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Probably the only good track on the "Loyal To The Game" album, what a let down that CD was, just terrible.

However, THIS is absolutely classic record. Pac's previously recorded lyrics fit perfectly with the beat and he chrous from Elton John's "Indian Sunset" is so well suited to the subject being talked about on this track.

As well as the great message in the song, it's so catchy as well. I'ts no shock to me at all that this hit Number 1 on the singles charts in several countries, including here in the UK.

Wow, I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is!

I recently picked up the "Hacienda 30" CD, which is a 3 disc set of the playlists from the 30th anniversary reunion of the Hacienda's opening, with DJs from the legendary club brought back for the night.

The Stone Roses are Indie legends, and icons in Manchester, so to hear an electronic style remix of one of their tracks was interesting, a big selling point of the album for me, and it works so much better than I had thought. I didn't realise that their is a CD of Stone Roses remixes available, I'll have to check out some of the other tracks and see if it's worth getting.

I definitely recommend giving this one a listen though.

This one's called Madonna's Carcass and its a mash up of Madonna and the band Carcass by DJ Schmolli. I'm starting to get into this guy. While all of his stuff isn't 100% great (there are some mash ups where he uses too many songs in my opinion) the mash ups of rock/metal songs with pop songs work really well. This one and the Katy Perry/Amon Amarth one are really good in my opinion.

Yeah, I know it isn't World Cup season, but I don't give a shit!

An absolute classic track by the legendary New Order, which was the official song for the England team for World Cup Italia '90, made even better with the iconic rap from England midfielder John Barnes.

I'm finally getting to see New Order on their next tour in November, and I'd love to hear this live, I don't expect it to be in there though. In my opinion "World In Motion" is a fantastic SONG, not just a football anthem, and can be listened to at any time in any year.

Downplay - The One Who Laughs Last

Browsing Youtube can be a wonder sometimes. I stumbled upon this guys channel and he does a swell job at uploading songs from relatively unknown rock bands, trying to give them exposure. Its true because I've never heard 95% of any of these bands. Most of what he uploads is actually not bad. This song was one of the ones that stood out the most. Pretty solid song and the chorus just does it for me in a big way. Hope people enjoy this little gem.

I'm so happy I remembered the name of this song! I used to have this on a compilation CD back in around 2000 that came free with a music magazine, and for some reason just thought of the song a couple of days ago.

I'm so glad I did! I got a uge smile onmy face when heard it again, then immdiately downloaded it. Yeah its cheesy and hasnt aged well, but sometimes you cannot beat some turn-of-the-century boyband pop.

They remind me of the group 5ive in that they're trying to play on the "street" image rather than the traditional soppy boyband like Westlife or Boyzone.

Such a catchy tune though, give it a listen!

New Atreyu song. I've literally only been a fan of the band for a few months but I'm stoked for the new album and possibly seeing them at Leeds fest in August. It's hard to think before I went to uni that I regarded metalcore as some sort of disgusting thing. Now a lot of my favourite bands are in the genre.

Finger Eleven - Five Crooked Lines

So Finger Eleven is about to release a new album out for next week and I'm pretty excited. Musically, they seem to strive to put out something a bit different each time while keeping true to that Finger Eleven sound. A lot of die hard fans wish for them to go back to their harder Grayest of Blue Skies day but I think that their evolution has better suited their new style. Anyway, this is the title track off their new album. I found this song more enjoyable than the lead single Wolves and Doors. If you enjoy this song than I'd maybe suggest giving that one a listen too.

You done good kid.

Bring Me The Horizon have come a long way when they started as a deathcore band. Amazing that it took Oli Sykes shredding his vocal chords for a different direction. His singing voice is actually quite good and I like the synths blending with the other instruments really well. Videos a bit eh but still

Love this cover of Hunger Strike by Halestorm and Corey Taylor. Corey Taylor really is underappreciated in the vocal department, you forget how melodic he really can be (and short). Lzzy Hale is great as well and she is a great vocalist in her own right.

I was at the tribute band festival "Festwich" in Prestwich near Manchester last weekend, catching great tributes to the likes of Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne, Faith No More, Metallica and Foo Fighters.

The Foos tribute "Flew Fighters" were absolutely brilliant, they really shocked me at how good they were. Their vocalist got the Grohl look, mannerisms and voice spot on, and they got the crowd going big time.

Their version of "Learn To Fly" sounded EXACTLY like the original Foos version, which was pleasing as it's my favourite Foo Fighters song- always great to see the iconic video too haha.
great beat, great lyrics, great listen. Kid cudi's music was so good, but it all went downhill after MOTM 2. Inducid and WRZD were so cringeworthy..

The song that was played in Roddy Piper's tribute video:
It's called "Hold On Tight" by Greg Holden.
Awesome song and a very meaningful video showing that a good turn deserves another, not necessarily to the same person... and in the end, you get the reward for your deed.

