What WWE Wrestler doesn't deserve the push they are getting?

Santino does not deserve to even get TV time. Giving him the IC title is what made it officially lose all prestigue imo. He is so fuckin lame. No moves, nothing about him is hot. I used to think MVP didn't deserve his push , but this Matt Hardy Angle made me like him. Batista should be in the ranks of Snitsky (and Snitsky should be fired). Khali sucks but him being a big dumbass sorta makes me wanna watch idk. High Landers are terrible. But the team I think should lose their push above all others would have to be Cade and Murdock. I hate them so much I can't sit and watch their matches I don't care who it's against. They suck so much. As far the tag team division, I'm just begging them to rehire crime time.
Oh, I'm not saying hes a bad wrestler, I'm just saying there are better wrestlers than him, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Batista, MVP, Matt Hardy...

They could do alot with Matt and MVP, if they stop this bullcrap contest stuff.. MVP i honestly think would make one hell of a World Champion.. I like his character and he has talent, along with Matt, but i don't think Finlay would fit in that category.. but ya never know, one day Finlay could get a good push, but i wouldn't disagree with it, but right now isn't the best of times for it with the low ratings and injuries and all.

oh hell no you just called batista better then finlay lol, dude do you watch a batista match snore fest 101, and mvp and hardy are good but finlay deserves his push, seriously the man has paid his dues longer then any of the guys youve listed

my vote goes for ortan, yes hes a good heel but he shouldnt be rewarded for his backstage attitude and hotel wrecking troubles the mans a mess
i'll give one person on each brand who doesn't deserve the push they been getting.

ECW-Elijah Burke- he should be the champion, instead of losing to Punk everytime the step in the ring. To me he is the best heel in ECW and should take Morrison spot in the Main Event. It's only a matter of time before hes moved to Raw or put back on Smackdown!

Smackdown!- All of SD! except for MVP and Matt. The payoff better be huge on this fued or else it was all for nothing. What the heck is going on with cruiserweight title? What is the Rey Misterio's purpose? Why was Khali ever champion? Why do Finlay and Mark Herny keep getting pushes that make it seem as if they will get title shots and never do? When will Edge come back and save Smackdown!?

Raw-Cody Rhodes/Santino, both of these guys suck and should be on ECW or back in OVW or FCW. Neither one of them should be on Raw yet.
I would say Candice Michelle didn't and doesnt deserve the push she is getting. Yes she has improved some but not enough to be champion. And now that she has lost the belt she is still getting pushed winning a tag team match and a practicly squash match against Jillian. She just doesnt have enough talent(maybe yet) for a push!
as far as finlay is concerned, i say his charcter and his gimmick kinda suck but hes been in the business for a long time, hes a solid wrestler and hes put over so many other wrestlers in his career without complaints. i say why not give him a bit of a push. he can play the bad guy and the brawler. im not sayin make him champ, but givin him a push doesnt hurt. id rather watch finlay then khali i can say that.

how can anyone say guys like kennedy and morrison dont deserve pushes? ur judging kennedys mic skills against guys who have done millions more promos then he has. he hasnt had the opportunity yet to even get a chance to show off some mic skills on the scale that guys like edge and HHH have. edge and HHH are the marquis guys on their respective shows. kennedy is the future of the business. hes got just as much charisma as anyone on the entire roster. i mean when the rock was fueding in the mid card early in his career and got no mic time you may not have thought he was any good either. once kennedy gets to prime time he'll show you why everyones hyped about his mic skills and charisma. plus hes a good wrestler and entertainer. john morrison has ridiculous amounts of talent. his promos in ecw were very well done. who else does ecw have?? why not push young talents like cm punk and morrison. (and i agree with an aforementioned opinion of elijah burke. i think burke is just really annoying). when u talk about morrison and kennedy ur talkin about guys that could end up being the next HBK and Rock. you cant say that about everyone. push them.

