What the fuck is wrong with our posters?

The spam rules are extremely relaxed now when I first started here. The change is for the better.

I still say post count should be on everywhere. Does total number of post actually matter?
Jake would probably still have more then anyone. He reset his post count when he was an admin. The guy was a posting machine. KB ight have more though.
It's one thing to create threads in the non-spam sections based on headlines you saw on the main page. It's another to create said threads and only cut and paste the headline and then write "Discuss."

If you're going to make a thread about the headlines, how about you create a TOPIC OF DISCUSSION on the matter? Or is that too difficult?!?

Lazy fucking posters... I hate them. I miss when we actually had good posters on this site.

Long posts are fine. If you didn't like what Tenta was putting out, not much I can do for you. On the other hand, LJL rarely goes into detail, but doesn't spam. He's no Tenta, but he's not wrong either.
Shit yeah, Jake would have a ridiculous amount of posts. I think he posted in the vast majority of created threads at one stage.
I have noticed a lot of people banned lately. I mean, I never really payed much attention to it much before, but seems that every second or third thread I go into has someone who was banned in it.

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