What song are you currently listening to?


Normally,the radio plays pure shit and runs in a circle of repetition with the same songs and artists all day long. So I was surprised when I heard this song. A new song from a band that has very little recognition got some air time. Solid track,I would say. This is the song I am currently listening to. That is all.
The Ocean "Firmament"​


Just discovered this band and it's fucking amazing, some great prog metal music right here. It kinda makes me think that this would be the sound of Tool if there was growls involved. Anyway an amazing band/musicians, I need to download their albums right now!

Unfortunately, Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman died yesterday due to liver failure. This was always one of my favorite Slayer songs, and this is probably one of his more beloved solos. It sucks; he spends years battling that stupid spider bite, and then dies from liver failure. May he rest in peace. Yesterday was not a great day for music.
All You Did Was Save My Life: Our Lady Peace


I've said before how Our Lady Peace is the absolute worst live band I've seen in my 15+ years of seeing concerts. Lifeless, robotic, and essentially phoned it in. Thankfully, I saw them at a festival, so there were plenty of great, memorable performances to offset theirs.

That being said, I've been a fan of the band dating back to Clumsy in 1998 when I was a junior in high school. They can be somewhat hit or miss for me in terms of their music, but each album of theirs consistently has 3-4 gems, at least, that make them worth buying.

The lyrics to "All You Did was Save My Life" are almost silly in their simplicity, but when I saw them live, it was the one song they played acoustic, and seemed to put anything into.

All You Did Was Save My Life
Pulled Me Out of the Flatline
Put The Heartbeat back inside
I'm not dying
All you did was get me through
I owe every breathe to you
Heart and Soul unparalyzed
All You did was save my life

Like I said, it's not groundbreaking stuff. It's almost as if the band knows it, and doesn't care, as they state in verse 2:

The story's been told a million times
But it's different when it's your life

And it's true. At some point in life, we all face places or situations where we need someone to pull us back from the brink. And while that person may have individually done nothing that hasn't been done over and again, when it's personal, it's different. I love both the live and album version of this song, so here's the original as well.

I've said before how Our Lady Peace is the absolute worst live band I've seen in my 15+ years of seeing concerts. Lifeless, robotic, and essentially phoned it in. Thankfully, I saw them at a festival, so there were plenty of great, memorable performances to offset theirs.

Woah hey now. I've never actually been to an OLP concert. I'm ashamed of myself really since they are my favorite band and all. But I hear and read a lot of good things about their concerts and people generally have nothing but good things to say. I do watch a lot of their performances on the net though and while they may not bring as much energy as other groups,they still pull off great performances,most of the time anyway. Watch the live DVD if you don't believe me.

That being said, I've been a fan of the band dating back to Clumsy in 1998 when I was a junior in high school. They can be somewhat hit or miss for me in terms of their music, but each album of theirs consistently has 3-4 gems, at least, that make them worth buying.

All OLP albums a great! they diversify themselves each album and are consistently trying new things. That's why no one album really sounds similar to another. Though I will say that they are probably a band that does have a certain acquired taste. I've said it before and I'll say it again,OLP is so underrated.

The lyrics to "All You Did was Save My Life" are almost silly in their simplicity, but when I saw them live, it was the one song they played acoustic, and seemed to put anything into.

All You Did Was Save My Life
Pulled Me Out of the Flatline
Put The Heartbeat back inside
I'm not dying
All you did was get me through
I owe every breathe to you
Heart and Soul unparalyzed
All You did was save my life

Like I said, it's not groundbreaking stuff. It's almost as if the band knows it, and doesn't care, as they state in verse 2:

The story's been told a million times
But it's different when it's your life

And it's true. At some point in life, we all face places or situations where we need someone to pull us back from the brink. And while that person may have individually done nothing that hasn't been done over and again, when it's personal, it's different. I love both the live and album version of this song, so here's the original as well.


