What song are you currently listening to?

Theres been a lot of chatter about Fleetwood Mac touring the UK this year amongst some of my friends, which has made me dip back into their bag of hits. While 'Go Your Own Way' is still my favourite Mac tune, I absolutely adore 'The Chain' and have had it in my head for the past few hours.

When you hear that bass note at 3.04, you know things are about to get wild.

The Beards-Got Me a Beard.

Okay some of you might be thinking I'm crazy after listening to this but asides from the humor,It's just fun to listen to. Yes,if you are wondering,its true. Every song they write is about beards lol. I don't know,its strange but I like it for some reason. I curse my co-worker for even introducing me to this song and band and yes,he has the mightiest of beards. Might consider growing one out myself now...

As probably the biggest Oasis fan on these forums, I feel it's only right to drop a song from the best of all time.

The Hindu Times was a return to form for Oasis after the disappointing "Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants" album, with its instantly catchy driving riff and great chorus went straight to UK number one.

Liam sounds fantastic on this one, and while I liked it at the time, over the last few years it has become one of my favourite Oasis tunes. Definitely in their top 20 for me.


Def Leppard - Wasted


After talking to Hollywood Nightmare about these guys last night it put me in the mood to listen to a few of their hits this morning. This is one of their more underrated songs. It made it onto their greatest hits compilation Rock of Ages, although it's one of many of their tracks you don't hear much about anymore. Wasted was their first single and in my opinion one of their best songs of all.

I like really chilled music with interesting notes and intricate lyrics. Safe to say that I was delighted to hear this on the radio the other day. I have been listening to it a few times a day since then.

Can't stand the original version of this song one bit but I LOVE this cover. This one of those rare times when I think the cover kicked the originals ass the grit in her voice makes the song a million times better.

And since that just ended and was a cover i'll put an original song with it.


Original song by another former voice contestant Cassadee Pope also former lead singer of Hey Monday. Really like this song and the chorus is pretty catchy.

This guy is only 18 years old and has already toured with The Stone Roses and Noel Gallagher...how cool is that?! Those artists are probably his heroes and he gets to hang out with them at EIGHTEEN years old. Incredible.

I have listened to his album all the way through and I like about half of it, but its doing really well in the charts and he is getting comparisons with the likes of Dylan already for his slower songs. Great voice, but the music itself during some of the tracks isnt to my liking. But, Jake Bugg- remember the name. He will be big.

I am still a fan of the Ordinary Boys, even if the lead singer Preston did become an utter cunt after appearing on Celebrity Big Brother and started to believe his own hype.

The Ordinary Boys first album was reminiscent of The Jam, which is why Paul Weller become a big advocate of them, I saw The OB's as a support act for Weller on tour. However, "Brassbound" (the 2nd album) has much more of a ska feel to it- this song is off that album.

I do like the 2nd album, it was the first Ordinary Boys album I heard, but I do prefer the 1st one. It is a bit of a shame that their 3rd release, which came out after they hit the mainstream due to Celeb BB was nowhere near as good as their first 2 albums and didnt really do much at all in the charts, leading to the band breaking up.

Although they have reunited now I doubt we will see them hit the mainstream again, which is a shame as when he wants to be Preston is an excellent songwriter and lyricist.

David Draiman's new project while Disturbed is still on Hiatus.


Newly released single that's pretty catchy. I love the music and the lyrics are badass. Can't wait for April 9th so I can get the album.

Raine Maida-Montreal

Raine Maida is the lead singer of the band Our Lady Peace. He's a very inspired man and keen man who takes a great amount of pride in his work. This song is the lead single off is 2nd coming independent solo album. It's great song,not normally the type of stuff I listen to but Maida is just such a phenomenal songwriter that his lyrics and musical chops just draw me in. Mad respect for Mr.OLP.

I was never really a big Cast fan, and had this album a while back and never got into it. I preferred the other BritPop bands like Oasis, Blur, The Verve etc. After a deep music discussion over several beers with a friend, I was persuaded to give the album another listen, as my opinion may have changed over the last few years.

Turns out he was right, its a really good album and there is barely a poor song on it. "Fine Time" was one of the ones I had always liked, but there alot of others I didnt remember. They are touring in May, so I may pop down to see the gig.

Initially I didn't like Jesse Leach coming back and replacing Howard Jones. I felt Jones was a better vocalist (and from a technical standpoint he is) but Leach isn't actually that bad and he puts a lot more emotion into his vocals which makes me relate to the songs more.

This new song is great and shows that Leach can actually sing as well as scream (very Phil Anselmo esque)

Meow by Anamanaguchi. The lead track of their new album Endless Fantasy. A lyrical masterpiece, you can feel the raw emotion radiating from the tune as they do a video where they do things and stuff to the background music of chiptune rock. To be serious though it's a pretty cool track. Also, guest appearance from Moot!

