What song are you currently listening to?

Figure it Out by Royal Blood

This band first caught my attention when I saw a bit of their set from the Glastonbury coverage and they just had this massive, powerful sound that made them stand out from a lot of the other acts. That the singer/bass player is able to get so many sounds from just his bass guitar due to various pedal assortments reminds me of White Stripes and they come across as a mix of them and Queens of the Stone-Age.

I don't tend to get too excited about new music these days but I'm gonna keep tabs on this group for sure.

I'm gonna be booking tickets to see Seether in Manchester in November when I get paid at the end of this month, they have so many good, hard rocking and catchy songs I think it would great to see them live.

I've borrowed their latest album off a friend and to be honest, it doesn't compare to "Disclaimer" or "Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces"- those are heavier and more my thing, while the new one has alot of more "radio friendly" songs, including one that goes high-pitched...that was poor.

However, this is the opening track on the album and it's awesome! I've seen the set list they've been touring recently and this has been the first song in the set, so I hope it's in when I go to see them, I love this riff!

Public Enemy, "By The Time I Get To Arizona"

Former Arizona governor Governor Bruce Babbitt, a Democrat, created the holiday in Arizona by executive order just before he left office in 1986, but his Republican successor Evan Mecham, armed with an attorney general's opinion that Babbitt's order was illegal, rescinded it days after he took office. In 1989, the Arizona state legislature replaced Columbus Day with the King holiday. In 1990, Arizonans were given the opportunity to vote to observe an MLK holiday. In 1990 the National Football League threatened to move the Super Bowl that was planned to be in Arizona in 1993 if the MLK holiday was voted down. The state legislature passed a measure to keep both Columbus Day and Martin Luther King Day, but 76% of voters rejected the King holiday. Consequently, the state "lost $500 million and the Super Bowl" which moved to Pasadena, California. In a referendum in 1992, the voters approved recognition of the holiday.

And we're still dealing with Arizona's shit today.
Jet: Look What You've Done


Hadn't given these guys a listen in a few years. This is of the only album I have by them and really the only one I desired to buy. This particular song is the only one that is still grabbing my attention right now.

I will say when I was younger and they first came out I dug them. Taste changes over time I guess.

This song holds up well though if you're into piano music.

I'm still not sure what I'm listening to but it's strangely good.

Being a new fan of Dillinger Escape Plan they're sort of chaotic sound is great but when a rapper is added it strangely works. Technically it probably shouldn't but it does
Blink 182 Pretty Little Girl


This is in response of the post Alex made about somehow adding a rapper to that song works even though it shouldn't.

This is an example of a rapper nearly ruining a song. Which was a sad moment for me when I first heard this when they released it. I was so excited for some new Blink 182 especially since they have changed their sound somewhat over the years.

Then BAM! Yelawolf. Just doesn't work for me.
Outside of that part though I like the song still though.

I first heard this song when watching the TV mini series This is England 86 and it perfectly captures the over-arching theme of the show that the youthful joy of the characters soon gives way to far heavier emotions as certain things come to light for several characters.

On a personal level, I've always loved these short, honest and soulful songs (see also; Will you love me tomorrow and be my baby) that are incredibly catchy and stick in your head but have so much feeling behind them.

Possibly the most beautiful piece of music I have ever heard- a haunting piano version of my favourite song of all time "Supersonic" by Oasis.

I have no idea why the video is of different parts of Liverpool, when Oasis are Manchester band and there is the whole Manc v Scouse rivalry, but it doesn't really bother me, the music itself is just perfect. I would never have expected this to work as well as it did, and the bit from 2:58 onwards is simply exquisite.

Like most people, this was the 1st song I heard from Blink 182 yeeeeaaars ago, I think it was on a "NOW" compilation CD, probably something like "NOW38", or "NOW41"- I definitely owned both of those...

It's still an incredibly catchy song, you cannot help but sing along to it! in my high school there were some REALLY dedicated Blink fans, but they weren't a band I'd ever say I loved. I liked them, I had a couple of their albums, but even then some of their songs were just too childish for me, and Tom's voice is grating after a while- I much prefer Mark's singing style.

However, tracks like this one, "What's My Age Again?", "Rock Show" and "Dammit" are classic songs, and I love it when they come on my iPod as I don't seek them out, so it's nice when they pop up on shuffle. I haven't seen Blink 182 live, but I reckon it would be a pretty enjoyable gig if i ever picked up a ticket.

I've been getting into Dillinger Escape Plan recently and I've really enjoyed it. They blend metal/alternative/melodic stuff really well. I've got Irony Is A Dead Scene (The EP they did with Mike Patton) and Miss Machine, their first album with Greg Puciato. I'm planning on picking up the rest of their albums at some point. Their first album is going to be one of the first and quite possibly One Of Us Is The Killer on the strength of this song alone (I'll probably check out the rest of the album first honestly)

Sweet: The Ballroom Blitz

For a very short time I was a paranormal investigator and we traveled around in a motor home and the dude that started the team and did all the driving would play this off his phone all the time and I always forgot to ask him what it was.

Today I was on a mini road trip with a buddy and he had made a couple mixed cds for the ride and this came on and I finally learned what it is.

It's not like anything I listen to at all but it's strangely intoxicating. Whenever it came on I thought the singer's voice was weird as hell but I also just got lost in the song. Just something about how it all comes together.

While I've been listening to his side projects Bad Lieutenant and Electronic alot recently, I decided to play some of Bernard Sumner's most famour band- New Order this morning.

I love New Order, rising from the ashes of Joy Division after Ian Curtis' suicide with Sumner taking over vocals, becoming one of the pioneers of electronic dance music and becoming legends. I regret not paying the £60 to see them live last summer- I WILL go to their next tour, which hopefully won't be too long away as they are currently writing and recording new material.

