What WWE Wrestler doesn't deserve the push they are getting?

Coach is a heat magnet, he gets more reaction than the top heels on RAW (Orton, Kennedy, Umaga) so that is why he is on TV so much, at times he draws more heat than Vince and that is an achievement. Besides he mic skills aren't that bad check out some of his promos bashing stone cold, or goldberg they were funny. Coach when he wore those sunglasses and tried to be cool was the best we have ever seen the guy he was hilarious.

As for Batista, if you look across the whole WWE as a board I think overall Batista is the one guy who has been pushed past where he should be. The guy lacks in every department. Whether it be mic skills, charisma, wrestling ability, or even stuff like injury proneness, his gimmick, or being conistant- he absoloutaly sucks at it. So the simple answer to this thread is Batista.

Glamazon step off I think Batista is probably the most innovative and exciting wrestler since Norman Smiley. But seriously I think you make a hell of a point and I totally agree with you. When I watch Smackdown I'll only check out the cruisers to see what they'll let them do nowadays, tag teams (smackdown tends to have better tag team wrestling?) and the mid carding up and comers. But I NEVER watch the main event because Batista is most often involved. I can't believe people cheer this guy...and I mean what...he's got charisma because he wears a suit and sunglasses and everytime he comes down to the ring a galore of fireworks erupt while he poses like a dog taking a shit while shooting a bazooka? I guess so. And I mean his finisher...a sit-out powerbomb? Fuck its nothing fancy at all, the least he could do is rotate that bitch and make it a a spiralbomb. Someone once in this forum universe referred to him as "Boretista" so stupid yet such a perfect name for the guy, I've never looked at him at Batista since I read that on here. Only Boretista.

I never used to think that Johnny Nitro Morrison deserved his push. And that the WWE was making me cringe by continuously pushing their Tough Enough baby no matter his lack of excitement factor. But his run as champ opened my eyes. I think he is a tremendous talent with great in ring ability and throws some exciting twists on his moves. His matches with Punk are generally top notch. If he could ever hit a face turn right (before another heel turn) I think he could have true lasting power.

The Miz does not deserve his push whatsoever that's bull shit. Competing in the Cyber Sunday polls like what the fuck is that? Why not Tommy Dreamer or Elijah Burke? The Miz is just shit. I used to pull for him on Smackdown in the low-carder matches. But his craft is simply not there yet. It may come, I mean Candice Michelle CAN perform northern light suplexes, but the Miz has yet to impress me with development ability.

Kevin Thorne - The vampire gimmick is so fuckin weak. I know they need a throw to Sci Fi but fuck that shit man. They need to bring the "true" man's man characters back to ECW. Thats what the fans want. Thats why hardcore thrived it didn't feel staged.

Jesse and Festus - Like this is just plain fucked man. Does anyone smell the 1990's WWF gimmickry in here? Don't get me wrong I like seeing a fat bald powerhouse on t.v. and I think Jesse is going to be great but this tag team stinks. atleast give me a better gimmick than that.

Tripple H - I know he's the "King of Kings" and all. But really he has squashed so many people since coming back. How many handicap matches are they gonig to put this guy in? Fuck me. And when he laid out London and Kendrick that was fuckin weak. Why would they just stomp on their progress like that and be unexplained? I could see if they wanted to turn Londrik heel and they could retaliate later but wow that was squash city. Yes he did just let Umaga kick the shit out of him...but we'll see who wins their match at Cyber Sunday.
^ Other guys who In my opinion should not be getting a push are....(aside from the 3 named above) Hardcore Holly, Big Daddy V, Chuck Palumbo (RIP OFF OF BAD ASS TAKER!), Mark Henry, The Boogeyman, and Snitsky.

I also agree that Chuck should not be getting a push, I mean come on! he's 2-1 on Chris Masters?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously the guy shouldn't be able to do that. The new Palumbo character is totally a rip off of the biker version of taker, and in my opinion, the Undertaker was a lot cooler while on the bike. His deadman persona just plain old sucks. But I actually liked the push they are giving mark henry, I really want him to be getting a push for the World Heavyweight Championship, because i'v been a fan of him since 2002 and he was a pretty good compeditor, but he was never given a world title...
I know it's pretty much over, but Khali IMO did not deserve the push he got. I still really don't see any reason why he was given the belt. Out of the guys that are getting pushes right now I'd have to say Miz. Where did he even come from to get on the Cyber Sunday polls? I don't watch much ECW, but from what I gather he has his hands full trying to keep Kelly Kelly from Balls. Meh having Miz on that pole is just a waste of spot that could have went to Burke, or even someone like Thorne. I really don't know what the WWE is looking to gain by putting him on the pole, unless he has some untapped potential that nobody's seen. Though it is WWE and it does not have to make sense for it to be allright... Which brings me to the next team actually that does not deserve a push... The Highlanders. Really ridiculous gimmick Not the whole Scottish thing, but the whole I'm going to bash my own head in thing. This team comes literally out of nowhere asking for a title shot. The last time I think we saw them was the both of them getting squashed by Umaga or Khali I don't remember which one. WWE needs to build people/teams before giving them a shot, which clearly is not the case with the Highlanders
The new Palumbo character is totally a rip off of the biker version of Taker, and in my opinion, the Undertaker was a lot cooler while on the bike. His deadman persona just plain old sucks.

