What song are you currently listening to?


An absolute 90s CLASSIC tune!

The entire song is about smoking weed. I can remember playing this on a compilation tape I had in the car with my parents, and singing along to it with my brother. I was 9 or 10, he was about 8 and neither of us had any idea that the lyrics were all about doing drugs and getting high. I'm actually surprised my parents never turned the song off, but they must have known we didn't know what the words meant, so didn't mind.

That beat is still amazing nearly 20 years on, I picked up their Operation Stackola album the other day after getting back into this tune, its not bad! Nothing beats this song though.
The frustrating thing about using a tablet more than a laptop is not being able to post stuff from YouTube, hence my lack of contributions for a while. To make up for it, I've got 2 songs that I first heard within a couple of weeks of each other, both from some talented Canadians.

First up is 'Closer' by Tegan and Sara.

These little pixies have gone for a more synth-orientated pop sound than their former material but its such a happy sexy song that I hope it leads to bigger things for them. Twin lesbian sisters are surely hipster bait.

The next song is Of Space And Time by City & Colour.

Although it saddens me that by my reckoning only Yaz and I are the only fans on here, I figure that eventually more people will recognise the fantastic talent possessed by Dallas Green.

His newest song seems like a continuation of the style he used on his previous album, Little Hell, so it appears as if he's content with his recording style after making changes between each of his previous albums.


One of the best rap songs I've heard in ages and it's pretty new.

It's nice to hear a rapper talk about something other than money and women. This one I can relate to as I actually make designs out of old clothes and use the logic of why fork out an extra amount of money for a label.

The rest of the album is pure brilliance as well, talking about struggling to make it, differnet relationships (including a great one about gay relationships) The guy deserves all the praise he's getting and more.

Escape the Fate - You're Insane

It's a leaked studio version of a new song they've played a couple of times live now I think. With them being my favourite band I have been looking forward to hearing some new stuff and so far this song and their other new song Ungrateful have not disappointed at all.

I like how this album seems to be a little more heavier than their last one which a lot of fans didn't like as much as their others. Then again, we only know a few of the upcoming songs.

This song has been stuck in my head for a few days and I think it's awesome. I honestly never heard of it till I had it pop up on Song Pop on facebook and from there I checked out the full version and loved it.
Pink and Three Days Grace with songs of the same namesake.


I'll be the sentimental sap here. It's the live version. Amazing.

Just Give Me A Reason
Just a Little Bit's Enough
Just a Second We're not Broken Just Bent
We Can Learn to Love Again
It's In The Stars
It's Written In The Scars on our heart

It's a brillaint collaboration between Pink and F.U.N's lead singer Nate Ruess. The song tells a fine story of two emotionally damaged people trying to pick up the pieces of their lives and their relationships, trying to hold onto some kind of hope. We've been talking about suicide in the Symposium, and the idea of "Just a Little's Enough" rings chimes through and through as a reason not to give up, whether it be on life and love, at least for myself.


So I went with a song of the same name as the first. Three Days Grace has always been an interesting band to me, mixing messages of hope and inspiration with with those of devastation and misery, and enjoying both.

Give Me a Reason To Turn and Run
Give Me a Reason to Burn This House Down
Give Me a Reason i wish you would, wish you would
Give Me a Reason for Disaster, and Ill be happy ever after
Give a Reason To Turn and Run
I wish you would, wish you would

TDG has been one of my favorite bands since I saw them on their One-X tour. They're passionate and Adam Gontier truly seems to believe in what he's singing, and his songs explore the depths of human emotion on a variety of levels. Some human beings thrive on chaos and disaster, I deal with them on a weekly basis in my field of work. It's a great song that says exactly that, and finding hapiness in disaster. I don't agree, but it's a badass song chalk full of emotion.
Pink and Three Days Grace with songs of the same namesake.


I'll be the sentimental sap here. It's the live version. Amazing.

Just Give Me A Reason
Just a Little Bit's Enough
Just a Second We're not Broken Just Bent
We Can Learn to Love Again
It's In The Stars
It's Written In The Scars on our heart

It's a brillaint collaboration between Pink and F.U.N's lead singer Nate Ruess. The song tells a fine story of two emotionally damaged people trying to pick up the pieces of their lives and their relationships, trying to hold onto some kind of hope. We've been talking about suicide in the Symposium, and the idea of "Just a Little's Enough" rings chimes through and through as a reason not to give up, whether it be on life and love, at least for myself.

I've heard this song a couple of times now and what struck me about the song was how well Pink and Nate's voices matched. I don't mean in terms of harmonies or melodies or suchlike, but for instance Pink has quite a strong tone with some of her songs while Nate can tackle the high notes pretty well too.

I'll probably get this song downloaded soon but it may also lead to the purchase of Pinks newest album as every song from it that I've heard I've really liked.

I'm not going to bother going into why this is a good song, you all know it. Or, you should. A classic slice of old school rock by one of the all time legendary bands.

It came on the radio this morning on my way to work and needless to say the volume was immediately turned up
RED- The Moment We Come Alive

I talked about Three Days Grace being a confusing band with regards to writing music that shows a theme of thriving on both hope and despair. But one that does that within the same song? Enter RED.

RED's fourth album, Release The Panic, is probably their weakest. A disappointing follow-up for sure to Until We All Have Faces, one I was eagerly anticipating. Still, there are a few gems on the album, with the title track, So Far Away, Damage, and Glass House. Still, my favorite song on the album is The Moment We Come Alive.

The song, while the focus is initially on despair, confusion, and even anger, leads nicely into the underlying meaning of the song: healing. It's my favorite theme in a song.