i think a guy like lashley never deserved the push he was getting in the first place as ecw champ and then coming to raw and i hope they dont push him that hard again wen he comes back. i think hes got talent ringwise to a certain degree but his micwork and his promos are some of the worst ive ever seen and you cant be in the main event picture while lacking mic skills. to me hes just overall a very boring, unentertaining character. make him a bodygaurd or something. maybe similar to tomko.

of course khali sucks and doesnt deserve to even be in wrestling. i believe his days are numbered tho. guys like him dont tend to last too long. eventually the sd roster will get a little healthier and a little stronger and we wont have to worry about khali anymore.

how bout duece and domino on sd? is there a more annoying tag team then those two?? it just goes to show how terrible the tag team division in the wwe is that those two guys could be pushed.

chuck palumbo?? i guess we're supposed to forget that the last time he was in the wwe he was in a gay tag team? gimme a break wit this guy.

im undecided thus far on marella. i mean his promos have been good and entertaining but his inring ability is certainly still in question. hes great at drawing heat and that always helps your character but seeing him beat val venis really pisses me off. hes got potential and they really arent exactly pushing him too hard at the moment anyway.

i would have to say the one i hate more than any other is the fact that the miz is getting a decent push in ecw. i think hes terrible, hes annoying and we all know hes never gonna get anywhere in the business so why push him anywhere? hes a jobber at best.

and i know its off topic but how bout the guys who deserve pushes but arent getting them? (kane, tommy dreamer, dykstra, val venis, benjamin, carlito)?
People who say that guys like Cena and Batista don't deserve the pushes they are getting have absolutely no clue about the wrestling business.

Cena has a big arsenal of moves. Does he use them all? No. It's the fact that Vince McMahon wants his bigger stars using the low risk moves to prevent injury. Cena has been injured ONCE in his career with the WWE. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, etc, they don't have any more moves in their arsenal that Cena has.

As far as Batista, the man sells. He's got the build that Vince is in love with, he can cut promos, and he tells a good story in his matches. He learned from the best two guys in the business right now, Triple H and Ric Flair.

As far as guys who don't deserve their pushes, obviously guys like Khali, Big Daddy V, and Mark Henry top the lists.

But another one I think should be up there is Chuck Palumbo. He basically has a ripoff of Taker's Biker gimmick, and he's in a big fued now with Chris Masters. Palumbo is a tag team wrestler at best.
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, etc, they don't have any more moves in their arsenal that Cena has

You are kidding? All those guys have a big moveset. Cena has like 10 moves at the maximum that he uses in any match.

As far as Batista, the man sells. He's got the build that Vince is in love with, he can cut promos, and he tells a good story in his matches. He learned from the best two guys in the business right now, Triple H and Ric Flair.

Cut promos? No way. His promos are about as boring as his matches. Two best in the business right NOW? Ric Flair is NOT the best in the business right now. In fact he is more boring then Batista imo. I know thats just cause he is really old. I've seen his previous matches and they are good. But you said Right now. And simply he sucks right now.

I'm not going to say the usual picks that people have been saying. Hardcore Holly. I really don't see the fuss in him. He is average in the ring and he is average in the mic. But the announcers are putting him up as if he could be in the hall of fame one day
Why is evryone hating randy orton? This guy can actaully wrestle above par.

Wrestlers that dont really deserve pushes that they are currently getting are:

carlito - hasnt done anything major in the last 2 years. If you really did care about your job you should be working harder and should have held wwe title by now or at some point.

Mr kennedy - Has good mic work but in ring work sucks. He gets props for being able to cut promos thats it

Cena - is a damn hard worker, i give him that. Needs to improve on his ring work. Couldnt stand his matches and superman comebacks. Had title way toooo long

HHH - show is not about you. Needs to build and feud with upcoming stars, not bury them

