1 WWE World Champion, Or 3?

I remember when Razor Ramon held the incontinental title and i was shocked how jeff jarrett beat him. Now there's so many damn belts i cant keep track.
End the "tri-brand" bs..

If i had a choice i would have 1 belt.. I would also eliminate the US title and really push the cruiserweight and Intercontinental..
In addition i'd make the ECW belt an actual hardcore belt..

With less singles belt this can also create a better tag division.. With less guys going for singles titles they can create some tag teams.. I miss a good tag matches
i have always always said defend the world title on all 3 brands, they used too when the brand extension started, in actual fact i would have the world title defended on raw and smackdown, this will give like 15 guys a shot at it instead of just 3 or 4, i would keep ecw as a seperate show with a seperate world title defended under hardcore rules, i dont see the point as bringing back ecw and having it as a baby brother show to raw and smackdown, the roster and storylines give it enough credibility to carry itself.

so in conclusion have two world titles, one for smackdown and raw and one for ecw defended under ecw rules
Personally I believe there should only be one title. Even though the WWE championship always got the better treatment than the World title and the ECW title, it's actually suppose to be in the same level as the other two main titles.

With the USA Network pushing for RAW to got to 3 hours, my idea would be to end the draft, release some extra/uneeded talent, combine the titles as the Undisputed championship and break the draft. It would probably deliver better ratings for RAW to have all of the main superstars on their show and it gives enough TV time for them as well.

Even though I strongly doubt this will happen, I personally think it's a great idea.

how about 2? that seemed to work out pretty well, but there only two good way of going about it - A. get rid of the ECW title & brand, & keep Raw & SmackDown Brands or B. get unite the Raw & Smackdown titles & Brands, & keep ECW. & i think option A is the way to go.
Personally I believe there should only be one title. Even though the WWE championship always got the better treatment than the World title and the ECW title, it's actually suppose to be in the same level as the other two main titles.

With the USA Network pushing for RAW to got to 3 hours, my idea would be to end the draft, release some extra/uneeded talent, combine the titles as the Undisputed championship and break the draft. It would probably deliver better ratings for RAW to have all of the main superstars on their show and it gives enough TV time for them as well.

Even though I strongly doubt this will happen, I personally think it's a great idea.


i think that would work perfectly. someone will say "well what about the new talent not being pushed?" well thats why raw would be 3 hours and minus half the story lines they have, just have matches for 3 hours or if there is a good feud do that. this can lead to new stables that wont over run the whole show
In my opinion i feel like a merging of Raw and Smackdown is neccessary. The pay-per-views are in my eyes not worth watching for the most part because its alot of the same thing. I think you keep ECW a seperate brand with a Championship and use ECW how it is being used now as kind of a stepping stool to Smackdown and RAW. Merge RaW and Smackdown together and have the WWE Title, IC, 1 Tag Team Title, Womens. I am on the fence about a U.S. Title seeing as it is alot like the IC Title. Doing this would give you a variety of different matches on pay-per-view as well as feuds.
I think the best thing for the WWE to do, would be to unify the WWE and World Championships, and keep ECW as a completely separate thing. Send a few more guys over to ECW, some younger talent that could be the future of the company, and make ECW more of a training grounds.

Have the WWE Champion, which it would be after merging the titles, defend against both shows, with each show alternating months for PPV main events for the title. Have higher profile US/IC title matches, throwing guys like Rey Mysterio, Ken Kennedy, King Booker, etc into the mix for those titles if not the WWE Championship. Or, just unify the brands once again, and make the two brands be WWE and ECW, not RAW, Smackdown, and ECW. You'd have better fueds, and with younger talent on ECW, getting pushes as ECW Champion, ECW Tag Champion, or ECW Television Champion, it'd make for better product as a whole.

They could get USA or Sci-Fi to give an extra hour for ECW, giving it two hours. With RAW and Smackdown, the main brand would still be having enough time to push its main stars. Have smackdown have less big matches and storylines going on, while RAW is the main profile show, just like it was when it all first started.

Right now, Smackdown is hurting badly with the injuries, and RAW is going to be hurting with injuries and suspensions. A combination of these two would make for more high profile fueds, for titles or not.
I think its good that there's more than one championship, however, I think that the brand extension and the IDEA of some of the championships prevents us from getting the best product. Though it'd be a reasonable idea to have 3 primary titles on two brands (a main event, a midcard, and a tag team), as well as one "master title" that is defended on both brands, it sort of cheapens the top title on Raw and Smackdown.

