What song are you currently listening to?



The song I have been listening to is Alone by Hodgy Beats.

For those of you who don't know, Hodgy Beats is a rapper and a member of the rap group Odd Future. Artists such as Frank Ocean, Tyler the Creator, and Earl Sweatshirt are apart of this group. Hodgy Beats is mostly known for the group Mellowhype, the Odd Future sub-group which features Hodgy and beat maker Left Brain.

This song is from his newest work, Untitled EP 2. I have always felt Hodgy was underrated and this song brings out his talent as an artist IMO.

The beat on this song is fantastic, It is a kind of soft beat which I think goes well with what Hodgy is saying. Hodgy talks about never being alone. How his misery is always with him and how he has his son and would do anything for his son (though it is not stated directly but though the line "I'm up before the sun for my son, my number one priority") Hodgy's lyricism really comes out of you ask me and I like the message the song gives (or at least gave me) of you're never alone and that there is always somebody which he says in the song.

Overall I think it's a great song and I listen to it everyday constantly.
It's been a few days, time to give this one a "bump".


I bought the Transit of Venus disk simply because it was Three Days Grace, and they're one of the few mainstream rock bands I've remained a fan of over the years. After 1-2 listens, I wasn't very impressed, and I shelved it for awhile, before revisiting it recently.

I'm glad I did.

While I still don't think it holds up to their previous albums, there are quite a few songs that have grown on me. Tops in that is Anonymous, which is about the attention and press the negative happenings of the world tend to bring, but the anonymity that's generally given to those who actually do good. And truth be told, I'd rather be one of those people, unknown for the good I may do, rather then infamous because of the bad. Is there any doubt we live in a world where much more notoriety goes to the controversial, the bad, and certainly, the evil? In many ways, it's almost as if we thrive on it.

'A World With No Conscience', as Adam Gontier wrote and sings. I tend to agree, in many ways. Great song.

I recently dug out my old Offspring albums and gave them a relisten and was pleasantly surprised at how many good songs they did back in the day! This track was on "Americana" and while still being a typical catchy Offspring song, the lyrics caught my attention. The idea of a group of kids all living on the same street and having big dreams of the future is very true- I know me and my friends all talked about becoming pro sportsmen or rock stars when we were growing up, but then Dexter continues, singing about how this didn't happen for the kids on this street- drugs, unemployment, teenage pregnancies etc are an unfortunate reality for so many people these days.

A very good song, definitely one of my favourite 5 Offspring tracks along with "Come Out And Play", "Million Miles Away" and "Dammit I Changed Again".
I've been on YouTube way too much recently, and I just happened to come across this Spanish black metal band.


People say they're too much like Dimmu Borgir and the video makes no sense, but I would say that's rather harsh. It's hard to find good new BM these days.

I've been getting into Dream Theater's music recently. I bought their "Metropolis Pt 2: Scenes From a Memory" album on Monday, and this song is easily one of my favorites. It's such a powerful song and I think Labrie's voice is great.

Stereophonics have always been a top quality singles band, with many memorable tracks over the years, with Kelly Jones always on top form. He really does have one of the best voices in music in my opinion- gravelly yet powerful and instantly recognisable.

"Pedalpusher" is not a single, just a throwaway album track, but the dirty,grimy sound of British indie shines through, and I immediatly liked it the first time I heard it. Very catchy.

G'wan the Stezza's!

So I'm a massive anime fanatic - maybe one of the most knowledgeable here when it comes to stuff from the last 3-4 years - and I've been watching Hunter x Hunter (the 2011 series) intently over the past few days. I fell in love with the first song that plays at the end of the episodes and thought to myself "hmmmm, perhaps I should look up the band..."

What i expected was typical jrock/poprock type stuff, but what i got was this weirdly fascinating discotech/screamo fusion that, quite frankly, is brilliant
City and Colour - Nutshell


Without a doubt, Dallas Green is my favourite solo artist and has executed some great cover versions of many songs. When I saw that he had covered my favourite Alice in Chains song, I was incredibly intrigued to hear his take on it. Nutshell is a very simple song and Dallas did great credit to it by not trying to over-complicate how to perform it and instead delivered a solid and touching rendition.
Just listened to Asking Alexandria's new album. I'm not putting a URL in as I'm on my iPhone.
From what I have heard, looks like I'm going to have it on repeat for a long time. I've always gad a huge thing for AA, and I've waited for this album. I wax hoping that it wouldn't be like many other band's albums where they bring out their first album a s it's incredible, then the next ones awful. Bur AA have always brought their best on thief albums. Just check it out. I NEED TO SEE THEM LIVE.
[youtube]ivTucYTzMCE[/youtube]I've been getting into Dream Theater's music recently. I bought their "Metropolis Pt 2: Scenes From a Memory" album on Monday, and this song is easily one of my favorites. It's such a powerful song and I think Labrie's voice is great.