So Reach To The Sky
The Life We Have Has Come
This Night of Our Lives
Has Only Just Begun
Together We Are
Bright As The Stars
We're A Light That Never Dies
The Moment We Come Alive

It's about being able to see beyond our current circumstances, however dire, and making it out to a better life. It's what drives us as human beings at the core: Finding our way to the life we dreamed of and imagined, pushing past the shit that we've had to come through to get there.

We've all been there, haven't we?
My music tastes are quite diverese, lately it's been a hodge podge of Clan Of Xymox, Steven Wilsons new solo effot "The Raven That Refused to Sing" and some Porcupine Tree, and some swing with Big Bad Vodoo Daddy. Oh a little Neal Morse for good measure.

Things like this.


Woodkid- Run Boy Run

Words cannot express how imaginative and ingenious this video is. I mean the song itself is wonderful and just as artistic and goes with the video very well. It's just the video itself is so well done and brilliant. It's aesthetic craft and properties excel far above any video I've ever seen from an artist. I mean if nothing else,you need to watch this video alone for its creative illustration of a mans vision.

This is musical art at it's finest. Seriously,click play now!
Doing some various sorting out jobs today around the flat and found a CD by Idlewild that I didn't even know I had. They seemed ready to follow the indie-rock route that Travis had previously paved but alas it was not to be and the lead singer of Idlewild went solo and experimented with a more folk-y sound.


You may know this song as the theme for the 1990s cartoon "The Raccoons".

Probably the greatest theme song ever for a cartoon, I have no idea why an 80s power ballad (if you can call it that) was chosen as the music, but I am glad it was. I had totally forgotten about the song but my brother mentioned that people at his work had been chatting about the show and got the video up on their computers, so I looked it up on YouTube and ended up downloading it, so good!

I found out last night, that apparently it is also used on the ending credits of "Hobo with a shotgun"?! strange choice, but I am glad more people will have heard the song now, it is awesome!

Loving this song right now. Not a big fan of Bob Seagers original version personally but I LOVE Metallica's cover! This song has been stuck in my head for almost a week now after hearing it at the local bar.

I've been bumping this new Ces Cru album hard. It's been years since I actually went up to FYE and bought a CD but I did for this one. Unbeknownst to me, if you downloaded it on iTunes it came with some bonus tracks. How this song didn't make the cut on the album I'll never know because this song is fucking dope. I dig it when rappers aren't acting hard all the time and they show a modicum of vulnerability.
Queen's "Somebody to love"


Even if "Bohemian rhapsody" is probably in the top 5 of the greatest songs written of all time, of all genres (and I'm not exaggerating here, I honestly think that is one of the greatest songs mankind has ever produced), "Somebody to love" is a song that I like more. I don't know how to put it in words, but this song is so amazing, so beautiful that is that kind of masterpiece that you're really emotive when you hear it. I'm not going to lie, I have cried a couple of times listening to this song, not because it makes me sad, but because it is really beatiful, and this happened with this particular performance.

Freddy Mercury was indeed the greatest frontman that has ever put a foot on a stage.
Jason Becker "Altitudes"


One of the greatest guitar players you can have to privilege to hear. A very sad story has Jason Becker and yet a very inspirational one.

Anyway this whole record is pretty amazing, but this particular song is that kind of song that as a guitar player you think you're good until you hear this one.

E C DUB..... E C DUB!

I only knew this song as the entrance theme for Simon Diamond in the original ECW. I had no idea it was an album track by a genuine band, but I came across it on YouTube recently, and listened to a few other of their songs, eventually ending up ordering the whole album. It's really good!

The reviews on YouTube say how similar Drain were to Alice In Chains (albeit a female version) but this song doesnt really show that, they do sound alike on other tracks though. Also, they are all all absolutely GORGEOUS!

P.O.D - "Alive"

A great song from the Christian rockers from San Diego. This is the song they are most known for in the UK, I am not sure about the US. It's a classic nu-metal anthem from the early 2000s when they genre dominated rock music.

I have always loved the track, it was one my favourites during high-school. Sonny Sandoval has a great voice I think. I hope to see them in concert one day, I never managed to catch them back in the day when they toured.

American Pearl-Free Your Mind

I don't even recall how I know of this band. I was just going through some old files on my computer and came across a bunch of songs/artists I had long forgotten. This song was among them. After listening to it again,I was reminded of how great this song truly was back in the day and how much I liked it. Solid track.
(link won't work) but i'm currently listening to Panama by Van Halen.

Just blaring random music on youtube right now and this came up in my favorites. Such a good song to do doughnuts in a parking lot to....

....now lets see who gets the reference.

In anticipation of the new AIC albums which comes out at the end of May, I have been hammering alot of their stuff over the past few days. This was the 1st single off their most recent album "Black Gives Way To Blue" and is one of the heaviest song they have ever done. I didn't like it all that much at first but over time it has grown into a real favourite of mine. I hope I end up getting a Saturday ticket for Download to watch them, such a good band live. I caught their last tour in Manchester which was fucking incredible!

Peter Bjorn and John is so fucking good. For some reason I can't find a lot of their stuff on vinyl, but I'll definitely keep an eye open.
Black Sabbath "God is Dead?"


It's a fucking good old school Sabbath song! I wasn't sure at first how it was going to be for them making a new record, how it was going to sound but they haven't lost it at all. It has the classic Sabbath sound but at the same time it has a modern sound (maybe it's caused by the production). Either way it's a great song but not perfect, it has some repetitive parts where it gets a little boring, but just when it''s starting to get too repetitive, we have a prorgession in the song. BTW amazing drum work done by RATM's drummer (I don't remmeber his name).

Can't wait for the new album!​

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