What song are you currently listening to?

God forgive me for the backlash I could receive for this one:

Carrie Underwood: Blown Away

I don't love the song, per se, but the lyrics I appreciate. The video even all the more helps put the song in context, and even though I don't listen to country music or watch any award shows, I've recently been made aware that this won "Song of The Year" and "Video of the Year" in the country world, so I wanted to see what the fuss was about. Surprisingly, the lyrics here really won me over:


There's not enough rain in Oklahoma
To wash the sins out of that house
There's not enough wind in Oklahoma
To rip the nails out of the past

Shatter every window 'til it's all blown away,
Every brick, every board, every slamming door blown away
'Til there's nothing left standing, nothing left of yesterday
Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away,
Blown away

As I said, one needs to see the video to truly appreciate what Underwood is singing about here. Here, the man I presume was her dad, is a drunken, abusive man. Yet, when he's passed out and unable to be revived by her, what does she do? She attempts CPR and chest compressions, after calling 911. Yet, when she finds out he's unable to be revived, there's some "Sweet Revenge" there, as I imagine there would be for any abused daughter. Yet, she attempted to revive him, simply because he was her father.

It's an absolute powerhouse of a song, and Underwood's vocals only add to it moreso. She's a dynamo when she sings songs such as these, and the pain she adds to her voice, real or faked, is amazing with respect to the song. There's a sorrow and a sadness, yet a hope for a new life with this abusive man gone.

I cannot imagine living in such a dichotomy, where you hate a family member so much, yet are willing to try to revive him yet thrilled when he is gone. It's songs such as these, with the message behind it, that I can tolerate from such a powerhouse vocalist as Underwood, and find deserving of any accolades it receives.

Even if the rest of what I sampled from this album I found to be pure trash. But I'm generally a classic/alternative rock type of guy, so what do I know?
Hey Jude by the Beatles. Funny thing is I've never heard it the whole way through before. A while back I almost put it on my iPod, but I decided I didn't care for it because it seemed to slow. I never listened to it the whole way though though.

Just a few days ago however I heard the second half of it on the radio, and I was like this is pretty damn catchy. I was told it was Hey Jude, so once again I've got it bookmarked on youtube to add to my iPod, and this time it's going to make the final cut. Just the "na na na" parts hit my ears pretty well.

Miley Cyrus' cover of Jolene

Jolene is one of many songs that I associate with a very happy place and time in my life and so I have a huge soft spot for it. Years ago I stumbled across a version that the White Stripes performed which was very solid and a lot heavier than Dolly Parton's but Miley's version trumps it largely due to the quicker tempo which lends itself to the pleading and desperate nature of the plea to Jolene.
Nothing like some good folk metal to set the mood. These guys are a small band from Boston and have only released one album but it is pretty enjoyable from the first track to last.


Citizen-Roam The Room

This band is so good. There's not a bad song on their album "Youth". They're aren't super well known and they're still pretty young. I wish more people were into them. When I was listening to the for the first time I thought they were kind of Nirvana meets Brand New and then when I found their bio online that's the first thing it said about them. They're worth a listen for sure.



I didn't want to make two separate posts.
This band is another really good band that isn't too well know. At least here in the US. They took a hiatus but they're back again touring and stuff. This song is the one that stood out to me most when I checked them out.

Both of these bands are on Run For Cover Records and are great examples that good music is out there if you're willing to look for it.

I suggest giving both bands a listen.

I heard this song a long time ago and had planned on downloading it, but for some reason I never got around to it, which is a surprise considering how much music I do download. But last week, about 8 years later I finally got hold of it, and it's even better than I remembered! Perfect for blasting out loud while driving!

I'm probably going to buy a best of W.A.S.P as I do like alot of metal from that era and the 3 songs I have heard by the band have all been really good.

Eels - Susan's House

A friend of mine posted the question of who was better - Pavement or Weezer? I went with Weezer due to them being more successful. To try and sway my vote, my friend gave me a couple of Pavement songs to listen to and said that they were a big influence on Eels.

And that is how I decided to go on an Eels binge this evening, with Susan's House being a particular favourite due to my sister playing their Beautiful Freak album for what felt like a year solid when she was in her more moody and angsty phase. Them and Placebo circa Black Market Music, such strange days!

This Is Music!!

Oh how I wish I had managed to get tickets to see The Verve when they reunited in 2008, my brother went to the gig in Manchester and said they were incredible.

I've been listening to alot of The Verve recently, Richard Ashcroft (as well as being from my home town of Wigan) is an incredible songwriter and this homecoming gig shows just how good The Verve were as live performers. They sound almost identical as they do on CD, and "Come On" is a phenomenal live track, a beautiful piece of sonic mayhem!

