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Man, I still love this song! Massive riff, great chorus and cool video.

I have used it for my CAW on WWE games for about 5 years now, and will more than likely use it again for WWE14. I always have the pyro explode just as the riff guitars kick in as Josey Scott shouts "Huuurrghhhh!"

I think Saliva's music works very well for wrestling entrance themes as we have seen their songs used for Batista's entrance, several PPV themes as well as providing versions of the Dudley Boyz theme "Get The Tables" and a rare Chris Jericho theme "King of my World"

Chvrches - Tether

This isn't really the usual kind of thing that I listen to, but this song was free on iTunes a month ago and as I knew they were a Scottish band I felt compelled to at least hear them out. The first time I heard it I thought it was ok then pretty much forgot about it.
I overslept this morning so I was a tad zombie-esque on the way to work this morning when the song came on and I couldn't really be arsed skipping it. Well since then, I've had the dam thing stuck in my head most of the day and really like the way all the elements come together throughout the song.

(Just One Yesterday- Fall Out Boy)

Simply put, this is freaking catchy and it's stuck in my head right now. Besides, the lyrics defiantly give off some good food for thought. I can totally see myself covering this song in a concert with some big music name (preferably Ashley Purdy, but that is doubtful as fuck) because it's a fun tune to pound out in a semi-empty room.

[EDIT] Good to know: When you have a song stuck in your head, you cannot listen to an equally good song (i.e. America- Motionless In White) because you are over taken by the need to skip every song on your iPod until finding said song in your head.
Forever Fields(Sowing Season): 10 Years


From beneath these bones
God only knows
Whose too dark to reach
And too bright to teach

Doesn't it suck when you find a song you like immensely, but disagree with the message relayed by the band?

Such is the case here with 10 Years, they who have easily become one of my favorite bands. There are few bands I feel the need to own everything they've put out, but 10 Years is one of them. I purchased their latest album, Minus The Machine, about 6 months ago. I didn't get around to really start listening to it until last week, however. While it's not their best effort, this little gem has really grown on me.

10 Years reminds me of Rise Against, albeit not musically. It's in the fact that there's always a message behind what they have to say, and it's not about women and heartbreak. They're concern is for the people of the world, and moreso, their morality. This song explores that notion, but with the idea that some people are lost because they're too evil, and others equally lost because they find themselves too intelligent.

Lost to what? God? Making a contribution to this world? Call me an optimist, if you will, but I don't buy the incapable of change idea. I don't believe that some people are 'too far decayed' to make a positive impact in this world. That's where 10 Years and I part ways here.

But darn it, even though this song never kicks into second gear, it's the perfect song not to. The harmonizing on the chorus is pretty darn cool.

During my week off work next week, I will be attending 3 concerts- Alice In Chains on the Monday, Jake Bugg on the Wednesday and these boys, Beady Eye on the Friday.

For those who don't know, Beady Eye is Liam Gallagher's new band made up of all the members of the final Oasis line-up, but without Noel Gallagher. They have released 2 albums so far, and this is the 1st track from their debut.

Now, apart from a few songs, they can't compete with the quality of Oasis's material which just shows that Noel was the more talented Gallagher brother, but this track still has the trademark Liam snarl and swagger and I cannot wait for this gig. Oasis concerts were at stadiums or huge outdoor venues, while this Beady Eye gig is at Manchester Academy, which has a capacity of about 3-4'000, so I will be able to get right up close to Liam and see him in a way you wouldn't get to at an Oasis gig without getting crushed.

Plus, Beady Eye throw out a few Oasis classics too, I cannot wait for Morning Glory, I will get crazy!
Ed Kowalczyk: Just In Time


When I first crawled out of my sheltered existence, Live was one of the first bands I discovered. Throwing Copper to this day remains one of my 5 favorite albums of all-time. Unfortunately, their style began to change in the early 2000's, and their last album together, Songs From Black Mountain, was mostly a whole lot of suck. Shortly after, lead singer Ed Kowalzyk was summarily dismissed from the band, and embarked on a solo career.

And while it's not anything near Throwing Copper, Ed has put out some pretty solid stuff. I've seen Livein concert three times, and each not only topped the previous experience, Live was also the best band I've ever seen...live. I've been to dozens of concerts, but there are few experiences like seeing Ed Kowalczyk perform. He's the consummate front-man, blending the right amount of showmanship with crowd interaction.

Heck, I was willing to drive to New Jersey to see them with one of my best friends from college......New Jersey:p

Kowalzyk's newer stuff blends more overt spirituality than any of Live's previous work, which was more ambiguous in meaning. Here, Kowalczyk delivers another good live experience with Just In Time, with the idea of a spiritual being saving him from his troubles, well, just in time. Do I buy it? Not sure.

