CM Punk is Great

What you just said is the big reason most people on the IWC don't like him. He's not the most exciting guy who takes tons of risks like a Jeff Hardy. He doesn't berate the crowd or other wrestlers like a Chris Jericho. He stays within his character.

Personally I like the way they are setting up the tweener style for now. I could see him facing Hardy in another match at Night of Champions, restart an old ECW feud with John Morrison, or possibly another round with Kane right now. Punk's style of wrestling is very rare as he can have a solid match with basically anyone.

Oh I think he should start using the Anaconda Vice again as well, or possibly come up with another creative submission.

Another finisher, namely a submission move, would add depth to his in ring skills and make him even more of a threat. See, i don't like him because he does nothing special to me, doesn't entertain, just seems bland to me. I agree with Becca that the main reason i don't like him is he did get the title too early, and was booked awfully in it, to me, he still seems weak(but this is coming from the man who still sees Mickie James as the physco from her fued with Trish lol)
rk-owned2009, dont ever speak on behalf of the people who dont like punk again, becouse you tried making us sound like little wwe puppets, no the reason i dont like punk is not due to his HEEL TURn, it's becouse i never liked him as face and he just sucks, he is now in the ranks of cean, batista,tripple h,hardy,ortan and more and that gets me thinking how does a out of shape hunch back guy who brags about being straiught edge and cant hold a title for shit keep getting all the chances in the world, i dont care if he has a cool layed back talking style on the mic he still sucks he talks to slow and booores the living shit out of me when he is talking or putting a match together

Holy hell. This post made my brain bleed.

Anyway, yeah CM Punk is being booked completely differently and if you think he sucks, go watch his matches on youtube from his Indy and ROH times.
Anyway, yeah CM Punk is being booked completely differently and if you think he sucks, go watch his matches on youtube from his Indy and ROH times.
I've seen his matches from his times in Indy and ROH, and that's WHY I think he sucks.

Seriously, ROH Punk sucked. WWE Punk is a LITTLE better, but not much. What's so great about Punk? He only sells offense occasionally, his moveset is basically ripped off from various Japanese signature moves, and his offense just isn't believable.

Punk sucks. Why he keeps getting a World title, I'll never know.
Punk could be as good a heel(if not better) as Y2J and Edge if WWE lets him be himself. I have a feeling they are going to pull a RVD and hold him back though. He was superb in IWA:Mid-South and was good in ROH. I understand the points made in most of the negative posts. He was better inECW than he was on RAW. Being on the more athletic/actual wrestling show should help him evolve. His heel run will be great. You just need to be patient and wait. As far the 2 moves comments, the most pushed "superstar" in the company(Cena) only has 2.

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