What I would do is simply combine ECW and Smackdown officially - they practically are in every way but name anyway - and have just the two brands. Everything is the exact same way it is right now, where you have a main event title, a midcard title, and a tag team title. The Women's Division should be on either show randomly, and to take the place of the missing ECW Championship & Cruiserweight Championship, and to balance out the "inter-brand women's defense" thing, POSSIBLY have the Hardcore title back, but it would have to be a serious championship and not the 24/7 "pathetic humor-fest" with a ridiculous turnover rate of changes.
I guess I am in the minority along with Jake ... but I like multiple World Titles.
Back in wrestlings "hey day" - that would be the money-making days with WCW, WWF and ECW all gaining popularity - we had three legitimate world championships. I mean at one point in 1998 the three world champs were Stone Cold, Goldberg and Shane Douglas (in a 15-month run) and in Jan. of 1999 our champs were The Rock, Hollywood Hogan and Taz. So ... having three legitimate World Champs at a time is possible ... the problem is with TNA we are forced to believe in FOUR world Champs.
None-the-less ... I don't see a logical way to end it unless they merge SD! and ECW's world title picture. I know people don't always love the champs, but I think having three titles is not a problem when they do it correctly. I was happy with Edge, Cena and Morrison as champs. I am not happy when it is all faces (Batista, Cena and CM Punk for a short period there).
No need for an Undisputed Champ right now ... thought I would like more inter-World Title matches like the King Booker v. Cena v. Big Show match (it was Big Show right?)
Im not looking @ story lines or anything like that. I think there should be 2 championships, Raw & Smackdown. With the tallent shifting back from ECW to smackdown, I dont really think that ECW needs a "world champion."
I think the Smackdown! & ECW championship needs to be unified. Kind of like how the WCW & WWE championships were back in the day. I like ECW just fine but Im not considering them to be a major competitor like Raw or Smackdown! Now if both shows were to combine each other, that would be great to bring back the TV title or some other defunct champipnship.
Back in wrestlings "hey day" - that would be the money-making days with WCW, WWF and ECW all gaining popularity - we had three legitimate world championships. I mean at one point in 1998 the three world champs were Stone Cold, Goldberg and Shane Douglas (in a 15-month run) and in Jan. of 1999 our champs were The Rock, Hollywood Hogan and Taz. So ... having three legitimate World Champs at a time is possible ... the problem is with TNA we are forced to believe in FOUR world Champs.

Nice point, but those were separate guys on separate companies who weren't able to or get the opportunity to face each other. In WWE you have guys that show up on all 3 "brands" cross over back and forth with which ones they compete on, as well wrestle on the same PPVs. So when there are 3 separate companies that don't interact with each other ever it's plausible.

Also, I don't really understand your reference to TNA and 4 world champions. There's a championship and an x division champiship (then tag and womens) that's all.
To be honest i didnt like it when there were 2 champions. I like it even less now there are 3. It waters down the end product because the talent is more spread out and you have to fill the gaps with crap like Khali. If you took the best 20 of the WWE and stuck them on one show it'd be well worth watching but as usual, Vince is more concerned about money than the product.
Personally i'd merge Smackdown and Raw, keeping the secondary belts (IC, US, Cruiser) and leave ECW entirely seperate. I think you need 1 clear champion or it devalues them all. Also (and i've been meaning to say this for ages) i'm sick to death of the 3-ppv thing they have going on the title. It used to be that the challenger got 1 shot, lost and then someone else came in. Usually someone who had been impressive on the previous PPV or had won a No1 contenders match (i miss them). It kept things fresh and gave a sense of something solid. What i dont want to see is the same match at 3 sucessive PPV's, it's incredibly boring.
Back in the day, you knew that Austin was the man. But who is the man nowadays? Cena, Khali, Morrison? Does it matter who is the man?

The same goes with boxing. Nobody knows who the Heavyweight champ is because there are so many belts. Look what has happened to boxing. It's nothing. I just think it would be more interesting if there was one guy at the top.

Great point. i don't know if i could have said it better. The storylines to becoming world champ are so bland because they have three of them to write for. All of the attention back in the day was for the champ, one and only. Now you have 3 and take all of that exposure away.

I would love to see the three titles become one and add back the euro and hc titles so you could have more titles that way.
Nice point, but those were separate guys on separate companies who weren't able to or get the opportunity to face each other. In WWE you have guys that show up on all 3 "brands" cross over back and forth with which ones they compete on, as well wrestle on the same PPVs. So when there are 3 separate companies that don't interact with each other ever it's plausible.

Also, I don't really understand your reference to TNA and 4 world champions. There's a championship and an x division champiship (then tag and womens) that's all.