Ugh,I wish you would have picked a better song. I do love them,they are my favorite band after all. But they aren't immune to releasing cheesy and blatantly obvious radio attention songs. That was the goal of All You Did....To get air plays and quite honestly,when OLP really tries to chatter to the radio,the results are just awful(Somewhere Out There,Where Are You..)

Anyway,while I was typing this out I was listening to this song.

Superman's Dead-Our Lady Peace


This is not only my favorite song of theirs but it is also probably my favorite song of all time. I remember getting Clumsy as a birthday gift back in like,99 maybe. I was hesitant to listen because I really just wasn't into music at that time.That album and more specifically this song is the reason that all changed. I swear,I must have listened to this song alone 3 dozen times before I even moved on to the rest of the album. Great album,but amazing song.
Dream Theater "Hollow years" Live at Budokan


So I'm trying to become a better guitar player, so I'm learning more styles genres etc. I consider myself a very decent guitar player, I'm no fucking Petrucci but I'm good. Therefore I thougth it was time to learn some good DT solos, so I wanted to start with one of my favorite DT songs: "hollow years". Like it is said in french "c'est faisable", it can be done.....until de 5:30 mark, it's fucking impossible.

Anyway, this is an amazing song with an amazing live version, probably better than the studio one.

Honestly, the most moved I've been by the initial listen of a song in a while. So soft, gentle, beautiful; like a successful third date.

Loving this song right now. Found it as a suggestion from youtube and man it's such a good song! It's been stuck in my head for 3 days straight and it's quickly reaching the top of my itunes most played songs.

Always been big on Clapton. Perfect song for driving to town on a relaxed Tuesday morning in the Cape.
WARNING: Somewhat graphic, pretty noisy and quite insane.

Also, please don't hate me xD

The Dillinger Escape Plan's "When I Lost My Bet" off their new album.


When I was younger I didn't have many friends, and I didn't like socializing. Long story short; I was an introvert of the intro-iest kind. And as far back as I can remember, I've had an overactive mind; I can't stop thinking. It's also why I'm an insomniac.

BUT YEAH, the reason I say all this is that most music doesn't stop my mind from working. It turns predictable before it even starts decently, and my mind keeps moving and I can't enjoy it. This explains why I can tolerate simple music when I'm drinking; it makes me think less.

Mathcore, stuff like this song, stops me from thinking. I get absorbed into the song; its intricacies and intensity.

Anyway yeah. In closing; I love me some noise :p
Them Crooked Vultures "Spinning in Daffodils"


I've been going crazy while expecting the new QOTSA's album, I've been listening non stop to QOTSA and TCV. I realised that I haven't listen many times this song and well it is fucking incredible, the outro SCREAMS Led Zep. It's fucking incredible, these individuals are musical genius! I still can't believe that 3 of my all time favorite bands made a supergroup!

I've got to say, this is one of the most badass themes WWE has had in a while. It just sounds like a song that you hear when you're causing complete chaos, like The Shield do.

C2C - F.U.Y.A

I had to come to a compromise with this selection; the song on the EP is just over 5 minutes long and has a nice progression but the fixed camera video is pretty cool, so I went for the shortened length track.

I'd made a CD for the car a couple of months ago but had neglected to write anything on it, so when my sister put in the CD last week and asked what track xx was I was genuinely clueless. I found the playlist I'd made and have made an effort to listen to the song at least once on the way to work each morning.

One of those mid-90's BritPop anthems that everyone in the UK knows, and can sing along to!

I am going to see Cast on Friday night in a joint gig in Liverpool with The Twang, another band I really like, so I'm really looking forward to it.

The lead singer of Cast was also the singer in The Las, who everyone will know through the classic song "There She Goes". Cast had disappeared from the scene for a few years but have returned with a new album, but I haven't had chance to hear it yet...hopefully they will play a few off it at the gig.

Anyway, this is just a great happy indie pop song, check it out!
Anyone here rap fans? I assume there are, just wanted to broaden my view of artists.

