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William Fitzsimmons: I Don't Feel It Anymore

Hold On
This Will Hurt More Then Anything Has Before

And so begins William Fitzsimmons hauntingly beautiful track, I Don't Feel It Anymore. It's ironic, the people we meet in life, and don't realize who they are until a much later date. I was recently reading a book by one of my favorite authors, and he had this blurb from Fitzsimmons song on the inside front of his book, as a prologue of sorts. I found the song, and immediately fell in love with it. Where Fitzsimmons succeeds on the track is in his ability to lay out tracks of an immensely personal nature, filled with pain, and still find beauty in it.

As for my connection to Fitzsimmons? Well, he worked in my field as a mental health therapist before he became a recording artist, and we were at the same college at the same time. I only met him once- he was a graduate student- I an undergrad, albeit a senior. We talked about music and life, and it turned out it was no chance encounter. I had decided to go to another school for my graduate studies, and Fitzsimmons was sent by one of my professors, who knew I loved music, to try and convince me to stay. The problem was, I had no idea who he was, and didn't until he told he about his music. I was intrigued, but that was hardly enough to get me to stay.

Years later, the guy has made it pretty big, as he's had songs played on NCIS, CSI, and Grey's Anatomy. It was other songs, but this one is a personal favorite. And it's pretty cool to be able to say I knew him once, and went to the same school as he.

Great song too.

Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World

A friend of mine really likes this band and wanted me to check them out. Like most people I know that know anything about this band the only songs I knew were "The Middle" and "Sweetness".

I decided to go ahead and look some stuff up by them and came across this one that I really like. It's a rather emotional song and I think the singer's voice really portrays that. You can feel the emotion and sincerity and that's a huge positive to me. I happened to pick this song because the phrase of the title is also used in a Weezer song that I really like so the title stood out to me.

Another one I like is called "Drugs or Me".
Let's bring this thread into 2014 shall we??!!


I LOVE this song!! Until recently, I had totally forgotten about it, and it was hidden away on my iPod, as the only Eminem track from the "Relapse" album, which in my opinion is awful, easily Eminem's worst album. It popped up recently, and I got a big smile on my face when I listened to it, and remembered how great it is.

This track is a classic. I really like it when Em raps in this way, with meaning and stays serious rather than using the silly accents which he overdoes on "Relapse". Great chorus, great music, and solid lyrics from Shady- "Beautiful" is one of his finest songs, and extremely underrated.

I have no idea what Ronnie Radke is doing with Falling In Reverse. The first Falling In Reverse album was some good post-hardcore stuff with some pop elements. I liked it and thought it was really cool. The second one I have no idea. The first single 'Alone' I hated. It was trying to be a hardcore, dubstep, rap, pop thing and it was terrible. Bad Girls Club is awesome though. Cheesy pop rock and I love it (the video helps as well)

I'm listening to so much Monster Magnet at the moment, in preparation for seeing them live in mid-February, I can't wait!

I already owned "Powertrip", but in the last couple of months I have picked up "God Says No", "Monolithic Baby" and am currently waiting for "Dopes To Infinity" to be delivered.

It should be a great gig, I am getting the train down to Wolverhampton and staying overnight in a local hotel, so copious amounts of beer will be being consumed at this gig!

Elliott Smith-Real Estate

I've been on kind of an Elliott Smith kick lately. This is a little of a quicker paced song than the stuff I know by him which isn't a whole lot. It's got a pretty nice guitar solo. I like the lyrics and his singing style in this. A lot of the stuff I've heard from him is pretty much just him with an acoustic guitar so having drums in this was kind of a change of pace for me. It was a well welcomed change though.

Overall it's a pretty catchy song and if you're a fan of his and haven't heard it you should give it a listen.

If you've never heard him before you should give it a listen.

If you're only familiar with his more mellow stuff you should give it a listen.

I've been listening to a ton of We Are The In Crowd for almost two months now (I've always liked them but got really into them lately) and I really love this song off their new album, Weird Kids coming out next month. I'd suggest checking WATIC out if you haven't already, you won't regret it.

I can't believe this song is already nearly 9 years old, man time sure flies as you get older! I remember it being brand new and getting played to death on music channels like Kerrang! I ended up sick of it very quickly, but as time has gone on I've realised how good of a song it is.

I've never been a huge Foo Fighters fan, I do like alot of their material but I've never gone out and bought an album of theirs, although I do have a couple of their earlier ones that a friend copied for me back in my high school days.

However, its easy to respect Dave Grohl for his talents, and while I'd never rate this song as highly as something like "Everlong" or "Learn To Fly", it's still a very good song, and Dave conveys emotion very well throughout. If you are a fan of Foo Fighters or radio friendly rock in general, you will like this if you haven't heard it already (which I'm guessing you will have).

