What WWE Wrestler Needs a New Finisher

I really think Cody Rhodes will be great once he gets a great special move. The multiple roll-up attempts are startin to get veeerrrrry old. The cross body splash off the top turnbuckle would be a nice one, but along with a normal grapple move. Maybe some sort of submission or multiple strike combo for starts. Also Santino needs a finisher, and Shelton needs to use the T-Bone but another one, a stronger of high-flying one, as well.
im sure many ppl already said the FU so ill think of something else...i say matt hardy should have another finisher in his arsenal, the more moves for him the better. i think hes done all he can with the twist of fate and that rock-bottom-type slam. and i think john morrison should GET a finisher.
Randy Orton actrually i think his move is good for him it wouldn't be good for someone else

the RKO is pretty much just the Diamond Cutter, Diamond Dallas Page was very good at using it in his career, long before Randy Orton was a wrestler.

I think Carlito needs a new finisher. The Backcrack seems more like a setup move than a finisher, kind of like the Rock or Triple H using a spinebuster.
Even if he stole a move (the fameasser maybe) it would work for him.
and i think john morrison should GET a finisher.

John Morrison HAS a finisher. It's actually pretty sweet looking.

Val VenOs could use one...the Money Shot is very old and played out. Umaga needs a new one too besides sticking his thumb in someone's throat.
Kennedy needs a new one...he's gonna break his neck one of these days...id say a TKO like mark mero used to do

CM Punk too...go back to the Anaconda lock or whatever the hell it was called

great khali needs one too...hate that stupid head vice...Torture Rack would be great

MVP needs one too...that leg thing is just weak and horrible to watch...just give him the rock bottom or maybe the razors edge

Finley should just use his submission and lose the Celtic Cross

Candice Michelle needs one too...the spin kick aint cutting it...a quick ddt would be fine or maybe something like Christopher Daniels move...that might be asking to much though lol

And give Santino one too...even though i don't thing he will ever reach main event status...a good finishing move would be a step in the right direction

Cody needs one too and so does selton...but i have no clue what...im sure they can give them both something cool
MVP: The Playmaker is a sweet ass move, but it depends so much on the other guys ability of selling the maneuver. When MVP hits it on a smaller guy, it looks sweet, but when you have a giant sloth like Kane, it looks sloppy as shit and just bad.

CM Punk: The Go 2 Sleep is a sweet ass finisher as well, but not CM Punks version of it. If you've seen the real version of this finisher, you know what I mean. Punk is a good wrestler, but he still has a long way to go before he is great.

Umaga: The Samoan Spike, guh, why not just use some power move. The guy is ultra talented, and I'm sure he can use something besides a taped up thumb as a finisher.
Umaga: The Samoan Spike, guh, why not just use some power move. The guy is ultra talented, and I'm sure he can use something besides a taped up thumb as a finisher.

The Somoan Spike actually makes me laugh out loud each and every week. It is absolutely pathetic for someone who is main event status. He is a very athletic guy for someone his size. Surely they can come up with something that uses a bit more power and athleticism. What ever happened to the really cool finishing move (don't know what it's called) he used to do? (AJ has just informed me it's the Samoan Drop). That move was cool as shit. It was powerful and innovative.
I also think that Kenny Dykstra needs a new finishing move!(wait a minute wats his finishing move) my point exactly his finisher is so horrible that I cant remember what it is. Wait it maybe a gullotine leg drop? but anyways if he ever wants to become "a future hall of famer" he needs a new finisher. I think maybe some kind of torando impaler ddt or even a submission move like CM Punk's andaconda vice(that was pretty cool). I just think Kenny needs one that people will remember.
Umaga: The Samoan Spike, guh, why not just use some power move. The guy is ultra talented, and I'm sure he can use something besides a taped up thumb as a finisher.

What? It's a brilliant move. I'd shit myself if a taped thumb was coming at my throat. Especially if it was a fat ass Samoan's. The thumb's taped up so it win't buckle. I suggest you try it on a cat or baby and see the effect of it.
Umaga: The Samoan Spike, guh, why not just use some power move. The guy is ultra talented, and I'm sure he can use something besides a taped up thumb as a finisher.