Cool idea though, and a sweet song as well.

Awww shiiiiiiiit! It's goin' off in heeeyaaa!

The ultimate mosh pit nu-metal anthem from the first band I ever really got into. Now, I know Freddie D is a bit of a cunt, but he did make some great songs back in the early 2000s, and this is one of the best!

I saw Limp Bizkit years ago on the "Results May Vary" tour and was in the slam pits for this, people circling during "I hope you know I pack a chainsaaaaw" and then going mental when Fred shouts "BREAK YOUR FUCKING FACE TONIGHT!!" I got some bruises that night let me tell you!

They are back in the UK on the Kerrang! tour next year, and me and a couple of friends are thinking of going for a bit of nostalgia and a good ol' mosh!


I'm a Blink 182 fan and when they had different offshoot bands and side projects I always checked them out.

This is a band that Tom started after Blink 182 which had a total different sound than Blink. To be honest I'm not a fan of most of Angels and Airwaves but this is one of the songs I do like.

From what I've read the story behind it is that the wife of one of Tom's friends died from a heroin overdose and he wrote this in relation to that.

This is probably my favorite Angels and Airwaves song and it has a great element of emotion to it.

If you have ever thought about checking this band out but haven't gotten around to it this is a good song to start with.

I'm not too familiar with this band. I was watching a movie called "The Bronx Brothers Beat The Best" and the band name is mentioned. It reminded me that I had wanted to check them out but never did. I guess they got a following because of the movie Garden State. Anyway this was one of three or four songs I like so far. It's pretty upbeat musically.

Liam Gallagher's new band Beady Eye performing the Oasis classic, with the original Oasis guitarist Bonehead playing with the Liam for the first time in 15 years...WOW.

This was at the Royal Albert Hall in a Tribute gig for the Charlatan's drummer who recently died, but I saw Beady Eye at Manchester Academy this Friday and the song was played again, with Bonehead once again coming onto the stage to join Liam.

It was incredible.

As a MASSIVE Oasis fan (obsessed, some might say), it was incredible to see Liam perform in such a small setting (I think the Academy holds about 3-4k, not entirely sure), and to be near the front of the stage for Live Forever, and later "Cigarettes and Alcohol"- another Oasis classic...well, it was a special moment.

The greatest frontman of his generation, and still one cool motherfucker. Liam Gallagher. The man.

Day After Day - Haji's Kitchen

Raise Your hand if you've ever heard of this band! Nobody? Aw Shucks. Anyway, I'm a huge DBZ fan if you don't already know. This band had a few songs on The first Broly DVD(which I own!); Day After Day and Lost. But that was over a decade ago. Soon after the band just kind of faded and wasn't heard from for over 10 years. Fast forward to 2012 and the band released a new album with new songs and the two a mention above, re-recorded. I just found this out yesterday and I love it! They re-recordings are much harder than the originals but I must say, I prefer the original voicing. This a great song though.
"Rebel Yell" by Sparzana


Okay, in case no one understands the visuals, it's of the Belgian Resistance during WWII. From what I know of Nadine Dumon, she was a resistance fighter charged with hiding allied forces behind enemy lines. That's some pretty ballsy stuff, and gives "Rebel Yell" less of a sexual tone and more of a war cry. This so far is my favorite cover of Billy Idol's hit. And I just dig the historical imagery.

Recently I looked up the soundtracks to the early Tony Hawk Pro Skater games, after remembering how many of the songs were brilliant. There were great songs like "Blood Brothers" by Papa Roach, "Superman" by Goldfinger and this one by Bad Religion. I always thought this was one of the best songs on the games, really catchy and definitely a skating tune.

I saw Bad Religion live in Manchester a few years ago, I didnt really know many of their songs other than "You", "Broken" and "Supersonic" but it was a really good show, and the guys I went with who are big fans really enjoyed it too.

"See My Tears" - Machine Gun Kelly.

I'm going through a lot of rough shit right now. I don't do well during holidays because they were me and my mom's thing, and after losing her it's just not the same anymore.

Whenever I get down, I throw on some MGK. I relate so much to his music. His lyrics hit hard. He raps really raw, real rough. I love his flow, man. He came from nothing. He knows what it's like to wonder when your next meal will come. He knows what it's like to have to steal or rob to get money to help support your family.

This song is just real inspirational to me, it cheers me up. He's real in touch with his fans. The whole Lace Up movement he's started is fantastic, and i'm proud to be a part of his EST. family.

I can't wait for Thursday night, when I FINALLY get to see Papa Roach live again!

They were the 3rd gig I ever went to, back when they touring their 2nd album (LoveHateTragedy) and that was an awesome gig, I remember starting a massive slam pit with my friend and then crowd surfing to Last Resort!

