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What WWE Wrestler Needs a New Finisher

Lashley needs like a repeating powerbomb like jericho used 2 do MVP is fine Nitro could have a suplex into a facebuster it would suit him Triple H should have the pedigree and the pepsi plunge CM punk should have a lift up STO into a Anaconda Vice would add more intrest and jeff hardy should do the reverse twist of fate. i really wanna see sumone use a powerbomb into a DDT it would look awesum mayb Lashley could use it!
repeating power bombs look stupid though, they look as if they have very little impact. id like to see carlito have a top rope finisher, maybee like kennys leg drop, thats a cool move, pitty kenny dont get 2 use it enough.
edge needs somthing better than a spear 2, hes world champ!! and spears are just to common these day. bring back the edgucution, or a top rope edge o matic. and hhhs pedigree is the most over move in wrestling, why change it?? also lashley to make the f-5 his
i agree that kennedy needs a new finisher , jeff hardy has the swanton bomb and its his defining manouvre , however i sense that kennedy is gunna get a massiv push wen he returns so a move that goes down with the fans , such as the swanton bomb would be a good way to giv him face appeal. but , it just doesnt look as good to me as when jeff does it , i reckon some kind of spinning ddt (although overused by the wwe) would look good
I think Lashley should go back to the dominator and as for MVP how about the tko is hasnt been used since marc mero and is a sickass move.
IMO, Bobby Lashley definitely needs a new finisher. I really don't understand why they decided to get rid of the Dominator. I thought that it was a really cool finisher, and the only thing I really enjoyed about Lashley. Now, he has a boring running powerslam, and a spear, which pretty much everybody in the WWE uses from time to time.
IMO, Bobby Lashley definitely needs a new finisher. I really don't understand why they decided to get rid of the Dominator. I thought that it was a really cool finisher, and the only thing I really enjoyed about Lashley. Now, he has a boring running powerslam, and a spear, which pretty much everybody in the WWE uses from time to time.

They have him being too much like Goldberg... Talk about recycling WCW gimmicks... :icon_sad:
I was thinking about different finishers that maybe Marella seeing he needs one or CM Punk, which would be better than the GTS. What about using the Diamond Dust that Masato Tanaka used to use in the old ECW days.
Some of you have siad that Kennedy needs one....at least one. I agree. He definitely needs one that he can pull off with out really having to set up. Doesn't have to be something like the RKO where it comes from nowhere with no set up, but something like the stunner or pedigree where you set him up with a kick and then go. I woul like to see him go with the double arm ddt or impaler ddt. He is not super huge so it wouldn't work if he did a high impact move like a powerbomb.
Batista definently needs a new finisher. His Batista Bomb is soooo shitty. if he had a finishing move such as an F5, maybe i'd appreciate him more(ok maybe not an F5 cuz only Lesnar can do that but something along those lines)
Batista definitely needs a new finisher. His Batista Bomb is soooo shitty. if he had a finishing move such as an F5, maybe I'd appreciate him more(ok maybe not an F5 cuz only Lesnar can do that but something along those lines)

Agreed. How can somebody fuck up a decent move like a powerbomb? It's one of the most devastating looking moves out there. And yet he frequently struggles to pick up wrestlers. I would shit my pants if I was on the receiving end of one.
Lashley has only got a few moves anyway so any move would help him lots.

I think Snitsky need a new finisher, come on a big boot and a powerbomb, okay a powerbomb is okay but he is a huge guy he could do some sort of slam aswell ora ddt from Snitsky would be devestating.

Aswell Mr Kennedy could use a submission easy to set up and would suit him perfectly and CM Punk could do some sort of turnbuckle move involving him flying off the turnbuckle or putting someone on the turnbuckle and doing a move to them.

I've never liked it, ever. Its a sit out powerbomb. Its not very unique or flavorful at all. Granted, it looks kind of high impact, but so do a hundred other maneuvers that would look a lot more interesting.
wow this could take a while

John Cena..a guy this strong that is carrying the company deserves a better finisher..maybe make the STFU his only finisher and have the FU be a set-up

Umaga..a thumb to the throat? come on..that samoan drop he did was fine

Santino Marella..4 words..champ without a finisher

Elijah Burke..its knees to the back ..nothing special

Thats it
Lashley has only got a few moves anyway so any move would help him lots.