Yeh i agree, i think that he is very athletic, and should have a batter finish, i thing the frog splash.

Y 2 Jake said:
What? It's a brilliant move. I'd shit myself if a taped thumb was coming at my throat. Especially if it was a fat ass Samoan's. The thumb's taped up so it win't buckle. I suggest you try it on a cat or baby and see the effect of it.

Y2 Jake, i think what he is trying 2 say is that his move is good, but he would be more capable of a better, more athletic finisher, but i agree, this move would be one hell of a scary thing if you were on the receiving end.

Mr. Kennedy needs a new finisher, the build up is way to slow, and once he gets on that top rope you just kno the ending of the match already, he is one hell of a wrestler tho.
What ever happened to the really cool finishing move (don't know what it's called) he used to do? (AJ has just informed me it's the Samoan Drop). That move was cool as shit. It was powerful and innovative.

I believe you're thinking of the spinning Rock-Bottom type move. Billy Gunn used it as well. If this is the one, its the one where he'll hold you sideways, then spin you around & drop you into a Rock-Bottom type ending.

Y2 Jake, i think what he is trying 2 say is that his move is good, but he would be more capable of a better, more athletic finisher, but i agree, this move would be one hell of a scary thing if you were on the receiving end.

Who needs athletic ability when you have shear power. It seems to work wonders with Khali, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, & Funaki!
The Great Khali although he's a big man would probably kill someone with the abdominal stretch as he's so shabby in the ring, see the Shawn Michaels match in June for reference, HBK made him look good with effort. Even giving Khali the Clothesline as a finisher would be better the Claw
The Great Khali although he's a big man would probably kill someone with the abdominal stretch as he's so shabby in the ring, see the Shawn Michaels match in June for reference, HBK made him look good with effort. Even giving Khali the Clothesline as a finisher would be better the Claw

Honestly, if you want to give Khali a finishing move that could look as if its absolutely deadly.. have him deliver a "Last Ride" powerbomb. Of course the man would need enough talent in his body to know how to deliver a powerbomb.. so thats out.

Imagine Khali pulling off moves you'd never expect him to do. Such as.. a frog splash off the top! Or even a 5 star off the top!! Better yet, if you have a great imagination.. imagine Khali performing a 619, now that is amazing! hahaha
Honestly, if you want to give Khali a finishing move that could look as if its absolutely deadly.. have him deliver a "Last Ride" powerbomb. Of course the man would need enough talent in his body to know how to deliver a powerbomb.. so thats out.

Imagine Khali pulling off moves you'd never expect him to do. Such as.. a frog splash off the top! Or even a 5 star off the top!! Better yet, if you have a great imagination.. imagine Khali performing a 619, now that is amazing! hahaha




I'd like to see Kahli to the "I'm off back to india" finishing move!!! that would be brilliant! what he does is, gets a plan, sits on top of it, and flies off into the night....ahh....

I'd like to see MVP get a new move.....isn't the playmaker the same move Carlito used to do ages ago? the "Overdrive" ....or someone used to do it, coz it was Carlito's finisher on Smackdown Vs Raw 2006. lol.

I'd like to see more Submission Finishers now....get Dean "1001 Holds" Malenko to teach the development people to do some submissions....or of course wait for Chris "1004 holds" Jericho to come in and teach everyone ARMBAR!!!! hehe (I watched that last night on Youtube....sooo funny!)
I Think John Morrison needs a new move, he never uses his snapshot anymore and I think he needs a new cool high flying move such as a spinning Heel Kick, or like a new and improved snapshot,or somthing cool like that.
With Tommy though he's an established guy who's used the DDT as his finisher for like 15 years, same thing with Raven, it would be like if HBK decided to change the Sweet Chin Music it's what he's known for. Now I'm not sure if it was his finisher but the DDT Cody Rhodes does looks so painful they should just make that hs finisher cause the DDT is a really impactful move but has been wrtered down over the years but I think Cody could make it work.
Its too bad Tommy Dreamer got his finisher stolen by Rikishi or else he could remain doing the sitout tombstone esque move.