Even 30 years on (this is the shorter, rereleased version of the original), Blue Monday fills Indie dancefloors across England week after week, a true timeless classic, from one of the finest bands ever to come out of the musical hotbed of Manchester- MCR IN THE AREA!!

So LostAlone a new British band I'm a fan of has announced they are breaking up. With the amount of generic shite that seems to fill the majority of new British music it was nice to find a band that sounded fresh. I mean their singer could actually sing and didn't just settle for talky/accent singing. And he was a great guitarist as well. The guy could write riffs and solos like nobody's business.

For Squirrels: Mighty KC

I came across this in an article about the top 5 songs about Kurt Cobain. It sounds like it could easily be an R.E.M. song and at points the singer's voice almost resembles Darby Crash from Germs voice.

I guess shortly after this song came out and started getting a little attention the band was in a car wreck and two members died and I believe it said their manager as well. The band tried to carry on off and on but never did really make it in the mainstream after the accident.

I've got some more listening to do but this was a good start that definitely piqued my interest in them.

The Courteeners are such an underrated band in my opinion, fantastic live and I've personally enjoyed all 4 of their albums. Admittedly, their later material hasn't hit the heights of their first release and the style of music has changed slightly over the years but I've never understood why they are criticsed for this. Aren't bands supposed to adapt, or else they would simply be releasing the same song again and again?

Anyway, this is the lead single off the latest album "Concrete Love", and it's so catchy that every time I hear it I end up humming the tune for ages. I've seen them live twice and hope to go to their next Manchester gig when it's announced. They are playing in Liverpool about 20 miles away, but there are only sitting tickets available, so I'll wait for the Manc gig to be announced- usually they do one around christmas time.

Colorful by The Verve Pipe

A buddy and I were discussing soundtracks to movies after someone on here made a thread about it.

I brought up the Rock Star album because I bought it the same day I bought the dvd which is something I have never done before or since.

Anyway I went back to listen to this song because I hadn't heard it in quite a while. I never really paid much attention to the lyrics but once I actually did this time around it pretty much rings true for the last 5 or 6 years of my life up to this point.

Good lyrics and good sound overall.

I'm mixing it up alot at the moment with the genres I'm listening to, so here is a trance song from Above & Beyond- who are a fantastic group.

My brother is a really big trance fan, and while I don't like everything he shows me, I've always loved Above & Beyond, I find their relaxing chilled out vibe really cool, and while my brother has moved out of my house, I've been listening to alot of his A&B CDs before he takes them down to London and this is probably my favourite song from the album "Group Therapy" which I had on in the car this morning.

I'm going to pre-order the new A&B album for him for his birthday, so I'll no doubt be having a listen to that too when it arrives.

Oli Sykes can actually sing. He started to do it on the last album Sempiternal but damn he actually has a nice voice. I like really heavy stuff as much as the next guy but I love me some mellow songs as well and this is a nice mellow song.

The video is cool as well, has a very In Bloom feel to it.

I've just arrived at the gym with this absolutely fucking blasting out of the car. Great song to get yourself pumped up for a workout. I still don't like Mustaine's voice, but you can't argue with the quality of the guitar work.

Otis Redding: These Arms Of Mine

I was watching YouTube clips of the bad auditions for X Factor and the whatever country has talent and such and checked out a couple of the serious ones and got led to this that way.

That has kind of spawned me to check out more stuff like this. A friend of mine tried to get me into this stuff 5 or 6 years ago and I wasn't really receptive to it. Now my whole mindset has totally changed.

This isn't the norm music wise for me at all but I'm allowing my mind to expand and really respect what came before me.

God, I LOVE this song. Out of the 8,500+ tracks on my iPod, this is the 2nd most played, and no wonder. It's magnificent, and a perfect example of why The Stone Roses are such an iconic and well loved band. The music is almost perfect. Sadly, this is played each and every time Manchester Utd run out to play at Old Trafford, but I don't let that spoil my enjoyment of the music.

Before "I am the Resurrection" became their standard "closer", the Roses used to finish their sets with this one. I just love how it builds up before hitting the chorus.

Love me some Mastodon. My favorite song from their newest album. Cool kinda haunting feel to it and a good riff.

A true metal classic from arguably the greatest metal band of all time. I remember when I first saw the video, and it kinda freaked me out a little bit, as I was imagining what it would be like to be the wounded man in the video, who is rendered deaf, blind and dumb plus had lost his arms and legs after being seriously injured at war. You would be in your own world of nothingness, with no way of knowing what was happening around you, no way communicating with anyone and no way of moving. All you'd have is your thoughts, and it really would be a living hell. I can't imagine anything worse, I think everyone would rather be dead than have a fully-functioning mind and simply exist like that, descending into madness.

Great song though, and a motherfucker to complete on Guitar Hero.

Ed Sheeran is quickly becoming my favourite artist at the moment.

His first album (+) was exceptional and took him to a world of success that, if his lyrics are to believed, he must have only had fantasies about. So many brilliant songs came from that album but, what's more, Ed Sheeran was propelled into the fame stratosphere. He took a lot of time to write and compose his new album but I never really doubted that it was going to be utterly exceptional when it broke.

This song, is on the deluxe version of his latest album (x) and is also the theme song for the Desolation Of Smaug in case you didn't already know. The song was written intentionally for the movie and represents the tone of it beautifully. I remember going to see the movie and as it ended, this song began to play. I was rooted to the spot until it was over. It is haunting as a song and further shows that Ed can do anything he puts his mind to. Brilliant.

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