What song are you currently listening to?


Maximum the Hormone-F

I know nothing of this band. A Japanese heavy metal band out of Tokyo from what I gather. Asides from translated lyrics, I do not understand more than a few words being said. Not that I care, because the song is fucking sick! If you haven't read the title in the Youtube video header, this song is about Dragon ball z's villainous tyrant, Frieza. This song will also apparently be featured in the new DBZ movie Revival of F coming out in a few short days. Anyway, thought I'd share so enjoy I guess.

Using the near 9,000 tracks on my iTunes, I regularly make compilation CDs for friends and family, and my Mum has recently asked me to make another 2 or 3 for her to play in the car.

Even though shes 60+ she has developed a liking for radio-friendly rock music, mainly due to the songs I would play when I was living at home- she's said my music always blaring out is one of the things she misses most about me no longer living with them.

She doesn't like "screaming" or "roaring" on songs or anything too heavy, but LOVES Alter Bridge, and bands I've put onto CDs for her include Godsmack, Five Finger Death Punch (the softer stuff), Stone Sour, Black Label Society, Black Stone Cherry, Nickelback, Puddle of Mudd and Seether, who she especially likes.

I was giving her a lift in the car yesterday, and showed her the playlist I'd been working on for her latest CD, including this track from the "Daredevil" film, and she loved it, so it's definitely getting onto the next one I burn.

I've read about Of Mice & Men for a while. A few of my friends are fans of them I finally checked them out as the top video was a new one and I thought I might as well give it a go and it's pretty good.

The clean vocals are a bit to high pitched and a bit whiny but they're manageable. The screamo vocals are actually pretty decent and not overly screamo, they have a more hardcore punk feel which is pretty cool.

Overall I quite dig them. I dunno about their earlier stuff (I'll have to check it out) but I'll certainly consider getting their latest album.

Awwww shhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiittt!!

What an absolute classic from Big Will. One of those songs that no matter where or when I hear it, I'm immediately in a good mood. I know it off by heart, and can't help myself from rapping along when I listen to it haha!

Party in tha city when the heat is on, all night on the beach 'til the break'a dawn...welcome to Miami!

...I need to visit this city!

So I started listening to Atreyu today. I remember buying my friend The Curse album years ago for his birthday so I listened to that and I really liked it. This song is a new one apparently and I'm really digging it. Something I find funny about a lot of metalcore bands I get into the backing vocalist seems to have the better voice overall and Atreyu are no exception. The screamo guy does a great job but the backing vocalist guy does a great job as well. And the music is awesome.

Oasis in their absolute prime in this, the title track from their 3rd album- which became the fastest selling album in UK history, absolutely smashing it in their home town of MCR!! Mad Fer It!

"Be Here Now" is a fantastic album, an over-the-top wall of noise fuelled by cocaine and mayhem, I love it. It was a massie success but to this day is still criticised by music experts (unfairly in my opinion) as it wasn't as good as Oasis' first 2 legendary albums "Definitely Maybe" and "(What's The Story?) Morning Glory), but what album could compare to those?!

The title track is really good, it isn't one of my favourites from the album- that honour goes to "Dya Know What I Mean?", "My Big Mouth" and Don't Go Away", and I wasn't a big fan of it for a few years but it's grown on me alot and now I love it (just like I love 95% of Oasis material).

This Live performance shows Liam at is very best. It's a shame his voice has declined alot over the years, as in his prime he was unbeatable and the greatest frontman of his generation.
Getting back to some good old 1990's music, a lesser known group known as Cause and Effect with their big hit "It's Over Now".


This song speaks to me, especially because hardly anyone I know has even the slightest interest in it. It's one of those rare songs that builds well, and carries itself on a wave of electric guitar riffs. It's not forced or overly dramatic, it contains angst but not on a Curt Cobain level. It's as balanced as I imagine myself to be, and while I hope that someone else can enjoy it I'll be flattered if everyone hates it.



I really have to thank Wes Borland (of Limp Bizkit fame) for getting me into Queen Kwong. Not only is he the guitarist in the band now he's apparently dating the singer (lucky guy)

But yeah this band is great. Carre Callaway the singer has a Pixies vibe as she gives off a Black Francis and Kim Deal vibe at the same time. The songs go from mellow to punky which is cool.

Just found out this got done on Britain's Got Talent last week. I don't normally watch Britain's Got Talent but had to check out. The guy doing it was alright actually but of course didn't get through because it's not easily marketable.

The lyrics are cool and the music is awesome. I'll probably have to check out the Atlas album now.

Now this is a classic!

An instantly recognisable tune, one that has been sampled several times by other artists. I only know 2 Toto songs (the other being "Walk The Line") but I absolutely love this, everyone does.

I had it playing on the speakers in my kitchen over the weekend while my girlfriend was cooking tea and I was dancing with her daughter and singing loudly! Great song!

Nightwish - Elan

There are a few bands that I love and will check up on them constantly and see if anything new is being released. Then there are the bands that I, on occasion will check into just to see whats been going on over the years; Nightwish is one of those bands. Not a huge fan, I know of a handful of songs by them that I listen to, again, on occasion. So, I figured the time has come to once again, check in on them. I saw this was their recent single from their recent album so, what the hell *click*. I couldn't have been more glad that I decided to click because, not only is this a beautifully shot video, its also quite the song to go along with said video.

Currently a favorite song that's been on repeat on my playlist for about a week now. So do a favor and click just as I did and hopefully after listening, you'll be just as pleasantly surprised as I was.

Call the copppppppsssss!