AMEN, BROTHER! Nice to see someone who knows what's up for a change! :headbanger:
The Rhodes Holly push is boring. rhodes earns respect, forms tag team, one of em will turn on the other after a while.
I don't think Rey deserves as many pushes as he's had. and i found it sick that he got one out of making Eddie's death a story. between him & finlay, finlay is more deserving. he had a match with benoit last yr that was amazing and he deserves some gold to show for it
Big Daddy V honestly c'mon how many people have beatin him when he was Viscera and all of a sudden now no one can beat him it's a stupid name and gimmick that we have seen countless times.
I'm gonna give my two cents.

Randy Orton- He's one of the greatest heels today, however doing what he has done off camera shouldn't have gotten him the title.

Batista- the only push he needs is down 38 flights of stairs.

The Miz- The Diva Talent search was enough of a push to make this guy overpushed.

Big Daddy V- Honestly I liked him better as Visera, but they ruined him by making him job way too much. I still want to see a Big Daddy V/Mark Henry feud though.

Anyone who goes through the DIVA talent search. The only talent needed to win the womens championship is to be able to make Vince Mcmahon happy where every man likes being happy.
LASHLEY: I just cannot see the appeal in this moron, try as I have!! I just find him boring and lame. He looks like he should be able to pull off the whole intense powerhouse character, but his face and his voice and mic skills just mean that he absolutely SUCKS!! I apologise to the Lashley fan club but I just cannot stand him, his matches, his mic work or anything!!!

Mark Henry: When the dude was playing the Sexual Chocolate character and was tagging with D-Lo Brown, I found him fairly entertaining and although hardly worth the money he was on I didnt mind watching him.
Now he reminds me of a giant ape with all the talent of a Divas little toe!

Snitsky: The.... Guy.... Sucks. End of!!

The Miz: Hotties like that would not hang around with an irritating little turd like that in real life!!!
I think there is a few names that come under the bracket.
I think its hard to complain about the Miz getting a push because Ecw has only about 10 people on the roster so someone had to have the spot in the title voting. I am surpirsed though that they overlooked Burke.

I think SNITSKY. He is not over one bit so he just needs to be carted off.

i think i would agree with BATISTA. I mean yes he is good but to hold the main title again i feel is to much. I think hes just lucky that hes on smackdown and not raw.
I disagree with just about everyone... Mark Henry and Khali are Moster heels, they are perfect for any fued, Same goes with Big Daddy V, i never liked Viscera but i really like the new gimmick. John Morrison's in ring skills are AMAZING yes, AMAZING how many other superstars can pull off a split leggedd twisting moonsault let alone just random flips, the guy is an athletic superstar.

The Miz i don't think deserves the main event push but ECW dont have much more, as soon as the Miz is over this little fued with Morrison and Punk it will Burke right back in the title picture.

Has anyone said Hornswoggle? I mean now he's in a match with Khali at SS? what is the point of this? he can't do anything except TRY to be funny in promos, nothing else does it for me
LOL you guys are naming almost the entire roster. . . with you people in office there wouldnt be enough stars in the WWE for there to be a WWE. Lets face it, the big guys like the Rock and Stone Cold aren't coming back. The WWE is gonna have to build up new stars. Just because they aren't Stone Cold doesn't mean they suck
Batista - has no wrestling talent, no good mic skills, and only gets the title because he uses roids

Khali - If he can't speak english, I don't see how you can make him champion....

Big Daddy Man Boobies - One of the most disgusting wrestlers to watch in the ring, he should either go back to the love machine gimick or atleast start wearing a bra...

CM Punk - I realize that there aren't alot of wrestlers on ECW, but punk is a joke. He's a cruiser weight who tries to wrestle like a 250 pounder and it's pathetic. They should just feed him to V.
Your from Punk's hometown and you call him pathetic?! Crazy.

