**MERGED** Who needs a new finisher? (Keep it in here!)

I like Seth Rollins a lot on NXT, but his finisher is awful. I suspect he's not going to be getting a new one and that's a shame. Finishers aren't necessarily what keeps a mid-card from reaching the main event, but they do make an impact.
Give Ziggler a flying Neckbreaker or something like that. He wants crazy bumps, so this is a good oppurtunity considering the Zig Zag is poor. Keep that as a signature leading into the flying neckbreaker.
Guys who I think I need new finishers are:

Big Show (could just use chokeslam or even his spear)
Alberto Del Rio (he needs a non-submission finisher)
Damien Sandow (it's kind of lame)
I was rewatching daniel bryan vs john cena and something became more and more clear as the match went on, D Bry NEEDS a finishing move that he can use to pin people, but first
- I know he uses those kicks, the headbutt and the dropkicks from the third rope, but those are signature moves not finishing moves
- He has the Lebel/YES/NO lock but he cant people with that move
- I know wrestlers can succeed without a finishing move like Kurt Angle (but he had the angle slam), Jericho (but he has the lionsault and the codebreaker), Benoit (he had the hedbutt).

My point is that he needs a finishing move to complete his arsenal, because in THIS DAY AND AGE submissions just dont cut it that more, maybe 10 years ago they did but for good or bad wrestlers need finishing moves as WWE has been shying away from submission wrestling with the rise of UFC

Also, what kind of finishing manuever would you give Daniel Bryan?

I agree that Daniel Bryan could use an alterate finisher. The Yes/No Lock is believable for Bryan as he's someone with a more normal size and it points out Bryan's technical expertise. However, a problem with a submission finisher is that it's not going to beat guys who are the upper level babyfaces like Cena, Orton and Sheamus. The closest Bryan has come is when he applied the Yes Lock to Sheamus in their two out of three falls match a few months ago. Sheamus didn't submit, but he passed out from the pain, thus giving Bryan a fall during the match. The Yes/No Lock would work on just about everyone else, I think.

For an alternate finisher, I think that Bryan would need something that's similarly believable. A power move such as a powerbomb or chokeslam won't cut it because Bryan doesn't have the size and strength to really make the moves pop as a finisher. Off the top of my head, I think that Bryan would be better served with a move that's simple to perform but carries a good deal of impact with it. You know, a move that gets a pop or groan from the crowd when they see what he's going for or when he hits or misses the move. Something like a Sweet Chin Music type of superkick would work for Bryan, but I think it'd work best if it was one of those moves that just came out of nowhere like HBK's superkick would sometimes or like when Sheamus goes for his Brogue Kick. Having an elaborate set up for the move, like when HBK "tunes up the band" or Sheamus thumps his chest while yelling Brogue would make the move a little cheap. For a move like that, an good alternative might be Daniel Bryan's diving/flying headbutt. It's an easy move to pull off, it delivers a lot of impact and the fans pop for it. They popped for it last night when he went for it and landed it on Cena. If Bryan was to make the move a legit alternative finisher, it'd work out nicely. After all, I can't remember the last time I saw someone use the move. Bryan's the only guy in WWE that uses it, that much I do know.
Ryback doesn't necessarily need a new finisher, as the muscle buster isn't bad, but I'd rather he used the backpack stunner as a finisher instead. Looks much cooler.

Barrett, in theory, has a finisher that sounds cool on paper or when you describe it, but the execution is just horrible. And the Winds of Change should never be used to end a match for him. Its a good signature, but not a finisher. Barrett should use some variation of a big boot as a finisher, as it's a move he pulls off well.

Swagger is already thought of as a Kurt Angle knock-off, the ankle lock doesn't help. Get a new sub. finisher
As far as Bryan Danielson goes...He could dig into his ROH moveset for a pinning move..He has plenty of suplexes to choose from..One that comes to mind is a Windmill/Snap Butterfly Suplex Pin...He could also use a Tiger/Dragon Suplex Pin..And once in awhile I think he should use his old finisher the Cattle Mutilation..

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