Does Punk need a new finisher to properly solidify himself in the Main Event?

I don't see a need to change finishers it would be cool to see him alternate occasionally with the Anaconda Vise. Just to mix it up a bit the GTS is probably one of if not the most original finisher in wrestling. It comes across as a brutal move especially when sold right by his opponent. The majority of the times I have seen it botched weren't Punks fault. Lets be honest every wrestler has botched their finisher a time or two even HHH has botched the pedigree.

I read a few post were people want him to do his finisher from the indys the Pepsi Plunge. I've seen some of his indy and ROH matches online. Anyone who has watched WWE for years would know that he would never be allowed to use that move in WWE for many reasons. Too close to the pedigree, way to dangerous, and if can't use the GTS on larger guys. How the hell can he do a top rope pedigree on a guy like Kane.
the gts is the best finisher in the wwe right now. yes its had to do on bigger opponents but thats fine. im not sure what the sumbmission he used on cena last monday is called (its not the anaconda vise michael cole! ur and idiot!) but its was just as cool as the vise.
I've got another idea for a finisher for CM Punk on big guys, how about he gets them down to one knee then does the "run-up-the-turn-buckle-splat-kick" as I call it but instead runs up the big guy's knee and then splats their face with a high knee? I know this would mean his move that he currently uses to set up GTS would have to be... upgraded to a signiture move of sorts but hey he could do it.
I've got no problem with the GTS. It's legitimately unique finisher that I haven't seen used by any American wrestler in the big companies. Not in Crockett Promotions, WCCW, WCW, AWA, WWE, TNA, etc. and it helps Punk stand out to some degree.

Besides, where exactly has a finisher really been a huge factor in helping a wrestler establish himself as a main eventer? If that was a legit factor, then how the hell did Hulk Hogan ever become the biggest star in pro wrestling history? He has one of the weakest finishers imaginable.

I dunno, this just seems like one of those threads that's looking to desperately locate some sort of weakness, an imaginable one in this case I think, and nitpick as to how it's possibly holding Punk back.
of course the gts cant work on big guys u never see the undertaker tombstone the big show! punk should keep using the gts and also use the anaconda vise more than he has. think about it a knee straight to the face ouch! ive seen him pull of the gts very well and also a botch here or there. i really dont know what your talking about when you say he messes it up all the time. Most of the time he gets it right. i thought the gts to cutty on raw was very believable and having the nexus rest him on his shoulders for the gts thats good tv. i agree the vise needs to be used more because as i see it a good sub hold makes a good wrestler
I thought he actually could break someone's face with that.

First off, for those who say the GTS looks terrible, watch his match against Rey Mysterio from Armageddon in 08 and when he hit it perfectly, Rey ended up walking out of the ring with a bloody nose. So WWE could just be taking precautions for some legit injury that could occur to the face.

Now I personally would hate to see the GTS go, but that submission he had on Cena in their match defiantly needs to stay, but could still utilize the Anaconda Vise as an alternate submission hold for matches that could be a match that tests each willpower.
First off, for those who say the GTS looks terrible, watch his match against Rey Mysterio from Armageddon in 08 and when he hit it perfectly, Rey ended up walking out of the ring with a bloody nose.

Yea that's because it's Rey Mysterio, everyone can land their finish on him.

Look up the GTS he landed on Kane, it looked terrible, same goes for the one he tried on Cena the night he joined Nexus.

The Anaconda Vice was great, but he's going to need a non-submission finish and it can't be the GTS.
I do kind of think he needs a new finisher, but what can it be? If they couldnt find anything, an idea for Punk is to become a mean, aggresive leader of the Nexus. He wrestlers with kicks, elbows, submissions, knees, punches, maybe a GTS once a while, and sometimes, he can use that tough roundhouse kick he does straight to the head. It looks brutal and could play off as his finisher.
I honestly wish that WWE would let him use the Pepsi Plunge. That finisher looks devistating. But going by current arsenal, yeah they should let his main hold be the Anaconda Vise. The one he put on Cena was great and for a second I thought Cena was going to tap.
For the record the submission everyone is talking about that Punk used on Raw is called the Koji clutch, Christopher Daniels uses it and it was invented by Koji Kanemoto.

