What song are you currently listening to?


Default-Live a Lie

I use to listen to these guys way back in the day(the day was 03-06). I kind of forgot about them for a long time. I decided to fire up some of their old music again since, according to my research, they haven't been up to much lately. They typically play radio friendly rock and honestly, I'm not bothered by it. I think it was the singers voice that kind of drew me in I'd say. Going back and re-listening to them, I can firmly establish that as a valid reason for my off and on infatuation with the band. Plus I mean, these guys are Canadian and I love Canadian rock. Curious why they went with such a name like Default. Its almost as if they couldn't come up with a name. Oh well.

Anyway, I figured I'd share this song. One of my personal favorites. The melody that starts the song off is a nice hook in for people such as myself. While not overly earth shattering, I haven't stopped listening to it since its rediscovery.

Even though I've been a fan of P.O.D for a long while, I haven't heard much of their latest material so coming across this a couple of weeks ago was a nice surprise. I think it's a shame that the UK pretty much ignored POD after their hugely popular "Satellite" album, as the following couple of albums were really good also.

They are actually playing locally in a couple of months, and they are a band I've always wanted to see live, so I think it's likely i will get myself a ticket.

Because Grado.

I haven't listened to this song in ages but man it reminds me why Madonna is called the Queen Of Pop. She did risque without it looking like she was trying (Gaga this is how you do it). I mean hell it's been about twenty years since the video/song came out and it still causes controversy (just read the comments)

Top that off with the choir and everything else it's just catchy as hell.

It's Yersel'

I was watching old WWF PPVs on the Network yesterday and googled "Two Tears In A Bucket" after hearing Road Dogg use it in a pre-match promo and wanting to know what it meant.

Apparently, it means something like "fuck it, shit happens. Get on with it", and "fuck it, 2 tears in a bucket" is a line on this song from the Meth, which also came up on the google search. So I gave it a listen.

It's pretty cool, I never really got into Method Man or Wu Tang Clan but I like this, I'll be adding it to my "to download" list. Very old school.
"Symphony of the Night" by Dragonforce


It's been a while since I last posted in this topic. Ever had an album released by one of your favorite bands, then you go listen to everything to absorb all the great new content, find the tracks you like the most, write down said favorites and then realize a few months later that your current favorite didn't even make the initial list? As time passes there may end up being a track you may have overlooked the first several times you listened to the album which later on suddenly jumps out at you and you wonder how you didn't notice how awesome it was before. Well, that happened to me with this song. It went from being relatively unnoticed to becoming a track I play nearly every day.

I purchased the deluxe edition of Maximum Overload the day it was released. I even posted about songs from it before in this thread. None of the songs I initially picked as favorites are my favorites on it anymore (although I love the whole thing) and this particular track was not at the top, yet now it's by far my favorite on the album. I could listen to it on repeat for hours whether it be for background music for level grinding in video games, when driving, or just to relax. It's fast, heavy, uses different sounds that we have not really heard from them before at points (especially at the intro), and has an absolutely amazing chorus. That might be my new favorite chorus of any song. The chorus alone helped inspire a new Dungeons & Dragons character for a campaign my 3.5 edition group will play this summer. The first time it plays is at 0:54 until 1:16 if you want to skip straight to that, but I recommend listening to the entire song at least once if you're into this type of music.

As a HUGE Oasis fan, I've been counting down the days to the Chief's second solo album, and I listened to it for the first time in full this morning. As expected, it's absolutely world class. I knew he wouldn't let me down.

I wanted to post the track "The Riverman" but it doesn't appear any good versions have been uploaded to YouTube yet, so here is the 2nd single that Noel released from the album. It's a little different to anything Oasis ever did, but it's extremely catchy and an interesting music video too.

I urge everyone to pick up Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds new album, you won't regret it

New Faith No More song. It's awesome. It's weird that they haven't released a new album in 18 years yet this seems to pick off right where they left off. It's sounds great musically and Mike Patton still sounds great. Am so stoked for the new album.

I love the ominous beat to this track, so aggressive and threatening with really powerful lyrics. I borrowed the album off a mate, but only ended up loading this track to my iPod as I only had a 4gb one at the time (this was yeeears ago, now I have the 120gb one). I'm gonna have to go on YouTube and listen to the whole album again, I bet there are some other good songs that I missed first time around.

So my friend had given me a few of Dead By April's songs a few months ago. I didn't listen to them until recently when this came on my ipod on shuffle. It's got the symphonic metal sound as well as the metalcore style screams in parts. Somehow the metalcore influence really adds to it and gives the song added emotion.

An absolute Manchester classic, from an extremely underrated band. One of those things that makes the hairs on your neck stand up, and always a dancefloor filler in indie clubs.

I first became aware of Doves when they supported Oasis at the City of Manchester Stadium years ago, probably around 2005 I'd say, and this track- arguably their most famous, sent the crowd into a frenzy!!

I was listening to this as I was just curious as to how Jamie Hope would do this song compared to Ed Butcher and Michael Crafter. I have to say he does a really good job and after hearing him do this I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's probably the best vocalist I Killed The Prom Queen have had.