The wrestlers that are getting a undeserved push imo are:

Trevor Murdoch: Im a fan of Lance Cade, and im fed up of Murdoch holding him down. As soon as WWE gives the tag titles to Londrick the better.

Umaga - He may not win all the time, but isnt imo a top player on Raw. His gimmick doesnt work for me, and he doesnt deserve to be a main eventer

The Miz - Its clear that ECW are running low on numbers, but The Miz is just worthless, end of.

Batista - I think pretty much everyone on here isnt a Batista fan. His in ring work is poor, and his fued with Taker needs to end.
john morrison-sucks plain and simple...if i was to give him a title it would be the united states title thats the highest level he gets in my book.

cm punk-overratted

divas-too many of them they dont know what to do with them

snitsky,jamie knoble,val venis, london, kendrick, highlanders, cody rhodes,majors, palumbo, i wouldnt miss them if they got fired today

i say move mvp into the rocks old postion..drop edge to intercontinental level...bring out all the super heavywieghts...oh yeah leave rey in the cruiserwieght division...
One thing alot of you are forgeting is that this is the WWE. World Wrestling Entertainment. They don't care how good someone can actually wrestle, they want guys that can entertain the fans as a Face, or make the fans hate you as a Heal. If they were looking for wrestlers, they would just buy out ROH. With that said, here are the guys I don't think deserve to be where they are right now.

Batista - I don't think he should be where he is, but not because "he sucks". He's a real life Asshole, and that fight with Booker T last year should have knocked him down to midcarding, not set up Booker T to win the title ONLY to job it back to Batista. That was unfair.

Randy Orton - Same as Batista. This guy is (or was a while ago) a jackass in the back. He's harassed people, caused a few problems with a few divas, not good with the fans, smokes, and how many times as he had to leave for whatever reason, being suspended or whatever. This guy shouldn't even be on the WWE Roster, let alone the WWE Champion, skills aside.

Jim Duggan - Don't get me wrong on this. I think Jim Duggan DOES deserve to be where he is mwith all his years in the ring. However, like you've all said, he's just to old and they're only using him as comedic relief. Then again, as long as you keep him only doing comedic relief, I'll be cool with that. Don't use him as a jobber/stepping stone.

These are the Top Three in my mind. And for all of you that keep naming all these smaller guys (Londrick, Highlanders, Santino, Snitsky, Henry) they haven't done anything they didn't deserve. They're all being held back by what they've earned so far. They're midcarders, and thats what they'e doing. If you don't like 30 second squashes, don't blame Snitsky, blame booking.
john morrison-sucks plain and simple...if i was to give him a title it would be the united states title thats the highest level he gets in my book.

cm punk-overratted

divas-too many of them they dont know what to do with them

snitsky,jamie knoble,val venis, london, kendrick, highlanders, cody rhodes,majors, palumbo, i wouldnt miss them if they got fired today

i say move mvp into the rocks old postion..drop edge to intercontinental level...bring out all the super heavywieghts...oh yeah leave rey in the cruiserwieght division...

What, did you just start watching wrestling last week?

C.M. Punk is one of the most dedicated workers in the ECW right now, up there with Elijah Burke. I agree with the Divas - none of them have any talent whatsoever. Venis, London, Kendrick, Cody Rhodes - you're out of your mind.

They're trying to get MVP to be the Rock without having a ripoff of the Rock. Why don't you go there and write for them and see just how easy you say it is. Edge is a HUGE moneymaker, they're not going to drop him down to intercontinental - are you drunk?
John Morrison - I remember reading on a news site somewhere they are main eventing on ECW to try him out for SD! main event at some point. All i ever see him do is botch moves, screw up and just match 7 out of 10 matches he is in look horrible.

Hornswoggle - I do like the little guy but like vince did with cena he is screwing it up with him. Hornswoggle is a funny guy and i like the gimmick but i just feel its being force feed to the fans like cena is.

