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What WWE Wrestler Needs a New Finisher

Yes the Vertabreaker is on the banned list. The reason it was put on the banned list there was way too much of a risk of a slip up and a wrestler could break there neck are worse.

Hey do you know if Helms ever hurt anyone with it?
The only person that I can think of that needs a finisher is Santino Marella, but I havent seen him long enough to know what kind of a wrestler he actually is. By the looks of him I'd like to see him do a Razor's/Outsider's Edge.
The only person that I can think of that needs a finisher is Santino Marella, but I havent seen him long enough to know what kind of a wrestler he actually is. By the looks of him I'd like to see him do a Razor's/Outsider's Edge.

To do a decent Razor's Edge you need to be tall and strong. I doubt Santino can pull that off unless he's against cruiserweights.
Hey do you know if Helms ever hurt anyone with it?
nope, otherwise he wouldnt be allowed to use it. cirtain moves such as piledrivers are banned to most wrestlers wheras those who have been delivering piledrivers for years like the undertaker, kane and shawn michaels can ues them whereas, say john cena wouldnt be allowed to. i.e. they are restricted.

However some moves (notably the 450 splash and the shooting star press) are totally banned you could be Jushin Liger or rikishi you still wouldnt be allowed to use them. i.e. they are banned.

personally i'd say that the vertebreaker is on the list of restricted moves as he does still use it.
I haven't seen Helms use the Vertabreaker once in WWE.

that's because it's on the banned list, they won't let him use it, I think he did get away with it once on heat though, on some jobber that was never to be seen again, this was years ago, when heat was still on MTV I beleive
I think that MVP needs to have a new finisher, maybe a submission one
Also, I think that Kennedy needs another finisher since both of his are off the turnbuckle
I also think that Carlito may need a new one since his isn't really that special
Also, I think that Haas needs to use his finisher more often
Haas of Pain is sick
i somewhat agree. i always liked the downward spiral that edge did. but then scott steiner started doing it and made it look horrible.
i don't know much about ROH and TNA unfortunately but the pepsi plunge is kind of loke a pedigree, right?

Steiner's move, that others have adopted, isnt' quite the same as the Downward Spiral Edge used to use, and that Kanyon used in WCW as the Flatliner. They held the opponent a little further on the left side and drove their face and forehead into the mat like a DDT. The Steiner move, which was called the Complete shot, and has also been known as the Jihad Bomb when Muhamed Hassan used it, and that the Undertaker is using, actually drives the person into the shoulder more like a kind of reversed twist of fate, or falling clutch jawbreaker. The impact is on the jaw, not the head.

But it would be great ot have someone pick it back up.
The Miz defentally needs a good finisher. not only is it weak, he just looks gay when he does it. (maybe its the hair)
Obviously Kennedy. The Green Bay Plunge is a great finisher but it isn't practical.
Also obviously Umaga. That Samoan Spike it's just crap.
London also needs one because all of his finishers are banned (Double moonsault, shooting star press, 450 spalsh...)
carlito needs a new finisher, it doesnt look as if it hurts at all, when he does it the person on the receiving end looks like they are thinking "um ok i guess thats the end of the match"
I think Khali needs a new finisher.He picks them up in a double choke & basically just drops them, not even with that much force.I understand that the height is suppose to be why the move is devistating but it's lame.He needs to tweek the move like Cena did with the FU before Cena would pick up his opponent on his shoulders basically a firemans carry & just slam them over it looked like nothing more than a modified bodyslam,but then he started going down with them he modified it.That's exactly what Khali needs to do modify & tweek his move do a split leg sitdown double handed choke slam it will end up looking alot like the Batista Bomb but more impact because og his height & size.It will be like Ron Simmons say's "DAMN"
I think with Khali's height, a great move would be a power bomb. Sort of like how Kevin Nash used to do it. Or The Chokeslam the big show/Giant used to do when he went down with the opponent.
Considering what happened when Khali powerbombed Brian Ong a few years back I doubt WWE would allow him to use any move like that, the double-handed chokeslam at his height is dangerous enough. Granted, it was Ong that was at fault, not Khali, but one must understand the dangers associated with high risk moves, especially being performed by giants.
Besides, Khali should be fired, not given a new finisher.

In my opinion I think a hell of a lot of the older guys need new finishers, and a lot of other guys who’s finishers are either simply too weak or ridiculously crap, or don’t support their gimmick. I mean HBK has had Sweet Chin Music for 15 years, Hunter has had the Pedigree for 15 years, etc etc. It's time for a change, when you see that move every night for that amount of time it looses its glamour.

