A Difficult Decision

Im talking to some pussy on the compy right now, no not you game rage, an actual girl. I dont have time to play with you right now, but ill answer your fear monger pussy ass shit eventually, dont you worry your sweet little head.

I dont give a fuck how many people you "know" you arent going to tell me how thr fuck my life is every damn day, dumbass. If you attempt that, then you will make yourself look like more of a fucking fool than most everyone here already thinks you are.

I DO IT. NOW. EVERY DAY. I dont tell you about your life and job, do I? no, becuase then i would sound like an absolute ******ed fuck, like you do right now
Game Rage I'm just going to throw this out there but you're arguement about going to the military is with a man that is in the military, I'm assuming that you are not. I would give the edge on knowing their shit about the issue to NorCal.
Oh yeah, you two know what's up like R-Truth. I'm not going to sit down and shut up because some fuck doesn't like what I have to say. I'm not fucking lying about anything and if anyone has a hard time believing it, that's not my problem. If you don't like what I am saying, don't read it, and if you do and you have something to say, by all means say it, but don't for one fucking second question my honesty, my integrity, or anything about my character. I just so happen to give a shit about people and would rather tell them the truth or rather another side of the truth, than let them go on thinking their getting some deal for nothing when they're getting screwed for the highest cost their is, freedom. I have and always will support the troops, I just wouldn't encourage anyone who doesn't want their life run for them to do it, and I wouldn't let anyone get into it without them knowing what could happen to them, or what other options are available i.e. school.

I dont give a fuck how many people you "know" you arent going to tell me how thr fuck my life is every damn day, dumbass. If you attempt that, then you will make yourself look like more of a fucking fool than most everyone here already thinks you are.

How about this fuckface, I never said shit about what YOU do, I was talking about what your military does to unsuspecting and unknowing kids out of high school and how they railroad them any chance they get. So, you can gladly sit on it and spin.
Yes, keep citing shit that happened in the 60s, and isolated incidences that happened to your friends who couldnt manage their finances, and tell me what my day to day life is like.

You are an absolute fuckwad.
Oh yeah, you two know what's up like R-Truth. I'm not going to sit down and shut up because some fuck doesn't like what I have to say. I'm not fucking lying about anything and if anyone has a hard time believing it, that's not my problem. If you don't like what I am saying, don't read it, and if you do and you have something to say, by all means say it, but don't for one fucking second question my honesty, my integrity, or anything about my character. I just so happen to give a shit about people and would rather tell them the truth or rather another side of the truth, than let them go on thinking their getting some deal for nothing when they're getting screwed for the highest cost their is, freedom. I have and always will support the troops, I just wouldn't encourage anyone who doesn't want their life run for them to do it, and I wouldn't let anyone get into it without them knowing what could happen to them, or what other options are available i.e. school.

You believe in Area 51 don't you
Game Rage I'm just going to throw this out there but you're arguement about going to the military is with a man that is in the military, I'm assuming that you are not. I would give the edge on knowing their shit about the issue to NorCal.

Oh I don't blame you, that's logical. But, I am not debating what he has, or what he has done. I am talking about the experiences of people who have been close to me, and how badly they got the shit end of the stick. I could care less what he knows or doesn't know about the military, I know what happened to the people I know and he can't say any different.
Be careful Norcs, you're going to leave the thread because Game Rage buried you in a word fort and he will claim victory. The resulting black hole will destroy the universe.
Oh I don't blame you, that's logical. But, I am not debating what he has, or what he has done. I am talking about the experiences of people who have been close to me, and how badly they got the shit end of the stick. I could care less what he knows or doesn't know about the military, I know what happened to the people I know and he can't say any different.

Fair enough, but dont act like THAT is how the fucking military IS, because it ISNT...is there isolated incidences were people get fucked? Sure. Its also the year 2010, and every effort is made to curb that shit. So dont SIT there, and fucking disparage what I dedicate my fucking life to, becuase a few people you know had shitty experiences
You believe in Area 51 don't you

Area 51 is an actual air base or some shit in Nevada I've even been close to there, but No I do not necessarily believe in the popularized concept of Area 51 as some secret base where the government is holding aliens or something, although I can see why you'd think I did, LOL.
I'm just going to throw this out there, almost everyone in my family has been in the military, wheather it was Marines, Army, or Navy, I know someone that has served and every single one of them said it was the best thing that happened to them. Hell, both of my Grandpas served in Korea and they still hold the service in high regaurd, they saw combat and still loved their time there.
Be careful Norcs, you're going to leave the thread because Game Rage buried you in a word fort and he will claim victory. The resulting black hole will destroy the universe.

C'mon Razor that was nowhere near the standard of my typical word fort man!
Speaking of Military service, my Grandfather served as a Merchant Marine during world war 2 (though we don't really know which war it was cos he never liked to talk about it). After that he served with Isreal during the independance war.
and guess what.

I wouldnt either.

Well than we agree on something, and I will give you credit for being more honest than 99% of the recruiters I have ever met. You being in the military have to know how much they blur the figured and trump it up to make it sound better to teenagers who don't understand what they are actually getting themselves into.

Fair enough, but dont act like THAT is how the fucking military IS, because it ISNT...is there isolated incidences were people get fucked? Sure. Its also the year 2010, and every effort is made to curb that shit. So dont SIT there, and fucking disparage what I dedicate my fucking life to, becuase a few people you know had shitty experiences

Exactly fair enough. I realize and never said that was the way it IS, but I am also saying that it's not all cut and dry either if you get what I am saying. Maybe now and I mean like Right Now, they are changing the way they do business, but around the time my friends and I were about to turn 18 which was around 2003 they sure as hell weren't. I don't even want to have to mention Vietnam and how badly those poor bastards got screwed either. It's not like the government aren't a bunch of crooked bastards, we all know they are.

Don't confuse me warning someone about the risks versus rewards are disparaging what you've dedicated your life to. Like I said I support the troops but it's very hard to support the military itself because of the things they have done over the years.

Those come when you know what you are talking about

Oh you are pushing it cardinal, you are pushing it, LOL.
BTW before I got I just wanted to thank Norcal for that little exchange, I feel better now. I needed to let off a little steam.
BTW before I got I just wanted to thank Norcal for that little exchange, I feel better now. I needed to let off a little steam.

its all good, im satisified with how things went. Sure shit happens, its not a perfect system, and never will be. Shit, even I, myself, have had a few crappy things happen here and there.

By and large though, you get everything you deserve, and the vast majorty say its the best thing that ever happened to them. I can see having some animosity over what happened to people you know though.

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