What song are you currently listening to?


If there's a mixed reaction for any Australian artist it's Vance Joy (not to be mixed with Archer). His first big song Riptide was voted #1 in the Triple J hottest 100 in 2013, song started like a house on fire, which quickly was seen on just about every television with Medibank using the song as a jingle, it quickly got on a lot of peoples bad sides.

At the moment, I've been listening to Mess is Mine, whilst it's not my favourite song, it's good to listen to when you're just chilling. For a rather overrated artist, I'm a fan of this one.

I loved this song back in the day, and still think its great about 13 years later. It's like a mixture of Nu-Metal and latino rock, with a really powerful chorus. I can remember downloading this and putting it on my 2nd ever home-made compilation CD! Good times!

I've listened to a full album on Ill Nino's and nothing I've heard by them since has ever compared to this I think they scream too much for my tastes. I like the songs "This Time's For Real" and "Unreal" (apart from the big roar at the start), but other than that I don't like much of their other stuff.

Simply one of the greatest covers I've ever heard. Ozzy and Sharon getting rid of Zakk was one of the worst things he has ever done. Zakk carried that old bastard for over 20 years and I can't stand Gus.

I was trying to find some more hardcore bands and was trying to remember the names of the bands my friend said he likes. I went through a few names and I wasn't really vibing anything. Then I remembered he talked about Between The Buried And Me.So I find this on youtube and am listening to it. They incorporate loads of elements of stuff like metal, hardcore, and even symphonic stuff. The closest comparisons I'd say are Mr Bungle and The Dillinger Escape Plan.

Stuff is great

Seeing as it's Halloween I broke out my Wednesday 13 album (Transylvania 90210) and have been listening to it. It's full of old horror references like this song and others as well. It's a fun listen if you're in a horror mood
Springbok Nude Girls - Managing Mula

This is an old song (middle 90's), but I've never seen the video until this weekend. If you can imagine Peter Gunn knocking up Shaft on drugs...


The xx - Intro

I have been trying to find this piece of music for quite a while and somehow stumbled upon it last week. I'd only heard Islands by the same band a while ago which is also a fairly stripped back song so I'd never connected the dots between that and Intro.

Such a nice song to just put on and zone out to.

I really missed Labrinth when he was away... :(

His first album was, simply put, one of the best albums I've ever listened to. His songs are experimental, inspired and just entertaining. And this song is no different. I just love how experimental it is throughout. It has a big band feel about it but also very modern, It just works.

His first album was very heavy on rapping and hip-hop but his new album sounds as though it is going to be a step in another direction altogether. He took a lot of time out to write it when he was riding a wave of momentum. So surely, he's going to pull another blinder and put out a great album once again.

Here's hoping.

It technically starts with the end of Son Et Lumière (the first track of the album) before going into Inertiatic ESP.

One of my friends had been telling me to listen to The Mars Volta for ages and I on;y just got round to it. By god those guys knew how to blend stuff together seamlessly and make it sound awesome.

One of the classic Oasis ballads, which appeared as a B-Side to the UK No.1 single "Go Let It Out", and was voted by Q Magazine as No.1 in a survey of the "Top 500 "Lost" tracks", showing how highly it's regarded.

It puzzles me why a song as good as this wasn't included on the track list for the "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants" album, which is often criticised as being sub-par. It DID appear on the Japanese version of the album for some reason though....

There are alot of brilliant songs on that album, such as "Fuckin' In The Bushes", "Where Did It All Go Wrong?", "Gas Panic", "Go Let It Out" and "Sunday Morning Call", but there is quite a bit of filler as well. Had this song (and "Full On") been on the ablum instead of "Little James" and "I Can See A Liar", then I think public perception of the album may be different.

Right now, I am going through what I would like to call an inexplicably old-school renaissance. And this song is just one of many that I have been having a lot of fun listening to. Having watched The Breakfast Club for the first time about 3 weeks ago, it really lends itself to the playlist that I have created. Don't get me wrong, I had heard of the song (obviously) before I had watched the movie but it's one of those songs that just fits so perfectly into a scene and just adds to the emotion when listening to it again. Really, really enjoying this song... (Many years too late)

For those of you interested in what other songs currently occupy my old-school playlist:

1. Jermaine Stewart - We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off
2. Toto - Africa
3. Journey - Don't Stop Believin'
4. Boston - More Than A Feeling
5. Bruce Springsteen - Livin' In America
6. Wham - Wake Me Up
7. Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror
8. Toto - Hold The Line
9. Prince - Kiss
10. Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel
11. Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody
12. Aerosmith - Sing

I'm listening to pretty much nothing but Slash's solo albums, his Snakepit stuff and all the Guns n Roses stuff in preparation for seeing the top-hat wearing legend on Friday night, I can't wait!

I saw him a few years ago when he was touring the 1st solo album (with all the different vocalists), with Myles Kennedy singing everything- and absolutely nailing the Axl voice on Guns' tracks. As you know, Myles is now the frontman in Slash's group, and is better than ever.

