A Plea To The Wrestlezone Regulars

Firstly, fucking epic post. Apparently I never rep people ever; but the next time I'm able I'll send some green your way.

As for the topic, I've "slipped my two cents in" every single time it's come up, to the point at which it's becoming one of my little pet topics. But in a single paragraph, I don't post in a thread without reading the thread, and I don't read threads that are completely full of shit.

I guess you could call it a catch 22 (never read it, don't know what the term means), in that if all the good people posted then the quality would go up and the good people would feel less isolated, but that doesn't seem likely to happen. Personally I think we should have a special section where spam isn't tolerated, but that's just one man's opinion.
That post was intense man. Great stuff really.

Whe it comes to the wrestling boards on here I am quite indifferent now. When I first started to post it was the only place I would go but I have expnaded my horizons a lot now and I think I am a regular poster in some of the other boards on here. The music boards, WZCW, BT and the Survivor Series tourney in the bar room. The thing is that I could post a lot more in the wrestling sections but I think that what NorCal says is true, nothing worth mentioing is happening right now. Also, I spend a lot of time typing my RP's for WZCW and my Book This! I don't really have the time to go in a nd check out what is being said in the wrestling boards, especially when it is the same things that are being said continuoulsy as you pointed out. I am going to try and make more of an effort in the coming weeks to post in the wrestling sections.
First of all, WOW... what a fucking post. My hat's off to you, Tenta.

I came onto this site referred by a good friend who happens to be a mod. Apparently, he thinks I have some valid thinking on the sport of professional wrestling and asked me to contribute to the site. At first, I was loving the fact that I had people (besides my friend) to speak to on a daily basis about wrestling. So, I posted my opinions and thoughts and was very interested in seeing the responses that I would receive in return.

Then, I started reading other threads and posts and realized something... the opinions verbalized on this site towards the wrestling product is WAY too negative for me. For every post I executed about something that I believed to be positive about today's product, I received five completely negative and (somewhat) demeaning posts. I found out quickly that this was the nature of the beast. The public doesn't view wrestling as moonlight and roses. As a matter of fact, most of them hate what they're watching these days. This really took the wind out of my sails. If I want to get made fun of, argued against, immaturely prosecuted, or repremanded for stating my positive opinions about a subject, then I'll just go back to high school.

My point is that I am losing interest in posting on this site. Why get yourself involved in something only to be broken down?? Especially when the ones that are breaking you down CLEARLY don't have a clue as to what they're talking about. It's frustration in its purest form. As each day goes by and I continue to visit this site and read new posts and threads, I tolerate this garbage less and less.

Tenta, I totally feel your pain. All of the things I just said are the main reasons why I don't post more often. I was getting praised left and right when I first started here, but it seems that has all changed. Maybe I had beginners luck or something. But, nowadays, I'll pick my battles and think twice before postin anything. I won't disappear from this site, but I can't allow myself to spend as much time on here as I did a few months ago.
OK as a whole I feel the forum has slipped some what in recent times, whilst traffic has gone up, overall quality has gone down. Now we have an influx of topics, and they all go onto the same thing;

1) why Vince sux
2) why Benjamin should be MEr
3) why PG is the worst thing ever
4) Something about the mid card titles

and that's it, over and over and over again, you come up with a good thread and hardly get any replies, or you get spam after spam after spam.
OK as a whole I feel the forum has slipped some what in recent times, whilst traffic has gone up, overall quality has gone down. Now we have an influx of topics, and tehy all go onto the same thing;

1) why Vince sux
2) why Benjamin should be MEr
3) why PG is the worst thing ever
4) Something about the mid card titles

and that's it, over and over and over again, you come up with a good thread and hardly get any replies, or you get spam after spam after spam.

How very cynical but true. It's a sad state of affairs.

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