Check it out!
I don't know how many of the guys here over the pond know about this particular music genre called Grime, which has been rising in England since the early 2000's and I'm curious to know what you guys think about it. It involves a lot of UK slang, reflects on the urban lifestyle and is considered our version hip-hop. I'm not sure why it's only big over here, maybe because it only suits our accents and has a few words others aren't familiar with but either way, I think its fantastic and is already one of my favourite music genres. I've heard a lot before but have only gotten seriously into it over the past few weeks.

I've been listening to the following two tracks the most and would like to here opinions of those outside of the UK, especially if you're from the States and listen to rap.



Enjoy! Or not.

I was watching the Matt Hardy Anti Bullying video he did and I really enjoyed the piano version of Live For The Moment by Monster Magnet. I really enjoy the original and there's something about this version that keeps the original sense of 'Living for the moment' but adds that touch of vulnerability that just works.

Also Matt Hardy's wife is the one playing it. Which I thought was cool

I'm currently listening to the Used's new record, "Imaginary Enemy",
more specifically the single, "Cry"

I've been a big fan of theirs quite possibly since the beginning, and they are constantly evolving with their music, and this song is no exception.

This would have been exactly what I was looking for ten years earlier when I was starting High School and in my, ahem, "phases".

Listening to this transports me back to the past, but also kind of addresses feelings I have towards people in the modern day, and It's a good 3 minutes of temporary liberation and angst for me. Great Album.

Why Am I Listening to is because it's me and my fiancé's song It's catchy and a great expression of love. it makes me feel like I don't need to be afraid to take risks.
I've been on a bit of a Ronnie Milsap kick lately since I found my dad's old Greatest Hits CD the other day. I grew up with my dad influencing my music taste with everything from Charile Daniels to Dio and Hank Williams Jr. but the one name that stands out to me from those days is Milsap. My fondest memories of riding around with my dad in his giant GMC truck were with Ronnie's music playing in the background. As a matter of fact this particular song is being discussed with my fiancé as our first dance song at our upcoming wedding. So lots of feels come along with this classic song :blush:


This really is a great song from Eminem, and has grown on me more and more ever since I first heard it. Eminem will undoubtedly leave a huge legacy on hip-hop music when he retires, and will be remembered as one of the very best. I hope I get to see him perform live before he calls it a day.

This track was used as one of the official themes of Wrestlemania this year, and was used in the promo videos for the Bray Wyatt vs John Cena match, and I thought it worked very well, with Cena looking to continue his legacy and Wyatt aiming to destoy it once and for all.
Another grime track:


Great instrumental and lyrics. I find that this is music you can just kick your head back to as opposed to an Eminem song where you have to (or I have to) focus on the lyrics to enjoy it. It's a fun song which I'm sure at least one Brit here has heard.
From a true Country legend, the one and only Charley Pride. This song is what today's country music is lacking, just a beautiful song of love without talking about drugs, "hoes" partying. Now don't get me wrong there's current music I like but my point is that in general the main stream stuff that's being spewed out has no soul and just trash. Nothing quite like a down home clean one about good morals and principles. Gosh I sound like a grumpy old person but long story short they don't make em like this anymore and I love this song.

George Strait- Somewhere Down In Texas
Just watched Stone Cold's DVD last night for the millionth time, and of course this is the song playing at the end when it's rolling through all Steve's highlights. Very fitting considering George is his favorite artist of all time, aside from that he's one of my favorites as well and I think this is just a plain beautiful song.


Man, I can't believe this song is already 14 years old....time is flying by! :(

This is easily my favourite Offspring track, I much prefer this style of song compared to the more comedy style heard on tracks like "Why Don't You Get A Job?", "Hit That" etc. There is just so much energy in this track, great guitaring and I find myself singing along to it every single time I hear it. I had this on today when I was on my way to work, and at the traffic lights when I had the windows down I looked to my right and a guy in the car next to me was rocking out as well, and gave me the thumbs up and a big grin.

This takes me back to my high school days when I was really into this sort of stuff.
Zombie-The Cranberries

Once upon a time, guys and girls, there were female singers who actually knew versatility with regards to their voices. This wasn't the days of Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry, kids, it was during the 90's alternative rock movement.

This song came out when I was in something like 7th grade, for goodness sakes. There are songs that take me back, and there are songs that take me way, way back. This is one of those songs.

There are some bands that have only just a few songs by them that I enjoy, and The Cranberries are such a band. The song, in particular, was about an IRA bombing in Cheshire in the early 90's that saw two young children killed. Ironically, after a long period of conflict between the IRA and the British, the IRA called for a ceasefire just weeks after the song was released. If my memory serves me correctly, critics of the Cranberries and this song in particular sarcastically wondered if the truce between the IRA and British troops was called by the IRA simply so that the Cranberries wouldn't write any more songs about them.

