Michael Cole Is Seriously An Idiot

You kids always hate on something..

Jerry Lawler can sit there on night and not call a single move.. but as soon as cole messes up on one.. FIRE HIM! Bring in the pitch forks!

Untill last night, He was the best on TV commentator in wwe.. and JR hasn't been too great the past few times we've had to "privilege" to hear on the mic.

He just doesn't have it anymore in the new age of wrestling same goes for lawler..

Not to mention, dont you think its WWE wanting more moves to be named the same thing? Rey Does Hurracanrana.. maybe they want ppls moves to compare to his? I feel he would be fired if he was constantly calling wrong moves.
I wish Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was still able to call matches, then Michael Cole would be of no use. Because Heenan is so much better than Cole, at heel commentary. Or seeing how Heenan has speech difficulties now, after bouts with cancer, maybe go talk "The Body" out of retirement instead. For the same reasons as before Ventura is a amazing heel announcer, lite years ahead of where Cole will ever be.
What makes Michael Cole so unbearable to listen to is NOT the fact that he called a few moves incorrectly. Commentators make mistakes. For so long JR would confuse Superstars name, and we would all just look past it.

But here is the killer for Cole, and it happened about 4 times last night during Miz vs. Rey, every time someone went for a cover after a big move. Cole would say, around the count of 1 "New Champ, New Champ" Which makes it very predictable that there would be a kick out. I know this has been done by others in the past, BUT not to this extent. There was a time last night where I thought Miz had the match won, but there went Cole on his New Champ Rant, and I knew Rey was not done and the mactch would continue..

Funny thing about the IWC, who's sole purpose in life seems to want to bash every move the WWE makes. You yell about, more wrestling, move moves, more matches. But yet here you are standing up for Michael Cole, whose commentary is much more of a distraction from the in ring action. But as always you are unsure of what you want.

JR's commentary makes the match much more exciting than Coles, That should give RAW the spark everyone is looking for.

And to the posters who discussed about "Some A++hole yelling in a headset" every week while commentating. Guess if you owned a multi-million dollar company, I'm sure you would sit back and give no feedback for what is going on with your product.

I wish Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was still able to call matches, then Michael Cole would be of no use. Because Heenan is so much better than Cole, at heel commentary. Or seeing how Heenan has speech difficulties now, after bouts with cancer, maybe go talk "The Body" out of retirement instead. For the same reasons as before Ventura is a amazing heel announcer, lite years ahead of where Cole will ever be.

Agreed. BUT............. You can not compare Cole to these two because Cole is the Play by Play guy, and both these guys are color commentators. Totally two different roles
His actual play by play skills are average at best. He still calls the powerslam Orton does a scoop slam. Its amazing that no one is correcting him either.They are much better off having JR doing the play by play.

Right, better off having JR, who watches Big Show powerbomb Kane through the announce table and screams "By gawd, he choke slammed him through the table!"

People fall all over themselves to love JR, but you all seem to conveniently not notice, JR f*cks up every bit as much as anyone else. Cole is equal to anyone they've got in terms of play by play ability and is by far the best personality on commentary. BY FAR
@TWJC. Everything you stated is true. CM Punk = Internet Darling John Cena = Internet Nemesis.

This thread is another example of the IWC rearing it's ugly head. Years ago Joey Styles was perceived by the smarky smarks as being to smarky,same for Matt Striker. Now the IWC doesn't like Cole because he's not a smark he messes up the name of certain moves. Guess what JR messes up too. I remember him for a whole year call the Swanton Bomb the Senton Bomb after it was acknowledged that it was the Swanton Bomb. Or how about his heel run with Dr. Death, boy JR was unbearable. 10 years ago the IWC was so sick and tired of hearing Lawler talk about "puppies" every week while action was going on in the ring. Even Mike ix nay Tenay with all of his knowlege messes up.

There is no pleasing the IWC
No no no no to the op... I disagree.. Cole is not an idiot. They ALL fuck up naming moves... I used to hate Cole but fuck me up the ass with a 10 inch ***** I have come to LOVE him.. I have only of late started to apreciate his wit and humor.. Hearing him take the absolute shit out of Booker on smackdown is pure gold.. He is just about as quick witted as William regal. Maybe not as witty but he is a perfect foil to Booker, Josh, Jerry.. Michael Cole is great. If you're going to call out anyone on fucking up move calls go for Booker
I don't like Cole as a commentator.I think he would be better off as a manager because as a heel personnality I think he does a great job.