I just got Labrie's latest solo effort, "Impermanent Resonance." I was pretty surprised by it. In a good way. Heavy and catchy.

Kasabian are one of the few "modern" indie bands that I like. They have the attitude that very few of these bands have, there is really only The Enemy (who I love) that have that right now, proper lads whose gigs are always rowdy and exciting.

This was one of their first singles off their self titled debut album from around 2004 I think, and still sounds great. I saw them supporting Oasis a few years ago and they were brilliant and really got the crowd going. I have always said I would see them live again on their own tour, but I haven't got round to it yet. I will have to make sure I catch them when they next play in my area.
The Clash "lost in the supermarket"


I've been reliving my punk days and listening to Clash, Dead Kennedys, Pistols, Black Flag etc. Right now I'm listening to The Clash's (masterpiece) London Calling, and I found this gem. Great, great song. I really don't know what else to say besides it's a really good song!

Such a catchy tune to sing along to during the drive to work in a morning!

I was round at a friends on Friday night having a few beers before a night out, and we put one of the music channels on and there was some kind of countdown of the best party rock songs of all time, and this one was on there. It reminded me what a fun band Blink-182 were when I was growing up and just put a smile on my face.

It came up on shuffle on the iPod this morning and as thoroughly enjoyed once again. I usually prefer Mark Hoppus's vocals, but Tom is great on this one.

I love The League on FX, and a good part of it is due to Jon Lajole and the Taco character. With my birthday being yesterday, I think of the debut episode of the league where he wrote 'The Birthday song' for his niece. It starts out sweet, than quickly degenerates into a tail of how she was 'conceived', which is highly inappropriate for a 5-year-old's birthday song.

Lajole's stuff is all comedy, but what makes it great is he's in on the joke. He knows he's an idiot, and he doesn't pretend to be otherwise. It's what makes him funny.

Here's the actual version from 'The League.'
MAnchester Orchestra "Simple Math"


An abolutely great song, very nostalgic, but man the video! It is really good, the story, the details, everything is better than the standard "we're the band playing somewhere with what we like to think is an story" videoclip. Please enjoy this masterpiece.
So I was watching Pulp Fiction for the 10,000th time or more earlier, and once again, my favorite track from the film will be stuck in my head for days, because Tarantino is a master at picking the right music for his films. "Surf Rider" by The Lively Ones is the track being played as Jules and Vincent walk out of the diner, once the fiasco with Tim Roth and Honey Bunny (I always forget her real name) is over. It's the perfect track to fit with Jules and Vincent's casual stroll out of the diner after the near life-or-death standoff. Surf Rider is a relaxing song, and I need to pick up the Pulp Fiction soundtrack someday.


Kinesis - Billboard Beauty

Kinesis were one of several British alt-rock bands from the early 00s who produced a very decent album then sadly disappeared into the ether alongside Hell is for Heroes, Hundred Reasons, Reuben and InMe to name a few.

I have another song by Kinesis, Forever Reeling, on my playlist but this one had completely slipped my mind until I heard the jangly opening and it was like meeting an old friend again. Unfortunately the band's album isn't on iTunes so I'm going to have to see if my sister still has her copy as it needs another listen.

Alter Bridge - Addicted To Pain

Now, I'm not much of an AB fan. I was more of a Creed kind of guy but that's not the point. I heard this song on the radio the other day and thought it was worthy of a purchase. So I went home, bought the single off ITunes. Now it is currently the song I am listening to. Recommended for anybody who's a fan of hard rock.

I am taking my girlfriend to see Miles Kane in Manchester at the end of September for her first ever concert, I'm really looking forward to it.

I saw Miles a couple of months ago, supporting The Courteeners and thought he was brilliant, so I've picked up both of his albums. It's easy to listen to, catchy with good choruses and the crowd was bouncing during his set, so I am expecting more of the same at his own gig.

I'm still not sure if I like it or not. Musically its really good. Lyrically its lacking, but Fred Durst has never been great with lyrics. Also I'm not sure if I like Lil Wayne's part or not

This came up on shuffle on my iPod this morning for the first time in aaaaages. What a catchy song, it brought back so many memories of my later years in high-school when everyone was wearing baggy jeans, spiking up our hair and wearing skating trainers, trying to learn how to skateboard (and in my case falling off and spraining my wrist almost every time I got on a skateboard!).

Just a great pop-punk song with a sing-along chorus that makes you smile every time you hear it. I'm glad I still have this track, I've heard nothing from the band ever since..are they still around?

R.I.P 2Pac! 17 years ago today!

In my opinion, Pac is the greatest rapper of all time and to me this is his finest work. "Starin' Through My Rearview" still blows me away now, about 10 years after I first heard it, such meaningful lyrics and great music (with the little Phil Collins sample at the start). The Outlawz are on top form here too.

A genius taken too soon.

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