Does CM Punk Need A New Finisher?

I agree that he needs a second finisher and not a submission hold either. As you lamented in your opening post i think The Shining Wizard being built up similar to the Spear would be perfect for Punk and would add more depth to his matches.
Maybe a quick striking move would be best but I struggle to think of one suitable.

Busaiku kick. Punk takes every other move from KENTA and he's used it before in OVW (while not as a finisher, and it likely could've been a botched shining wizard). Check it out on youtube if you havn't seen it. Very nice. Also, it's often done running, like the Shining Wizard as being discussed.

Personally, I love the GTS, and I don't believe it will hold Punk back. He's done it to Batista, JBL, Umaga (RIP), Snitsky, Mike Knox, and Kane successfully. It's not Punk's fault that Kane and Mysterio have been failing to do their part when it comes to the move (actually Mysterio's been a fucking botchfest lately, but that's beside the point). I'll agree with everyone else that the Anaconda Vice should be re-acquainted with Punk's moveset, but to completely replace the GTS would be assanine.
Busaiku kick. Punk takes every other move from KENTA and he's used it before in OVW (while not as a finisher, and it likely could've been a botched shining wizard). Check it out on youtube if you havn't seen it. Very nice. Also, it's often done running, like the Shining Wizard as being discussed.

Personally, I love the GTS, and I don't believe it will hold Punk back. He's done it to Batista, JBL, Umaga (RIP), Snitsky, Mike Knox, and Kane successfully. It's not Punk's fault that Kane and Mysterio have been failing to do their part when it comes to the move (actually Mysterio's been a fucking botchfest lately, but that's beside the point). I'll agree with everyone else that the Anaconda Vice should be re-acquainted with Punk's moveset, but to completely replace the GTS would be assanine.

Took the words right out of my mouth - Busaiku kick would be perfect.

I think If he was looking for something fresh, he should go Welcome to Chicago Motherfuckers right into a submission about a Dragon Sleeper on the mat?
Maybe he could use the anaconda vice on the bigger opponents and keep the gts for the smaller ones but I like the pepsi twist in justinsayne's video he should at least incorporate it into his offense more often
Anaconda vice

The anaconda vice (also spelled vise) is a Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and Judo compression choke. It is also called the arm-trap triangle choke.

i'm going to assume you are not an 10th degree black belt in brazilian ju-jitsu from that post

btw you know wrestling is fake right, punching Punk in the face can help you get out of the submission, but you can say the same about the stfu, armbar, etc

for example the ankle lock, all you got to do is roll over and the pains alleviated but who cares its wrestling

I'm a jiu jistu purple belt, and I can tell you that the way Punk does this supposed "arm triangle" is nothing more then a wrist lock.

Back to the topic:

Punk did The Shining Wizard in RoH, did he not? No one else does it, so, I think he's free to do it.
I'm also with Disarray, I think Punk botched G2S because Kane was being a doofy oaf. I know he's a veteran, but, getting kneed in the face, and jobbing, has to be annoying. I also bet the staples in his dome didn't help either. I'd give Punk a few more weeks, until he takes the mask off, and then we'll see how he does with it. I know he's botched it a few times, but, everyone botches once in awhile.
I don't think he should replace the GTS it's an awesome finisher and the knee impact looks really good but he should have a secondry finisher like Sheamus uses the flying boot to beat fat asses like Mark Henry

Leg-feed Enzuigiri, Punks kicking is probably the best in WWE when he uses it, it always gets a crowd reaction "oooh"

Pepsi twist change the name to 'The SxE' or the .45 submission

I'd like to see him do a Arm wrench mule kick then from them being standing stunned he hits a standing reverse STO

I like his running corner knee maybe use that into a ddt

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