But there's been many occasions where I had to mute my tv when Cole goes way overboard in his cheerleading for Miz or goes in angry rant mode and just stops calling the match completely. To me he's not being a "good heel" , he's just being annoying...and when I'm annoyed with something on my t.v I change the channel or in Cole's case I put the tv on mute and it really hurts the experience of watching the show.
Did anyone notice Cole used the phrase "political rhetoric" many times last night? What does that even mean? I didn't see anything dealing with politics on any of the other channels.

I only watched to the middle of the Bourne/Ziggler match, but Cole used the term quite a bit. Is it an underlying theme regarding Vince/Linda/Politics and now with HHH, we won't be seeing anymore of this?
Oh No! Michael Cole messed up the name of two moves in a match! Please...Michael Cole is really and truthfully an amazing heel right now. He can get heat in an instant and is really good at it. Take when JR came back. His expressions told the story more than his words did. And then when he used actual words, they were golden. He is obviously no JR but he's obviously not trying to be.

TLDR Cole is a heel magnet and does exactly what he needs to... /thread

Nobody is arguing with you that Cole can generate heat. He has focus waaay too much on his heel character development and let all his technical calls and wrestling history fall by the waste side (come on, "Kelly Kelly a former Diva's Champ"?) His facial expressions look like he is constipated and pulls topics that are quite questionable...even if you "got permission" to use certain topics to generate heat. He is taking the low road to acquire this and has really sicken alot of the fans both worldwide and on the IWC. Yes, when we talks, he can be great (that's his job), but you need to be able to build character and maintain the knowledge behind this industry to attain credibility which he is lacking...ALOT.
I think he was speaking about the Obama debt ceiling thing. It was horrible, all I heard on RAW were Lawler and Cole referencing it over and over again. Half of the audience doesnt know or care about that stuff, so I saw no point in mentioning it so many times.
Well he did call Stephanie McMahon "Triple H's husband" once, made me crack up, he always makes mistakes but I actually like his heel character cause, well, he plays it pretty well everyone hates him, you gotta give him credit for that.
Michael Cole is a great heel, one of the best that I remember seeing but I do agree that he screws up too often. I think he should become The Miz's manager and be at ringside for his matches the next time he becomes the WWE champion. That would be golden.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm really just tired of Michael Cole's current commentary 'style', for a few reasons.

Firstly, I don't know whether the Miz's ankle injury in the RAW MITB ladder match was real or scripted, but either way, I would have gained much more respect for him and his dedication if Cole wasn't completely over-promoting it on commentary in that stupid, squeaking voice of his; both at the PPV and the next night on RAW. He just kept shouting about how awesome the Miz was, when in reality, if he had just kept his damn mouth shut, what was going on in the ring would have done it for him, in a less 'makes me want to kill myself' way.
On top of this, I am fed up of hearing him insult Daniel Bryan. To this day, I firmly believe that Bryan Danielson is one of the most talented wrestlers on the WWE roster today, and, one day this should be apparent to everyone else. Now, I understand that they have their history on NXT, but to call Bryan a nerd is not only a pointless accusation, I haven't seen anything to say it's true.

Secondly, I just can't take him seriously as a heel, mainly because he is just such a bad actor, and he isn't really a good commentator anyway. I think he should just stay off camera so that the King and JR can just do it right, rather than making himself heard in the ridiculous way he does.

Finally, I personally don't like Michael Cole, and I'm unsure as to why he wasn't future endeavoured a long time ago, but if Vince insists on using him, please use him for what his is paid to do. I don't want to see a commentator in a match against Zack Ryder that lasts for 5 seconds. Now add another 5 minutes for the extra commercials. Those 5 minutes could have went towards a longer main event, and were wasted on pointless on-air time for Cole.

For the record, my favourite Smackdown moment ever is when Booker T threw up on Michael Cole. That's how much I hate him, but what do you think?