I think Snitsky need a new finisher, come on a big boot and a powerbomb, okay a powerbomb is okay but he is a huge guy he could do some sort of slam aswell ora ddt from Snitsky would be devestating.

Aswell Mr Kennedy could use a submission easy to set up and would suit him perfectly and CM Punk could do some sort of turnbuckle move involving him flying off the turnbuckle or putting someone on the turnbuckle and doing a move to them.

Lashley's been going back to the dominator which suits him well.

Snitsky used to use the Catatonic (fallaway slam to Uranage) which looks powerful and impactful

Kennedy could maybe use the standing version of the Green Bay Plunge as a finisher too

The sand man needs a new finisher....and a new moveset.......
i think khali could do a submission finisher... like a sleeper hold however it would be applied while the opponent is in the air (from the hold) - making it look like the person is being hanged!

he could also pull off a razors edge/last ride powerbomb... that would just look deadly!
oh i also forgot to add batista's name... the bomb is good but he should do better.

i remember goldberg was in the elimination chamber match a few years ago and he picked up orton for a military press. but instead of the usual over-the-head slam/drop, goldberg dropped orton on his shoulders and slammed the crap outta him - spinebuster style!!

now i believe Batista can pull that off & make it look great! since he already does a few military presses now and then, i think that move would suit him (get rid of his already-dull spinebuster).
king booker, the book end and the sccissor kick are just getting a bit old to me. hes experienced enough so id like to see him try something new.
I'd like to see Edge drop the spear as an actual finishing move. Like people have said in another thread, the move just doesn't look good, and it's already overused too much, so a fresh finisher is needed from him. Right now, Edge's Edgecution (the lifting DDT) is used sporadically, and only as one of those near-fall moves, but I would really like to see that move reintroduced as Edge's finisher. It's different, and it looked really good when Edge used to spin around when doing it.

Hell, replace the spear with his old Downward Spiral (complete shot.) Muhammad Hassan used the move to great effect, and it's one of those quick, out of nowhere moves that Edge should have in his arsenal. I'm not saying that the spear can't be used to that effect, but I think that move has just grown old, and it just doesn't look good when you compare it to the other guys that use it now and make it look powerful.

Edge has had the move for too long, and I think it's time people started kicking out of it, or he makes it look good again (the last truly awesome spear that I can recall was when he absolutely killed Trish Stratus with it, but he just can't do that with the big guys.)
Ok Kennedy should have the TKO he is strong enough to pull it off and i think that nitro, carlito or someone fairly athletic like shelton benjamin should try the canadian destroyer! it would fit benjamin perfectly! The C-4 should come back aswell maybe for Carlito! and also Lashley should do like a Body Press into a powerslam he is strong enough and will fit him perfectly it would also make him look more unstoppable and suit his style of wrestling! It would also be big with the fans!
I'm in agreement with Edge. The character and the wrestler are near perfect, except the gaping hole for a finisher. I get it, Edge and Spear, it sounds cute and goes together, much like Sharpshooter and Hitman. The Spear should be a set up move, much like the Snakes Short Armed Clothesline. Edge's finishers, The Downward Spiral, Edgecution and Edgucator, should all make a comeback.
Mick Foley because I have taken a Mandible claw. He needs a move like the frog splash. Mark Henry also needs a better one because i've taken worse moves then the world's strongest slam. The figure four leg lock hurts more then the world's strongest slam.
Mark Henry just needs to modify the worlds strongest slam a bit, just start the move out as a Military press then drop them into the worlds strongest slam, though I'd rather see him use something like the torture rack, with his size and power it could be quite effective, Masters is another guy who needs something new, the Masterlock isn't bad, but it would be nice to see him use a slam or something
Chavo Guerrero needs a new finisher.

The Gory Special is a family tradition and all,
but it's not all that exciting anymore.

I've never been a fan of the egular Frog Splash,
I think it's boring.
Plus people boo him when he does it,
because Eddie over-shadows him.

He needs something fresh, innovative, and painful to make his cruiserweight run more interesting.
Johnny Nitro's finishing move that he used at Vengeance is probably the worst finishing move i have ever seen in my entire life! I could've kicked out of that at 1, even if he did that move 10,000 times!

What was wrong with CM Punk's Anaconda Vice? That was an amazing submission move! Now he's got that gay GTS thing.

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