What song are you currently listening to?


Backstreet Boys- Quit Playin Games With My Heart

You know you like it even if you don't wanna admit it ;) A nice flash back to the 90's when these guys and Nsync were running the pop world and when it took atleast a little talent to do so. As goofy as they looked they had good voices(minus maybe nick) and were one of my favorite bands, this song was one of my very favorites of theirs.

I hear these guys often referred to as one of Canada's best kept secrets. After hearing this song for the first time I wasn't that sure if I really agreed. Still,the radio kept on playing this song and the more and more I listened to it,the more my initial opinion started to sway each and every single time. Until I just had to go out and download the single.

I think I'm able too see why people are saying that about them now. This truly is such a genuine song that's just easily enjoyable and such a fresh delight in my music playlist. All around,very impressive stuff and worth looking into.

So do yourself a favor,if you were to listen to just one song today,just one. Then I implore you,let it be this one.

I love this, from Eminem's most recent album. It just shows how Shady has grown up from his earlier albums with all the stupid accents and cock jokes into a seriously talented lyricist.

I have always preferred Em when he is more serious, songs like "The Way I Am", "Sing For The Moment" and "White America" are my favourites.

This has a great little "twanging" guitar throughout which is really cool, love the chorus from Kobe too, great voice.

Well, yeah. I just had dental surgery to get all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out earlier today, and Cliff Burton bass solo dubbed "Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth) of Metallica's "Kill Em All" record just seemed to fit quite well while I was going under the knife.

Metallica - All Nightmare Long

After that soft shit I posted last I needed to crank it up, no better way than some Metallica. I wasn't crazy about the Death Magnetic album when it came out but I saw them live in Fresno right after it released and seeing them play the new songs there got me into it. Probably my favorite off that album up there with Unforgiven III, great song to amp you up.

I don't what's in the water in Australia..but that continent can produce some fantastic music. This whole April Uprising album is solid track to track. Recommend this to almost any music fan.

Dude,I can't thank you enough for introducing me to my new addiction. I'll admit though, I only listened to the song because I liked the lion lol. Turns out the song was pretty great itself. So I decided to indulge my musical intuition. What I heard was solid,solid enough to look into the group and I must say good lord almighty what amazing talent!


The John Butler Trio-Zebra

Seriously,fucking blows my mind. Listen,listen,listen listen x 1000!

If you're still not convinced of the talent he poses,go look up his instrumental entitled Oceans. If this doesn't blow your mind,I assure you,Oceans will.
Dude,I can't thank you enough for introducing me to my new addiction. I'll admit though, I only listened to the song because I liked the lion lol. Turns out the song was pretty great itself. So I decided to indulge my musical intuition. What I heard was solid,solid enough to look into the group and I must say good lord almighty what amazing talent!


The John Butler Trio-Zebra

Seriously,fucking blows my mind. Listen,listen,listen listen x 1000!

If you're still not convinced of the talent he poses,go look up his instrumental entitled Oceans. If this doesn't blow your mind,I assure you,Oceans will.

Hell yeah man, that's what it's all about! You hear something you like by a band, why not delve into their other material, because chances are you'll like something else they've done. And yes, he pushed the acoustic guitar to new limits on Oceans. Phenomenal. Unprecedented.

And here's another tremendous tune off the April Uprising album. Honestly a must have. Every track is solid.

One Way Road - John Butler Trio

I don't know how many people here have been to a wedding in Scotland, but if they got to the end of the night then there's a distinct chance they would have heard this as it is traditionally played while the bride and groom stand in the middle while everyone else joins hands and form a large circle around them.
At around the 3 minute mark when the tempo speeds up, the outsiders then run in towards the bride and groom before retreating again and doing this repeatedly.

I was filming a wedding last night and the whole evening had been a disappointment in terms of filming dancing as very few people were going up, so it was great to see a good 40-50 people get involved at the end and hoist the bride and groom up on their shoulders to this. Good times :)

Five Finger Death Punch
I love those bands that don't have a single song you dislike, that's what FFDP is for me, brilliant band. On top of that this is one of the most powerful music videos I've ever seen, very heavy shit and an awesome song too. I really love the band's dedication to supporting the military and the way they get it into nearly all their stuff, I believe all the members have served so that makes it even cooler. Major respect and love for these guys for their service, their amazing music and sending serious important messages.

Quite appropriate as the Olympics are in full swing now!

Shed Seven are one of the lesser-known (but still very successful) Britpop bands in the UK in the mid 1990s, and had several huge hits, including this one and "Chasing Rainbows", which I would put in my top 10 of all time.

I borrowed their greatest hits CD off a mate at work and have been playing it in the car for the last few days, and its a brilliant album. Shed Seven are playing in Manchester in the next few months I think, so I will definitely try and catch their gig.

It's not from the Anselmo era but the song is kicks ass. Dimebag and Vinnie Paul kicked ass on that track. I still say love him or hate him without Phil joining the band Pantera could've been another Anvil.

This is amongst my favourite AOF songs as it has a really nice balance throughout; Dallas and George's contrasting singing styles both get a good amount of time, the drums and guitars share the focus of gaps between singing and it follows the quiet-loud-quiet-loud style too.

The other 2 songs by AOF on their EP with Moneen (The Switcheroo Series) are pretty good too I have to say, but the end of this song just gives it the edge over Charlie Sheen V Henry Rollins and Passing Out In America. Love the titles of all of them though.

A lost classic from New Order.