Yes, thank you, I understand that, but I hated him when he was meant to be a face as well. I hate him to the stage where I am tempted to turn off the fucking television. Is that doing your job properly? A Commentators job is to sell the matches, and sell the superstars, and Michael Cole is not doing a good job of that. Did you even read all of what I wrote? I'm sure Michael Cole is doing exactly what he's told. I suppose I'm criticising the writing more that the man.
I have to disagree with most of this. I will share your opinion that they need to keep him well away from the ring. The match he had with Ryder was, although slightly funny, pretty much a waste of time. However, he most certainly is not a bad actor. His mic work is amazing and he is unbelievably supportive of Miz and outrageously nasty to Bryan because...(drum roll)...he's a heel. You are SUPPOSED to hate him. His job is to be annoying and if he aggrovates you so much that you will take the time to rant on a forum about him, that kind of shows me he is doing it well.
I'd like to thank you for replying in a slightly more civilized manner. I agree with this quite well.

However, he most certainly is not a bad actor. His mic work is amazing and he is unbelievably supportive of Miz and outrageously nasty to Bryan because...(drum roll)...he's a heel.

I get that he's not a bad actor, and as I previously stated, I dislike the writing more. However, it isn't that he supports the Miz, it's that he supports him so much that I lose any respect for the Miz that I would have gained if Cole wasn't on commentary. As for the rant, I guess I had to get it out of my system.

That's your opinion of him. I hate him too, but I admit he is very talented. His mic skills are above average and his charisma is CHILLING.

I understand that he has talent, and is good at what he does, but the gimmick, imo, under-utilizes him. I just don't think his over-promotion of the Miz does anything other that make the Miz look bad.
He has good mic skills and charisma, but I suppose that's why he's a commentator.
Cole's always been annoying to me. But he's been very sloppy lately, I don't know what it is, he might be trying to hard but never the less he needs to stop. I don't mind him marking out for The Miz simply because he's getting a heel over.
I love Cole as a heel commentator. It works. The fans love to hate him and Cole has that look about him that screams "SMUG ASSHAT!" In fact I think they should give him a stable like Heenan had. That would instantly create a bunch of new heels.

What I don't like is that Cole is the play-by-play announcer (main one) acting as a heel. Traditionally, the commentator that is the face will be the play-by-play announcer (Monsoon, Vince JR etc) and will call the majority of the match. The heel is usually the color commentator (Ventura, Heenan, Lawler etc) and simply adds their opinion in-between the play-by-play hyping up the other heels, making wisecracks and reactions.

I don't really care if he messes up on the name of maneuvers. Monsoon did it all the time and most consider him the greatest.

As for Lawler I loved him as the heel color commentator. He was never more entertaining than when he was feuding with Bret Hart. Everything out of his mouth was hilarious or when Bret turned heel and got Owen to join him King had this tear sliding down his cheek. Simply golden. When I see him now I have to compare him to the man I saw in the 90s and early 2000s. By comparison he looks disinterested in his job.
I remember watching the punks MITB match and when cole messed up the anconda vice call i was pretty annoyed. Maybe if he spent more time learning the moves of the wrestlers in the matches he's supposed to call instead working on his lame heel commentating and jokes about J.R. he would sound like he knows what he's talking about.

Bottom line your the so called "voice" of the WWE your a play by play announcer, your heel crap jumped the shark a solid week after wrestlemania give it a rest. Its not entertaining, its just annoying and takes away from the guys in the ring trying to put on a good match

BUT HEY! thats just my opinion . . . . . . .
I think Cole just need's to shut the fuck up. Seriously, the guy just doesn't shut up, keeps talking all of this crap, and is just not allowing the best WWE announcer ever to announce. It was sad to SEE Jim Ross, but not HEAR him at all. He hardly ever talks about the match, he's still jizzing over The Miz, his heel/face/whatever the hell he's doing now is outdated and should be done. Really, I was a fan of douchebag Cole around Wrestlemania 27, but that should be over.

What I think they need to do is put him on Smackdown, and take him off RAW. Allow JR to actually be an announer, not some pawn for Cole to make jokes at. Seriously, listening tonight was sad, Jim Ross is back, but Cole just would'nt shut the fuck up and allow him to talk. The announcing a very important part of the show, and if one person doesn't shut the hell up, doesn't talk about the match, and doesn't allow other people to talk, than it takes away from the match. It makes the match not seem important, becuase Cole is to busy being a heel and talking about himself, then actually talking about what's going on in the ring, which is what an announcer is supposed to do.