Umaga desperately needs a new finisher, and with his size he needs a powerful one - jabbing someone with a taped thumb just doesn't do the Samoan Bulldozer gimmick justice. The high toss into the Samoan Drop is a really good and solid move when he performs it at a high standard, I don’t think it’s quite spectacular enough for a finisher but would be a real nice set-up for a finisher.

Kennedy needs something that he can perform viciously and quickly out of nowhere on unsuspecting opponents, something that will end a match in an instant - not something that takes 20 minutes to set up on the turnbuckle and then doesn't look too great after all the fuss. Also, both of his finishers are from the turnbuckle so he needs a change.

Carlito's Back Stabber isn’t so bad when executed perfectly in the ring, the sound of the ring supports it, but when he did it on Flair last week on the mat at ringside it looked poor, very poor. The first one was a complete botch and looked like a baby could get up from it, and the second wasn't great either, and wasn't taken seriously as a devastating move after the piss poor first one. With that said, the one he gave Torrie this week was good and again, the crashing on the mat really gives the move some umpfh. But all in all, he needs a finisher that is good both in the ring and outside of it.

Cena has needed a new finisher for the past two years, it is quite simply terrible. Think about it, all it is is a modified body slam, a move thrown into a match during the middle of it. In the Attitude era you didn’t once see someone win with a body slam, it’s not a devastating move, nor is it victory worthy – and now we see Cena winning almost every single time with the FU and all it is is the same body slams we’ve seen in matches forever. You don’t see Kane winning with the side body slam do you? So why let the top guy win with a body slam? He’s supposed to be a strong and brutal tough guy.

Edge needs a new finisher, and especially now he is world champion. Like someone else said, he is a skinny, lanky guy and the spear he performs is just too weak, it doesn’t look impressive and it doesn’t look devastating. Also, his impaler DDT is poor too, it doesn’t look like it’s high impact and devastating. I think the only person who can pull off a real good impaler is Gangrel.

Santino Mozzarella doesn’t need a new finisher, he doesn’t need a new moveset, he needs to be sent to OVW. He is useless on Raw, he is useless as IC champion, and he is ultimately, useless in the ring. He can’t wrestle, he can’t sell, and he finds it difficult just to jump up onto the second turnbuckle to deliver punches or to celebrate after a match. If you saw his match with Shelton Benjamin last week on Heat (and for the segment with Masters on Raw) then you’ll understand, the crowd was completely dead, and as we know the worst thing to happen during a match regardless of whether it’s cheers or boos is to not have any noise at all.

Lashley’s Dominator used to be very powerful and impressive when he debuted on Smackdown but for the past few months he’s used a really poor running powerslam. He definitely needs a move powerful and impacting move, a Brock/Goldberg style finisher. His spear is acceptable and is quite good, and serves as a good set-up for a dominating finish, just not the running powerslam. The F-5 would be suitable if he could maintain a perfect execution of it – it would be useless to give him it only to perform it poorly over time in the same way he has with the running powerslam. Also, as Vince has wanted to build him as an unstoppable force, he needs something that supports him as this force, something powerful and impressive.

CM Punk’s finishers are both poor. His GTS is atrocious, and he can’t perform it great at all. It really ruins a good match and just isn’t believable as a finishing move. Also his Anaconda Vice is just too boring and again puts a lame and unimpressive end to a good match.

MVP, Nitro, Benjamin, etc all need moves that they can pull out of nowhere, quick ones and ones that are slightly technical with spins and snaps etc, and ones that ultimately, act as a real good finish to a match and get the job done.

There are tonnes of other guys who need new finishers, but they’re the main ones that everybody’s talking about so I just highlighted those ones.
i think if kennedy or mvp wants to be a big time player they both need new finishers
i think khali should do the last ride simply because tht shit would hurt from that high fall from khali is a big motherfucker. also stop disssing edge about the spear
i agree with blueflame edge does the spear well and i think john cena is perfect for the fu when he gets someone huge on his back and slams him hard to the mat everyone goes insane
i think khali should do the last ride simply because tht shit would hurt from that high fall from khali is a big motherfucker. also stop disssing edge about the spear

only problem with that is the guy would probably kill someone with the move, think about it Khali isn't the safest guy in the ring, he rarely looks like he knows what he's doing, I think something like the Torture Rack would be a good move for him, a Domioniator from that hieght would be pretty brutal too
Khali is only allowed to have a very limited moveset with little risk moves, the double-handed chokeslam is dangerous enough.

You're obviously not watching him then as his spear is poor. It used to be passable but Edge's in-ring work has declined SO much the past 4 years, he needs to step it up a notch and get improving.