As I said, there are bands of which I like only 1 or 2 songs by, and the Cranberries are surely one of them. But I always liked Zombie, from when it came out in '93 twenty-one years ago until today. The other Cranberries song I enjoyed quite a bit was Tomorrow, but Zombie was a rare track, for me.

One that openly conveyed a political message that didn't grate on me.
"Keep It Coming" by Nate (no pun intended) Dogg.

Discovered this (quite old) song out of the blue while checking out the EA Trax of NFS: Underground on my old laptop. The reason I was checking out the tracks of this game is because I was reading a few user reviews of it on GameFAQs, when I came across the following, regarding the rap "Doomsday" by Overseer:
The music is pretty good I guess, except for this one song, I just wanna kill ther guy who made it. ''When the sky turns gray, to the US to the UK''. Come on buddy, if you can't rap then shut up.
I found that quite hilarious, so I knew I had to check the rap out... and yes, it was awful.

But "Keep It Coming" is a nice track; the tune is quite cool, and something you might be humming for a while after listening to it, like I'm doing now.


Ever since I saw and heard this the other night on The Tonight Show, it blew my mind. I was barely paying attention at the time, surfing the web late at night, bored, when suddenly I hear this wonderfully grungy indie rock guitar and this cute girl that looks like a young Joan Jett or Patti Smith starts singing these absurd, witty, and utterly brilliant lyrics. That's what immediately drew me to her music, her brilliant lyricism, but the guitar work is pretty damn awesome too, very psychedelic garage rock filtered through modern indie and grunge. If you enjoy this you owe it to yourself to check out her new double EP/album, the Double EP: A Sea of Split Peas. It's awesome. As for this song, Avant Gardener, it's based on having a panic attack but streams off into random observations and it's just brilliant and subversive and I want more of it damnit.

Some lyrics

"My hands are shaky
My knees are weak
I can’t seem to stand
On my own two feet
I’m breathing but i’m wheezing
Feel like i’m emphysem-in’
My throat feels like a funnel
Filled with weet bix and kerosene and
Oh no, next thing i know
They call up AAA
I’d rather die than owe the hospital till I get old
I get adrenaline
Straight to the heart
I feel like Uma Thurman
Post-overdosing kick start
Reminds me of the time
When i was really sick and i
Had too much pseudoephedrine and I couldn’t sleep at night
Halfway down high street, andy looks ambivalent
He’s probably wondering what i’m doing getting in an ambulance
The paramedic thinks I’m clever 'cause I play guitar
I think she’s clever 'cause she stops people dying
Anaphylactic and super hypocondriactic
Should’ve stayed in bed today
I much prefer the mundane.
I take a hit from
An asthma puffer
I do it wrong
I was never good at smoking bongs.
I’m not that good at breathing in.

Piece of Mind is overrated, especially in comparison with Number of the Beast, Somewhere in Time, Seventh Son and my favourite album of all-time Powerslave. It suffers from the same problem that Judas Priest's Defenders of the Faith in the fact that it was too top heavy, except DOTF had a much better first half and a better second half too. A lot of people seem to adore this album just for The Trooper and Flight of Icarus, and nothing really else. But this song might be Maiden's most underrated, along with Caught Somewhere in Time. My classification for underrated isn't one that a lot of people believe to be underrated (Judas Be My Guide, The Wicker Man (which was never underrated in the first place because most people love it)) or a song a lot of people hate on (The Angel and the Gambler) but rather a song that not many people talk about. This, along with The Trooper, is the highlight of the inconsistent album, and it's got a solid position in my top 25 Maiden songs. The slower pace really assists in allowing the song to flow extremely well, and Bruce is at his best here. I really like the lyrics and the intricate meaning of the song also. The gist of it is spiritual alchemy, but it covers a lot of other historical areas too.

This is one of the few highlights from Piece of Mind, and I strongly recommend it, as it's often overlooked in Maiden's vast library.

The Stranglers were an overlooked band during the big punk wave of the late 70's, and they may be the only surviving act from that time period and genre today. While the band attained more success in their shift to alternative rock after the punk wave ended, No More Heroes is by far their best effort during their early years. The album of the same name peaked at #2 on the British Charts and along with Something Better Change, this song was released as a single from the album. This is probably my favourite song from the band, with everything but the lyrical context being at least good. The lyrical context however, is in fact exquisite, despite its simplicity, citing the loss of historical figures and the damage it has done to the world.

If you're a fan of British punk, give The Stranglers a chance. They certainly won me over.

I don't care what anyone says this song is catchy as hell and has made me interested in Avril Lavigne since her first album. There's something about it that makes me come back to it. The dubstep-y elements aren't overdone in my opinion and make it work.

As to whether it seems racist or not I don't think so. It's just like most J-Pop videos, silly with a fun vibe

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