I would have to say that all wrestler cease using the super kick as a finisher. I like when a guy uses it as an out of nowhere leverage boost. But not as a finisher beyond HBK. Any Kick variation would work for me just not the super kick...I even enjoy Helms' quick kick off the rope to the face whilst opponent is down.

They should just rehire Mike Nova Simon Dean Bucci to come in a design finishers. The man is a genius. He got ripped off more than a convience store with his moves. The buff blockbuster, the downward spiral, the spin doctor, the celtic cross ala the kryptonite krunch, and even more that i'm not even bringing to the table. The man is a genius.

Orton needs a new finisher. I hate that they gave him the "RKO" sure he'd modified the Diamond Cutter but really, let DDP have his day in the sun. However the super RKO is pretty fuckin marvelous I think.

Petey Williams...just joking!

Road Dogg Jesse James - haha fuck what a character...I can't even believe he's an armstrong the way this guy wrestles he uses the pumphandle slam for god sakes.

Someone already touched on this point but I'd like to reitterate. Any move can suit any wreslter if it's perfectly suited...hence the finishing move in the first place. I would even go as far as to say that eons ago a finishing move was simply a move pattened by a performer as favourable not even necessarily the most devastating. So in retrospect for us to expect so grave new innovation every time at the bat is a little haughty I think. Kennedys flip fireman carry is sick don't even front like it doesn't entertain you. If it takes longer to do on a bigger guy, that's called anticipation brothers and sisters. Burchills flip rock bottom is pretty fuckin sick as well. To go on with my example, when Tomko first got his big push and they had a gimmick where his big boot was knocking people unconscious. That was a great angle and sold this move perfectly. Even retrospect to The Narcisist Lex Luger days when he "got in a motor cycle accident and got a steel forearm replacement" and his finisher was a running forearm subsequently. Plausible enough.
kevin thorn and candice michelle what are they doin stealing finishing moves from nigel mcguiness and christian cage, they cant pull the moves off like they do, didnt they learn that when trevor murdoch attempted petey williams canadian destroyer in a match with matt hardy, candice is a weak womens wrestler so she should stick to a weak finishing move like that spinning wheel kick or whatever its called, you know the one she defeated melina with at vengeance to win the womens title and kevin thorn well he should stick to a ddt like cody rhodes cause its the only move thats suits them, they are both pure crap only raven, jake roberts and tommy dreamer in the old ecw could pull off a good ddt, gangrel actually had a good jumping ddt if i recall
Kennedy. He never does the plunge from the second rope anymore (probably because its a hard setup) and now all he does is that gay forward somoan drop. He really needs to come up with something new.
how about wen chris jericho gets back?? he's got the lionsault but how about changin the walls of jericho back to the way it was in his wcw days. in the wwe they made it look like a boston crab n the boston crab is a rotten finisher.
KENNEDY!! The top rope move thingy is an O.K move but the most succesful finishers are nearly always the ones that can be done BAM! quickly. The Stone Cold Stunner, Twist of Fate, Ravens DDT, The Rock Bottom, backstabber etc. or alternatively a cool submission move.

Also that overdrive move is so gay!! MVP needs a cool finisher, like a flatliner or a reverse DDT or something!!

Also I preferred HBK's Sweet Chin Music back in the day, where he just came out with it, not all this theatrical broadcasting the move crap!
Umaga, no question. The Samoan spike makes me want to turn the channel. It's not even as powerful a blow as just a punch would be. I'd rather he did the stink face.

The spear needs to get out of the WWE all together. It's just a stupid tackle.

And I seriously hope to god I never see another STFU.
MVP needs a new one as the Playmaker is just an overdrive

Kennedy rarely hits his top rope Green Bay Plunge, so id say give him a new one as the standing one doesnt look that great.

Id also get CM Punk using the Anaconda Vice more, as I always thought it was pretty good.

Oh, and if we've got to put up with Khali, at least give him a decent move, I cannot stand to see another "Vice Grip". It looks so pathetic!
they got rid of cm vice submission because of the benoit tradegy and it looked to much like the crossface he should bring back the pepsi plunge he was using the pedigree type move off the top ropes

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