The GTS works fine most of the time and as Edge showed with his long heel run, a great finisher is not a prerequisite for a top heel. Submissions really aren't a great idea for a heel most of the time because faces rarely tap out, I think that is why Jericho added the Codebreaker.

If Punk was to add another pin fall finisher to his repertoire I think he should revitalize the DDT, or he could just use knucks ala Regal back in 2001.
It's difficult to say. The GTS when done right is a great move to me, but like it's been said it relies on selling and is easy to botch. Agree with The Eighties that it's difficult for a heel to use a submission move as a finisher because faces rarely tap out.

I've always been a fan of the impaler DDT that Edge used to use (which has now turned into less of a DDT and more of a facebuster), but I can't imagine that he would do that with Edge still around.

GTS is fine, hopefully they'll start having faces tap to the Vice. Watching Cena tap would make me happy tbh.
no...and yess he needs to kepp the GTS its his thing but if he starts usin the koji clutch like he did last monday that is very impactful so theres his new finishr amigo
The GTS looks awful and super weak. I prefer the Anaconda Vice. It's a pretty sweet looking submission manuever, but Punk does need something to get himself over with the other main eventers, but as to what it should be? It should be something that takes from his martial arts background. Something we've never seen before. I personally want to see another submission finisher by Punk. A choke out or something, even with the PG rating, would look good. Play to his strengths.
Look up the GTS he landed on Kane, it looked terrible

First off, if you picked up Kane and tried to drop a heavyweight where he doesn't destroy his face, but sells the finisher, would you be able to do it perfectly? Come on now.

Still, would I like to see the Koji Clutch used more often? Definitely. Still, why waste a good thing like the GTS?
Why does he need a new finisher? I mean, he has two perfectly unique and fine finishers. Oh, he can't lift Mark Henry? Who cares, why would he be wrestling a low mid-carder like Mark Henry anyway? Big Show? Ok, so use the Vise, or roll him up and pull his tights or something, he's a heel. He's not going to be hitting clean finishes on the Big Show anyway (or anyone much really, it's the WWE, heels can't win clean).

Oh, and he's not a martial artist. That was a gimmick. This guy just wrestles, they ditched the MMA influenced crap a long time ago, thankfully (his kicks are fine for wrestling but look like shit if he was a real martial artist). Playing to his strengths would be.....wrestling. He has moves and holds from ROH and IWA that he used to do (Pepsi Twist is one, Welcome to Chicago, Motherfucker is another) that he doesn't do anymore. There's no need to, it's a different style in the WWE, for better or worse, it's not about the amount of holds you can hit, it's about making the ones you do hit mean more.
What about the Shining Wizard. He already does it in the corner. It would be the perfect finisher for big guys because it requires no lifting. All he has to do is get his apponent down to one knee, run step up on the other knee and BAM!!! Knee to the face. Simple.
The problem with trying to replace GTS lies solely on Punk. Alot of his character references that, not to mention he has faith in it as he was calling for it in the latest cena punk raw match. I think I am just over finishers that incorporate fireman carries. Though I was never into the plunge.

I really liked the koji clutch, but made it so good was the 'mic check' into it. Impact move, into submission hold ALWAYS looks good.. Back to GTS, scrap for people he can't easily lift, that makes the move more special when he knocks someone like Bourne or Kingston the the hell out. In fact, he should only use it against people he can trust to sell it.

So when dealing with talent he doesn't know, he should think of something else for an impact finisher.
Punk doesn't need a new finisher, but I do think he needs to stop relying so heavily on it. Punk needs to start doing the Anaconda Vice more often. To me the choke hold like submission is a very heel type move and would be great if he just locked it in and didn't let go.

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