Superstars in Need of a New Finisher

Like Tenta said the finisher isn’t the problem with certain wrestlers. The best finishers by the biggest stars have always been the simplest moves. It’s always about the build to the finish of the match, and the execution of it. The characters have to tell a story during the match, and the finisher is the ending to that story.

I have to shake my head at some people saying Cena, and Evan Bourne need new finishers. The crowd pops enormously every time for those moves.
I have to agree with Tenta. There is honestly no one that comes to mind that needs a new finisher. People alway say about how bad things like the Playmaker are, and granter, it's not a fantastic move. That said, you can't argue that most of these moves are worse than a sleeper or a leg drop. It isn't about how good the move is or if it fits the person even, it's about the general crowd reaction. What are the chances that general WWE audience are thinking that Zach Ryder should really start using the Burning Hammer or something. That's no disrespect to this thread, people could use better finishers, I would never be against that, I just feel that there is no one that are in need of a new finisher, just that a change would not go amiss.
I'll be honest, i'm not bothered whether a finisher looks effective or not. It's not important in sports entertainment. However, I want to look on in amazement when I see a finisher executed. Some just don't do it for me.

Attitude Adjustment - When Cena gets the opponent on his shoulders, you know whats coming and there is a real sense of excitement. Just listen to the pop it produces. But to make it more interesting, why not give him the original F-5. It was a pretty sweet move and looks a damn sight better than a normal slam.

Lie Detector/Truth Axe - Both a bit boring. The Lie Detector is R-Truth just spinning at his opponent. It looks alright but grows a bit tiresome. And the Truth Axe is the same finisher as Alicia Fox. An upper mid-carder shouldn't have the same finisher as a so-so diva. Scratch that, Superstars shouldn't have the same finisher. Period. For Truth, I would recommend a spinning kick from the top turnbuckle. He's got the athleticism and it would suit his style. Or maybe a suplex going into a stunner. I like the idea of this move but no one uses it.
This is a very good thread and there is many superstars who require new finishers but here is my list...

The Miz: The skull crushing finale is not impactive enough, maybe if he modified it by performing it off the second rope or made it look like a reverse side effect...

John Morrison: The starship pain is horrible and is botched every 6 out of 10 times, why he originally got rid of moonlight drive in the first place I'll never know.

R-Truth: The elbow is good as a special but not as a finisher.

Big Show: Knockout punch doesn't suit the character he should go back to the chokeslam and give the knockout punch to Tarver.

Wade Barett: His finisher is just awful, The F5 would suit him perfect though.

There Are probably more I just can't think of any right now.
I agree that the build up to the move is important, and have just taken something into consideration. Creativity. Originality. With certain moves, there's just no duplicating it, it doesn't work. There are some moves, like the chokeslam, any powerbomb variation, and the dreaded DDTs (though some are not bad), which can be used by several people and that is fine. But other moves, like the jumping cutter (RKO), and the superkick (Sweet Chin Music), can't be duplicated, not if they're THAT trademarked. Eventually, it gets tough to find or create new moves that look like end-game material, it gets tough to name it, and its tough to screen the history behind it. Anyway, here's more of my thoughts:

Ted DiBiase
I get the idea behind the cobra clutch setup, but his move doesn't really convince me that the match is over.

Mike Knox
Who cares, he's been released (though his finisher didn't look bad at all)

Jack Swagger
It looks good, but it needs a name.
I'm not so sure anyone needs a new finishing move, so much more than another special attraction. A lot of Wrestlers have worn out their finishers so much that they've become weaker and subjected to kick-outs on a match-by-match basis. (Examples of this are John Cena's F..err, Attitude Adjust(ment or er?) and Triple H's Pedigree.)

Now, by no means should either individual change up their finishing moves. Are you crazy? My point is that the moves, albeit traditional and fading - still work. This applies to everyone with a finishing move thats still winning matches to this day.

It may not look pretty. It may not be amazing. It may not even be as special as it once was. But if they're winning, then its obviously still working.

I've seen a lot of cries over Miz & Morrison both needing alternative finishing moves. Why?

The Miz's finishing move is in itself something that, should you do it in real life - it could knock you out cold. People cry for something new, because it doesn't reflect the style and shine that The Miz gives off. Its average, plain and simple compared to that of The Miz.

As for Morrison, if anyone were in need of something I would tend to side on this side of the fence. However, the Starship Pain (when connected with) pins the target, on average, just as much as a Pedigree, Tombstone, or Attitude Adjust(whatever). The only reason I'd ever say Morrison needs something more is because its a one dimensional type of move. He needs his opponent on the ground, out for a good amount of time, and near the ropes - at all times. Thats too costly, when you weigh out the pro's and con's.

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