Softcore holly - Where do i begin with him. Y isnt this guy released by wwe. This guys matches are always boring. He is kept to keep rookies in line and teach them about respect
Hm. I've gotten heat for this before. Let's see how it goes here. I think the superstar who doesnt deserve the push they're getting is none other than the King of Kings Triple H. He's not that talented.. He has all that buffness for no reason,he doesn't use it. He gets title shot after title shot because he's bangin' out Stephanie. I think if he hadn't started dating Steph he'd be IC material. Or he might not even be in the company anymore. He uses like 6 moves. Sounds like the one most of the people on this forum badmouths,Cena. Triple H is overrated.
only person that comes to mind is khali. He has what two moves. can barelly walk let alone kick someone that goes at the speed that a 80 year old grandfather can get out of the way of. comeon, cant the company just fire him all ready it would be a god send.:dark2:
Mr kennedy - Has good mic work but in ring work sucks. He gets props for being able to cut promos thats it

WHAT!? Not impressive in the ring. You obviously cannot tell if a wrestler is talent or not. He is one of the most impressive wrestlers on the active roster.

Now to answere the question, Batista!

What a World Champ Requires:
- mic skills (Batista does not have)
- in-ring skills (Batista does not have)
- getting over with the crowd (Batista has only because he is a face)
- freshness (Batista does not have)

I personnally despise this man as he is a terrible wrestler and a arrogant dick in real life. The only reason he is in WWE is because he's 'roided up, and because he's big. This man is either the world champ or in the SD! main event. I'm sick and tired of hearing "Can [Insert name her] tame the animal this Sunday at [Insert PPV name here]".
I personally dont think that Jeff Hardy deserves the push that he is getting. To me he will never be more than a tag-champion. I dont see him doing the Intercontinental Championship and justice and I really dont see him ever a World Heavyweight Champion contender.

Trust me I am not knocking the guy for his talent (Yes he is a spot monkey, but he has great talent also). I just dont think he should be in the spot he is in. I think moving him back into a tagteam would make him fit better than anything else.
Andy G no offense but there is nothing left for Jeff when it comes to the tag-team division. I know people say that him, AJ Styles and RVD are all spot monkeys but considering that most matches in WWE are no longer called on the spot(one reason Teddy Hart was fired because he calls his own matches). But those 3 guys are the best at it and the only onewho's not World Title capable is Jeff because while i love his matches he ust doesn't have IT while guys like Styles and RVD do.
Now as for who doesn't deserve a push, well personally its guys like Kahli, Snitsky and Big daddy man boobs. And the god forsaken Miz, what has this guy done to deserve being on my television set?(and i usally change it when he does come on)
I honestly think Finlay doesn't deserve the push hes getting, hes not as talented as Rey Mysterio, although they could just be using him as a card filler til' Edge gets back.

Whats your Opinions?

Finlay's a workhorse. Any time he's needed, he's there. His work ethic is incredible. How many weeks can you think of him not being there? He's also responsible for the greatness of the women's division during the Trish Stratus era, as he was their trainer. Sure, he's a ground based brawler, but he's about as close to the real thing as you're going to see in WWE. He's like Dean Malenko... Great talent with little flash.
Guys like Miz and V are obvious, Khali is used for his size, not talent, dont you think vince and everyone knows khali sucks!? Newsflash, they do, but hes big and can literally crush guys so they put him on. Forget the obvious ones, how bout guys like carlito! Hes got no ring skill, he bounces around like Sabu and people say he has ring skill, hes pathetic. the whole caribbean accent with the fro and the apples was lame a year ago and guess what, still lame now. get a new gig. Cody Rhodes. If i hear crap about this im gonna snap. I hate how every second or third generation superstar gets shoved down our throats because of who their parents were. These guys should have to earn it like everyone else. If they have actual talent like The Rock or Orton I'm cool. But guys like carlito, Im done.
Im sick of this sudden Brit (/Irish) resurgence - Drew McIntrye - Awful, sounds like they picked him up from Glasgow at 3am. Dave Taylor - Er-Hum...

Highlanders - I dont find seeing whats under your kilt funny.

Regal - Maybe once he sounds English Ill give him a chance.

Cut those 4 then get down to some good wrestlers

Finlay - Good wrestler to feud with, probably too old to really go anywhere, but still a decent heel.