Seriously, he's very good on the microphone, make him a manager or something. Move him permantly to Smackdown. But, most importantly allow the guy who wants to talk about the in-ring action talk about it. Becuase Cole certainly couldn't care less.
Cole is seriously a huge mark for himself! I've never heard anyone who's worked with him EVER say a kind thing about him, he's basically another one of "those guys" who have the look and the voice, but hardly know a damn thing about wrestling. Basically he's in the mold of Craig DeGeorge, Sean Mooney, Todd Pettingill, and even Tony Schiavone (who I didn't mind at times, at least he seemed to know a thing or two), of guys who look and sound good on TV, but really do they know what they're talking about. Most of the guys I've named seem ashamed they worked in pro wrestling!! Even Schiavone who did it for nearly 20 years!!

From the get go he was ANNOYING, after only being in the wrestling business for over a year, he took over for JR in late '98 when JR suffered another bout of Bells Pallsey. He was just all over the place, contradictory, and Lawler was seemingly carrying him. Kevin Kelly at the time wasn't "great", but he would've been a better fit to call Raw or the PPV's at that time.

Cole got "decent" as time went on, and he was tollerable on Smackdown for several years with Tazz or JBL. But you'd think after announcing in the business for 14 years, he'd be better than he is. The problem is I think he truly believes his own hype and the things he says. Remember when R-Truth mistakenly said Green Bay when they were in Milwaukee?? Cole starts leading the chant of Milwaukee, with the camera constantly on him, and jumping up and down, and YELLING throughout the entire match about Truth's mistake, and Lawler looked and sounded very annoyed.

And that's another thing too, when he's striaght up calling a match, his voice sounds fine, but when he raises his voice he sounds like an early-teens kid getting upset because he's trying hard to make a point.

His heel schtick suited NXT, but when it spilled over to Raw, it was disasterous, he never puts over talent, basically is the Doctor Hibbert of wrestling and laughs at the most idiotic points of promos, says things during promos which had seemingly stopped over the years, outright buries certain wrestlers, and it's always the same ones.

See believe it or not, there is an art to being a heel commentator, and while Bobby Heenan or Jesse Venture or Lawler even would crack jokes and make the odd snide remark about the babyfaces, they never buried them, and would often put over there taletns. The only one Lawler usually tried to bury is Bret Hart, which is reasonable because of how heated there feud was. CM Punk showed how a HEEL commentator should work late last year. He was on the ball, always knew what was going on, knows his wrestling, he's witty, funny, and never tries to mark out for himself or make himself the focal point of what's going on. Cole does NONE of that.

I have to give JR credit last night, for keeping his cool for the most part and trying to focus on what was going on!!

SIDENOTE: Adamle was also furhter proof of my earlier point of "those guys", you still see that today with the likes of Scott Stanford, who Punk totally embarassed on a few episodes of Superstars!
I've hated him longer then I can remember. He use to host the weekend recap shows "Livewire" and "Superstars" and I can remember hating him since then.

He can't call a match. He has nothing good to add. He interrupts other peoples air time. He's a piece of shit.

That's my 2 cents.
This is going to sound completely Random. But if you wanna hear "Modern" WWE commentary at its finest...The look no further than Survivor Series 2010. Matt Striker, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and i believe some Josh Matthews. And believe it or not, it was best because Michael Cole and Matt Striker...idk, they had some high chemistry on commentary that night and just made the whole night interesting. If the match was boring, just listen to the commentary and it'd be worth sitting through the match. For one, i think Michael Cole should stop being on all shows. It appears to be taking a toll and he probably just needs a break from appearing at....well...every show. For Two, he needs to stop always attacking Jerry lawler on every little comment, and booker T as well for that matter. The tough cole should be gone, and it's just getting annoying. And yeah, that's successful as a heel commentator....but a heel is supposed to be hated. I don't hate him, i'm just growing tired of hearing the same things said at Lawler and Booker T every week. Getting kinda old ya know? I like Michael Cole, i'm just waiting for something new now....he's been doing the same junk for all of 2011.
As a heel, I've always felt that Cole was best suited as a color commentator with someone like Matt Striker calling the play by play. Everyone makes mistakes but personally, it doesn't bother me too much. I pay more attention to the in ring action than the commentary. I think with JR now on the RAW commentary booth, he will be the main play by play commentator while Cole does more color commentating with Lawler while still doing some play by play himself.

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