A Plea To The Wrestlezone Regulars

We're on the wrong track. I thought you mean't those "anti-IWC, we're the downfall of wrestling" threads. Not shit like Benjamin and Morrison aren't that good, and smarky terms.
Wes, were did I say IWC? um, fucking hello, if your on a computer talking about wrestling, your part of the IWC. sorry.

I said Smark terms.
Ive done a few here and there, but they get swept away by absurdity. Like the things people are trying to use as points in that thing this year have truly bastardized it. Go into the archives and find last years tournament, and you will see what I mean.

that, and im not particularly interested in putting absurd amounts of time and effort into arguing over a torunament that doesnt really exist and means nothing.

I see. I like it because it is fun and something to do. Some arguments though are completely ridiculous though.,
I do what I can to post in wrestling as OFTEN as possible...but it's tough to answer questions without wanting to tear into the person that started the thread. Most of the time, that person doesn't even have a complete sentence and what was asked didn't even make sense.

I love to talk about wrestling because it's been one of the few constants in my life. Wrestling, women, and procrastination. Go hand in hand. Anyway, Tenta is one of the better posters we have here. And to be mentioned was pretty cool if you ask me. Being here less than two months and many see me as someone who knows his stuff. It's all I ever ask for. I never go into a thread that's out of my element. TNA threads may have two posts from me. Same goes for the indy's, ROH, and other wrestling brands that are going on that aren't the WWE. Old school is in my wheelhouse though. Anything from Jim Crockett to Memphis Wrestling, to WCCW and even old WCW and WWF. The quality is still there...just not as prominent at the moment.
I was just messing with you.

Yes, there's tons of morons. There's knowledgeable smarks, and dumbass ones. The dumbass ones are mainly the "Morrison is great in the ring, he should be in the main event now" clowns, and the Meltzer said this, so it's true "HHH is only where he is because he's boning Steph" clowns.
I said for the most part.

you rtying to tell me you have met more non morons on this fucking site? I beg to differ sir...

LOL.... I think that's half of the problem with these forums... We all have morons running around, with no terms of what "spam" is
I need to start posting in the wrestling sections again apparantley.

Please do, Monkey.

KB says it best... The concept of "Spam" is becoming a common thing. even when people are told they are spamming, they do nothing about it. I won't say names...

Ok, i will.... mrstlouis
Yes he did. He also claims to be a ECW original mark, too. Ugh.

Really.... a original ECW mark?

Like, you know, before it was actually ECW? Because if that's the case... Then he really needs a clue. He tried to ram down my throat that the WWE was for kids. And he's an ECW mark? Good God...
I don't post in the wrestling sections at the moment because I don't really have the time. The tournament is taking up a lot of the time. I spent about 6 months only posting in the WWE and TNA sections, but I stopped when every single thread somehow got hijacked by someone claiming somebody completely shit should be in the main event.
Well let me jump on this bandwagon for a minute before I go hide in the Music section for awhile, I would love to post more in the wrestling section, but the problem I have is I don't care for bickering or arguing about current story lines that are going on. I prefer to sit back and enjoy the show, even if the Raw that is on is shit, or God forbid I get stuck watching TNA for awhile, I don't mind, it's all wrestling and it's something I enjoy watching and commenting on, not something I like to sit down and argue with someone why Shelton Benjamin really isn't that great.

Even in the Raw LD last night, I didn't post a whole lot in, reason being I can't keep up when I have 5 posts go up before I even think about making a comment. Now the ECW LD is where I thrive in, it's more laid back, we can discuss more instead of trying to find quote worthy posts and responses. Basically to sum it up, discussing wrestling isn't exactly being in my element, and I don't want to look like an idiot trying to discuss current events. I'm much better in the music section, or if we have a good debate in the Cigar Lounge going on. I'm still a wrestling fan, just not one that can debate over and over again about the same shit.
I've been unbanned for a few days now, but in the past week, it seems like things really did go downhill.

Unfortunately, the title hot potato game and teh Trump "buying" Raw angle seemed to draw people out the wooodwork and into the forums. Plus, the WZ main site is pushing people into the forums at the end of every news post... which is fantastic as long as people understand what they're getting themselves into.

Most of the wrestling topics that have been posted in recent days are rehashed topics that have already been posted. "Best TV match of the year", "Shawn Micheals (it is spelled this way) should move to Smackdown", etc... We've all weighed in on these topics a dozen times !!!

Posting in the wrestling sections can be a lot of fun and you (I mean everyone) can learn a lot from people like KB, NorCal, Becca, Nate, Tenta and myself (sorry if I left anyone off the list that thinks they're Vince the Third)... but it gets tiring arguing and talking about the same shit over and over. Especially when people post comments like "Miz sucks" or "Cena's overrated".

I'm with all the way Tenta and I've had my ass handed to me once or twice by the big boys, but fighting back is what makes this place so great... as long as you understand how to fight ??!!

And by the way, for those who don't know yet, I was bannished for spamming in the movie section, not the wrestling sections. I simply wanted some full frontal nudity by my former childhood stars and didn't elaborate enough on why it would interest me.

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