1 WWE World Champion, Or 3?

I think the title situation in the wwe is getting out of hand i do agree that the people hold the title for too long and i also agree that they should get rid of ECW and draft them to raw and smackdown, it seems that raw has too many good wrestlers some of them should to smackdown people like chris jericho because for me he hasnt done much on raw so i think that he should go to smackdown and be in the title picture also i think that only edge is playing the big heel there needs to be someone else on smackdown.
Royalskull, how is the World Heavyweight belt considered midcard? Are Edge, Rey Misterio, Batista and the Undertaker suddenly midcarders? Sorry, I just don't see it. There is simply no way you could convince me that Randy Orton is any more of a champion than Edge is. He isn't any less of a champion either, but, there is just no way that I can see his belt meaning so much more than Edge's.
there is just no way that I can see his belt meaning so much more than Edge's.

I'll give you a few reasons.

#1 Orton's belt has been around for a lot longer. It's the one held by Hogan, Flair, Savage, Austin, The Rock etc.

#2 Cena's year long title reign made that belt mean more in a year than it had in the previous 10.

#3 The WHC has been plagued by injuries and bad booking. Batista gave it up, Rey won it but was portrayed as a jobber. Taker wins it, but has to lose a quick match to Edge. Edge has to give it up. #1 Khali wins it #2 In a battle royal.

#4 Orton has gone over everybody since he won that title.

#5 Edge is feuding with Rey Mysterio. Rey would be a Raw mid carder.
Royalskull, how is the World Heavyweight belt considered midcard? Are Edge, Rey Misterio, Batista and the Undertaker suddenly midcarders? Sorry, I just don't see it. There is simply no way you could convince me that Randy Orton is any more of a champion than Edge is. He isn't any less of a champion either, but, there is just no way that I can see his belt meaning so much more than Edge's.

His belt means more than Edge's because WWE tends to put more focus on it and "protect" it more, if you know what I'm saying. And I didn't mean the WHC is a midcard title, I'm just saying I'd rather see Edge and Mysterio feuding over something other than the brands top belt. That's not anyones fault though, Smackdown just doesn't have the same star power that Raw does.
Well, but, turn it around...what if instead of Edge and Rey Misterio, it was Edge and the Undertaker? Taker has been pursuing that belt for the past year...and the Undertaker doesn't chase anything that isn't worth chasing.

And Y2 Jake, lets be real... Even if it isn't officially the NWA World Heavyweight belt anymore, and misses all that Nature Boy history...it still has 5 of Triple H's 11 reigns, along with title reigns by HBK, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Edge, Batista, Rey Misterio, and was Orton's first Heavyweight level title. I think even if Smackdown doesn't get the same level of promotion RAW does, that belt is still at the same level as the WWE title is, even without counting its history prior to being rechristened in the WWE. If we count its rich history with the NWA and WCW prior to the WWE, there is no contest in its equality.
i say get rid of the brand extension and ecw on sci-fi. give raw 3 hours every monday on usa and keep sd as a 2 hour show on w/e network. have one world title, unify the tag titles, the us & ic, and crown a new cruiserweight division. when there's one champion, it means that guy is truly number one. now days, alot of guys are getting titles that don't deserve it. bobby lashley, sure he was great at the time, but when i look back, does he measure up to the likes of austin, rock, hhh, hogan, hbk, and even cena? not in my opinion. john cena, like it or not, is the hottest thing in wwe; has been for the past few years. make him the sole champion could only take him to that next level like it did for guys like austin and rock. right now, who ever the wwe champion is has to share the spot with 2 other guys. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE NUMBER ONE!
everybody is saying how we should get rid of the brand extension. How back in the day everybody truly knew who the man was (for example Austin). But the whole reason they have the brand extension is because of the invasion storyline in 2001. If there hadn't been a brand extension guys like RVD, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Eddie and Chavo Guererro, Booker T etc. would have been left jobless. The whole reason WWE did the whole brand extension thing was so they could use all the WCW and ECW talent the had and thats also why they need to have the 3 championships. But i dont think they needed to add ECW as currently most (if not all) of the ECW main eventers are upper-lower midcarders.
Like it or not, the brand extension is here to stay and will continue with each brand having their own champion. The format will eventually change, and already has with the removal of single brand ppv's. I personally don't like it, and never did, but I think WWE fans are stuck with it until WWE legitimately starts losing money by the truckload on any particular brand, and their network cancels them. As things look, this is a ways off, and as long as Vince is making money on any of them, he isn't going to change that formula, regardless of logic or a watered down product.

There is an over saturation of talent, as well as older talent and main eventers not retiring or working elsewhere as there are only so many spots and money to go around in TNA. This began when ECW and WCW closed their doors, and all of the sudden there were 100+ high quality wrestlers w/nowhere to work. This in turn has lead to an unbalanced card, and underdeveloped under card wrestlers. While in years past, ample time could be devoted to a tag team division, midcard/IC title, and low card guys to develop into stars of the future and learn how to draw, those same spots are now taken up by an abundance of main event talent with nowhere else to go.

At this point, each brand having its own champ is a necessity that WWE cannot live without. There is too much talent out there for 2 or even 4 hours of tv wrestling per week, and it is nothing new for promoters to invent or in these cases revive titles to make the product seem more exciting and important. A prime example of this is the invention of the IC title in the late 70's, b/c up until then there were only so many spots to go around for WWWF championship contenders.

Make no mistake though; while there may not be a single top title, there will always be a single top champion and that is whoever is headlining Raw. Better in quality from time to time or not, Smackdown is and always will be the "B" show, and top stock will always be put into the Raw champ and top Raw contenders. Raw is the flagship, and whoever rules the Raw world, regardless of whether he is the WWE, World Heavyweight, or ECW Champion, is the top champion in WWE's eyes. If you need any proof of this, ask yourself when the last time was that HHH wrestled for the top title on Smackdown, and how long did he stay on the brand?

now days, alot of guys are getting titles that don't deserve it. bobby lashley, sure he was great at the time, but when i look back, does he measure up to the likes of austin, rock, hhh, hogan, hbk, and even cena? not in my opinion. john cena, like it or not, is the hottest thing in wwe; has been for the past few years. make him the sole champion could only take him to that next level like it did for guys like austin and rock.

Firstly, becoming sole champion did not take Austin or Rock to the next level. When Austin became champ, he was already the hottest thing wrestling had ever seen, and Rock was well on his way to joining him when he beat Mankind at Survivor Series '98. If giving them the title did anything, it said to the fans that WWF trusted that these were the men who should carry the mantle and be the face of the company itself. This is exactly what they are doing with Cena, and to a slightly lesser extent Orton and Edge. Secondly, it is unfair to compare any of the top guys(Orton, Edge, Batista, Cena) to the group listed above, if only b/c of when they wrestled. For anyone that was there and lived through the boom "Attitude Era", consider yourselves very lucky. Whether you are a fan of the style of booking used in that era or not, the quality of the talent in that era is something we might never see again. Austin, Rock, Foley, Taker, HBK, HHH, are some of the best EVER. Their merits hold up against any other generation of professional wrestlers and that is a testament to all of them as well as the exposure they received when they were in their prime.

This is not to take anything away from the stars of today, but time will tell, and if we are talking about Edge, Orton, Batista, and Cena in 10 years the way we talk about said Attitude era stars today, then that comparison will be a fair one. The fact is that the guys that are on top today are there, and whether we all want to be nostalgic about yesteryear or not, they are the best out there right now and nothing shy of Vince McMahon's mighty right hand is going to change that.

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