I need to vent about stubborn, close-minded posters

If you get him to the point when he quibbles about semantics, then you've won, or at least the debate has ended; at this point in time, there will be no more substance to the debate and he will more than likely try to bait you into flaming him.
Completely false.

What you're talking about only happens when the other person can make an original point, and it forces me to have to repeat myself because they keep saying the same dumb things.

Go ahead and watch the next time it happens between me and another poster. You'll see what I mean.
Yeah, I concede points to FTS and X all the time in the Cigar Lounge. However, I won't let the overall argument die as long as I feel I still have a point to address.

What you're talking about, I 'spose, are the wrestling posters who say stupid shit, watch you completely dismantle them, then come back with the exact same points you just shot down. I've seen the same happen to posters all the time, including Sly.
As Sly said, when I'm wrong about wrestling, I'll admit it. It's just never happened...
At the point in time that I post I am the most correct person in that thread. I therefore reserve the right to do a 180 or abrupt change in opinion for anytime I damn well please.
I think im the record holder for times admitting I was wrong on this site.

Keep in mind though, im a fucking idiot. So, if you get me to say im wrong, its really nothing to be proud of.
Yeah, I'm humble and admit when I'm wrong...I even give the poster kudos for knowing something I didn't. That's the intriguing part about any type of organization, be it a forum, or a business, or the military...if you don't know something, there's always someone in that place that will know it, or that knows someone that knows it. Which is why people discuss things. If everyone knew everything, there would be little need to communicate.

Another thing people have a problem with is differentiating facts and opinion. Those are two very different things. A fact is a bit of information that can be supported with concrete evidence, not by someone just saying "fact" at the end of the sentence, as if they are a dictionary or something. An opinion is simply a person's personal view on a subject...be it wrong or right, or factual or not, is is their opinion.

So discuss things, have fun, and when people have a hard time understanding, that's what neg rep and infractions are for...
I'll admit when im wrong because I don't find anything wrong with admitting you're not right, i'm not that good of a poster anyway so nobody probably cares haha.

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