Sorry if it seemed muddled ... I was saying that we now have FOUR world champs ... WWE, WHC, ECW and TNA ... I was not saying that TNA had four world championship.
firstly i agree with Nin's point about the same 3 matches at 3 successive ppvs!!! It is boring and just screws up wat was a good rivalry!! the only one tht has worked and has spread over tiem is taker batsista and thts because they have changed the match types!!best rivalry of the year in my opinuon!! Anyways i wouldnt mind seeing just the two titles!! I think ECW shud be seperate make it a bigger brand and use the younger members to keep ratings and make it worth watching!! ECW now sucks because half the matches arent even extream rules, its called EXTREAM championship wrestling!! I think have a wwe champion and a world champion on raw and smackdown, mix up the big main eventers coz atm raw has the majority of the big ones (HBK, HHH, CENA, ORTON, LASHLEY ETC) Smackdown has (BATSITA,EDGE,TAKER myb REY) mixed it up a bit myb then smcakdown and raw wud actually compete in ratings!! as for the us and IC titles agen i think they are minor atm, make them big importent matches highly underrated matches!! i like jeff as the champ but its finding sum1 who works really well with him and makin a good story out of it!! The US title is the same!! Same with the roster though the mid carders are mainly on raw!! (KENNEDY, UMAGA, JEFF,CARLITO) sd (MATT HARDY, REY, MVP, FINLAY, KANE) The women title shud be on all 3 and cruiserwieght shud be smackdown ONLY!! I dont totally object to 1 title but its risky!! if they did go ahead with one champ they cud make a good mania out of it!! have a triple threat match the winner being undisputed champ!! bring back lots of number one contender matches!! pros and cons on both sides but i personally wud like to see two shows and ecw seperate!!!
As long as the Brand Extention goes , the Titles IS A MUST. It makes the Brand look like a whole company by it-self , it brigns SO MUCH VALUE To the brand and just makes you know it's SEPERATED from the other show. Now people might say have the title defeneded in all 3 brand with one champion...so you want to have Taker , Batista , Edge , Cena , Micheals ,Trips appearing on the oppsite brands ? Then Whats the point of the Brand - Extention. If you'r goign to have the Big Super-starts appearign on both shows and making it look like on. It just kills the Idea of BRand-Extenion

Now if the Brand-Extention ended , thats a whole diffrent stroy. I would LOVE to see A HUGE FUED that will go on for a very long time then at the end do the same as Vengence 2002 were JEricho was the first Undisputed Champ.
I gotta be going with just the 1 belt. I mean i felt it was pushing it having 2 heavyweight titles but now its even worst with a ECW one aswell which by the way is just like a intercontenail/usa title kinda belt to me.
I have to admit i feel that when someone wins the titles now, it does not feel as a big deal as it used to. I mean if you honest about it how many of the guys on raw say are good enough to carry the belt now?........... Answer? Not a lot

With all this interbrand change e,t,c .. i feel that 1 main heavyweight blet would be fantastic

I dont think the problem here is with titles man, its booking, the wwe does not have a proper booking committe, i remember when the brand extension started and raw was entertainment whilst smackdown was the wrestling show, now with ecw the brands lack depth, (ecw is the far more watchable show btw), the whole issue is that if your gonna have three belts then bring in more credible wrestlers and make all three brands seperate stop cross branding as its hurting all three brands as both ecw and smackdown are playing second fiddle to raw

three titles no cross branding thats my answer
I'm on my last nerve with the WWE! The bookers seem to be an absolute joke at this present moment in time. Three titles?? What a joke! The passion and joy in watching the likes of Rey Mysterio, Batista, Undertaker, etc win the title has dissappeared. Firstly, the ECW title. Who cares? No disrespect to CM Punk but that title is well past second rate. It is hard to believe that that belt holds any credibility. I suggest you get rid of ECW all together. Pump up some true legendary stories with RAW and Smackdown and down the road, if need be, create a brand new 3rd brand that WWE can truly say they have created from scratch like the latter two. I would like to see some low key wrestlers step up to the plate and challenge for the World/WWE titles such as Jeff and Matt Hardy. Bring in some comic relief as well as what Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Jimmy Hart used to be. A main event for Wrestlemania one day, when or if all three brands amalgamate, would be a title unification of all 3.
I think they should unify WWE & World championships together and make it the undisputed championship and just have ECW separate with its ECW championship and bring back the ECW tag & television titles. because ECW is second rate and no-one cares about like if they had a ECW champ match on pretty much no1 would watch it but if its WWE champ match then everyone watches
What has ruined pro-boxing is the fact that they have so many world champs& that could end up affecting WWE as well.I'd rather see ECW absorbed into RAW& SD! I dont think all 3 should be unified unless they intend on giving some wrestlers 4 months off every year to avoid congestion.If Batista,Taker,Edge,Mysterio& Khali where also appearing on RAW,a guy like Jeff Hardy wouldnt get a push like his getting right now.The original Brand extension dynamic was pretty good,the whole SD! vs. RAW thing.The whole post-Royal Rumble jump& draft lotteries where pure sports-entertainment gold.I would rather have the two major world titles remain& have ECW being the new "OVW" i.e developmental territory with the show only being aired online.
mabuza, you are on the right track with your arguement about boxing. But remember, not only do they have the WBC, WBA, WBO, The Ring, etc with their own titles, each weight class has to have a title as well. WWE doesnt have that issue, and the only reason the Cruiserweight Title was started was to showcase faster international wrestling styles and have the push of talents like Psicosis and Jushin Liger make rational sense.

