Ambrose Needs A Better Finisher

No Dirty Deeds as a finisher is great but I will say that whoever says Ambrose needs to add a submission into his repertoire or even into his arsenal then I can definitely agree with that but what move could he pull off? The Regal Stretch perhaps
I'm not against the Dirty Deeds, but I do agree that Dean needs something more eye-catching. And personally, I think his return would be the perfect time to use a new finisher. I'm not sure what he would use though... maybe he can use the Shining Wizard. I think AJ's busy using her Black Widow, so it wouldn't confuse too many people. Or maybe he could use the Eye of the Hurricane.
Or if Dean needs to use a new finisher then how about a submission move as his new finisher, he can instantly make people tap out with his new finisher especially if he were to end up using submission style wrestling
I was going to start this exact topic tonight, but saw this older thread after doing a quick search. After seeing Ambrose use Dirty Deeds on Orton to (almost) win the main event on tonight's RAW, I am also one to agree that Ambrose needs a better finisher. It's a GREAT name for a move, and I think it can be an awesome setup to an eventual new finisher, but IMO, it doesn't have the excitable impact of the finishing moves that most truly great main eventers use. And seeing how hot of a commodity Ambrose is becoming in every other facet, it just kinda sucks to have his weakest attribute be his finishing maneuver. To see Ambrose unleash a finisher akin to a Stunner, or Rock Bottom, or Pedigree, or RKO, or anything that just similarly POPS would add loads more to his character.
it's simple, give him the snap double underhook ddt, McIntyre's futureshock. And if you want to chain a submission to it every now and again that'd be cool too. I kinda wish everybody had a chain submission for their finisher to help mix up the false finishes.
What's wrong with Ambrose's finisher? It's a reverse DDT! It fits him well. I like the finisher for Ambrose personally because you can use it in a real street fight against someone. And before Dean Ambrose got into wrestling he was involved in death matches so I can see why he was given this type of finisher.

So no complain's from here about it.
Eh, nothing against his finisher, I do quite like it. Maybe the only problem is that it looks a little to similar to Bray's Sister Abigail and to Miz's Skullcrushing Finale.

I'd like him to add a gimmicky signature move to his set though, might help him as a babyface (altought he does already have the rope thing for that which admittedly is super-cool).
THERE! That DDT Ambrose just used to plant Cena at the end of tonight's RAW looks loads better as a finisher than Dirty Deeds ever did. Plus, it had the Austin-esqe kick to the gut as a prelude too.
THERE! That DDT Ambrose just used to plant Cena at the end of tonight's RAW looks loads better as a finisher than Dirty Deeds ever did. Plus, it had the Austin-esqe kick to the gut as a prelude too.

I think both work.

Dirty Deeds just seems to fit his persona perfectly. However, I think tonight's DDT might/should be treated as the Stronger finisher, whilst Dirty Deeds can become a Signature Move.
it's simple, give him the snap double underhook ddt, McIntyre's futureshock. And if you want to chain a submission to it every now and again that'd be cool too. I kinda wish everybody had a chain submission for their finisher to help mix up the false finishes.

Now, wwe, give me a job on creative.
Rings of Saturn. Fits Ambrose incredibly well and Saturn hasn't been on TV for over a decade. If a camera angle is good, It looks like the applier is trying to rip the arms right out of their sockets. Incredibly savage.
Rings of Saturn. Fits Ambrose incredibly well and Saturn hasn't been on TV for over a decade. If a camera angle is good, It looks like the applier is trying to rip the arms right out of their sockets. Incredibly savage.

very nice idea...I'll run it past HHH as soon as they hire me.

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