Quick epilepsy warning though since there's quite a bit of flashing light parts.

Such a catchy 90s pop song, with a latino flavour!

I remember hearing this on a cassette tape that came free with a music magazine in the mid-1990s when I was on holiday with my parents and we were driving home from a day at the beach, so it brings back happy memories!

I hadn't heard it for years and then one day remembered it and downloaded it, my Mum's face lit up when I showed it her, and it gets regular plays now on my ipod. They don't make em like this any more!
Fucksake Naitch, you've won this thread with that last post! Not just for the song, but for stirring up memories of 90s summer holidays, magazines like Smash Hits and fucking CASSETTES! That took some skill and I'll get you repped for it soon.

Well played, just really well played man.

As for me, I've been revisiting tracks from Alexisonfires first self titled album after a boozy night on Friday, I think. It might have been Thursday. Anyway, I gradually turned the volume up more and more so that by the time Pulmonary Archery came on I was finger drumming like a drunken beast. 'twas good fun.

I'm positive it was definitely not Thursday night now.
Deftones "Entombed"


From their latest album "Koi No Yokan", an amazing album by the way. I wasn't a big fan of Deftones until I read the review for this album, then I downloaded it and well it caught me.

This song in particualry, probably the slow song in the entire album however a beatiful song. The lyrics, the way Chino Moreno sings, the guitars, the bass, it builds an amazing atmosphere. It's a beautiful song, it's just to lay down in your bed, on the floor, on the grass (or whereever you want to) just close your eyes and feel the music. Fuck man, amazing song.
Fucksake Naitch, you've won this thread with that last post! Not just for the song, but for stirring up memories of 90s summer holidays, magazines like Smash Hits and fucking CASSETTES! That took some skill and I'll get you repped for it soon.

Well played, just really well played man.

Thanks man, it is a fucking classic 90s pop tune isn't it. I have never heard anything else by No Mercy, I will have to get on YouTube and check some out...if they ever did anything else, they may not have!


Another old school tune, from the acid-house era of the early 1990s- this actually got to number 1 in the UK charts I think (or the shorter, radio edit version did), and the obvious drug references in the lyrics passed under the rader

the lyric was "Eezer Goode, Eezer Goode, he's Eberneezer Goode!"

but what they were actually saying was "E's are good, E's are good"

Clever bastards!

Japandroids- The Nights of Wine and Roses

Yes,their name is Japandroids which I mean is 20 types of ridiculous but it stands out I suppose. I seen these guys perform this song on Conan a few nights back and I immediately had to Youtube it. Nice beat to go along with an overall solid song. Listen if you dare!

This is the first track off of the new Ghostface Killah/Adrian Younge concept project.

This is so dope. Younge uses that soul vibe that fits Ghost perfect and combined with RZA as the Exec. Producer they captured that classic Wu, like it was recorded in the basement, sound.

Can't wait for this project to fully drop. The album, the instrumentals, and the comic books are all gonna be crazy.

One of my favourite bands of the moment, this is the lead single off their recent 3rd album "Anna".

Although I loved this song when I first heard it, alot of the album didn't do it for me but the more I have listened the more I like it. Now, I think its a really good album. It's nice to see Manchester can still produce great bands!!
Fiona Apple "First Taste"


If there's an artist that I respect, admire and like very much outside rock, is definitely Fiona Apple. She's an amazing artist, her music goes from pop to jazz, to samba, to bossa nova etc. This song in particulary has that samba/bossa nova feeling, sexy feeling I must say. It's a great slowed tempo song. I really like every single record Fiona Apple does, she just can't make bad music and doesn't sell out at all.
Hans Zimmer "Time"


In case you are not familiar with this man, this man is responsible for making soundtracks such as "Inception", "Gladiator", "The last samurai" and the Dark Knight trilogy amongst others. I don't give a flying fuck if you think those movies are overrated, we're talking about music here, and this man is what we call in spanish "un maestro", a musical master that composes and delivers masterpiece after masterpiece.

This song in particulary has an amazing crescendo, that minimal effort that guitar does, brings so much to the song. This song is a perfect example of music that goes beyond words, I don't know how to explain what this song is about, what this song makes me feel. Amazing work from un maestro del cine. Listen to it and try to put it on words how good it is, I dare you.

Edgewater- Caught in the Moment

Anybody remember the theme for Backlash 2004? Well,it wasn't this song! It was however by the same band. It's been so long since I've listen to this band and this song in particular that I stumbled across it again just the other day. Now I can't stop listening to it,such a great tune to rock out to. I almost forgot just how much I loved this song.

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