So I'm searching for music to listen to while at the gym. My mix of Metallica, Offspring, Rammstein, Iron Maiden, and others wasn't quite cutting it. I saw that Bruce Dickinson's son was in a metalcore band, and listened to their album City of Vultures on Youtube. What the fuck does that have to do with this song?

The link to Parkway Drive's album Deep Blue was on the side, and I checked it out. Metalcore, what they are listed as but I don't think it is an accurate description for Parkway Drive, wasn't really my thing, harsh vocals didn't do much for me. Upon listening to it, and quite a bit, I figured I needed to buy it. Did and immediately added it to my workout lists. Listening more at work and at the gym, Deliver Me grew on me a ton. I was originally a Home is for the Heartless guy. Still love it but Deliver Me is my favorite track. Heavy, fun, great for working out. Live it would be fucking aweeeesome to mosh, or in their case, jump, since they are big on jumping for this song in live videos.

Great track, great album, and Parkway Drive fucking rule.
Bone Thugs n Harmony- Murda On You

Bone Thugs one of my favourite musical acts of all time, i must say. This song is off their latest album Art of War 3. I have mixed feelings about the album as a whole, but this one song largely thanks to Krayzie Bone is a track I cannot stop listening too.

A great treat especially if you're a fan of the Bone Thugs style.

We Are The In Crowd-Both Sides Of The Story

I know Rated R Nightmare just posted a song by this band but I've been listening to them lately.

This is another really good song by them. I had to pick between this and "Never Be What You Want".

They're both fantastic songs and I'm a fan of dueling vocals in bands. Having a male/female dynamic is really cool too.

I haven't listened to a ton of songs by them but the one Rated R posted and the two that I've mentioned here are the three that I've been listening to on a fairly regular basis over the past week or so.

Also if you're a fan of the band Brand New there is an excellent cover of "Sic Transit Gloria" by We Are The In Crowd.

If you decide to listen to "Never Be What You Want" I prefer the acoustic version over the regular version.
You guys are going to get shocked when you read this; I've only recently discovered Smells Like Teen Spirit. It's become one of my favourite songs already. The lyrics and the cover are definitely what keep me going while listening to this. It's such an amazing song. After listening to it, I had realised how popular it actually was in the 90's. I can see why it was liked so much. Cue in the "your generation's music is terrible" comments.

I'd heard rumours that Peterborough was a bit behind the times, but 2 decades is taking the piss ;)

Original Blade is a big fun of these guys and for the most part I've only been exposed to 'Tether'. However, my sister sent me their album as a late Christmas present and I had a good listen to it today and have had the song 'Lies' stuck in my head ever since.

Such and underrated band with amazing talents. I especially love how the singer articulates himself in his lyrics. This ain't you're generic song and dance band that sing about nothing other than breakups or other female problems. The lead singer does a excellent at portraying real world issues in a stimulating sophisticated manner that it sets them apart from most bands out there. He sings about real world issues and its refreshing to hear stuff like this as compared to what main stream media promotes and sells to us. Good stuff. Give it a listen if you got a few minutes to spare.

I had bought a Nu-Metal special magazine because I like Nu-Metal and wanted to know more. I'd heard about Coal Chamber before because Dez Fafara (the singer) has a chin tattoo and is another band called Devildriver.

It's pretty cool the music is very similar to Korn, but still has it's own twist. Plus they just seem really weird (as the video shows) and I just dig stuff like that.
Blues Broers - Mountains

This song is marvellous. It's written with a very little town in mind (Tulbagh), Albert Frost's home town. I saw it live for the first time yesterday. The live version was played on guitar (multiple layers, using a loop station), harmonica and trombone.

I went on a little trip yesterday:
I took a friend along and we went to a blues show yesterday afternoon in Montagu - Albert Frost and Rob Nägel. Albert Frost - previously known as Albert Loubser, lead guitarist of Dorp - joined his dad's band, The Blues Broers ("broers" = "brothers"). His dad, Frank D Frost, passed away three years ago, but they kept the band going. His mother got remarried to - you guessed it - Rob Nägel, who plays bass (and harmonica, saxophone and cajun drums) in The Blues Broers.

I took a few pictures of it:

From left to right: Albert Frost, Rob Nägel with Jannie "Hanepoot" van Tonder - a Montagu local who joined in on trombone and trumpet occasionally.



I really need to get myself some Beastie Boys albums, I haven't heard a single song of theirs that I haven't enjoyed. This isn't one of my favourites, but it's still bloody good and the video is iconic.

I prefer the "rockier" BB songs like "No Sleep 'til Brooklyn" etc, but this is just too damn catchy not to enjoy!
Dead Silence Hides My Cries - E.T. (Futuristic Lover)

These guys seriously know how to do covers of popular music. I listened to this and their version of Set Fire to the Rain and it is much better than you would think it would be. The music translates well to metal (and the fact that DSHMC uses synths in their tracks already really helps). Going to follow this up with their cover of Beyonce's "Halo". I'm expecting great things

Flicker, Fade by Taking Back Sunday

This is Taking Back Sunday's new song. I've had to listen to it a few times to really get into it but now I kind of dig it. It's not really typical of them. Especially if the songs you're used to are songs like "Cute Without The E" or "Make Damn Sure".

