What song are you currently listening to?


Cannot get enough of this song right now, it's become my workout song, my walking to work song, my sitting at home and chilling out song. It's just one of those songs that makes you feel so epic. I so totally wish this was used as a Wrestlemania theme.

My sister was going on about Alt-J for absolutely ages before I finally got round to listening to their CD she'd left in the car. Some of the lyrics are hard to make out but the line "Please don't go, I love you so, I'll eat you whole" rang a bell and I realised it was a reference to Where The Wild Things Are. Upon further listening of the song I now know the singer makes a pointed reference to it at the start too.

The video is a tad harsh but the song itself is hauntingly catchy.


After the Drowning Pool thread I made I decided to check out their third vocalist Ryan McCombs. He's pretty decent, he has a nice groove. I'm kind of upset that he left Drowning Pool, but Soil is pretty good as well.
Atmosphere is one of those groups with a huge underground following. I've seen them perform in St. Louis twice and met the frontman, Slug, both times. He goes out of his way to walk around the venue and meet some fans who've lined up at the doors.

Atmosphere gives you incredible story-telling; Slug is a great lyricist. Atmosphere also gives you a break from the rediculous bubble-gum, mainstream rap.
I just got done listening to Eddie Vedder covering "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away"by The Beatles. I'm not a fan of The Beatles at all but I'm a Pearl Jam fan and a friend of mine is a huge fan of The Beatles so I wanted to listen to it before I have her listen to it.
Just got done watching/listening to Taylor Swift & Def Leppard singing Pour Some Sugar On Me from their performance on CMT Crossroads it was a great show watched it all on youtube throughout the day today. I was surprised by how well Taylor did with a bunch of classic rock songs too, I highly suggest everybody go check it out on youtube when you get a chance very good show, They did a couple of her songs too.

Mon the Biffy! Some of their more recent songs have been a bit hit and miss with me, with the last song prior to this I took an instant shine to was Mountains. Stingin' Belle has broken the run and there is great energy throughout the song but the adding of the bagpipes at the end is a really nice touch too.

Mammoth Mammoth-Go

Once again I found myself video hopping on Youtube again. Eventually made my way over to this video. I didn't know what I was going to get but turns out the songs not half bad. Still never heard of the group but like I said,not a half bad song really.

A classic from a legendary Manchester band. James are heroes in this part of the country and this is one of their biggest and most popular songs.

My friend went to see them at the M.E.N Arena a few years ago and he told me huge, tattooed blokes broke down in tears when James opened with this, on their return to their home city. That shows just how much song can mean to someone.

There are some great lyrics in this, "After 30 years, I've become my fears. I've become the kind of man I've always hated!" really stands out, as plenty of people realise over time that they have changed and become someone they never wanted to be, or ever planned on being.

Great song
I will now undertake the meaningless task of Listening to this entire thread.


The beach Boys. Pet Sounds. God Only Knows.

Here's what can only be know as a classic to any of you out there with ears. From one of the finest albums ever put together (ok, I'm biased, deal with it) this song just has the nicest build and feel ever ever dug out of a hard piece of vynal. I look forward to hearing it again when I get back to this point! Enjoy! And dont even pretend you can't.

Apologies for the initial spam post.

The secret shame thread in this forum led me to finding out more about what happened to M2M after all these years. And that brought me to this nice little song by Marit Larsen. Nice melody. Lyrics are beautiful about jealousy and insecurity of your partner's former relationship. Liked her voice too in this type of song.

At the moment I can't get enough of Fun's acoustic versions/covers. They did a great version of 'Somebody That I Used To Know' with Hayley Williams of Paramore that is also worth listening to but I've got a bit of a soft spot for Lady Antebellum so it was a treat to stumble across this cover of it. One thing that may not have ordinarily worked is that the singer seems to put a 'country' slant on his pronounciation of words at certain times that I really like.

Fuck it, here's the original version to compare it to.

Ah youth. I remember seeing Funeral for a Friend at a relatively small club as they were touring to promote their debut album and it was just an awesome night... except for a surreal experience where some twat that was a year above me started yelling "sell-outs" at them as he saw that they had spelled this song as Juneau rather than Juno on their set-list, which was the original title of the song on their EP.
They did get everyone to sing 'na-na-na-na, hey-hey-hey, goodbye' to the guy though which was a lot of fun. Plus they were supported by Million Dead too who got the whole place bouncing to Breaking of the Back, another top tune.
This band is an acquired taste, mainly because of the frontman's nasaly voice (reminds me of Les Claypool). I really enjoy them though because of their ability to mix indie pop, baroque, and other alternative sounds. Also, I attached the actual video because it is killer and makes the song for me.​

Now I initally only listened to ICP for my girlfriend and my little brother. But after a year or two they have became one of the most listened to artists in my Ipod. ICP is hated by most, but to those few loyal fans they are amazing. The fact that the song;s name is Chris Benoit has actually everything to do with this song. ICP being HUGE wrestling fans, they have came out and said it has nothing to do with Benoit himself, but his actions. To me it is one of the better ICP Songs.

Calvin Harris - Sweet Nothing.

I'm not Florence's biggest fan and generally find her to be a lot more shouty and loud than she needs to be. Luckily, Calvin was able to get the best out of those once negative attributes to really add some extra power to her vocal performance for Sweet Nothing.

Been high on Tag Team's Whoomp There It Is lately, and last night I stumbled upon this epic mashup of Whoomp There It Is and Blur's Song 2. It's the lyrics of Whoomp There It Is sung to Song 2's hook & instrumental and, man, do they sound absolutely incredible together. There's a couple of other Song 2 mashups out there but this one is the best and is my favourite, any song though goes awesome with Song 2. If I was an MMA fighter or an indy wrestler, I think I'd use this as my entrance theme.

Angels & Airwaves: "Reel 1 Diary"​

I just heard this one and I'm not kidding when I say that this is probably the best song I've heard of AvA. Everything is great, is not a tecnique masterpiece (since all of their musicians are not amazing techincally speaking) but is really good. The ambient created is good, plus the words spoken by Stephen Hawkings adds so much to the song. They probably should do this a lot more, you know more music, less Tom singing.
As I write I'm listening to Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds: New Generation, ordered it from Amazon UK last week.

Liam Neeson as the Narrator, Jason Donovan as the Artilleryman.
Right now I have My Idea Of Fun by Iggy Pop and The Stooges playing on my phone. I love this song it's just pure rock and I have always enjoyed Iggy Pop but until watching Bam's Unholy Union reruns today I forgot about them but after seeing them on there I got back into their music.

I picked up my CD of the current UK Christmas number 1 single this week, the charity single raising money for the families of the 96 people killed at the Hillsborough tragedy.

A cover of a Hollies classic, this actually surprised me as it is almost as good as the original, and is sung is almost the same way, and features Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney, Mel C, Rebecca Ferguson and many others, as well as a cameo from Ex Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish, former players Alan Hansen, Peter Reid and scouse comedian John Bishop.

A great cause, and a good song too, so glad I picked it up and I am very happy to see X-Factor fail to get christmas number 1 again, brilliant!

Kickass album for any hardcore experimental fans. This album punches you in your fucking stomache and takes you for a helluva ride. And youtube's about the only place you can find it. I've tried almost every resource to get ahold of it and it's all on backorder; cd and vinyl.

Fuck yeah.

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