What song are you currently listening to?


The Fratellis: Whistle For The Choir

I was trying to find the song the Blackhawks play when they score a goal. I found that it was this band and it's a song called "Chelsea Dagger".

After listening to a few of their songs I really got into this one the most. Kind of different than what I usually listen to but these guys are pretty good. They kind of remind me of The Libertines at times which is a band I like a lot so that's a good thing.

If you want to hear something you may not have heard before then I suggest giving this a shot.

You never know what you may like until you give it a chance.

Billy Talent - Try Honesty

I'm not a big BT fan and find the singer's voice a bit distracting at times but I love the energy in this song during the chorus. There's something satisfying about hearing people yell the phrases "Try honesty" "Ride over me" "Die tragedy" and "Cry agony" in a defiant way and I often find myself listening to this song if I feel like I need a bit of a verbal kick up the arse.

This is not only easily Judas Priest's best song off Defenders of the Faith and not only easily one of their best songs, this is one of the greatest metal songs of all-time, and is absolutely necessary listening. The band is at the absolute pinnacle of their form and even other sublime songs like Painkiller and Victim of Changes can't match it. The build-up to the conclusion creates an atmosphere of suspense, before the explosive chorus sounds once more, with even more power behind it.

This is one of those songs that simply defines metal. Anyone who hasn't heard it needs to experience it.

Keith Whitley-Miami, My Amy

With the anniversary of Mr. Whitley's untimely death having just passed I've been on a Keith kick the last few days. Keith Whitley is in my mind one of the most talented and underrated artists of all time, he had such soul and presence in his songs and his smooth unique voice. This is my personal favorite of his many wonderful hits, this one embodies so much of his personality and style with that great 90's sound. If there is one artist I would wish that I could ever be like or be compared to Keith would be the man, I have so much respect for him and his career. It's truly a shame that he was taken from us at such a young age, RIP sir.

Metallica-Cyanide(From Through The Never)

Any Metallca fan needs to watch Through The Never. I wanted to see the movie when it came into theaters but never got a chance, found it on Netflix two days ago and since then I've watched it about 5 times. It's no new songs but the effects on the stage and the quality beats any other "concert' DVD by a mile, and I even enjoy the crap with the roadie running around the city looking for the package, it just screams METAL and I fucking love it. On top of all that I love this version of Cyanide.

Something I occasionally do with albums I've previously listened to is to re-listen to them, but skip up to three of my favourite songs that I remember on the album to see if the album still holds up. It's provided me with a lot of insight of whether an album can maintain something close to its previous quality. By doing this, I've formulated a lot of stronger opinion on Iron Maiden albums this way, whether it be Piece of Mind being overrated, Powerslave being a masterpiece or Somewhere in Time being grossly underrated. It's also helped me discover songs I previously overlooked on my initial listening of the album, such as Sea of Madness from Somewhere in Time and Flash of the Blade from Powerslave.

Today, it was Brave New World that received this treatment, with The Wicker Man, Brave New World and Blood Brothers being skipped. Therefore, Out of the Silent Planet was the second song I listened to on the album. And after listening to it again without Blood Brothers clouding my perception, I realized I had overlooked perhaps the best song on the album (pretty close between this and Blood Brothers) and one of Maiden's best songs in the millennium alongside These Colours Don't Run, When the Wild Wind Blows and the outstanding Paschendale. It's a very strangely structured song, but this adds to the appeal, as Iron Maiden are very much capable of expanding their comfort zone if they want to. Bruce's vocals and the lyrics are probably my favourite aspect of this song, with the power of the chorus in particular standing out in both respects.

A song that's very close to cracking my Iron Maiden top ten, and a sleeper hit on Brave New World.

I was looking through the concerts happening at all the usual venues in Manchester over the next few months and spotted that the ex-Skid Row lead singer Sebastian Bach was playing a solo gig at the Academy in July. I looked up his recent set lists online and saw that his current tour set list features alot of the Skid Row songs I love:

Youth Gone Wild
The Threat
Slave To The Grind
I Remember You
18 And Life

I was sure I had read somewhere that he didn't play Skid songs any more, so this was a nice surprise! I bought tickets there and then, and can't wait for the gig.

One of the best Grime songs I've ever heard. It's something you can just bounce your head to I guess. The instrumental is very early 00's and the song's pretty much about being yourself. Don't ask why they included a hashtag in the song title.

A Night at the Opera is easily one of my favourite albums of all-time, and it houses a lot of great Queen songs that are obviously overshadowed by the masterpiece of the album and my favourite song of all-time, Bohemian Rhapsody. However, looking past that, there's still some outstanding music on this album, in particular The Prophet's Song, another epic constructed by Queen and the album opener I'm currently listening to. This song is one of Queen's most controversial, as it is Freddie voicing his discontent with the prior manager of the band Norman Sheffield, who abused his role as manager and treated the band poorly. While Freddie's vocals are outstanding as always, I think the guitar and bass work from Brian May and John Deacon stand out the most, especially the gallop they produce during the chorus, in combination with the power Freddy puts behind it. Because this is a song that opens the album housing what many believe to be Queen's best song and one of the best songs ever at the end, this song is somewhat forgotten by fans of the band, and while it's not among their very best songs, it's an underrated song that both possesses the Queen formula and aggressive lyrical themes uncommon of Queen.

