What song are you currently listening to?


Nickelback - Get em Up

Yes, yes. I've heard the many stories and opinions behind Nickelback. Quite frankly, they are a band people love to hate. That's fine, I get it. I understand why people hate them. Me on the other hand, well, I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan. They hardly register in my top 25 lists of favorite artists, despite having most of their albums on my computer. What can I say, they write catchy tunes. I'll admit though, I wasn't impressed with their last album. For me, the flare had been extinguished and I was over them. I'll always listen to their older stuff.

They released a new album not too long ago. After hearing the lead single "edge of a revolution" I still held my reserves. A solid enough song but there is nothing about it that really begs repeated listens. Then they released the second single "what are you waiting for". Clearly an attempt for radio spamming. True to my thoughts, the radio absolutely refused to let go of this song. Again, nothing truly earth shattering about that song. Kind of bad actually, even for Nickelback standards.

They then released this song. By now though, I had really just given up. After the disappointment that was the last album, from the sounds of it, the new album was destined to head in the same direction. Whatever though, I gave in because really, I had no real excuse not to listen to it. To my delight, I was quite pleased with the tone of the song. Its nice and hard and reminds me a lot of their earliest stuff. Pre "how you remind me" stuff. It seems like it would really translate well live for the crowds. So does one song make up for the rest of the album? Sadly, no. The new album for the most part is just a continuation of the last. This song and Million miles an hour are easily the highlights of the album. The rest is largely forgettable.

I know people will look at the title and see Nickelback and probably write them off and skip over the song entirely. Up to you. Really makes no difference to me. However, if you are like me and are indifferent to the vulgarized popular flow of opinion. You listen to whatever you please with complete disregard towards skewed embellished persuasion of the egocentric masses who believe that opinion is above all; truth and law. Then give this a listen. If you like hard Rock then this one is for you.

So I decided to check out I Killed The Prom Queen because I found out the lead guitarist Jona Weinhofen was the rhythm guitarist in Bring Me The Horizon and left for what seemed like acrimonious reasons. He claimed to have written and played stuff for the Bring Me album Sempiternal which was disputed by Oli Sykes. I wanted to see if he was actually as good a musician as he was making out and I can say he's pretty good to say the least. Apparently he writes most of the I Killed The Prom Queen stuff and the guitar work is good and is vocals are certainly good as well. In fact I'd rather take more of his vocals over the screamo singer.

I got the new Godsmack album as a Christmas present, and it's been in my car ever since. I'm pretty impressed with it, there's no song I'd want to skip over and while there aren't any songs that would rival "Realign", "Keep Away" or "Bleeding Me", but I really like alot of them. This is probably my favourite song on the CD, and true to the title of the song- it actually is something a little different for Godsmack (but not exactly an earth-shattering difference).

It's good though.
Lana Del Ray - Gods & Monsters


I'm a huge American Horror Story fan & after hearing Jessica Lange sing this in one of the episodes from the new series; Freak Show, I thought I'd check out the actual song. Didn't know who it was by & was surprised when I found this. However, it's a fucking good song.

I already have A7X's "Hail To The King" album on my iTunes along with their self-titled album and "Nightmare", but I haven't listened to it that much recently, other than the title track which is awesome...but this song is on the WWE 2K15 game, so I've been hearing alot of it over the last couple of weeks!

I've looked at the comments on YouTube and there seems to be alot of people hating on the song, saying its a copy of Metallica's "Sad But True", and I can see what they mean...but you know what? I don't care, it's still a good song.

I'll definitely be trying to see A7X next time they come to the UK.

It's strange that as much as I'm a Mike Patton fanboy only now have I got Faith No More albums he's on (I'd only had a 2 disc Faith Nor More compilation before) and this is the closing song to the first album he did with them The Real Thing. The rest of the album is cool 80s alternative rock with a bit of rapping spread out as well as a cover of War Pigs by Black Sabbath. But this song is the one that shows how varied Mike Patton actually is as a singer. He'd go on to show how good he was on the subsequent Faith No More albums as well as his other stuff. But this is probably the song that first showed it.