Here's what I think will work. Like the early 00's, one undisputed champion who wrestles on BOTH shows. Since that person is the #1 in the company, yes they will work a little more. But to remedy that you take the WHC off of house shows. The WHC works Raw, ECW, and Smackdown (since the latter two are on the same day, it's only two days) and all pay-per-views. That way, the WHC could have 2 or even 3 feuds at once, and there is no question who "The Man" is.

Intercontinental Title stays on Raw. US Title stays on Smackdown. Hardcore Title re-emerges on ECW. Tag Team Titles on Raw. Cruiserweight Title on ECW. Women's Title on Smackdown. That's all.
I don't know what to think on this topic. There are so many +'s and so many -'s on this topic. I'll start with the Positives.

- Each of the three shows has a head for the show, a main go get him guy for everyone.
- Like Jake said, it gives the mid carders a chance to win main event gold cause the line up is three times shorter with three times the gold.
- It means more exiting storylines to go by, or at least the potential for an exiting storyline, that is.

- The Tri Branded PPVs have made the ECW title look almost like the IC or US title in the way it's being defended. It's often been the first match on a card, and thats a shame.
- The lack of PPV Match changes. Look at Judgement Day and One Night STand. BOTH PPVs had the same people fighting over all three titles, resulting in pretty much the same PV over again, only ONS was a gimmick PPV.
- It makes it harder to tell who "The Man" is. Look at Cyber Sunday 06. Booker T was the Champ of Champs, yet he lost his title to Batista less than a month later. Does that make Batista the man? Who knows, cause Cena and Big Show are both better than he is! No one knew!

In closing, I'm gonna agree with half the people here. If the WWE can learn to keep each shows superstars exclusive to the show, then three titles is good. But right now, two ECW guys hold Smackdown gold. If their doing an "official" merger, I don't think Batista and CM Punk should both be champs. Espesially with Punk on Smackdown every week now. Smackdown don't need two championships. So keep em seperate, don't get rid of any until all three shows are united again. And don't do it at Wrestlemania. It'll overshadow the event.
I like having 2 World titles WWE and World Heavyweight the WWE title is slightly higher than WHC but on the whole it should be just as impressive and an achievements to win the WHC. It gives the company 2 guys to focus on imagine how many guys would want the title and having so many contenders for 1 title.

As for the ECW title well i once thought it could be world status but now nah its been miss used to the point that it cant be made world title status, think about it having big stars win it now would actually decrease them. The ECW title should be a high title but not world status.

I think having three titles is too much really its stretching an already thinned roster to much but luckily the ECW title is becoming just a high mid card title.
I almost did a post on this a week ago..

I have very strong feelings on this point. I remember a time when Hulk Hogan vs Sgt Slaughter for the title was freaking awesome, and kids all over the country sat down in front of their television, and watched them fight for the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. Now, in the same week we can see the following matches!:

On Smackdown, Batista vs The Undertaker vs Edge.. For the World Title...

On Raw we see Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton... For the World Title...

And on ECW we see hm hm... CM Punk vs Either Big Daddy V or Mark Henry...

Good god. When I first REALLY started getting into wrestling we had on one show, Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin for the WWE Championship.. On the other, Hulk Hogan vs Sting.

The word World Title has lost all meaning. Eddie Guerrero is rolling in his grave right now. In a World where Mr Perfect, and Owen Hart NEVER held a Major World Championship.. The Miz is considered a top contender? I have never been more ashamed of being a wrestling fan. I love the business, and hope to see it recover from this godforsaken slump. But if WWE continues on the path it's been traveling lately.. I simply will not be able to watch it anymore.

Please god.. Give Vince the strength to pull it all back together so I can finally get excited about watching Raw again. Thank you Lord.. Amen.

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