I've also been listening to this


I would've put the video but there's nipple tassles in there and I'm not sure if that's allowed. Anyway I will say I really dig Falling In Reverse. Ronnie Radke is one of the few vocalists that can do screams and growls as well as actually sing and when he sings he doesn't sound prepubescent. Also musically there's not much to fault, there's good melody and all the instruments work well together and Jacky Vincent is a really good guitar player.

What a classic song, up there with "Alive" as my favourite Pearl Jam track.

I went to 2 job interviews in Manchester yesterday, and rewarded myself with a cold beer afterwards at the rock pub near the station. I stuck 6 tracks on the jukebox:

1. Alice In Chains- Check My Brain
2. Black Label Society- Overlord
3. Pearl Jam- Even Flow
4. Soundgarden- Outshined
5. Tool- Prison Sex
6. Fear Factory- Linchpin

The selection of tunes got a few people rocking out even though it was barely 5pm.

My friend told me to check out Parkway Drive. They're pretty good, very similar to I Killed The Prom Queen (they did start at the same time and are from the same area) I am digging it and am definitely going to check out some more stuff by them

Harry - So Real

A female artist that never seemed to get past the Debbie Harry comparisons unfortunately and was unable to capitalise on the ripples she started to make for herself at the start of the 00s. Still listen to this song fairly regularly though and its a catchy little ditty.

Poets of the Fall - Psychosis

A band straight out of Finland. A Co-Worker told me to check out this band. To be brutally honest, I think I checked out all the wrong songs first because I wasn't too impressed. I was about to give up and move on but then I clicked on this song and I got to say, pretty swank. I've since checked out a few other songs and have come to realize they aren't too bad.

What a fantastic song, by a criminally underrated band, definitely one of the best Britpop bands that came onto the scene in the mid 1990s in the UK.

This isn't as well known as some of their other singles, such as "Chasing Rainbows", or "Going For Gold", but it's right up there in quality. So catchy, I've listened to it so many times over the last week or two. I'm hoping to see Shed Seven for the 2nd time in December this year- in a joint headline gig with Inspiral Carpets (who I have already seen twice also), and fingers crossed this is played.

Sheds were a fantastic singles band, you can pick up their Greatest Hits compilation (Going For Gold) for just a few quid, and if you like music like Oasis, Blur, Ocean Colour Scene etc I really recommend it. Some timeless classics and not a weak song on the album.

JJ72 - Snow

My oldest sister put me on to a lot of indie rock around the late 90s/early 00s and one band whose album she played to death was JJ72s. I wasn't as keen on them as some of her other favourites but Snow is still a decent song that captures the movement from post-grunge to indie rock quite well.

Breaking Benjamin - Failure

After a 6 year hiatus, Breaking Benjamin is finally back together! I've truly missed this band. They deliver just the nice touch of hard rock that gets me going. In typical BB fashion, they deliver a great new single that already has fans salivating for me. So I'll sit here and eagerly await the new album to drop in a few months. Its a shame what happened to the band but here's hoping they can bounce back stronger than ever with the new album.

I hadn't heard this song in ages until it came up on "shuffle" on my iPod this morning. I downloaded it after it was one of the songs on the soundtrack to WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010, but I became sick of it after playing the game so much and hearing it over and over. But, I enjoyed it today and it was a good song to burn down the road to.

I noticed that the quality of the MP3 wasn't as good as other tracks I listened to this morning, so I'll probably download another, higher quality version, and check out some more tracks by the band- the only other Adelita's Way song I have is "So What If You Go", and that's brilliant.

So my pre-ordered version of the new While She Sleeps album came today and I've been breaking it in. A lot of the songs are great but I really do dig Four Walls. I think I posted this before but the Gregorian esque chants at the start really add something. Plus the musicianship is just really good as are the lyrics.

One of my favourite AIC songs of all time, and so underrated! It's definitely one of the highlights off their most recent album "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here". You'd think Layne Staley would have been impossible to replace but with William DuVall joining the band and Jerry Cantrell singing alot more tracks, AIC are better than ever.

After 3:40 this track just becomes incredible, probably the catchiest and most euphoric Alice have ever sounded, I could listen to that over and over again, absolutely amazing. When I see the band for a 3rd time I really hope this is played, as I've never yet seen a live version of it.

I was watching Amadeus again and there's just something about Mozart's stuff that just translates to pretty much any style and I just really love the metal interpretations of his stuff as it really works and still retains the classic style of the originals in my opinion.

Wow! How have I never heard of Candlebox until now? I came across their name by chance and read some of the reviews on Amazon- they were all really positive and as I like alot of the other Seattle bands from the same time period I thought I'd give them a try and ordered their self titled debut album.

Excellent decision, it's a great album. They remind me of Mother Love Bone, especially the vocals.

I think I've posted this before but what the hell. I've liked Jayce Lewis (now going as Protafield) for a while ever since I saw him support Black Light Burns about two years ago. Only now have I finally got his first album and have been listening to it. It's basically 80s synth through a modern setting.



Apparently this is one of Parkway Drive's best songs. I didn't know which albums to get and my friends friend said Horizons because it has this one and Deep Blue saying they're the best ones to get to start out with.

I have no idea how I have only just heard this song! Reminds me of some of Neros early stuff. Definite soundtrack to my summer here.


Loving Calvin Harris new album but this nice little remix takes and already quality song to another level

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