**MERGED** Who needs a new finisher? (Keep it in here!)

I cant edit my earlier, so heres a little more. Ziggler should do a flip! A moonsault! Whose doing a moonsault in WWE right now?? I mean, is this guy a show off or not. He should be constantly doing something impressive (not that he's not doing alright already.) Do a flip, lock in the figure four and start doing situps during it.

Seems a like ziggler. Frick.
Ziggler needs a finisher sequence kind of like Cena and Orton so that way when the audience sees the start of the sequence they will pop because its familiar just like when Cena hits a shoulder block and then does his 5 moves of doom.

All the top wrestlers have a finishing sequence.
I agree with most of the sentiment here.

Punk needs something other than the GTS. He can't give it to the super-big guys (though that does add to the psychology of the match, having his finisher nullified) but more importantly, it frequently isn't sold well and looks like the person getting hit lands on their feet first with little knee to head impact.

Ziggler needs something other than the Zig Zag. As he is the show-off, maybe have him just do different finishers all the time. Malenko was "The Man of 1000 moves" so why can't Ziggler be "The Man of Many Finishers"? I also like the idea of the sit-ups during the figure four. It just fits him.

Barrett needs to get rid of the Wasteland. As others have said, it just doesn't look that devastating. Even a powerbomb would be more impressive. He could also use one of those old school slams out of a suplex that used to be used all the time. So many variations I am sure they could come up with something that doesn't look like a rip-off of Goldberg's finisher.

There are more, but those are the biggies for me.
CM Punk - The GTS has to go. It looks so cheesy and weak...it's embarrassing. Give this guy a real finisher. He can't come up with anything else?

Dolph Ziggler - To get over the "hump", he needs a good finisher. I think he should try the Buff Blockbuster. It was pretty over when Buff used it and nobody uses anything remotely close to it. I think it'd be a pretty over finisher.

Ryback - ....kinda. I'm okay with the Muscle Buster, but, like Goldberg, a strong setup move needs to be used like his lariat when he was Skip Sheffield. Goldberg's spear arguably knocked the guy out before the Jackhammer did.
I think Cody Rhodes needs a new finisher. He's been hitting Crossroads for a long time now and it's getting stale. I always dig the Beautiful Disaster Kick, because it can come out of nowhere (much like the Superkick)...but no one ever really sells it. Add a little more OUCH factor and it could be something. Maybe he can use a submission hold as well. He's into the whole arrogant persona...maybe a claw hold. He does wear the black glove on his right hand...covers the guys face and crushes the life out of his temples...just an idea...
I am not a Cena hater by any means, but I think he needs a new finisher. The AA is a glorified body slam. I do like it when he does the AA and then locks in the STF, but he needs to add a new finisher to his repertoire. I agree with another poster that said he should a another finisher or to like Taker did to kind of evolve his character.

Cena's AA doesn't bother me like it seems to bother the majority of these posts. It's a big powerful move that suits him. As far as Taker's evolution, He had the tombstone for over a decade then when he went to the biker gimmick he didn't wanna use the "dead" gimmick finisher so he changed it and changed the title to suit the character. His hell's gate finisher was just his way of showing his love of MMA fighting. I really would have no problems if Cena kept the AA all of his career. To those bashing Hogan's leg drop, that move is associated with Hogan and it's nostalgic when he hits it these days. Same holds true for Cena.

My vote for the post goes to Miz's SCF. I've never been a fan of the move. Back when Jarrett started using it, it looked horrible and it still does. I vote he goes with some sort of neck breaker finisher.
Id say Miz needs a more impactful finisher the SCF just doesnt look devasting at all they land on there hands maybe he could just change his current finisher a little bit and atleast make it look like they land on their face.

Im okay with Ziggler's finisher I dont mind the Zig Zag plus he also uses the Sleeper Hold and I have always liked that move.

Finally Alberto Del Rio needs a real finisher the Cross Armbreaker is horrible he needs a finisher that he can pin the opponet with after maybe some kind of kick? I dont really know
I love the name of Miz' SCF but yes I agree, it needs to go. Zig-Zag, is alright as well. Del Rio needs a new finisher. The submission is good in certain situations, but it should be a second finisher behind a flashier, impact- move. I really have no ideas on what ADR can do, something that matches his character?
Del Rio needs an impact move. I'd like to see him use a dragon or a tiger suplex.
The Attitude Adjustment is ridiculous. It's an overglorified version of a high school fireman's carry from freestyle wrestling. I can only see it working as a set up to the STF.
I wouldn't touch the GTS, but I would like to see Punk finish guys with another, dirtier move that requires less power. A leg sweep neckbreaker would suffice.
Ziggler's current finisher isn't that bad, but I'd like to see him follow his victim right to the ground so he appears to land on their head.
Ziggler - I just don't see his finisher at the moment being as a very impactful move, I mean it's basically a jumping neck breaker. I would have him use a superkick as suggested earlier or maybe a top rope finish. I know he doesn't go up top but he isn't big enough to be able to use a power move on the larger guys.(Same complaint is made about Punk but at this stage people are used to that as the GTS as his finish).