A high school favourite of mine! I remember getting the bus into town and buying it on single from HMV (I also got an nWo tshirt from the same shop that day), and then going to lazer quest with a few friends that afternoon. I don't know why I remember it, but it's just a nice memory.

Great song, and perfectly fits in with the skating craze that came around at the turn of the century, with the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games and the pop-punk music of the era. So catchy, and great for a sing along. I played it for my mum the other day and asked if she remembered it, she did. Then I caught her singing it to herself the day after haha!

Now former member of Guns N Roses Bumblefoot's solo single from his latest album. I'll be honest outside of Guns N Roses I hadn't really paid attention to his work I just heard how great of a guitar player he was and listening to this I can see how good he is. The fretless guitar solo is awesome and he does a good job vocally as well. I like how the lyrics are relating to 1984 by George Orwell and how as a society we seem to be getting closer towards it.

Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon

Heard this a couple of days ago while flicking through music channels and got caught up with how happy it sounded. Definitely one for the cheesy guilty pleasure pile along with Alphabeat's Fascination.

I haven't listened to Escape The Fate in a while but this is really good and considering the original guitarist isn't there anymore the new lead guitarist is pretty good. This sounds like Escape The Fate even with all the craziness that's been happening to them for the last few years.

Wow, this blew me away when the woman's vocals kicked in right away...so perfect.

Thug Life Outlawz is a compilation album with a combination of Thug Life (2Pac's original group) and his Outlawz. I didn't know this album existed til I came across it on Amazon by chance a few weeks ago. It didn't blow me away for the most part, but then this song came on and it really did.

Such a beautiful chorus I could listen to over and over, and really good, strong meaningful lyrics make this a fitting tribute to 2Pac. So emotional, I can't get enough of this track.

So I saw Atreyu playing Leeds fest and this was one of the songs they played.

I like Bon Jovi and this cover is surprisingly good, it's different but good. The screamo elements work with the heavier guitar and the clean vocals still keep the glam style vibe

I've recently finished the autobiography of Anthony Kiedis, and felt the urge to go back and listen to alot more Chili Peppers stuff, songs I hadn't heard in a long while.

Last weekend I popped into a charity shop to donate some of my old DVDs, CDs and books and spotted Stadium Arcadium on sale as as I was leaving for just 99p, so I bought it.


I definitely think it's the best RHCP so far, there are barely any tracks over the 2 discs that could be described as "filler", which is rare for a double disc album. The band tones down the "funk" and "rapping" vocals from Kiedis and he shows what an excellent singer he is. They've definitely matured and have become a world class band. I'm annoyed it's taken me 9 years to listen to this album, as I'd only heard the singles and a couple of other random tracks til now.
I definitely think it's the best RHCP so far, there are barely any tracks over the 2 discs that could be described as "filler", which is rare for a double disc album. The band tones down the "funk" and "rapping" vocals from Kiedis and he shows what an excellent singer he is. They've definitely matured and have become a world class band. I'm annoyed it's taken me 9 years to listen to this album, as I'd only heard the singles and a couple of other random tracks til now.

See I disagree Naitch. I reckon there's decent amount of filler. If they had condenced the two discs there would have been one killer album. But that's just me.


Saw Queen Kwong at Leeds fest also. They were really good. Carre Calleway the singer has a pretty unique voice. When a lot of female singers sound very similar she stands out. Crazy weird music also helps no doubt in part because Wes Borland from Limp Bizkit is the guitarist. I need to get the new album.
See I disagree Naitch. I reckon there's decent amount of filler. If they had condenced the two discs there would have been one killer album. But that's just me.

To be honest, I think the 1st disc is by far the stronger one. I've played the 2nd disc alot over the last couple of days and there ARE a few fillers tracks on that one alongside fantastic tracks like "She Looks To Me" and "Readymade".

I reckon there's too many good tracks to make just a single disc album, there'd be quite a few left off but if you had to cut a few good songs out you would have an amazing one disc CD!

The Courteeners, in my opinion, are one the most underrated bands in the UK. HUUUUGE in their hometown of Manchester and the North West but only moderately popular across the rest of the country.

This is the opening track from their 3rd album "Anna" and one of my favourites. They tend to open their concerts with this, and the fans went CRAZY when this began the 25k capacity hometown show at Heaton Park this summer, unbelievable!

Such a great, catchy song with a chorus you won't be able to get out of your head for days. My workmate saw them at V Festival a couple of weeks ago, and even now he is humming this song every day in work!

Saw Bury Tomorrow at Leeds Fest also and they were pretty darn good. The guitarist's clean vocals are awesome and honestly I'd like to just listen to him sing all the time. The main vocalist is alright and he does add something but the guitarist is just better. The music is pretty catchy and the lyrics are really good as well.

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