vegetarian

Vegan, dude.

Anyway, does anyone remember how he wanted to go to FCW to get rid of any "ring-rust"? If the WWE has faith in him (which by his choice to go to FCW, then maybe), they'll place him on the main roster. Just don't know how soon, but it does seem likely he'll be involved in the US Title match on Monday. There would've been no reason for them to have signed him in the first place if they were going to release him less than a year later -- unless they wanted to piss off indy fans everywhere.
he will be on the main roster sooner rather than later in my opinion. I would love 2 see a heel danielson join forces with the likes of miz and jericho. They could get a real stable forget that fortunate sons bull shit that has been rumored. Add a diva to it you have a stable of Jericho, Miz, Danielson, and some other chick i would love 2 see danielson take the title away from miz though and have him in sum rivalries for it.

Masked Man = Mercury, though I'd love to see Low Ki as a Straight-Edge Soldier, and CM Punk's perfect weapon.

Some people are saying that Bryan Danielson interview was a shoot, pointing to a shaky camera, and Matt Striker talking over him. I don't think NXT is live, in fact I'm almost positive that it isn't. Live to tape, sure, but not live broadcast. They wouldn't leave it in if this was the case (although it's unlike them to leave shaky camerawork in), and they wouldn't highlight what he said on the website, they'd bury it and pretend it never happened.

This Bryan Danielson change is legit. They're going to let him start kicking more ass. I think he'll step in to face The Miz on Monday, and perhaps even win. I'm not deluded however. My worship of his Indy work is not making me think he'll win the world title and get a huge push and do the MMA elbows and kick people's heads in. No, that'll never happen. But they do enjoy reasonably stiff striking, and he is a very simplistic, traditional wrestler who also incorporates moves that get the crowd going. He will do just fine. Mid-card solidarity is nothing to look down on. Being a consistent part of the WWE earns you a great deal of money, and you are seen by millions every week.

Someone raised the point that perhaps his matches have been so short because management, and the rookies themselves, fear that the long they're in the ring with him, the worse they'll look because they can't keep his pace. I think this is an interesting idea, because if you look at his matches with Jericho and Batista, they're decidedly longer (though 1 minute vs Regal was almost insulting). Maybe they (justifiably) feel that he is just on a higher level than them and so they're going to put him against people who can actually wrestle a little bit, and let him go.

The company knew what they were getting when they signed him, they offered to let him bypass developmental, he got pushed from day one, and he has been in the ring with Jericho and Batista. He and Miz were the first duo to be given an ongoing storyline, and Michael Cole gave him more attention than any of the others (a deliberate attempt to get him sympathy in my eyes, as he seemed genuinely sorry he was leaving NXT, and treated him better when he was against Batista), and he was the focal point of the website. He was the star of the show from the start, and I think they were trying to find ways to justify pushing anyone else.

I think they came to realise he didn't need to win the show, his star had already been made, so they need to focus on which of the other 5 they are going to put their money on. I honestly think someone like Heath Slater or Justin Gabriel will win it, because Barrett and Otunga have tools to get them ahead without the association of NXT. That doesn't mean they won't win, but just from where I sit, winning the contest will be for bumping someone over the edge, not adding to someone who is already over.

CM Punk agreed, he's already a star. I think this is true. More people seem to know who he is than I initially thought, and those that don't know him are getting more in to him as they watch him more. Bryan Danielson is over, NXT is not needed, they'll take the training wheels off him.
While it's definitely a good way in for him I don't know how well it would work out. The guy hardly gets any reaction from the crowd. Has he ever been a heel?

In ROH he was as heel as they let them. He'd hold submissions after ropebreaks and yell at the ref ''I HAVE TIL 5!''. Not to mention that telling people you're gonna fucking kick their head in is a little heelish in it's own right lol

The reason he doesn't get a fan reaction is because the kids don't know who the fuck he is. All they know is he hasn't won a match (cept the handicap match) and he is a ''rookie''.