If you're up to listening to some underrated songs from an incredible band, give this a whirl.

So I saw McBusted (the collaboration of McFly and guys from Busted) and they played songs from both bands discography. While I was skeptical I morphed back into 11 year old me soon enough. It was a genuine good gig. They put on a great show and now I'm considering getting some Busted and McFly for my iTunes haha

Backstreet Boys- More Than That

Yep, along with all my metal and country preferences I still do love me some backstreet boys and considering I'm seeing them in mountain view with my fiance and cousin who loves them I figured I'd post one of my favs of theirs as I get warmed up for tomorrow night. Pop these days blows dogs for quarters, however some good old BSB and Nsync is the shit, so listen up.

I raided my parents CD collection the other day, and came away with some Clapton, Marillion, Travis, Mumford & Sons and a Thin Lizzy compilation. I've played the 2 Disc Clapton Best Of and enjoyed it, and next on the list was the Lizzy CD. I'm about half way through and haven't heard a bad song yet. I already knew the biggest hits but there are plenty on this CD that I don't know, although my favourite "Cold Sweat" isn't on it.

Only recently started getting into Pink Floyd, and... damn, I have been missing out. Granted, their last album is older than I am but I've still been missing out...

Mastadon- Colony Of Birchmen

Reliving some music from the high school days, I was big into Mastadon my junior and senior years and would listen to them in the back of my woodshop class every day over and over. COB is probably my favorite of their songs but I love all their stuff, Divinations is a fucking rockin song too. I can only hope that one day i can rip like these guys, and have my beard be half as cool as theirs.


Mastadon- Divinations

Orge Nivek of Skinny Puppy fame's more "pop" sounding stuff. Mind you the words Orge and "pop" would almost never be used in the same sentence.



Get yer prog on kiddies. This album is amazing, the track rocks my word/

One of the rare "lost" tracks from the early Oasis demos, from before they released their debut album. My friend who is another Oasis obsessive (even more so than me as he has a full-sleeve tattoo dedicated to the band) showed me this track and I immediately fell in love with it- it would already be in my top 10 Oasis tracks (which is no mean feat considering the huge number of iconic/classic tracks that woudn't make the cut.

"See The Sun" should have made it onto the Oasis debut album "Definitely Maybe" in my opinion, or at least have appeared as a B-Side for one of the albums singles, I really don't know why they never released it properly, as the energy of the track, young Liam's fantastic vocals and the very catchy riff are all brilliant.

I hope one day these early recordings/demos get an official release, as the fans would snap it up.


Seeing as the World Cup is being held in Brazil I decided to start listening to Sepultura again (as they're Brazilian). It's interesting that Sepultura talk about things in their songs that seem to be affecting the country at the moment (poverty, education etc)

I also thought it would've been cool for them (or Soulfly) to perform at the opening ceremony. But probably was never going to happen
There are many songs which i like. here are some songs listed below
"Like a Rolling Stone"
"Johnny B. Goode"
"What'd I Say"
Love Never Felt So Good
A Sky Full Of Stars
hope you like it.
Tell me about the cheap east coast tour packages.

This is the opening track from the latest James album, which was released a couple of weeks ago. It's also been the song they have opened their concerts with over the last month or two, so I am expecting this to be the 1st song they play when I see them in Manchester on 11th July.

As usual, it's an emotional song with Tim Booth's instantly recognisable vocals as good as ever- it's hard to believe James have been a band for around 30 years now and they are still firing out top class songs. I firmly believe this will go down as yet another classic from the Manchester legends.

I tweeted Tim saying how much I loved the album, and especially this song (as well as the new single) and he favourited the tweet, which was pretty cool!
So there's this British rock band called the Arctic Monkeys which is popular here and I've only just started to listen to their music. A great band which you should check out. So far, this is the song I have on replay:


Lyric video as the actual one is a bit inappropriate. Never thought I'd actually like rock music like this.
Al B Sure Night and Day -The song is a classic R&B song and I chose it because the song is an inspiration.In fact just in September me and Sebastian Mikael made a remake of that song called "Last Night."

People seemed to love the song and I not to be cocky but not it could quite possibly be the best song made last year.The song makes me feel really good and comes me down when I have stuff on my mind.

I'm still on a massive James phase at the moment, really can't wait for the gig on 11th July!

As well as buying their brand new album, I've bought 6 of their older albums on Amazon (used copies for about £1) a time, which is a great deal. Although there are filler tracks on all the albums, as well as the classic songs I already know I have discovered a lot of new tracks that I wasn't previously aware of.

"Lost A Friend" is one of them- from the "Whiplash" album in 1991. They just do not make songs like this anymore! Powerful, emotional and builds up to an absolutely great chorus with lyrics that actually mean something, not just about getting drunk in a club wiv da bitchez!

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