This is one of the tracks which never made it onto their final album "Waiting For The Sirens Call" but has now finally made it onto a compilation album. It is more indie-era New order (90s-2000s), rather than the more eletronic style of music on which they originally made there name in the late 80s. I don't understand why this was scrapped from WFTSC, as it's more than good enough to get onto the CD. There was enough space on the disc for it, and its better than alot of the material that was chosen, so that puzzles me.

Still, I am glad New Order had the sense to eventually release it to the masses, as it would be a shame that such a great tune had never seen the light of day.
Hell yeah man, that's what it's all about! You hear something you like by a band, why not delve into their other material, because chances are you'll like something else they've done. And yes, he pushed the acoustic guitar to new limits on Oceans. Phenomenal. Unprecedented.

And here's another tremendous tune off the April Uprising album. Honestly a must have. Every track is solid.

One Way Road - John Butler Trio

Solid track,I'll admit. The more of his stuff I check out,the more I like. Though its clearly obvious that the newer album and some stuff on it is kind of a departure from the older stuff. Not to say its bad,its just a new direction. Its refreshing and if the music industry as a whole needs anything,anything at all,its something refreshing. Doesn't have to be groundbreaking, just something that separates you from the pack. This is exactly why I adore and revere John Butler and the music he creates.


John Butler Trio-Take

Such a great musical piece. Even with its excessive run time of over 8 minutes,it never seems to drag. I never have the desire to hit the skip button because it's just a thrill to listen to. Excellent track that begs a listen or two. Video itself is pretty trippy too boot. :p

I haven't heard any of The Offspring's newer work for years, but I still listen to the "Conspiracy Of One" album every now and again. I do still like quite a few of the tracks and they all bring back memories of hammering that CD back in my school days.

"Want You Bad" is such a catchy song, easy to sing-along to, and with a cool guitar riff and chorus. I always smile when I hear this as it reminds me of past friends and days gone by drinking on the school field, messing around with girls and getting into rock music. Nice tune

Fake Sound of Progress by Lost Prophets.

I've actually been listening to the less polished and slightly longer version rather than this one, but both are good in different respects. I've never been a big fan of the band and always thought the lead singer and DJ guy were dicks, but there's a few of their songs I can't help but like. I just have to put up with feeling dirty for doing so.
The Kooks - "Naive"


Only recently began listening to this group. Always saw their name tossed around on suggestions for similar music and what not, but something about their name turned me off. But then their song "Ooh La" came on a Pandora station I was listening to and I loved it. And I'm a firm believer in if you hear a song you like that you haven't heard before, look the band up and listen to more of their material because chances are, you'll have found a new band to dig.

Iron Maiden-Run To The Hills
One of the most iconic bass lines in music history and the first Maiden song that made me a hardcore follower. I remember hearing this one in my dad's truck when I was a little tike, he had the sickest collection of Rock CD's and on one of the many Maiden ones he had this one caught my attention. I loved the story it told, the awesome vocals and the running bass ofcourse, still one of my favorite songs of all time and probably my favorite Iron Maiden song next to Number of The Beast.

Nice coincidence! I was also listening to Iron Maiden this morning, only my pick was easily my favourite song by the metal legends- "The Evil That Men Do". That introduction, so smooth, is one of my most loved parts of any song, and as soon as that comes on I know I am in for a treat.

I first heard it on Kerrang! TV yeeeears ago, probably when the channel just started, and I bought the album "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son" when on a school history trip to Poland when I was about 14, just to get hold of this track.

It is still one of most frequently songs on my ipod, a true metal classic.

"In the Shadows" was Mercyful Fate's return album, and this little nugget, along with "Egypt" and "Is That You, Melissa?" are my favorites off of that album. It's one of my favorite metal songs in general. King's vocals are magnificent and Denner and Shermann's fretwork is beautiful. Once King Diamond expanded his lyrical content, Mercyful Fate got a lot better in my opinion. I still hope that they'll release one last record.

Here is a pretty unknown UK metal band "Sacred Mother Tongue". Although I am not a massive fan of metal I did enjoy the epic guitar riffs.

Seeing as there is a lot of metal heads here and the fact my cousin directed/produced the video it would be good to here some of your opinions as you are more in the know than I.

John Butler Trio-Used to Get High

Ever since jsmizzyy introduced me to John Bulter,I've honestly been hooked. This guy has some amazing talent with some incredibly catchy songs. This is another one of them. Seriously,if you haven't check him out yet. I suggest you do it now!

Figure 0.9

This is how Linkin Park should sound, it's far better than anything off their later albums. "Hybrid Theory" and "Meteora" are both really good albums, nu-metal at its finest.

This song has a typical sounding nu-metal riff, with Mike Shinoda rapping the verses with Chester dealing with the choruses. A nice aggresive riff blends well with Shinoda's vocal style and its definitely a song that pumps me up in the gym. Love it, probably my favourite song on the album along with "Somewhere I Belong" and "Don't Stay".

This is one of the strangest/most brilliant songs I've heard in a long time. The instrumental soup is absolutely delicious, but when you add in the organists... noise, it becomes something greater still. My friend put me onto this song and I think I now owe her BIG time.

Whenever John Cena and Tha Trademarc came out with the CD "You Can't See Me," I was a bit iffy about it at first. I didn't care for rap in general, much less from a wrestler who I didn't care for.
I sampled through all the songs, finding this one. I listen to it as often as I can now. The lyrics are the most epic thing I've ever heard in my life. Just listened to it twice... it really makes me ask myself that same question... What WOULD I do if it all ended tomorrow?
Overall, great song. My other favorites from the CD are "Right Now", "Chain Gang is the Click", and, of course, "My Time is Now."

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