Imagine Dragons: Bleeding Out
I was a fan of
Radioactive when it first came out, but the song was used for commercials, the theme song for my beloved Pittsburgh Penguins, to the theme song of a TV show I watched with some interest this summer. I became quite sick of Imagine Dragons, and really didn't give any of their music a chance.
That was until I saw a live version of Demons, liked it, and decided to give Night Visions, the album, a chance. My wife had already downloaded it, so why not?
Imagine Dragons is really a different kind of band than one I've encountered before. Usually, it's easy for me to hear a band and find comparisons with another quite easily. I can't here, which is a testament to their uniqueness. And of all songs on this album,
Bleeding Out has become my favorite. The band finds themselves lamenting the changes in society, specifically in the line:
Innocence is gone, and what was right is wrong.
We've become a society of change, and much of that is for the better. Unfortunately, with that comes the bad, the "wolves" they sing about in the second verse. There's very little innocence or purity left in our world, the band laments.
Hard to argue, is it not?