Yes Cena fans go insane for the FU, but that's because they LIKE Cena - the move itself is horrendous.
First off, many need a new finisher. It is hard though because Vince has put the straints on what can be used and not used. So basically for those who all need new finishers they have to come up with some variations of ddt's, powerslams, etc.

I would have to say that MVP is one for sure that needs to have a new finisher especially if they are going to push him big like they have been doing. He has a great name for the one he uses now the "playmaker", it fits his gimmick perfectly. Now he just needs a solid maneuver to go with that name. Otherwise he may end up like Johnny Nitro.....pushed big with the IC title runs but never really had an established finisher and is now...well with Kenny teaming up.
MVP's doesnt even look like it hurts so yea definately his. The playmaker now looks like his knee hits the floor and other than a bit of a twisted neck how does that hurt the oponent?? Id definately say MVP.
CM Punk’s finishers are both poor. His GTS is atrocious, and he can’t perform it great at all. It really ruins a good match and just isn’t believable as a finishing move. Also his Anaconda Vice is just too boring and again puts a lame and unimpressive end to a good match.

He just needs to work on it a bit, he just started using it. He doesnt even use the anaconda vise anymore. And you cant really blame him for not having a good finisher, Vince wont let him do the pepsi plunge.
John Cena-He should drop to his knees when he flips his opponent off his back and drive them head-first into the ground.
Trevor Murdoch-The Canadian Destroyer doesn't work for him. he needs something like Kid Kash's Moneymaker
Chris Masters-He would do good using a Brainbuster DDT
Kennedy-I'd like to see him use the People's DDT
Khali-He should use a GTS from the Gorilla Press position
Brian Kendrick-I think he should try the Canadian Destroyer, but before flipping into a piledriver, he should underhook like a pedigree
Paul London-Someone let him use the c-4 that Paul Birchill did
Cade & Murdoch-with their push, they need the 3D move, although that's being used in TNA
MVP-He needs like a rolling Spinebuster
Tommy Dreamer needs to win, but i like his spinebuster
CM Punk-his GTS on Elijah Burke when he turned on the New Breed, it sucked. he needs the Anaconda Vice.
Jeff Hardy needs a grapple finisher
Lashley is okay
Just release matt striker PLEASE!
Sandman would need one, but i dont think he will be with the company much longer
I like the RKO, but when he did it to RVD monday, it was kinda fake looking. and i hate Orton's new temple kick
Umaga needs to use his toss and somoan drop
and finally, Snitsky. he needs sumthin like a throw.
That's all i can think of for now
Shelton Benjamin needs to go back to the go back to his original T-Bone with the greater height into the slam. and then a submission or a pinning combo like the dragon suplex or deathlock with bridge.
Nitro could use the old Tiger Bomb (double underhook powerbomb)
Edge can go back to his old Downward Spyral, Edgucution DDT, Edgucator submission(a variation of a sharpshooter but only half step over to te side instead of sitting on the back)
Lashley could use the Towerhacker bomb ( pick up like a torture rack, throw over the head into a powerbomb.) Or the Jackhammer.
Batista should start using the Pearl River plunge (doubleunderhook into sit down batista bomb).
CM Punk, I like the Anaconda Vice, but the GTS is worse looking finisher since Hogan's legdrop. He could do a pretty good Spinning Fishermen plex and combine it into the Anaconda Vice.
MVP, the playmaker(overdrive) suits him for nowwhen the move is done properly.
HHH needs a new move. The pedigree is old and has always been overrated. At his size and strength, he should be using a more high impact move. Something like the move the Craddle Shock(a fireman's carry spin into a driver/bomb drop)
Kane needs to go back to the Tombstone Piledriver, if he ever is used as anything more then a glorified jobber again.
Umaga's Samoan Spike is pretty solid for his character, and with his splash and Samoan Drop, he's fine the way he is until his character grows.
Cena's FU and the STFU are also okay for where he is right now. He's shown he can get the larger guys up and still have impact on the move, so no need to try and change him now.
Someone needs to get a move like the Spinning Bottom(hold like going for a Fall Away Slam, then throw legs and drive down lchest/head like a rock bottom). someone on the edge between light/heavy weight size.
If you want to give Khali something new, then give him a simple Military press.(Lift over head, press like with weights, hold high in air and drop person on their front/ back)
Mark Henry shoudl do the Earthquake squash pin instead of a splash.
Kennedy is fine, but for a little variety, a DDT/suplex.(grab like Steiner does for the Complete shot, but lift and throw over the shoulder onto his head instead of driving it down)
Jeff Hardy could add something like a Falling powerslam or Cobra CLutch bomb.
That's it for now, anyway.

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