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I've never been a huge Weezer fan but they consistently seem to produce songs that get stuck in my head and Pork and Beans is just one of those. The video, like a lot of their videos, is a lot of fun to watch although perhaps slightly distracts from the song itself. That's just a minor complaint though as it is still a great song.

Tremonti- You Waste Your Time

Mark Tremonti is the former lead guitarist from Creed and Alter Bridge. So anybody who listens to those groups might already know of Tremonti's solo stuff. If not then I suggest you seriously give this a listen. Not bad. Not bad at all really.

Extreme - More Than Words

Still an excellent song after all these years. The stripped down element of the performance is what makes it such a favourite of mine as the 2 singers work well with each other and the solo guitar is all thats needed. Great tune.

I have never really been able to get into NIN, but there are a few songs by the band that I like, this being one of them. The opening track from "Pretty Hate Machine", I would put this as my 2nd favourite NIN track after "The Hand That Feeds", and I do like Reznor's vocal style, its just the gloomy feel of alot of his music that doesnt appeal to me.

I have recently borrowed PHM and The Downward Spiral off a friend to give them another listen, I wonder if my opinion of NIN will change in the near future...
Queens of the Stone Age, "Song for the Dead"


QOTSA amaze me, simple ideas, simple riffs, really repetitive riffs is enough for them to make a song, a fucking awesome one. "Song for the dead" is exactly that: a weird tunning, a leading repetitive riff, a couple of filler notes, a solo and the awesome drumming skill of Dave Grohl and you have a killer song.

I quote a comment:
Dammit Dave is awesome, he beats the shit out of those drums.

QOTSA fucking rocks!


I had forgotten about this song until recently, another nu-metal anthem from my high-school days, I used to play the shit out of this!

I never really heard of Taproot after this. I used to have a couple of other songs of theirs on my old PC until it broke years ago, but this is the only video I have seen. Just checking Amazon, and they are still going I think and have done several albums.

I just picked up the album with this song on for ONE PENNY used copy haha, even if this is the only good song on there its worth 1p lol.

It's 8 minutes, 29 seconds long but it's worth listening to if you have the time to spare. This is one of the best pieces ever composed for a movie, it relaxes & calms me down whenever I'm in a bad mood. The Midnight Express (the tag team) covered this theme as their entrance music and it's just as awesome, though I prefer the original more but still.


Simply incredible

My brother has become a massive Trance fan over the last couple of years so I hear alot of that genre of music. I don't like all of it, but there are many songs that I do really love.

This is one of them. I haven't heard a bad track yet from Super8 & Tab and this gives me goosebumps every single time I listen to it. I can see why people fall in love with trance, certain tracks can make you feel amazing and this does it for me.
Been on a Faith No More kick for quite some time


I've been listening to this and the Chuck Mosley version. Both are great and while Mosley makes it come across as ironic, Mike Patton plays it more unhinged. I also like how the lyrics are set out as a short story moreso than the standard verse, chorus, verse.
Them Crooked Vultures "Scumbag Blues"


Talking about an actual supergroup, Josh Hemme, John Paul Jones and my personal favorite Dave Grohl, have one hell of chemistry! :worship:

Seriously, I haven't seen so much chemistry in a supergroup before, the feeling this band has is amazing. And what a better example of that than this song right here. Just sit back and enjoy some good ol' fashioned rock and improv.

It's a bit weird still liking Steps and this song at the age of 21, but I grew up listening to Pop music, and that 90's kid still lives inside me and always will. I remember coming home from school and popping this on, every Friday, it would always cheer me up after a hard week at school and get me pumped & excited for the weekend.

Only heard this song a couple of days ago but its been stuck in my head ever since. Not usually a fan of this kinda style but over the past couple of months it is starting to grow on me. I'm loving the video too with all the different effects being used as the beat kicks in.
I cannot really tell you what genre this music is but I do believe it is the future and I fucking love it.
It has aspects of metal, dubstep, funk, electronica and 90's gaming sounds.


Wow, I can't believe this has been out for a decade now...that makes me feel ancient. I can clearly remember some of my friends coming into school wearing Korn hoodies from the gig the night before where Korn were playing songs from their new "Untouchables" album.

I was never a huge fan of the band but I did really like this song. Good riff, good chrous and an excellent video.

Emiliana Torrini is a damn good female talent. She's a great storyteller and backs it with fantastic music. Her voice is beautiful and she's very pretty herself.

Check 'er out!

I know there are some Hopsin fans around here. If you're fan of Hop, you probably know who SwizZz is as well. Well right here, Jokerr fucking CRUSHES SwizZz. It's pretty hard to negate anything he says here. Until the end anyway when he goes off on his hypocritical religious bullshit.

I recommend this to any Hop fans. Shit is dope.

Emiliana Torrini is a damn good female talent. She's a great storyteller and backs it with fantastic music. Her voice is beautiful and she's very pretty herself.

Check 'er out!

My friend got me into her a while ago but this is still her stand-out song for me. Takes me back to my Uni days too as one of those songs that kept me grounded and chilled.

Just discovered this song a few weeks ago on Two & A Half Men- the scene where Alan is pretending to be Charlie and he's playing this on his piano badly to impress some girl is hilarious. This is easily becoming one of my favourites song cause I'm listening to it almost every day now. I love the concept of the song (for those who haven't heard it or don't understand the song, it's a timeline of major people & events in history mentioned in a single word each), the lyrics are a bit hard to follow if you're new to this song but they are cool at the same time. The video I posted should actually make the lyrics easy to follow. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must've been for Billy Joel to remember every word whenever he was this playing live in concert or something, must've been a nightmare.

This has been a song I've continually heard lately but only just found out the name of the song and artist. It seems like it would have been more fitting as a summer tune than it's release now but it's still an incredibly happy sounding song that reminds me a lot of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros' song 'Home', which is worth a listen if you like what you hear from Of Monsters and Men.

I saw Slash and Myles Kennedy on Tuesday and Ginger Wildheart supported them. I didn't know much about Ginger but after finding out I realised he FUCKING RULES!!!!

I've been listening to lots of songs by The Wildhearts and I just can't stop and Suckerpunch is my favourite.

This weekend I bought the Screaming Tree's BEST OF compilation album "Ocean Of Confusion" and have been playing it ever since. It's absolutely awesome, although why "All I Know" isn't on there I don't understand.

I had never heard this song previously, having only got 2 of the bands albums, but immediately I realised that is was a damm good tune. I prefer ST when they sound like this rather than their slower songs, and Lanegan's voice sounds better than ever. Great tune, and I hope they reform someday.

The John Bulter Trio-Close To You.

I'm back with some more John Butler. Yes,this guy has quickly shot up my list of all time favorite artists. One of my favorites off the April Uprising album that I haven't been able to get out of my head as of late. Real simple musicianship but very catchy in my opinion. Give a listen If you got 4 minutes to spare.

I love hearing people combine the raps with harmony. This dude is probably one of the few people who actually have real talent coming from the south. I can listen to this shit all day long.

Alexisonfire - The Northern.

Adapted from a hymn, The Northern was one of the singles from AOF's last album before their split. The studio version is a good deal heavier but Dallas' high-pitched singing contrasted against Wade's growls work quite well in the acoustic version too.

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