Foo Fighters - Something From Nothing

I don't have much for words in which to describe this song in, other than rad as fuck. It starts rather mellow but by the end of the song, it turns into a true rock anthem. The Foo always know how to deliver on that front. I personally thought they peeked with wasting light. i thought, K, that's it, where do they possibly go from here? With their new album, they truly tried to push the envelope and expand their range as musicians. This song and a few others prove this. Its still Foo, but you can tell that with this new album, they were pushing for something, more. If its anything the Foo Fighters don't lack, Its ambition.


Foo Fighters - Congregation

There are a million reasons why I love this song. Its infectious in its rhythmic harmony all throughout, but most notably during the verses. I can't help my move my head in the groove of it all. However, if there is one thing that makes me call back to this song for a repeated listen, it has to undoubtedly be the solo during the bridge. That solo is easily the highlight of the entire song. The band just manages to put together something spectacular and it all flows wonderfully for a huge payoff by the end of the song. They went far and beyond. It almost feels like they are out to prove something to the world and possibly, themselves.

Close Your Eyes (and count to fuck) feat. Zach de la Rocha - Run the Jewels

I had a bit of a Rage Against the Machine session last night then went searching for more of Zachs stuff and found this song. My sister had actually told me about it at Christmas but I completely forgot about it so I was glad to track it down. Very emotive lyrics and well worth checking out.

An INCREDIBLE song, and what a vocal performance.

I heard the FFDP version before the original Paul Rodgers track, and while I like that one, I LOVE this cover!

I don't understand why FFDP feel the need to scream on alot of their material, when they have such a talented vocallist, what a waste of his talent. Songs such as this, "Wrong Side of Heaven", "Hard To See", "Battle Born" show just what a good singer they have.

The solo in this is amazing too, and out of the 8,600+ songs on my ipod, "Bad Company" is number 2 in the play count, and was number 1 for around a year.

Still on a Faith No More kick. I love this song. I love the vocals making it sound like a crazy person talking to himself. Also it sounds so similar to the underwater level in Super Mario Bros which is awesome.

This is off the lates I Killed The Prom Queen album which I need to get. I really enjoy how Jona Weinforn has more vocals on this album it seems. Plus his clean vocals sound cooler than the high pitched almost whiny ones that some metalcore bands go for.

I got an email the other day from Ticketmaster giving me a list of newly announced gigs in my area, and Corrosion of Conformity immediately jumped out of the page when I read it.

I've got the "Deliverance" and "Wiseblood albums", and may check out their new one when it's released next week now Pepper Keenan is back on vocals. "Albatross" was the first song I heard of theirs, on a compilation CD made by the notorious "Cro Bar" in London where alot of rock stars (including Dave Grohl) drink when in the capital. WHAT A SONG, what a riff! I was hooked immediately, I love this kind of metal.

Seeing they are playing locally I have had their stuff on repeat on the iPod for the last 2 days, and am loving it.

So I'm seeing Slipknot tonight in Birmingham and I really hope they play one of these versions or a mash up. I love Vermillion, it's got a heaviness yet also a soft side at the same time which is kind of rare. I wouldn't say it's not a well know track but it's certainly one that gets overlooked

I've only recently discovered this track of New Order's even though I am a fan of alot of their material. I came across it while randomly watching New Order videos on YouTube and loved it right away, and I bought the "Low Life" album immediately, just to get the track.

Brilliant stuff, and 29 years old. Wow.

The Narrows - Rage Against the Machine

That this only exists from a demo tape and sporadic live performances is incredible as it features all the hallmarks of RATM's big hitters; socio-politically charged lyrics, a beast of a riff and awesome rhythm section while Morello molests his various pedals. I say that last part lovingly.

I've been listening to lots of Zach de la Rocha related stuff lately and while I'd love to see him come back to mainstream music full time, I fully appreciate why he won't. The world could definitely benefit from some RATM at the moment though.

I've been working on a new playlist for the gym, putting alot of the most angry/aggressive songs on my iPod together to build a playlist that will really get me in the mood, and this was one of the first I chose.

It's the only Fear Factory song I like, but it's so fucking good. I really like the melodic singing in the chorus, which is in total contrast to the massive industrial riff that starts off the song. Pretty damn cool.

I've been on an R-Kelly kick lately and I just can't stop listening to this. I listened to this all the time back in primary school, it's so beautiful, inspiring, and holds a special place in my heart. I stood up to kids who picked on me after listening to this, they never bothered me again.

