What song are you currently listening to?

I downloaded Alexisonfire's Death Letter EP the other day after it appeared that it had fallen out of Santa's sack on his way to mine. 4 of the 6 songs are ones that I never really listened to much in their studio incarnations, but the acoustic slant has made them a lot more accessible.

Born and Raised was one of my favourite songs from their last album so its great to hear the acoustic version develop a more haunting tone rather than just be done the same way but with different instruments.
I'm at bartending school and Mississippi Queen is playing. It's a great song to be pouring drinks to since it rocks so damn hard.

Down the Road - C2C

I heard this tune in an advert for nail polish when I was in the cinema waiting for Skyfall to start and have been meaning to track it down since. Last night, I had a dream involving a horse (there was one in the nail polish ad) and thoughts of this song came back so finally tracked it down!

I really don't know what the proper description of this style of music is but the tuneful fuckery of the harmonica parts is quite a treat.
Listening to ALOT of Fozzy.
Didn't really get into them until last year.Love them now.

Also Skrillex. Used to be i a metal band. Now look what he does.

I have posted a few songs by this criminally underrated band in the past, and here is another.

They co-wrote alot of early Oasis stuff, and let Oasis use their recording studio when the Gallagher's were just starting out.

This song is off The Real People's until-recently unreleased 1992 Marshmellow Lane. My brother bought me a signed copy for Christmas, great band
I can't get into many new British bands. But I got into this one and I haven't stopped listening. They sound great and I fully expect them to make it big at some point.

Rock Of Ages by Def Leppard is currently playing on my ITunes. I freaking love the lepp anyway but this song may be my favorite of theirs. If you've never heard it I highly suggest checking it out.
The last few days I have been playing 100 Black Coffins by Rick Ross almost non stop. The song is on the Django soundtrack and I love it. I'm not even a huge Ross fan, but damn I like this long.

Probably the least popular of Taker's entrance themes but I've been really digging this song as of late. The intro is so badass and the lyrics perfectly describe the Big Evil gimmick and Taker's intentions whenever he makes his way out for a match or he interrupts somebody. Very underrated theme.

My brother played this after we picked him up from school and he warned me that I would hate and I probably should hate it, but for some reason I dig it. Not so much the lyrics, but I absolutely love the fucking beat to this. It just makes me want to fucking dance, ya know? And the chorus is catchy as hell. I find myself singing it every now and then and I just need my fix and have to play it. It's the catchiness man, it always gets you.

I heard this song on the radio on my way home from work. I knew that I'd heard it before, but couldn't place where. Then I remembered that I had heard it in Dazed and Confused, but couldn't remember where in the movie. Turns out it is when everyone is back at the Emporium, Benny and Mel are shooting pool, and Slater is playing pinball. I've been listening to it quite a bit tonight. It's just a damn good song.

Song: 23
Band: Jimmy Eat World
Album: Futures

Still one of my all-time favorite songs. This song provokes such raw emotion, and builds so masterfully from beginning to end. The lyrics are great, and pretty nostalgic, for me at least. I'm turning 23 on Tuesday, so this was kind of appropriate.

"I won't always love what I never had. I won't always live in my regrets.
You'll sit alone forever, if you wait for the right time. What are you hoping for?
I'm here, I'm now, I'm ready. Holding on tight, don't give away the end.
The one thing that stays mine."

I don't know. It's just a pretty powerful song for me. Always has been. The guitar leads are wicked. The final chorus is just an explosion of emotion, after six minutes of build. Just awesome.

I finally got around to buying Slash's second solo album, and on this one Myles Kennedy does ALL the vocals, rather than a variety of artists like on his first release.

I have listened to the whole album all the way through 3x now and this is the track that has jumped out as my favourite so far. Myles sounds brilliant on this, unlike some of the other tracks where he is too high pitched or double-tracked for my liking.

I am a huge fan of Slash and am finding the album is definitely a grower. I didnt immediately like many tracks on first listen which disappointed me a bit but the more I listen, the more I like and now I believe its a pretty solid album. Worth a purchase!
So I finally picked up the Drive soundtrack earlier today, and I love it. Nightcall is my favorite song. It's smooth and soothing, and if you're not on the expressway, it's the perfect song to listen to during an easy ride.


Any Fall Out Boy fans in the house?!?....No? Ahh well then...

I wouldn't consider myself much of a fan of theirs really. Their last album was solid. Other than that album and a few other songs they are utterly meh to me. This one however I really dig. Not sure what else to tell you but yeah,pretty good song. Check it out.

There arent a great many Deftones covers that I've enjoyed over the years, but this one is brilliant. The first time I heard the opening to this version I had no idea what it was a cover of and it took me a few seconds to figure out what the original was.

The song has always had a haunting aura surround it but it seems amplified in this version.

"S.C.O.M" by Fort Minor Ft. Celph Titled, Juelz Santana, and Ryu

To be honest with y'all I'm not too big of a Fort Minor fan. Mike Schinoda from Linkin Park is the singer for Fort Minor. He's okay but the rest of these guys in the song make this song pretty sick. Juelz Santana, Ryu, Demigodz, Celph Titled along with Fort Minor collab on this joint. The beat is sampled from Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns and Roses. I'm a big fan of Ryu and Celph Titled because they are underground rappers and I think that they both are better than many of today's mainstream rap artists. This is my feel good track if you will.​

Probably one of my favorite songs ever. I always liked Breaking Benjamin but the second I heard this song I simply fell in love with it.

Slow day at work but TGIF. For any indie pop lovers, this is a great song and a great band.

It's Friday, I just got back from work, and I have me the perfect song to cheer me up and get me into the weekend. And look, there are half naked chicks in the video.
Slash feat. Myles kennedy & The Conspirators: "Anastasia"


Amazing, incredible performance of probably Slash's best solo song. I was trying to learn this song (I play guitar) and it's probably one of the hardest song Slash has ever writen (with G'n'R, Slash's Snakepit or solo). The riff, the solos everything is really complicated for a Slash song.

The blues jam as an intro, also incredible! Amazing song, I'm not sure what else to say besides that particular perfomance fucking rocks!
I woke up to this song stuck in my head.


I always liked this song and Avril herself as a singer but I have no idea why this was stuck in my head. I haven't heard the song for at least a month.

What a frickin' awesome tune, gets me pumped up everytime I hear it! Most people will know these guys from the "Across The Nation" RAW theme back in the early 2000's- the "MOVE TO THE MUSIC, PLAY THE FKIN MUSIC" one, but I knew about them well earlier.

It's a shame the band broke up, as this sort of music is perfect to get you pumped up in the gym and wanting to smash some heavy weights out. I love playing this as I am walking up the stairs to the gym, by the time I get to the top I am ready to lift some weights!! FUCK YEAHHHHHH!!!

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