I've just picked up a ticket to watch the reformed Black Grape, the side project of Happy Mondays lead singer Shaun William Ryder.

They are totally different style band to the Mondays, with more of a hip-hop influence and their debut album hit number 1 in the UK, with great critical reviews. This one is off their second, less well-received album and is probably my 3rd favourite Black Grape song.

My mate was playing this in the car and I've been playing it a lot. The riffs are cool and Phil Bozeman's vocals are awesome. There's two times in the songs where he does an almost death growl rap which is something I don't think has been done before (1:14 and 3:28) It's pretty cool

I rally find it annoying this is supposed to be a free iTunes download but it's only available in the USA. Still moving on I love the track. I especially love the Prince Oberyn bit at the start, just adds to the track. Love the riffing and the lyrics and boy has Jesse Leach really become better as a vocalist. I used to prefer Howard Jones in the vocal department but Jesse's giving him a run for his money now.

I've wanted to listen to more White Zombie for ages. I've had a couple of their songs on my iPod for a while, which I got from compilation CDs, as well as one of Rob Zombie's solo albums, but I've never owned a full White Zombie album...so I fixed this by ordering Astro Creep 2000 from Amazon last week.

It's pretty good. Most of the tracks are loud, catchy and have great riffs. Both the "Electric Head" songs are really good, and this one (which I already knew) is probably the stand out tune for me. All in all, a good investment.

One of my biggest complaints about most pop music nowadays is the repetitiveness of it aka there seems to be little to no change in the actual music. It seems like one continuous loop. Listening to this mash up of Amon Amarth and Katy Perry has basically rectified that. Ok yes I'm a metal fan predominantly but also the fact that it sounds interesting helps and it shows Katy Perry can sing.

Basically if Katy Perry put more interesting sounding music (or a metal album haha) I'd be more inclined to listen to her.

Plus this DJ Schmolli guy is awesome

I'm really getting into late 1990s - early 2000s rock again at the moment. I've been listening to alot of Limp Bizkit, Drowning Pool, White Zombie and ordered this CD a few days ago, which arrived last night and I put on in the car today for the drive to work.

I only really new of Powerman 5000 from the "When World's Collide" from the Tony Hawk games back in the day, and from "Drop The Bombshell" that the Dudley Boyz used in WWE as their entrance music plus the fact the lead singer is Rob Zombie's brother.

However, the "Tonight The Stars Revolt" album has impressed me so far, its got alot of great heavy catchy riffs, with an electro influence that I really enjoyed. Although the vocallist doesn't have that great a voice I think it works well for this band, and I'm gonna go and eat my lunch in my car today so I can listen to this song again and finish the album off.

An absolute classic from Hetfield and the boys, from their debut album "Kill 'em All". The iconic riff is so catchy, probably the most memorable riff Metallica has ever produced in my opinion (I get that not everybody will agree there!). To this day, Metallica still keep this track in their sets- often as a set-closer I think? I don't think it's James' best vocal performance- that honour belongs to Master of Puppets, but what a song this is!

I know they are playing Leeds Festival this summer, I'm so tempted to go and catch them as they are one of the bands I have always wanted to see live.

For three years this song has played at the club nights I've gone to when I was at university. It took me ages to find out who sang it and what it was called and since finding out I bought the Alexisonfire album Crisis and it's awesome.

Another song that I only recently found out what it was called/by was this one


I know that intro like the back of my hand but I just could not find out who it was by. Asked one of the customers who comes into the shop where I worked, I hummed it and she told me, problem solved.

I'm still buzzing from The Courteeners homecoming gig in Manchester this past Friday. 20,000 fans and an amazing set list, MCR's sons infront of their friends and family giving the performance of a lifetime.

I was so glad to hear this played as I wasn't expecting to. As you can probably tell from the name, it's an album-opening song which really showcases what Courteeners are all about, Liam Fray sounds fantastic and the lyrics are poetic genius, I can see alot of Morrisey in him.

It didn't start the set list it appeared in middle of the set but it was brilliant to hear!

Soil ended their set with Black Betty when I saw them a few weeks ago. I've been looking for a studio version of it and finally found it. It's actually really good. They bring their own spin to it and it just sounds awesome. Certainly one of my favourite covers.
Soil ended their set with Black Betty when I saw them a few weeks ago. I've been looking for a studio version of it and finally found it. It's actually really good. They bring their own spin to it and it just sounds awesome. Certainly one of my favourite covers.

Whaaaat? They didn't finish with "Halo"?? That's quite a surprise haha!


Yeah, I know it's not by a "band" but fuck me, what a piece of music. I'm going to go and see Jurrasic World on Friday evening, and I hope this (or at least a version of it) is in the film. Dear God, it should be! What an iconic, emotional intrumental. The scene at the end of the original movie when they are leaving the island by helicopter and this plays....incredible.

It rivals the Terminator 2 theme as my absolute favourite piece of film music.
Whaaaat? They didn't finish with "Halo"?? That's quite a surprise haha!

They played Halo second last haha


HMV are doing pre owned stuff now. Surprising to say the least. I got myself the Let Love Rule album for £2. Got some cool stuff on it. Makes a change from all the heavy/hardcore stuff I've been listening to

The latest single from new up-and-coming Manchester band Alias Kid.

I got their brand-new debut album last week, after being a fan for afew years as well as being into them when they were known as "The Vortex" about 8 years ago. Greatband and I hope they make it big!

Plus, the cool thing is that this video is fimed in the patch of land right infront of my old flat in Manchester- the 2nd music video to be made there, after Ian Brown's "Stellify". Pretty cool!

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