This was my favourite track off the 2nd album "Apolocalyptic Love" and I'm hoping it will be in the setlist on Friday. I'm expecting most of the stuff to be from either hs latest (3rd) album, or be Guns covers, but as this was released as a single I reckon it could make it onto the set list...

I totally dig the mixture of almost Gregorian chants with the heavy metal music. It's something I haven't come across before. Also I just really enjoy the lyrics and it just proves you can get new music that actually has something of substance

It's the day of the Slash gig! I'm uber-pumped for it, and been humming his album all day in work! Luckily, its a 4pm finish on a friday so I will be driving up to Manchester city centre as soon as I finish. I've been looking at the set list for his UK tour, and while there is a few changes every night alot of the songs I want to hear keep appearing, which is great!

Fingers crossed "You Could Be Mine" makes it onto the set list for tonight, it's my favourite Guns n Roses song by far and Slash didn't play it the last time I saw him. I'll go fucking mental if it comes on tonight!!

It's been ten years today since Dimebag Darrell died. I've been listening to loads of Pantera and Damageplan and Cowboys From Hell is still my favourite Pantera song. I love the riff, the solo, Phil Anselmo's vocals, everything.


Funeral for a Friend - Escape artists never die

I was reading an article yesterday which paid a rather back-handed compliment to this song but after listening to it again I still can't help but love it. The title itself is one of my all-time favourites for it being quite tongue-in-cheek and yet optimistic too.

The energy in the song is really well balanced; starting fairly frenetically, slowing down and taking stock before launching into an instrumental finale. Definitely a good soundtrack for a young relationship.

I recently picked up a few film soundtracks for a few pence off Amazon, due to realising there were alot of songs by bands I like that I didn't have. I bought "The Punisher", "End Of Days" and "The Scorpion King". Obviously, being a big Godsmack fan, I had this track already, as it's fantastic.

It's absolutely perfect to play in the gym to pump yourself up before a big session, and Sully Erna really does have the perfect rock voice- I own every Godsmack album (except the new one which my girlfriend is getting me for Christmas), and this is in my top 3 or 4 songs by the band.

I've just been out for dinner with a few work colleagues and blasted this out in the car on the way back from the restaraunt haha.

Those Dancing Days - Hitten

This is a song that popped into my head a couple of hours ago. Well, I say song, but in fact it was just the opening lyrics that popped up and I couldn't place what song they belonged to but I knew I liked it. Having delved into my Favourites playlist on YouTube I found the song again and couldn't believe how long it had been since I listened to it.

I believe at the time of recording, some of the band were still in school/college and there is a lovely sense of future uncertainty in the lyrics of the song but without any fear and instead feeling a sense of control over their own destiny.

Let me explain..

I hang out with several Drama geeks. They're really the best bunch of people you can befriend. And with the semester ending, they started singing this aloud in the cafeteria. Like, loudly. This was posted on Facebook and I had to share. It's a beautiful rendition of Les Miserables' Empty Chairs at Empty Tables. It's a sorrow-filled song indeed, but it's still pretty great.

Paul Weller is a legend, I love the guy. I have a canvas painting of him hanging in my living room. I like pretty much all his stuff, from his early days in the jam through to his long solo career- by the way, if you get the chance to buy "Modern Classics", the Weller Best Of collection spanning the first half of his solo career- GET IT. It's amazing.

This is one of his early hits with The Jam, and a true classic track. I can remember singing this on stage in Lanzarote in kareoke infront of about 200 people and getting them clapping and cheering along, it was alot of fun. I ended up getting off with a fit Icelandic girl because of that as she was really impressed I had the guts to do it. So it was definitely worthwhile doing!

So I'm currently playing Lollipop Chainsaw and this song plays on a bit I'm stuck on. I didn't know about it but my sister looked it up and I was surprised to find out it was The Human League seeing as everyone just knows Don't You Want Me Baby. I might actually check out more of their stuff because of this actually

I've had Eminem's classic "Stan" come up on shuffle on my iPod several times over the last week or so, and it convinced me to go back and listen to alot of Shady's stuff- I didn't realise I have close to 100 tracks of his, and he really has done alot of fantastic stuff.

This is one of my favourites from his latest album "The Marshall Mathers LP 2", where Em talks about growing up and feeling different from everybody else and when he became famous people's reactions to him and how they treated him became different. It was also used at WM XXX to promote the John Cena v Bray Wyatt match. Great song.

So I've been listening to Whitechapel a bit since listening to Phil Bozeman (the singer) handle vocal duties for Unanswered at the Suicide Silence Memorial Gig. The guys lows are totally awesome. Even if you're not into the style of music I suggest reading the lyrics because they're really good.

I listened to nothing but Eminem for the hour drive to work this morning, and "The Real Slim Shady" was the last track I played before arriving. I normally don't like Em's more "comedy" style songs but this has always been a personal favourite- I remember buying it on single when it was released years ago, and my Mum being disgusted by some of the lyrics.

I can still rap along to every single line of the song, and still rank it as one of Em's best pieces of work, it is certainly one of his most iconic and was the one that really made him a big deal in the UK.

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