Harry Smith - Awesome debut, actually impressive, managed to beat someone of relative talent, as opposed to a Mr. McIntyre - Managing to scrape wins against some blond so and sos called Brett and I cant even remember Major, more of this please, a good Brit wrestler could be on the cards :D
as far as finlay is concerned, i say his charcter and his gimmick kinda suck but hes been in the business for a long time, hes a solid wrestler and hes put over so many other wrestlers in his career without complaints. i say why not give him a bit of a push. he can play the bad guy and the brawler. im not sayin make him champ, but givin him a push doesnt hurt. id rather watch finlay then khali i can say that.

how can anyone say guys like kennedy and morrison dont deserve pushes? ur judging kennedys mic skills against guys who have done millions more promos then he has. he hasnt had the opportunity yet to even get a chance to show off some mic skills on the scale that guys like edge and HHH have. edge and HHH are the marquis guys on their respective shows. kennedy is the future of the business. hes got just as much charisma as anyone on the entire roster. i mean when the rock was fueding in the mid card early in his career and got no mic time you may not have thought he was any good either. once kennedy gets to prime time he'll show you why everyones hyped about his mic skills and charisma. plus hes a good wrestler and entertainer. john morrison has ridiculous amounts of talent. his promos in ecw were very well done. who else does ecw have?? why not push young talents like cm punk and morrison. (and i agree with an aforementioned opinion of elijah burke. i think burke is just really annoying). when u talk about morrison and kennedy ur talkin about guys that could end up being the next HBK and Rock. you cant say that about everyone. push them.

i think a guy like lashley never deserved the push he was getting in the first place as ecw champ and then coming to raw and i hope they dont push him that hard again wen he comes back. i think hes got talent ringwise to a certain degree but his micwork and his promos are some of the worst ive ever seen and you cant be in the main event picture while lacking mic skills. to me hes just overall a very boring, unentertaining character. make him a bodygaurd or something. maybe similar to tomko.

of course khali sucks and doesnt deserve to even be in wrestling. i believe his days are numbered tho. guys like him dont tend to last too long. eventually the sd roster will get a little healthier and a little stronger and we wont have to worry about khali anymore.

how bout duece and domino on sd? is there a more annoying tag team then those two?? it just goes to show how terrible the tag team division in the wwe is that those two guys could be pushed.

chuck palumbo?? i guess we're supposed to forget that the last time he was in the wwe he was in a gay tag team? gimme a break wit this guy.

im undecided thus far on marella. i mean his promos have been good and entertaining but his inring ability is certainly still in question. hes great at drawing heat and that always helps your character but seeing him beat val venis really pisses me off. hes got potential and they really arent exactly pushing him too hard at the moment anyway.

i would have to say the one i hate more than any other is the fact that the miz is getting a decent push in ecw. i think hes terrible, hes annoying and we all know hes never gonna get anywhere in the business so why push him anywhere? hes a jobber at best.

and i know its off topic but how bout the guys who deserve pushes but arent getting them? (kane, tommy dreamer, dykstra, val venis, benjamin, carlito)?

I am in complete agreement with those who deserve pushes. Val Venis above all. He has been underutilized for so long, I belive EVERYONE would be excited if he went out and kicked a mid carders ass, or better yet, some how some way wound up in the title hunt. And Kane, jobbing to kahli at Wretslemanis 23, that just made me sick.

In all honesty, there isn't a superstar that hasn't earned where they are, although Orton is a worse kiss-@$$ than any other superstar... he was caught for vandalism, caught smoking weed, caught using steroids TWICE, yet he is WWE champion.. that is upsetting because of what he's done and got away with, and how he's treated afterwards.. like nothing happened, he didn't get cut out of the Cena feud, and he's world champion.. Now that s truly an undeserved push

I am glad someone dislikes Orton a little bit too, lol. It seems everyone else on this board thinks he is just one super guy.
HBK should get the title. But let Orton hold it for a few months to make his title run at least worth the lost of Cena. But he doesn't deserve the title. Hardy doesn't deserve it either, unless you talking about Matt. Kane should get one more title run. He deserves it. But I'm on the Val Venis side. I've been cheering him since day 1 and ever since he was with RTC he hasn't been the same since with the WWE. I do see them pushing him sooner or later. Benjamin needs the IC title to re-establish himself as well as Carlito which are two potentials right there. Kennedy is starting to impress me more and more. Hardy is starting to grow up a little but not for a title run. HHH needs to put over Umaga to give Umaga a huge status and HBK should push over Kennedy. Lashley is not a great mic person but he has tremendous potential. Remember he's still young in WWE. Two years at best he's been there?