I don't care that much for their later stuff, much prefer the rap-metal early Roach, so I hope they play alot from their first 2 albums...as those 2 were easily the biggest selling releases in the UK, I expect they will as that is what the fans will want to hear.

Another tune from the Roach, with a great performance of "Dead Cell", one of my favourite tracks of theirs. I have seen the set list for this tour, and luckily "Dead Cell" is in there!! I cannot wait to get fucking mental tomorrow night to this!

I am off work all this week, so am heading into Manchester with a friend at about 4pm for a few hours on the booze before grabbing some food and heading to the gig, should be a great evening!

I came across this Aussie band called Airbourne and none of my friends have heard of them. Very old-school rock sound. I've heard people comparing them to AC/DC, but I thought it was a little more Def Leppard meets Sammy Hagar. Anyway, here you guys go, I love this song.

Foo Fighters "Miracle"


A song not as popular as other Foo songs, however a really beautiful ballad. All I can hear over and over again right now is "got no vision I've been blind. Searching everywhere you're right here on my sight". Dying behind these tired eyes, I've ben losing sleep, please come to me tonight". Great verses and I fucking feel them right now...

i am so glad my friend introduced me to the Dan Reed Network, who came onto the scene in the late 80s, and looked set for big things- they supported The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi and other major bands and released 3 albums before dissappearing in the mid-90s, when Dan Reed (the vocallist) shaved off gis hair and left the music industry for many years.

He has since come back, doing small acoustic solo gigs and I have been to see him live twice...what a voice. I was blown away and stuck around to thank him personally at the end of the first one for a great night and telling him he had a new fan. I have since gone out and bought all 3 of the Network albums, as well as his solo work.

My friend went to see a reformed Dan Reed network at a festival this summer, and was told they will hopefully be doing their own Uk tour soon, I will be trying to get a ticket to see them for sure.
i am so glad my friend introduced me to the Dan Reed Network, who came onto the scene in the late 80s, and looked set for big things- they supported The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi and other major bands and released 3 albums before dissappearing in the mid-90s, when Dan Reed (the vocallist) shaved off gis hair and left the music industry for many years.

That was pretty cool, man. Loved the eerie keyboard. Reminded me a lot of this english band, It Bites. They've got a real great sound, a little progressive.

This is the song that god me into the band. I just love the harmonies and peculiar melody.
Another band worth checking out if you're into the old school kind of rock is King's X. These guys have got the stuff. Brilliant mesh of musicians, the bass blasts the whole time, and the guitarist is one of the more original out there in terms of riff writing. The real beauty is in the vocals though. Dug has the sweetest juiciest most soulful vocals i've heard in years.


If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray

Atmospheric, ominous, gloomy and theatrical. Without doubt this is one of the best songs I've heard used in a TV show and fits perfectly with the character's foreshadowing and progression through the show. (Jesse from Breaking Bad for those wanting to know)

I had no idea that the singer was one half of the band The Knife, who did the 'Heartbeats' song that Jose Gonzales covered, and that she uses a lot of multi-layering of vocal tracks in her songs. Definitely a band I'm going to listen to a lot more.

I was never a fan of Keane, apart from 1 or 2 songs. This was the lead single from their 3rd album, that I remember buying my Mum for Christmas one year.

I had forgotten I had copied it to my ipod ages ago and when it came up on shuffle last night it was a nice surprise. Very, very catchy song and I was singing along in seconds.

I still think it's strange that Keane are a band without a guitarist....
Calle 13 "Multi_viral"


So Calle 13 is definitely the latin revelation of the last 10 years, I'm latino and I obviously know tons of latin bands but none with such a musical diversity, a socio-political message as Calle 13. They are indeed freakin' awesome. This song not only has it's chorus on arabic, but it also has a verse with Julian Assange speaking and a solo with Tom Morello. See? The perfect fuision between music and politics. I love these guys. Can I be like them when I grow up?

No Use For A Name: Black Box

I just started getting into these guys because another band I like did a cover of this song. I knew the name of the band but just had never checked them out. Since this song was the one that got me into them I figured it would be best to pick it to post.

From the little bit of reading I've done these guys started off a little heavier and mellowed out more near the end when their singer Tony Sly died. Given that they formed in 1989 I can see that a lot of pop punk and skate punk bands were influenced by them.

I'm in the process of going through their entire discography and checking everything out that I can. I really like the songs "Feels Like Home", "Dumb Reminders" and "For Fiona" as well.

This is a song that I only became aware of very recently, and it's great. All acoustic, very catchy and nothing like anything else I have heard from the Chili's, which makes it stand out to me.

It has been played alot recently, although I have no idea what "Cabron" means....

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