What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

I don't hate him to the "point of insanity", but he irritates me. I'm talking about JBL. I don't see anything special about him. I hate his theme music, his constantly pissed off face..i don't know why he is in the main event.

And this is why JBL is in the mainevent. He's a heel so you shoud hate him and you do which makes him a good heel.

Anyways mine is Batista. I just don't like the guy for whatever reason. He bores me and he looks like he's on steriods, yet he gets a free ride(if he really is on steroids). I wish he was used as a jobber, but the fans love him, so that ain't happening so I'll put up with him.
Khali is the most boring wrestler ever, all he does is punch,kick,and to top it off smack them in the head. I also hated how they made undertaker job to him.

I hated Cena when he had his superman thing for a year without losing but he has been losing so he isn't that bad now just his promo's annoy me.

Hornswoggle for basically killing the crusierweight title and turning finlay into a face.

I just can't stand Batista it looks as he had steriods for breakfeast and he cant wrestle.
Kahli is the wrestler that i hate with a passion, every match i hope that his knees give out and i never ever have to see him in a ring again. He can barely walk, his promos are horrible, the little runt they have as his voice cant cut a promo if his life depended on it. With Kahli you cant even have a good spot, the only spot you can have is if someone picks him up and there only a few wrestlers that can do it. At least Show, Henry,and the other monsters of the wwe can talk or have somewhat good managers to cut some promos.
khali is a shit stack wrestler.he's pushed so much because of his size yet vince doesnt realize HE CANT WRESTLE!!!!!.i alo dont like hornswoggle too.i hate how he turned finlay into a pussy & how he wrestlers actually put his moves over & that he killed the cruiserweight title.i aslo dont like chuck palumbo that much.he doesnt really seem that great of a wrestler.jbl i dont really mind that much & i like his promos but hed just seem better as color commnetator again.rey mysterio is just stupid now(eddie guerreroe storyline,etc). and i dont really liek kane that much.i find myself falling asleep during his matches.
Hornswoggle. He annoys me because i hate how Finlay turned face with him, and how he destroyed the illigitimate son angle.
Randy Orton.

I used to not be able to stand him. I did not think he deserved his last title reign. I was never big on his whole "Legend Killer" thing, and always got mad when he talked about "ending careers".... then he gets a title shot for kicking Cena's dad? He got awarded the belt out of nowhere just because Cena got hurt, then lost it to HHH, then stole it back at the end of the night.

Then he would go on to get himself disqualified to retain so many times, then talk about how he was such a good champion.... no! The best champions will legitimately defend their title. Every time he retained at a PPV, I would go straight to my ps2 and put the guy in a handicap match against guys like Cena or HHH.

I was so happy when HHH finally took the belt off of him, ending a schoolyear long title reign that I thought the guy never deserved.

I actually don't mind him so much anymore, I just did not think he deserved the title reign, nothing else about him really bugs me anymore. At the time I did hate him though, hence why I am sharing this story.

On an unrelated note, I also hated Kozlov back when he did not have an entrance theme.... a boring entrance takes away from someones intimidation factor in my opinion.

That's all I have to say here.
Its a tie for 1st for me!

1.) Booker - When he tries(d) to put that elegant accent into his voice and sound sophisticated I jump out of my chair and repeatedly attempt to punch myself in the scrotum... I've actually screamed so loud, I've woken up the neighbors...

2.) Kozlov - DOBLE DOBLE EEE.... Enough Said.... *Grabs Hair*

3.) The Miz - Who thought it would be a good idea to dress up Ryan Seacrest in wrestling attire? When I see him, I want to kick Vince McMahon in his brass and ask him "WHAT *kick* THE *kick* FUCK kick* WERE *kick* YOU *kick* THINKING? *kick*"

4.) Dolf "Remember Nicky? " Zigler - Something about him just makes you think they WANT WCW to come back... Alex Wright, anyone?? And if he dances like "Das Wunderkind", I'm gonna nail my nuts to the chair and roll off the roof...

and last but not least...

5.) JBL - Put down the mic, Grab a beer, Find Farooq, and kick someones ass... Otherwise, SHUT THE FUCK UP! I see the limo coming and wish those horns would come to life and gore him to death...

In closing, if wrestling continues this trend, I may be dead or admitted to the local psych ward, on principal... IT'S GOTTA STOP!

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