All of the divas. Do not get me wrong, they are great to look at but when it comes to being able to wrestle, hardly any of them can. And the ones that can aren't on raw.
This thread has a lot of names getting thrown out there. I must say I really like Finlay more and more every time I see him. He is a great worker, does clean jobs and puts on long solid matches. What else can you ask for from someone who knows they realistically will never get a World Title shot?
Look, Batista is not the greatest in ring worker and the Cena haters want to bash on him, but c'mon? Saying those guys don't deserve pushes is being a hater for no real reason. Cena is CLEARLY the top draw in the company right now and both drive ratings. Sure ratings are not what they were when Rock and Stone Cold are around, but they probably will not be no matter who is the top of the card.
Khali is the most ridiculous big push ... BUT ... it makes sense because crowds gasp and he is a legitimate "giant" ... so lets move on to the lesser "giants"
Why is Big Daddy V even on the radar? and what makes them think Snitsky will ever be a real reason to tune in? Neither one of these guys could EVER be realy World Title material ... and both are terrible to watch in the ring. Not to mention, neither can even speak for themselves on the stick. Both of these pushes are quite puzzling.
khali should being getting no push he is just a giant baffon you squashes everyone and is so under-entertaing
Like I said on my other account. Triple H. Only reason he's where he is in the business is because he's banging out Steph. He has like 6 moves. He's the "John Cena" of the company. :l Cena works harder then HHH. Hardest worker in the WWE. HHH has said so. Look at Jr4190's response (me) for my full reply.
Finlay is the most solid brawler in the WWE. When you watch a Finlay match, do you ever go: oh he messed that up...that wasn't believable...

I also loved the apron skirt attacks that he does every once and a while. Finlay was so good that he got a midget over by slamming him on people.

When the stretcher at Cyber Sunday got caught on a cable (not planned allegedly) Finlay thought quickly and ripped the padding off of the stretcher and had Rey flap jack him so that the finish of the match still made sense and didn't make him look weak (as opposed to if he had stayed on the stretcher)

Fit Finlay is an awesome worker. Remember: you're supposed to hate him.
As much as it pains me to say this.... *sighs*

Shawn Michaels.

I know, I know. I totally love the man. I marked out so hard at his return I squealed. But the reason he doesn't deserve the push is because everyone knows its an exercise in futility.

Reason #1: HBK just got off a serious injury and surgery. Main event propelment is not a good idea. Especially when he came back a month early or so.

Reason #2: Shawn doesn't want a title reign. Shawn wants a reduced workload. As such, how can we ever again watch an HBK title match and think for a second he'll win it? Or keep it for more than three weeks? Only possible solution: its to put someone over.

Reason #3: Except he's not putting Randy over. 5 straight weeks of the superkick has made Orton look like the weakest champion since.. hell, I can't even remember offhand. I don't use the word "bury" a lot, and I certainly don't buy the "Triple H buries people" dogma, but Shawn really is burying Randy Orton. And for zero payoff on Shawn's end. I just don't get it.

Other superstars that don't deserve their push:

Candice Michelle: She's improved, but she's basically still the Go-Daddy girl. She hasn't earned the title yet really and the harder they make the girls work for it the more the title looks worth something.

Khali: I can get over Big Man Syndrome. At least, I could if he was talented. I don't want to hear all big men are tough and stiff and can't move when the Undertaker can do a running, leaping, clothesline.

Santino Marella: He gets an awful lot of airtime just to do promos. I don't see enough in ring entertainment to justify his camera time.

Rey Mysterio: Worst. Heavyweight. Champion. Ever. I'd rather see it on Khali. It should be called Heavyweight for a reason. If Matt Hardy needed to LOSE weight to compete for the Cruiserweight title, Rey should have been over 225. I'd like to forget this ever happened and Rey can go back to lower mid-card matches to sell merchandise for children and the hispanic community.

The Miz: You have a main event match why?
Finlay is the most solid brawler in the WWE. When you watch a Finlay match, do you ever go: oh he messed that up...that wasn't believable...

I also loved the apron skirt attacks that he does every once and a while. Finlay was so good that he got a midget over by slamming him on people.

When the stretcher at Cyber Sunday got caught on a cable (not planned allegedly) Finlay thought quickly and ripped the padding off of the stretcher and had Rey flap jack him so that the finish of the match still made sense and didn't make him look weak (as opposed to if he had stayed on the stretcher)

Fit Finlay is an awesome worker. Remember: you're supposed to hate him.

I can't agree with you more on Finlay. I think he is one of the best guys the WWE has...to bad he is as old as he is. He seems to have no problem helping put people over and like you said his feuds are fundementally sound with good action. All in all one of the most under utilized guys, but i do like how the WWE has put people in feuds with him so they can learn more.

Now for who doesn't deserve the push they are getting , i have to go with Finlays lil' buddy..Hornswaggle. Are you freakin' kidding me. Why do we have to keep watching 15 minutes a week of this crap. Nothing is believable with him...no he can't win any match. I know this was WWE 2nd choice to throw in for Kennedy but end it already because this is awfull.
Wow. This is a great topic. There's so many great opinions on here. I agree with EvanSnowWolf though. HBK DOESN'T deserve the push. Put some younger guys in there for a title shot. Kennedy,Lashley (When he returns) Or,some people who
have been midcarders and jobbers forever. Bring them up. For example: Val Venis.

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