Next big star...M.V.P.
I honestly think Finlay doesn't deserve the push hes getting, hes not as talented as Rey Mysterio, although they could just be using him as a card filler til' Edge gets back.

Another one is Khali, he has NO talent, hes just big. They could be doing so much more with a guy like Taker or Batista than with Khali.

Also, John Morrison, he doesn't deserve a World Title push, i think they should move him to RAW and feud him with Jeff Hardy for the IC title, but not World Title...

Whats your Opinions?

I think I disagree with everything you have said. I would say Finlay is more talented than Rey, what does Rey do? the same old, watered-down lucha-libre that he's been doing for the last 12 years?! Finlay is good in the ring, and makes everyone who he is with in the ring look good too. I really like Finlays gimmick too.

Khali i agree is crap, but because of his size he does deserve a place somewhere on the roster, main-eventing though, maybe not...

John Morrison is probably one of 5 guys in the whole of WWE roster who looks like he has a promosing future, you havn't put what you don't like about him yourself so I don't really know what to say, but I think he is good at executing difficult moves; he has an element of high flying spots, but doen't overuse them like Jeff Hardy, he can mat wrestle reasonabily well, he has some charisma (although I think he could improve on mic skills a bit); he does some awsome matrial arts kicks which rival punks, and the two of them put on some good matches together; and finally he is still very young so has plenty of time to improve as a wrestler unlike Hardy who you mentioned, who i don't really like anyway.
Burke has a lot of talent but is getting buried in ECW, i would love for Shelton benjamin to get shipped to ECW, Burke and Benjamin team up. That would be one hell of a tag team.
Kahli can barely jog, let alone wrestle. Thank god he was only on Raw for a month or two.

Umaga can get bent too. His character does nothing for me.

But most of all, that dillhole Batista needs to drop the title, then drop dead. He's a terrible, terrible wrestler and an even worse human being.
Anyone knocking Finaly is out of their fucking mind. He is perhqp the best in ring worker on the entire WWE roster and he can actually "WRESTLE." I mean they do get paid to wrestle, right? Or do they get paid to act horrible and take part in ridiculous storylines? I don't know.

Elijah Burke should be trade from ECW and put on Raw to add a fresh face to the IC division. He's head and shoulder above everyone on ECW except for Punk and Morrison. No one else on the show is entertaining. And the only guys from SD! that could help ECW not suck are Misterio, Hardy, MVP, and FINLAY.
First off, Khali and Big Daddy V are just pushed because of their stupid size, and they should be off the air in my opinion. pushing Miz is bad as well.
I don't think pushing Randy Orton is a good idea, he has good in-ring skills, yes, but, he is at best average in cutting promos, and from a different angle, the rating dropped after he is the champ.
How did a lot of guys for got Deuce&Domino in SD?
i think the worst possible push is coach...why the hell does that guy get to be on tv so damn much... i can't stand him... just the look on his face... and the way he talks on the mic.... he should of been in the limo bomb!!!!!!
Coach is a heat magnet, he gets more reaction than the top heels on RAW (Orton, Kennedy, Umaga) so that is why he is on TV so much, at times he draws more heat than Vince and that is an achievement. Besides he mic skills aren't that bad check out some of his promos bashing stone cold, or goldberg they were funny. Coach when he wore those sunglasses and tried to be cool was the best we have ever seen the guy he was hilarious.

As for Batista, if you look across the whole WWE as a board I think overall Batista is the one guy who has been pushed past where he should be. The guy lacks in every department. Whether it be mic skills, charisma, wrestling ability, or even stuff like injury proneness, his gimmick, or being conistant- he absoloutaly sucks at it. So the simple answer to this thread is Batista.

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