Probably my second favourite Offspring track (after "Million Miles Away"), and one that was used by Raven as his entrance music in ECW. I loooove that riff!

I thought it was strange that it was Raven's entrance theme, as the character was a lot more grungey in the way he dressed and I don't think the song particularly suited him. I'd have expected a heavier, darker, "grungier" theme would have been chosen.

So I came across these guys as the singer was the original drummer in I Killed The Prom Queen (one of my new favourite bands)

It's stupid. Stupid as hell, but I love it. If you want a dumb party song and you're into heavy music Deez Nuts are the best thing to listen to

I think we've found the new Limp Bizkit
Digimon Butterfly


Quickly became one of my favorite anime openings I ever heard, best part is they're two versions of the song which is something I didn't expect from a 54 episode show. (I wish digimon didn't get all those reboots and just keep things simple... :banghead:)

EDit: Forgot to ask how do you post youtube videos?
Waassssup gentlemen, I know everyone's been dying to know what I've been listening to recently; and it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that I'm still rockin' out to those sweet electric jams, the only difference now is that the entire fucking mainstream music industry is as well.

I'm still bumping those heavy ass dubstep tunes, and Zomboy's Nuclear is my current jam. Heavy bass, a touch of that rasta influence and good ol' fashion builds and drops.

Zomboy - Nuclear


I picked up the new Papa Roach album last weekend, using a gift voucher I had that had been sitting on my shelf for months- and was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it.

I've been a fan of the Roach ever since "Infest" and "LoveHateTragedy" days, and have all their albums bar the most recent. However, I really didn't enjoy "Metamorphosis" that much and always thought that would be the last one of theirs I would buy. Then I saw them Live for the 2nd time a year ago and started looking forward to this release, more so after I heard "F.E.A.R" the title track.

But THIS is my favourite song from the album- I like how Jacoby raps at the start, I prefer Papa Roach's earlier more rap-influenced material anyway so that was a cool, and I love the powerful, emotional chorus. I think this will end up as one of my favourite Roach tracks of all time. It's radio friendly, but really really good.

So, I took my girlfriend to see the 50 Shades of Grey film this weekend and as I expected it was total shit. I kinda knew what the storyline was before I saw it, and I'd already said to her I expected this song to be on the soundtrack. It wasn't for some strange reason, the lyrics would have fitted the film so well, when the woman was being tied up and whipped etc. I've since googled "songs that should have been in 50 shades of grey" and plenty of people seem to agree with me, as "Closer" always appears in the list, usually at number one.

A missed opportunity for sure.

So, I took my girlfriend to see the 50 Shades of Grey film this weekend and as I expected it was total shit. I kinda knew what the storyline was before I saw it, and I'd already said to her I expected this song to be on the soundtrack. It wasn't for some strange reason, the lyrics would have fitted the film so well, when the woman was being tied up and whipped etc. I've since googled "songs that should have been in 50 shades of grey" and plenty of people seem to agree with me, as "Closer" always appears in the list, usually at number one.

A missed opportunity for sure.

Just watch Secretary it's such a better version of 50 Shades Of Grey

Anyway what I've been listening to is this


This song is on the special edition version of Beloved the latest album by I Killed The Prom Queen which has pissed me off because I bought the standard edition a few weeks ago. The lyrics and riffing are awesome and it was apparently one of the first songs they wrote when they reformed in 2011 which makes it even more baffling that they left it off the standard version of the album. Not sure whether I should just get the song of iTunes or fork out the money for the special edition of the album as I am a bit of a completionist.

My brother bought me a ticket to go and see Black Label Society for Christmas this year, the gig is this Thursday and I can't wait. They are awesome live, Zakk is an incredible musician.

I've been playing their latest album alot recently, as I expect there will be alot of songs off that in the set list, including "Angel of Mercy" the new single- the 2nd off the album.

BLS are interesting in that they have some of the heaviest, monsterous riffs known to man, but also some beautiful slower songs with piano and emotional lyrics, such as this, "Lead Me To Your Door" and of course "In This River"- which is a tribute to Dimebag Darrell. Zakk is so talented, he makes both styles work brilliantly.

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