Wade Barrett - I agree that he needs a new finish but I wouldn't use the boss man slam is it, as that is his impact move for a big 2 count, I suppose you could change the two but seems a little strange to do so. I would give Wade a powerbomb as those aren't really used at the moment.

Big Show - I just can't stand the WMD as a finish, like I get it it's a big knockout punch, but seriously he can land loads of other punches on you but for some reason it doesn't occur to him to smash you with the WMD as he is doing it. It's not like he makes a big reel back when he is doing it so why not just hit it straight out and win. He doesn't need to wear you down as it is just a punch that he is landing anyway just for some reason this one knocks people out. He has the chokeslam just leave it at that.
dolph ziggler!

I love the guy, he's pure talent.. and i think his stop/start push is a perfect tease for his longevity.

HOWEVER.. the zig-zag i find too sloppy a finisher, i just don't get it! is it a poor backstabber? there's just no real conviction in that move. In my opinion, develop a new finisher for him.. or at least give the zig-zag a bit of 'oomph' to it.
Out of anybody I say Del Rio is in need of a new finisher. He can keep the arm bar but needs that impact finisher. There has been countless times where he comes in during interference and gets who ever in the arm bar it leaves you thinking, that's it? or why is he humping the dudes arm? He needs that impact finisher to give him more flare. I'd give him a running enziguri.
the leg drop always had impact especially when Hogan turned heel..

Big Show's seems pretty cheap, repetitive, and i thought punches lead to immediate DQs in wrestling..? He needs to focus on his choke slam or go for Nash's old jack knife powerbomb.

Drew Mac should go with a razor's edge followed by a frog splash.

zig should go with the perfect plex and could even war with mcgillicuddy over its use.

Kane has got to return to the tombstone AFTER he choke slams..

i hate the Code breaker so much. Y2J should return to using the LION TAMER.

CM Punk should use a texas cloverleaf with small opponents and that move Sting and Raven used to use for his bigger opponents.

I wouldnt mind RYBACK using a frog splash or an arm drop followed by a back breaker..
I think everyone is mostly one the same page here, correctly I might add.

Dolph Ziggler definitely should have a new finisher, the Zig Zag just doesn't seem like a legit "Finisher", it's essentially nothing but a normal bump. I think something as simple as a reverse suplex would be good for him, maybe add a bit of a spinning motion to it to make it look a bit more flashy and stall on the drop for ultimate effect. Set it up like a Twist of Fate with a kick, spin them around, and BAM! Just something more impactful. If he couldn't do it on bigger guys, that's out the window and you need a move that applies there as well. Maybe a buisaku knee kick like Kenta Kobayashi (since he's getting ripped off anyways with the GTS). Ziggler could hit that on just about anyone, off the top rope, anywhere really, and that would seem a bit more impactful.

Wade Barrett also needs something new desperately. I think he would look a lot more impressive doing the package piledriver than Kevin Steen. Just a suggestion. He needs something much more devastating than what he's currently working with that's for sure. Either that, or you just give him a straight up bad ass, never fails to impress, fucking devastating power bomb. That alone would make this guys stock (Currently at 0 for me) shoot way the fuck up.

Brodus Clay. What a waste! Here's this mammoth motherfucker, and you give him a shitty finish like a simple body splash? Is he just so incapable that you can't trust him with anything else? No, you make that son of a bitch do something memorable, fuck the dancing. I want to remember this guy because he does something almost terrible to do to someone. THIS is the guy who should be doing the Joker Driver. Look it up if you don't know what that is, it's absolutely merciless. Let this guy do that to someone, and people won't give a shit how much dancing he wants to do.
Alberto- I dont like the arm lock as finisher. I think he should go with a move like the Rings Of Saturn or a Dragon Sleeper. I also would like him to have a impact more like a tiger bomb or tiger-plex w/ pin combination. I dont think he should lose the enziguri. Everyone needs a setup move.

Brodus Clay- I didnt mind his move before it looked pretty devastaring. But now the splash that is just lazy and Mark Henry does that. I would like to see him do something like the bonzi drop or the earthquack

Barrett- That too looks like it didnt take any thought. I rather see him do the Alabama Slama then that shit. I could see him doing some impact driver like the falcone driver. I also think the clothesline from hell would be good.
Ziggler would be #1 for needing a new finisher given the position he is in to (relatively) soon be World Champion.

The Zig Zag is basically a joke of a finisher. It's just a glorified back bump, not even and impactful as a back body drop.

He really should have made the fame-asser move his finisher or sometimes he does the X-Factor. Both of those moves look more devastating than the Zig Zag. Of course, if I was a pro wrestler then I WOULD prefer Ziggler keeps the Zig Zag as a finisher. Any move that is easier to take with less risk of injury is better in wrestlers minds, I'm sure.

I bet wrestlers loved taking the Rock Bottom or the People's Elbow over the WMD KO Punch from Big Show or the Batista Bomb or Pedigree.