It's also noted that the WWE tweaks the crowd response for television, so they may tone down the cheers for him to further his character
If you want to get Bryan over just have him come out and beat up Michael Cole. He'd probably get a good cheer. Have him stretch Cole for poking fun of the Internet. I think it would be awesome. Bryan Danielson though has little chance of getting over since you have Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne ahead of him in the smaller talent pecking order.
I personally thing the United States Championship is next for BRYAN DANIELSON! (Meaning, change the name back from Danie Bryan) I look at it this way, Miz used a doctors note to get out of a match, right? Well, maybe, to make fun of the Miz, Bret will pull a doctors note and have Danielson go in for him. Bryan takes the title, gets signed to RAW, and becomes the next breakout star of the year. :)
Something no one even pointed out is that Ted DiBiase is looking for a virgil. Yeah he has the colons, but that could've been a 1 time thing, unless he wants to recreate the legacy. But there are very great chances that Brian Danielson will be appearing on Raw this monday...if not, he could go to TNA...but Hart wasnt even informed of the title match he has this monday, so Danielson could pop in as his replacement. Daniel Brian? I dont think there is anything left for daniel brian, but Brian Danielson is doing just fine...eluding to his possible appearance on Raw...he already holds a victory over Chavo Guerrerro, so he could be heading to RAW, or Smackdown...

:worship: S.E.W.J.T.T.F.A.N.
1) He is going to stay Daniel Bryan he won't go to his real name. Reason why is the WWE wants the rights to his name. That way if he ever jumps ship to TNA he can't use his WWE name which will become, if it isn't already, a bigger name the Bryan Danielson.

If they want to turn him heel now what better way than have him align himself with The Miz. It would be a huge swerve. In his promo the other night he did sound bitter. He could say he should of been listening to him all along instead of the fans. In my opinion if he turns heel it only makes sense to have him with The Miz.

I was actually thinking about this today. Jericho recently said that it's time for him to get the younger guys over and to the main event scene since he is now aging and at the tail end of his career. I think it would be AWESOME if Jericho was the leader of a Heel Stable with Miz in second. Maybe add Daniel Bryan to that stable and one more young talent.
I don't think he is going to replace Bret on Monday, and I don't think he should. Hart didn't know he'd have a match but he knew he was scheduled to appear. So...this could lead to some swerve where Bret wins the title then vacates it or Miz garnering more heat for himself by beating up Bret.

But for Danielson to be involve totally takes away from the fact the story-wise: WWE Management doesn't want him as a potential Superstar because he showed no confidence in his comments. Just because he goes back to his real name doesn't skirt the fact that he's the SAME friggin guy.

I think he should go away for awhile, make some fans miss him. And either show up when an actual WWE official (Long or whoever is named Raw's GM) personally brings him in.

We know that almost all eight have a roster spot somewhere, WZ reported that as the reason for the recent releases. So for 2 guys to go out by way of THE COMPANY not having faith on you causes problems when bringing them on a show.
I think you will see Bryan Danielson show up on Raw. I never heard of him until he appeared on NXT, but I watched his matches from ROH and the other independent circuits - this dude is badass! In my opinion, he will be the next Chris Benoit, except for the whole "killing his family and then himself" thing. He is the best technical wrestler in the world and can work a mic. In a few years, he will be a top level guy in the WWE. Just my opinion.
I am almost certain that Danielson is going to have something to do with this match. I mean look at the way the storyline is going Bret Hart vs The Miz. What are the odds? I feel this has been the plan for weeks. Obviously Miz and Y2J will feud with the Hart Dynasty, which could indeed leave Danielson with the US title to feud with the likes of Jackson, Regal, and even a dream match come true JOMO but that is just me.
PS get ready to see the cattle mutilation
They aren't done with Bryan by a long shot. He was marketed as the star of NXT, you think there really going to release him? NO! Fact is, they want either Wade Barrett or David Otunga to win and put them on Raw and put the runner up on SD! Bryan was booted early to keep everyone on there toes (storyline wise) and get him put on one of the two shows quicker. Hell, it may be this monday with the Bret vs. Miz match. Bryan may well walk in and take the place of Bret. We'll find out on Monday.
Im pretty sure we will see him on RAW this coming week, doing something in the Hart vs Miz match, if not even wrestling in that match. I think it may work, bring him in as a replacement for Hart, but then again it may not seeing as though RAW is in Canada this monday, not sure how the Canadian fans will react. But i do think that he should re-debut as Bryan Danielson on RAW and win the US title from The Miz.

The only problem is whether people are actually going to take him seriously or not, will he be over with the crowd or not? The solution for this...give him a big rub from Cena, much like the infamous rub that Cena gave to Swagger that time. When Cena wins the title at over the limit, have him cut a promo or whatever about something, then have Danielson come out and say how he is on a role, confidence is flying high etc and would love more then anything else then to face Cena for the title on RAW. Have him wrestle the match of his life, big spots, near falls, the lot. Have him push Cena right to the edge and then of course make him lose. But then have Cena stay in the ring after and raise his hand in the ring and applaud. this would also have them both stay as babyfaces. I can imagine it now, and the fans, little kiddies included would eat it up and pop massive i think. Thats what i think should happen if they want him to successful.

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