It's a good thing I didn't pick a "difficult" career.

I don't sweat, I barely lift a finger. It's fun sitting around while my parents are making money. Wait i forgot, we got it from my fathers dad, who got it from his fathers dad :rolleyes:
The hilarious thing here is, despite supposedly being 'rich', you're not only still living off your parents, you're living with them.

This is assuming you are older than 18 I suppose. If not, when the time comes, move the fuck out, man.
why should i waste money now when I'm still in school? that would make no sense. The money is something to fall back on. It isn't something to waste now.
I don't sweat, I barely lift a finger. It's fun sitting around while my parents are making money. Wait i forgot, we got it from my fathers dad, who got it from his fathers dad :rolleyes:
Wait...I'm confused.

Are YOU rich, or did your parents make it wealthy, and you just feed of their wealth?
Rich people shouldn't brag. It means they borrow money from the bank to make themselves look rich ;)
The only thing I got from my parents was 2000 dollars from a life insurance policy that my stepmother insisted my dad cash in because she'l die before he does and we were co-benificiaries. Teh rest I made myself.
Slyfox, you seem pretty smart. For all I know about you, you could be a genius. I'm lead to wondering why you teach P.E. instead of using your smarts to make money. Any answers?
Slyfox, you seem pretty smart. For all I know about you, you could be a genius. I'm lead to wondering why you teach P.E. instead of using your smarts to make money. Any answers?
Because I want to be a teacher, and I want to be a basketball coach.

Making money has nothing to do with being happy. What I do is one of the most important jobs in life, as my job teaches others how to do their future jobs. You get to be around kids, see how they grow up, and see who they become. You can guide them towards the path of doing the right thing in life. You can watch them walk across the stage at graduation, with a tear in your eye, knowing that one of the biggest reasons they are receiving their diploma is the time you spent with them, helping them with homework, coaching them on basketball, and on life.

That is far more rewarding that some arbitrary monetary figure.

Could I have been something else, something that would have paid a lot more? Absolutely. No doubt about it. I got paid to attend a 4 year University because of TWO scholarships. A lot of people have 7 scholarships to pay half their way, I got two scholarships and made $1500 a year to go to school. But, I didn't want to do anything else. I want to be an educator and a coach.
Not often I say this, but I totally respect Sly for that.

Too many people in this life seem to think that money is what should drive a person. It's not. If you work hard, the money will be there. If you balance your budget, and not spend what you don't have, you will always be comfortable.

But, if you're working a job you are miserable in, for money that you can't even spend, then what's the point? You only live life once, you might as well do something that makes you happy every day.

And working with kids (especially middle school and down) and coaching basketball is what makes me happy.
That is valid answer. It just seems odd to me because I equate money to success and being happy despite what my parents and others tell me. I have always figured that if you have the intelligence you should use it for personal gain. I used to be a better person.
Amen. I have gotten very lucky in that I found two things that I have a gift for: Stock trading and poker. I got lucky and I have made enough money that I can have practically any material thing that I want. I was happy before though, and I'd be happy without it. I like what I do. That's enough for me.
That is valid answer. It just seems odd to me because I equate money to success and being happy despite what my parents and others tell me. I have always figured that if you have the intelligence you should use it for personal gain. I used to be a better person.
Being successful is not about money. Being a successful basketball team is not about wins and losses.

Success is about doing everything you do in life to the very best you can. It's about giving it all you have, learning all you can, enjoying the most you can, and becoming a better person every day for it. Success is not an extrinsic reward, it's an intrinsic reward. Success is not based upon how others see you, but as you see yourself, at your very core.

If you can look in a mirror, and honestly say to yourself that you have done the very best you can each and every day, how can that not be successful? If you can say that I made a difference today, in my life and in the lives of others, has that not successful?

Success is not measured by what others think of you. Success is not measured in extrinsic and calculated rewards. Success is a feeling, a sense of personal accomplishment accomplishment.

And, I do use my intelligence for personal gain. Every day, I gain a little more wisdom, a little more knowledge, and I gain a little more value to my life.
As was said in Blue Chips- "The best team I ever coached didn't win a National Championship. Hell they didn't even win more than they lost. But they played their asses off every night."
Amen. I have gotten very lucky in that I found two things that I have a gift for: Stock trading and poker. I got lucky and I have made enough money that I can have practically any material thing that I want. I was happy before though, and I'd be happy without it. I like what I do. That's enough for me.
I like playing poker, just don't ever get to do it anymore. I wasn't bad at it. I think I came out about $50 ahead (keep in mind, this is probably after less than 20 games, at $5 a buy-in). Just don't have time to do it.

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