What the fuck?... 17 teenage girls make a pact to get pregnant?

Thank you. So was I but my parents brought me up in the right way. Kids will be kids, but anymore its gotten outta control.

I'll tell you what. When I have kids I won't hesitate to cut a switch if they get out of hand. I wont beat the shit outta them, but I was spanked when I was a kid. I turned out fine.....



I turned out fine.....

I remember seeing this on the news. I'm not bothering to read six pages. Could someone give me the jist please?
This is how cults are formed. All they need is one charismatic white guy to convince them that he loves them all, and offer them all the Kool Aid they could ever drink.
This is how cults are formed. All they need is one charismatic white guy to convince them that he loves them all, and offer them all the Kool Aid they could ever drink.

the man in white

I already said something that this could be the start of a cult, I figure if these girls start having sex with their children 20 years from now, maybe my assumptions were correct
It's not just stupid it's totally selfish of them. These kids are going to have to deal with mothers that have no idea how to take care of them.

Flames Out
Uhm.. wait, so they all got pregnant because they felt unloved? Did I read it right that there was like 17 of them, or something like that?

If thats the case, why couldn't they just make a pact to love each other? I mean I'm pretty sure if all of them felt unloved, then they'd know how to give the other what they wanted.. since they all wanted the same thing.
If thats the case, why couldn't they just make a pact to love each other? I mean I'm pretty sure if all of them felt unloved, then they'd know how to give the other what they wanted.. since they all wanted the same thing.

17 different sweet young 16 year olds loving each other....you know what I'm talking about Will. ;)

17 different sweet young 16 year olds loving each other....you know what I'm talking about Will. ;)

:lmao: Actually, when I thought about the story to begin with I was a little disheartened to learn they're apparently already pregnant.

I would've liked being able to help them accomplish their goals. Theres nothing I love more, than helping people achive their dreams, you know what I mean Sly? LOL ;)
:lmao: Actually, when I thought about the story to begin with I was a little disheartened to learn they're apparently already pregnant.

I would've liked being able to help them accomplish their goals. Theres nothing I love more, than helping people achive their dreams, you know what I mean Sly? LOL ;)
Will, if you wind up flying out to Boston, I'll give you a lift from Logan Airport to Gloucester. I'm sure their friends want to get in on this action.
No, I was just kidding about fantasizing about underage girls.

You sick....FREAK. ;)

Hey, I'm not the guy who knocked them up. If anything, you could consider them students of the Game.. and I was the Coach. :lmao:

You should know what coaching's like..

I know dude. That's the best part. No need for condoms! Ohhh yeeeaaahhh. lol

Highly agreed. Sex for 9 straight monthes is great. But the 18 years after is the "fine print" that needs checked better. lol

Will, if you wind up flying out to Boston, I'll give you a lift from Logan Airport to Gloucester. I'm sure their friends want to get in on this action.

Sa-weet! Wait though.. I don't want no ugly chics thinking I'm gonna go all "Alien v. Predator" on them. I have morals.

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