If you're a fan of the band though you should definitely give it a listen though and see what you think.

They have a new album coming out in March so it will be interesting to see how the rest of it sounds.

I got the Marshall Mathers LP 2 for christmas off my brother, and I feel it's hit and miss for me. There is no doubting Eminem's great lyrical skill throughout the album but alot of the tracks haven't really clicked with me. I much prefer "The Eminem Show" and "Recovery", those are may favourite Em albums.

However, there are some great songs on TMMLP2, with the opening track "Bad Guy" being arguably the best. "Bad Guy" is a follow up to his mega-hit "Stan", written as if it's Stan's little brother Matthew talking to the listener. He blames Eminem for the death of Stan and is coming back to take his revenge by murdering Shady.

It's a haunting, disturbing piece of music but when the final verse hits you realise what an incredible talent Eminem is. The epic music in the background which is a total change from the rest of the track, the fantastic lyrics and the emotion pouring out of Em...it really is awesome. I like that last verse so much I have another version of the song saved on my iPod as well as the original, which is just those last 2-and-a-bit minutes. Genius.
Every year in Australia, a huge music festival known as Soundwave brings a plethora of international acts to our shores (including a few home-grown bands as well) and offers a variety of genres, mostly under the Punk/Rock/Metal banner. In preparation of this event, I run down the list of acts arriving in Australia and listen to what they have to offer, helping me decided whether or not I'll be seeing that band when the date arrives.

I've discovered a lot of bands for the 2014 showing (happening in 2 weeks) and the one that has surprised me with their unique sound is Skindred, especially with the work they've produced for their new album:


"Kill The Power" - Skindred

Never would I have thought that Reggae and Metal would ever work together but Skindred has proved me otherwise with catchy beats and the heavy riffs backing up the vocals that normally, for the Reggae genre, would be very relaxing.

It compliments well with a variety of activities as well: work-outs; domestic cleaning/chores; driving - all three things which I've done today and Skindred has made an appearance in all three to keep me motivated and get the blood pumping. Not something I'd be using to fall asleep to tonight though. I'd make a comment about the lyrics but honestly, Benje Webbe's voice and style is basically enough to get me into the groove.

Definitely a hidden gem among a pretty stellar line-up.

I was checking out Devildriver because of the association to Coal Chamber (the last band I was listening to) and my friend showed me the clip of this song in Scrubs. It was a funny as hell clip and I liked the song

I found Doggystyle lying on my shelf yesterday, I hadn't touched the album in years. Earlier today I decided to pop it in my laptop and give it a listen, and I had forgotten how epic this track, Murder Was The Case, was - from the lyrical genius of Doggy Dogg to the chilling hardcore sound from Natural Born Killaz. God, how I miss the Snoop Dogg back then, the G-funk era, when Death Row Records and the West Coast were on top. Those were the days, man.

I found Doggystyle lying on my shelf yesterday, I hadn't touched the album in years. Earlier today I decided to pop it in my laptop and give it a listen, and I had forgotten how epic this track, Murder Was The Case, was - from the lyrical genius of Doggy Dogg to the chilling hardcore sound from Natural Born Killaz. God, how I miss the Snoop Dogg back then, the G-funk era, when Death Row Records and the West Coast were on top. Those were the days, man.

Haha, what a coincidence! I was going to post the song "Natural Born Killaz" myself as I had it on this morning while I was getting ready for work...nice way to wake up the neighbours.


This is such a chilling, violent song. I am still surprised to this day that it ever got released as it's just plainly talking about killing people and enjoying it! Really catchy beat though, and great aggressive vocals from Dr Dre and Ice Cube. Pure gangsta!
For The First Time-The Script


I've been listening to a lot of the Script recently, especially their Science and Faith album. The funny thing about it is that I knew quite a few songs by the Script, such as Falling to Pieces and, of course, Hall of Fame, but I didn't realize they were by The Script. They were songs I enjoyed, but never really cared to find out who wrote them. That changed them, when, this past week, I was listening to some Spotify recommendations, and this was one of the songs. And I love it, especially the lyrics to the chorus:

Trying to make it work but man these times are hard
But we're gonna start by
Drinking old cheap bottles of wine, Shit talking up all night,
Saying things we haven't for a while
We're smiling but we're close to tears,
Even after all these years,
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time

I love the idea of renewing a relationship that is struggling by doing the things done at the relationships beginning, remembering the times when the relationship was at its most fun. It's in those times that a relationship is at its simplest, without the frustration and the stressors that come later. And in remembering to go back and do those things, it's possible for the relationship to be saved.

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