Whats your opinion of Hopsin? Guy is quickly becoming one of my favorites in the game, his raps have a message and thats what I love about them. Him and Kanye are probably my top 2.

Actually listening to Hopsin right now ...
Queens of the Stone Age: "...Like Clockwork"


I just...I just can't wait for the new album, for the last two months I have been reading almost diary news about the QOTSA album, from the cryptic messages, to the guest musicians (all star BTW), to the debut of "My God is the Sun" in Brasil, to the teasers, to live performances, to the videos and finally this masterpiece.

"I Appear Missing", "If I Had a Tail" and "My God is the Sun" sounds simply amazing. I need to hear "IAP" entirely but it sounds simply brilliant. QOTSA this time has known how to sell their product and I can't fucking wiat for the next month to get this record as soon as it comes out.

Enjoy this masterpiece, visually and musically it's a great piece of art.
Anyone here rap fans? I assume there are, just wanted to broaden my view of artists.

Whats your opinion of Hopsin? Guy is quickly becoming one of my favorites in the game, his raps have a message and thats what I love about them. Him and Kanye are probably my top 2.

Actually listening to Hopsin right now ...

He's pretty good, I like the third Ill Mind (I think it's the third... yeah pretty sure) I like his messages, but he does slip up a few times in terms of addressing things and then saying something else about the same topic... but overall, I like what he's saying xD There's this part where he disses people who just smoke weed and do nothing else, and I keep playing it when my stoner friend comes over, good times xD

For a fun time I dig Childish Gambino's stuff, and Watsky's pretty cool too (listen to his take on the Westlake Cypher)

Other than that I'm mostly into Grime, just because the delivery is so insane most of the time xD P-Money ftw! (Also, the British accents are cool :p)

The only song I listen to by Example. I don't really like any of the remixes of it, just this version.

Was browsing youtube today and decided to check out Cassadee Pope's new single and really liked it so I figured i'd share with all of you. I'm glad she stuck to country somewhat because it really showcases her voice well.
Song I shouldn't like but do:


There's like a few songs that I liked when I was younger and still do now, but if I were to hear any song that's in the same genre or similar sounding I'd be like UGHHHHHHH

I've been listening to Dragonforce a bit this week, I used to listen to them all the time! Here is a song from their first album. It's one of their best tracks.

Dragonforce - Disciples of Babylon


I love this song. It and a few other Dragonforce titles were staples for the past decade or so in my playlist for when I need to fight endless groups of monsters in video games to earn more money, gain levels, facing a boss who has a background theme music that sucks, or perform other tedious tasks that become more interesting with a musical medley provided by your media player. In any of the above scenarios I'd often mute the tv and play tracks like this instead. It fits particularly well with leveling up in the Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest games.


What a fucking great album this is, I love it more every time I play it, it hasnt been out of my car stereo since I picked it up a week ago. There isnt a bad track on there. You have the heavier tracks like "Hollow" (track 1), "Stone" (track 3) and the acoustic tracks like "Voices" (track 4) and "Scalpel" (track 9..I think), mixed with more sludgy stuff like "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" (track 5) and track 2 which I can't remember the name of.

I would put this up with their best work as a whole album, definitely. While there isnt anything on here as good as "Man In The Box" or "Would?", as a whole album I would possibly say it's my favourite of all the AIC albums, and that is saying something. Absolutely fantastic! Check it out!!
DragonForce Stuff

When I listen to this, and then I listen to The Power Within (latest album), I notice quite a difference. I'm not entirely sure whether I prefer the style of their early albums or that one. The Power Within has much greater lyrics variation, which I appreciate, because it was starting to get stale, but I don't really listen to songs for their lyrics anyway. One of my favourite songs from it is "Seasons" (in spoiler).


I find the fact that I like this one strange because it's one of their least-shreddy songs, which has been my style for a while. I think maybe my musical tastes have shifted recently... But I still do like some of their shreddy stuff like "Prepare For War". That's for another post...

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