This is a kind of a shot out of left field but if/when John Morrison returns I'd like to seem him change or at least add another finisher. I think his running knee move looks super-devestating and it's a shame it was only really used as a near-fall move but I think it is long enough he has been away that if he comes back he can use the running knee as a finisher. Starship Pain is a spectacular move but THAT should be only a near-fall move, it doesn't look like a finisher.
For Me Dolph needs to have a finisher that makes you sit there open mouthed, would only help push him toward main eventing and make him a viable champion...
The more I think about it, I feel that Ziggler would look good with a "Hammerlock Suplex". As for Del Rio, he needs something a little more dirty. Maybe an overdrive ddt of sorts?

I am fully against superkicks because they are too generic and were too common a while back.
The more I think about it, I feel that Ziggler would look good with a "Hammerlock Suplex".

The one problem with a Hammerlock Suplex for Ziggler would be if he has to face guys much bigger than him I don't think he could pull off a Hammerlock Suplex.

I think that's sort of why his finisher is the Zig Zag - it can be pulled off on any Superstar - But that doesn't mean it looks that impactful!

I think his finisher should be the fame-asser which can be pulled off on anyone and looks more impactful.
Dolph Ziggler: The Zig Zag should be used as a regular move. Give him something he can hit quick like Pay Dirt (R-Truth's Little Jimmy) or the Stunner.

Wade Barrett: The Wasteland just doesnt look very good. Id give him a Powerbomb or Jackhammer.

Santino: If hes gonna be shoved down our throats stop allowing him to beat credible guys with the Cobra. Its a fine gimmick and can be used as a regular move or to beat jobbers but give him something new like Underhook DDT or Piledriver.

Ryback: I like the Shell Shocked but id say turn it more into a Musclebuster so its like a Fishermans Suplex rather than a Samoan Drop. Either that or give him the Shock Treatment that Abyss does or Train Wreck.

Alberto Del Rio: Keep the Arm Bar as a finisher but we know guys like Cena and Sheamus are never or rarely will tap to the Arm Bar. A Brainbuster or some type of Kick would be good.

Michael McGillicutty: I hope he gets more tv time. I read HHH was high on him so thats good if true. He currently has a Neckbreaker as a finisher but that wont work with most uppercard guys. I say give him the Perfect Plex or Brainbuster. Also for gods sake let his name be Joe Hennig, this name is absurd...
The Miz: I can't stand his finisher. One of the worst looking moves in wrestling.

Dolph Ziggler: While the Zig Zag isn't as bad as some people seem to be making it out to be, I think he could still use a better finisher. I'd be perfectly fine if he just went back to using the sleeper hold, in fact. He actually made the sleeper look effective again, which is surprising. Something quick and flashy would be better though, especially for his gimmick and especially if he is going to turn Face.

Santino: Obviously Santino is a joke and his Cobra is over so he's unlikely to be getting a new finisher. But, much like Mick Foley, I think Santino also needs a more credible and serious finisher, even if he does keep using the Cobra.

Wade Barrett: I've never been much of a fan for his finisher, either. It just comes across as really bland and rather uneffective.. so something more exciting and more impactful would be great. Preferably something more unique, not something like a powerbomb that's been done by other big men before him.

Tensai: I hate his running, jumping back splash move.
I'm sorry I know once he hits it, it looks like a move you wouldn't get up from but i HATE Christian's Killswitch. Its to awkward to get people into, if the guys beat down enough for them to actually let you roll them around for it the way he does, they wouldn't be able to stand in the first place. Just seems like if you aren't basically out cold you just can get out of it without issue. I agree that some people need to add to their finisher options. I can't lie i do miss when the end of the match was a bit more of a surprise too. Someone might get up from a finisher but then hit with a big suplex or body slam getting up from it for the end, or just got the hell beat out of them and the matched ended with a general move. if its a non ppv match 99% of the time if a finisher is it you know its done, but then on a ppv the exact same match will take the finisher twice to end.

AGREED. It's not really the impact itself that bugs me, just the way he rolls people into it. It looks awkward and seems too easy to slip out of. I know I'm gonna get shredded by some of you guys but another guy that I think could use a different finisher is The Rock. I know, I know, it's a legendary move that he'll never get rid of, but I hate finishers that have a guy do some sort of dance over their knocked out opponent, waste time, hit the ropes, jump over the opponent, hit the other ropes, come back and deliver a not so devastating blow. Same reason why I hate the five knuckle shuffle.
Brock should call his finisher "The Verdict" again. It would be perfect considering his current storyline where he has sued the WWE.
Brock Lesnar needs a new finisher. You can't have cena and leaner with the same finisher it is stupid. I liked it when lesnar left. Cena took the F5 and called it the FU which was a dig at Lesnar for leaving. Now that he's back they should not use the same finisher. Lesnar should have come back with a whole new move set.

Brock invented that move and he came up with the name. Cena copied the move and he copied the name.

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