What song are you currently listening to?


Rediscovered this song today as I was browsing through the music channels on Sky. It takes me back to my college days as I used to play this on my mobile all the time, every day at college. Unfortunately I played it on my mobile so much that I ended up ruining the song for my friend cause he got tired of listening to it, lol. This is a really amazing song and one of the best remixes of all time.

Said the Whale- Camilo

The bands name caught my interest so I decided to look them up. Solid band with a good sound. I particularly like this song. I wish the radio would play more stuff like this!
Been listening to Tomahawk's newest album "Oddfellows" lately, it's freaking amazing. Perfect blend of all the member's styles and once again Mike Patton is utilized as a brilliant vocal instrument rather than just a voice. The standout for me from the album has to be the song "Choke Neck" - I can't describe it properly but it's just damn good.

Been listening to Tomahawk's newest album "Oddfellows" lately, it's freaking amazing. Perfect blend of all the member's styles and once again Mike Patton is utilized as a brilliant vocal instrument rather than just a voice. The standout for me from the album has to be the song "Choke Neck" - I can't describe it properly but it's just damn good.


Good call. I thoroughly enjoyed the new album although I feel it was front loaded a little.
Good call. I thoroughly enjoyed the new album although I feel it was front loaded a little.

Thanks :)
It's still a huge improvement over the previous albums, their first album was good but their second was kinda bad. I missed out on seeing these guys at Soundwave this year but I'll hopefully see them eventually - unless the go on an indefinite hiatus like every other Patton project.
I you were to ask people I know IRL 3 things that they know about me, one thing that'd come up is "Manure (because that's what it says on my driver's license) really doesn't like hip-hop, rap and r&b".

However, every once in a while, I get a rap song that I really enjoy stuck in my head. Today's one is this:

It's an oldie, but a goodie. I love the barking and the random grunts, "what?"'s and liberal use of that no-no taboo n-word.

Both the track's sounds and lyrics are so raw and powerful, it just makes me want to wear my pants around my thighs and steal my dad's gun, you know?

If I have to pick a rap song, I'd choose the more gangsta rap stuff about killing cops over the pussy rap stuff about getting drunk in a club and hittin' it.
Today it's Stormlord's "Dance of Hecate"

I've developed something of a taste for symphonic black metal recently, and Stormlord is a band I've particularly been listening to. I've also been playing Russian take on the genre, but most of those bands have untypable names so I'll leave it.
Bit late on the Korn bandwagon. I'm not sure why it took me so long to check them out. I mean I grew up around the time they were big. I guess I was listening to Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit more I guess.


This is one of the most popular songs and the video is pretty awesome and it makes me wonder why I never listened to them before.

Speaking of which learning that Head left Korn (he's back again apparently) and started a solo band called Love And Death i decided to check them out as well


It sounds like pretty cool. It's similar to nu metal musically, but has a slight metalcore feel as well which isn't terrible. The vocals are better than 90% of metalcore vocalists so thats a plus

City and Colour - Take Care

The song sounds like its just waiting to be used for a dramatic series finale to be honest, but I mean that in a good way. The lyrics of,
"You are a single grain,
a mere molecule,
mistaken for a king,
you're only a simple fool"
really stand out for me, as it seems as if the writer is viewing their friend as someone who is pompous and getting caught up in their own ego and allowing themselves to get carried away with themselves. Despite this, the rest of the lyrics suggest that the writer will stand by their friend but they just want them to settle down and 'take care'.
Same Love: Macklemore and Mary Lambert


Let me set one thing straight: I despise hip-hop, the culture, most of the music, and I hate Macklemore's Thrift Shop. It's groan-inducing for me. But I've admired the man with a great intensity after hearing it for the first time, and after reading his support of gay rights, I do so all the more. But this lyric, this one lyric here, made me look at him in a completely different light.

"If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me".

Music, especially hip-hop, is a macho, sex-driven culture. Do I even need to list off the number of songs from any genre of music which are bragging about men nailing women? It's especially prevalent in hip-hop and rap. That's not bias, that's a fact. But here you have one of their own, challenging that ideal. Saying, 'I know what the genre is about.' And screw it, because this is what I believe, and this is what I'm standing up for.

There's something incredibly admirable about that. And it's a damn good song at that.

Heard this song last night on The Voice and it's been stuck in my head ever since.

Very catchy and it's made me wanna check out the bands other songs.

Tool - Jimmy

I'm hoping the trend comes to an end soon but the past few Friday afternoons where I'm meant to finish work an hour early have all been the busiest parts of my week. As is the nature of the job I often have to wait for other staff to have things sorted out before I can do what I need to do so while it can be frustrating, it is also understandable.

This past Friday was just unreal though. By 11.30 I had caught up on all my work and was just waiting on 2 things to come through so that I'd be set to leave at 4. So when I leave work at 4.45, I'm kinda pissed and just wanting to get home. On the way, a few A Perfect Circle and Tool songs make themselves known on my playlist which made me put my day in perspective but Jimmy stood out the most to me, probably because of my rush to get home and vegitate versus the lyrics about a traumatic event leaving an emotional and mental scar.

My day didn't seem so bad afterwards.
My musical tastes are pretty all over the place, one week I could be listening to Tomahawk, the next I could be listening to Jpop, death metal and even a speck of jazz, "Variety is the spice of life" - indeed the motto of my musical interests.
This time I've been going on a spree of listening to Art vs Science songs, particularly from the album "The Experiment" - which it truly is. The album's a blend of a bunch of different styles, some brilliant, some not. One of the more brilliant songs I've found from them is "Finally See Our Way" shown in the clip.
check out the album, songs like sledgehammer, higher and take a look at your face are all amazing too.
Queens of the Stone Age "Into the hollow"


I never really understood the lyrics of this song...until a couple of minutes ago...It suddenly became clear for my current situation with my gf, at least how I feel with it and with her. I hate to relate songs to relationships and love and that kind of bs, but this time it is exactly how I feel, I've always liked this song and never understood why, because it's very simple, it doesn't have anything spectacular musically, but I had to let the feeling flow within me. It's a great song, such a shame that I have to related to my crappy situation...:shrug:

And if you want an acoustic version:

Dispatch- Circles Around The Sun


I saw Dispatch in New York City at MSG in 2008 during one of the three dates for their Zimbabwe benefit, and it was probably the second best concert I've ever been to. The caveat of it all was that I was to be married just 6 days after the concert, with stress and preperation being at an all-time high. So what did my wife and myself do? The responsible thing, of course, buying tickets on E-Bay and flying to New York, greatly upsetting our respective parents.

Circles Around The Sun wasn't one of the songs they played, although I damn well wish they had. Unfortunately, it wasn't released for another 5 years, as the band had only gotten back together for those select dates before releasing a new album in 2012. I was listening to them today and remembering that concert fondly, and while this song wasn't apart of said show, it's probably my favorite song by an awesome band.

Letlive - Banshee (Ghost Fame)

This song is so wicked! I tend to check out ITunes every week just to see anything new that's been release. Most weeks its hit and miss but every now and then I find something absolutely amazing. This week it will be this song. I love the energy behind it, makes for a perfect work out song..too bad I don't work out. Might have to just so I have an excuse to listen to this song more often. Good stuff yo.
Time To give this one a bump:

Sick Puppies: There's No Going Back

I love an anthem song with a strong declaration of one's beliefs. I don't have to agree with it to respect a band for putting out a strong song that states a belief, even if it's in explicit terms, as it is here. It doesn't get much stronger then this:

There's No Going Back
F*** That Going Back
I've always liked the way Sick Puppies has balanced ballads with hard rock songs, as I'm a fan of everything from 'My World' to 'You're Going Down', and they add a new wrinkle to their recognizable sound with this anthem. I've always liked the concept of living with no regrets and the futility of trying to change the past. Can it truly be done, a life without regrets? I don't know. But it sure is fun to hear a band sing so enthusiastically about the possibilities of doing so.

I'm a positive guy, so seeing a band going from the mournful 'My World' to the hope(and explicit) filled 'There's no Going Back' is great stuff. Great hooks with a smart chorus and memorable refrain. I'm loving this song right now.

Nuclear Assault are an incredible underrated Thrash Metal band. They deserve a lot more recognition. Here we have a good 2 and a half minute instrumental, which is perfect to headbang to. Really helps to get the adrenaline running.
My first time posting in this thread in a while, since my laptop is out of action and my works PC doesn't seem to like YouTube


I am going seeing The Happy Mondays tomorrow at a free outdoor gig in Warrington town centre, just down the road from where I live. I was going to buy £40 tickets to their show in Manchester in a couple of months, but then I found out about this one-off free gig, which is part of the Warrington Music Festival 2013. So obviously I went for the free one, and queued up for tickets last Saturday morning.

The day off work, set to be 28 degrees of beaming sun, a day on the beers and a free Mondays gig, doesn't get better than that!


Possibly my favorite singer right now, Cassadee Pope's new music video for her song Wasting All These Tears. Excellent video and just wanted to share it with you guys.

Looking forward to seeing her concert soon.

I remember this from Wrestlemania X-Seven. I've never been a fan of Linkin Park at all but Limp Bizkit isn't that bad. It's a good song, and it hits me with a wave of nostalgia, especially after remembering the awesome promo from the Austin and Rock match.
Just wanted to share a few songs by an up and coming artist with you guys.



And of course his single out right now.


I'll be honest and say I never heard of Joel Crouse until this week but man he has a good voice and I really like those three songs. I think this kid has a bright future in the country music world and he will do my home state proud! Wicked nice guy as well.
I don't know if it's a nationwide thing but here in KC, Volbeat has become like the biggest fucking thing ever. I avoided it for a while since I never really cared for Hangman's Body Count all that much but I heard this song and am now a fan of the band. Enjoy.

"Wareta Ringo" by Risa Taneda (who also happens to voice the main character in the anime)

This is the ending song that plays through the credits of the first 16 episodes of an anime called "Shinsekai Yori" ("from the new world" in english) and it's a damn beautiful piece of music. The vocals are so clear and refined, while managing to sound completely natural at the same time and the melodies backing them up flow brilliantly along with it. It's a musical masterpiece that fits the anime like a glove. There's really nothing more to say other than watch the anime if you want to experience it how you're supposed to - oh and if anyone's watched it/is watching it, tell me your response the supposedly controversial episode 8 (actually I may just make an anime review thread and attempt to discuss it there, but feel free to PM me or something)

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